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Next model?

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The current model I have and use is the Aneros Helix Syn, and some other generic cheapo. While I love the Syn and really have gotten comfortable with it, I'm really wanting to move onto somthing larger and more aggressive. I was thinking maybe the Progasm? It seems considerably larger but still not too big. So I was wondering if anyone would give me some input on whether or not to get it or shot some different ideas at me. Either way, it'd be appreciated!

Also, whats the difference in the Progasm models; for example- the Ice (think thats what it's called, the silver one.)

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I have Pro Jr but actually have not had too many sessions with it. I have always found it slightly too "large" for me when compared to my Helix and Eupho. On a couple of sessions, I could not keep it in!

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I have the progasm, prograsm jr. and helix syn. As a step up from the helix, I would recommend the maximus (which I also have). It's more aggressive and larger than the helix and satisfying.

When I first tried the progasm, nothing really happened for me so I put it away. Now, many months later, I'm getting very good results with it--I chalk this up to more experience with using Aneros in general, and more advanced re-wiring. Somewhere in the Aneros documentation it states that the progasm is for advanced users, and my experience agrees with this. Btw, I have the progasm ice but I don't know the differences between the models.

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I think the progasm requires a lot of lube to perform well. I usually coat the aneros with lube and insert it (which the smaller models are ok with), but the progasm has a lot more surface area, and it'll be a tighter fit going in, which has a tendency to scrape off the lube as it goes in. So I'd make sure you have some way of getting around this, like a lube syringe.
It's big, but I feel like it's less mobile as a result. (though it is aggressive)
The Maximus is probably my sweet spot for size vs mobility... the Progasm Junior is also close, but with that extra bit of "reach into my belly and tickle my guts" that you get from the Progasm, (except less blunt).

And although it's thinner, an honorable mention should go to the Eupho. It has a little extra length (compared to the Helix), which I really like, and the mobility/responsiveness is a lot of fun. I've ridden some really small twitches with the Eupho. And it's the only model (so far) that I've ridden to distinct multiple orgasms. But it's not aggressively shaped, and I've had sessions with it where I really missed that.

Anyway, the Progasm, Maximus, Eupho are all different enough to each other (and the Helix) to justify getting any/all of them. If someone was to steal my whole aneros collection, I'd re-buy the Maximus and Eupho first.

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I really never considered those options, because they just seem so much like the helix. Then again, I really have no knowlage how small of changes effect the over all performance. I'll take your word for it next time and get the eupho, but I just went ahead and ordered the progasm ice. I just kind of said fuck it and bought it. And also, I do pre-loob with a syringe. I know its over kill but I like it slick as possible with my longer sessions.

So thanks, I'll come back after I've tested it and share my experiance.

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I just kind of said fuck it and bought it.

I know that feeling!
The heart wants what the heart wants. :p
I'm sure you'll like it though, it has a very full and bold presence.

I'll take your word for it next time and get the eupho,

Just to be clear, I'm not necessarily saying the Eupho is better than the Progasm. They're both well-loved models on the forum here. I'm just saying not to rule out the smaller ones, because in a way, mobility is its own kind of aggressiveness.

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Just to be clear, I'm not necessarily saying the Eupho is better than the Progasm. They're both well-loved models on the forum here. I'm just saying not to rule out the smaller ones, because in a way, mobility is its own kind of aggressiveness.

Of course, its not that, I just did some thinking and thought that maybe some precision would do some good. I would like to think have a pretty good awareness and control down there, and thats what the Eupho looks like it is meant for. All in all, you just sparked the realization in my head on how each model is designed for different mechanics. Before, I just saw each device as just the same thing, and that each do the same thing, with the same outcomes. That is simply not true.

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Ah ok. I just didn't want to put a damper on your purchase.
Yeah they all have their own characteristics, which keeps things interesting over the long haul.

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