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Newbie to Prostate Stimulation

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Hi Everyone

First time Aneros user here.

I recently got an Aneros because I just stumbled upon the fact that men have a "P-Spot" (which I never knew before).

Being the feisty sexual adventurer I am, I decided to give Aneros a try as my first P-Spot toy - and got the Vice.

However - I am not sure if I am using this correctly - cause I can't figure out if I am actually getting any more "pleasure" from using the Vice than the plain old penis-touching I was doing...

I have the Vice inserted (with plenty of lube) - and I have the P-Tab - which I think is the longer handle of the Vice between my anus and scrotum - and the shorter tab near by back/spine...

However - try as I might (for 20-30 minutes) - no matter how many times I try clinching my butt (cause that's what I read of how this hands-free works) - I don't even know if the Vice is even hitting my prostrate correctly or even giving me pleasure.

Many times - I just end up finishing the traditional method (ejaculation) - and I don't know if I have ever experienced a non-ejaculatory orgasm - which is what prostate stimulation is suppose to do... yet...

Am I doing this wrong???

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Have you read the wiki? I think it was largely written by B Mayfield and I found it extremely useful when I was starting out (in fact, I still find it useful). There's a link to it on this forum next to "Chat" and Blogs." I can't really say you're doing it "wrong" because I think you should use the Aneros however you want, but to achieve the results that people describe in this forum the best path to success seems to be deep breathing, relaxation, a high level of arousal while remaining calm, and a lot of patience. Opinions differ on how to use contractions. It can take many months to become skilled with the Aneros and I don't know if it's possible to master it.

If I can critique your method at all, it would be that you're trying too hard and your expectations are too high. Try setting yourself some time for a session (I think the wiki recommends about an hour to an hour and a half) and try to notice very subtle sensations coming from the prostate area. It's alright if you don't feel your prostate, that may happen later. Dry orgasms require a completely different mindset than the one you are probably used to. As long as you don't get frustrated, I think sessions that do not produce results that you are aware of will still aid in the "rewiring" process. Good luck.

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@JudgeAronSatie gave you very good advice, a wise man knows to listen when good advice is given. You have fortunately embarked upon a journey of self discovery which will be very revealing. This is not an instantaneous transformation for most men but a learning process to become aware of your sensuality at a very primal level.However - I am not sure if I am using this correctly - cause I can't figure out if I am actually getting any more "pleasure" from using the Vice than the plain old penis-touching I was doing... Many times - I just end up finishing the traditional method (ejaculation)New users often encounter this dilemma as the sensations are so new their minds have not yet learned to eroticize these sensations into a pleasurable interpretation. Initial sensation may seem nil or insignificant but they are NOT! These are the building blocks to orgasmic states. You need to go through the paradigm thought shift away from penile centered orgasmic sensations to prostate centered ones. I encourage you to read 'cockadoodle’s thread Penis, NOT and 'rook's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side about why this is important.However - try as I might (for 20-30 minutes) - no matter how many times I try clinching my butt (cause that's what I read of how this hands-free works) - I don't even know if the Vice is even hitting my prostrate correctly or even giving me pleasure.While repetition helps train your muscles (and this is certainly part of your training), focusing on the mechanics of what you are doing (for whatever length of time) is not quite as important as focusing on the feedback from your body. Most likely your Aneros model is hitting your prostate correctly, you just haven't awakened that sleeping Genie.I don't know if I have ever experienced a non-ejaculatory orgasm - which is what prostate stimulation is suppose to do... yet...Forget about what prostate simulation " suppose to do...", that statement implies an expectation which may never happen for you. Instead, think about what prostate stimulation actually does for you, your response is going to be as unique as you are. Certainly there will be similarities to the described experiences of others but yours will be uniquely yours, be thankful for what you do receive and know that the mystery is not all revealed at once. Am I doing this wrong???NO, rather than think about this as 'right and wrong' think about your experimentation as effective or non-effective, a technique which works well for one man may be totally ineffective for another. Thinking this way avoids the pitfall of thinking of your efforts as 'wrong' or failures. You still have learned something positive from a technique which proves non-effective. Be creative and experiment with techniques, body positions, other stimulation modalities, you are trying to uncover the combination to your own unique orgasmic world. Above all have fun, this is an adventure in pursuing pleasure and pleasure is lurking behind every new discovery.
Good Vibes to You !

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Contractions have yet to do anything for me. Small subtle feelings, sensations, and movements are what heighten the experience to unbelievable levels of excitement.'s takes time as your body becomes rewired.

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Hiya Morph .... welcome to the community 🙂

God knows I'm no expert .... I've been on my journey for a little over a year and have had very mixed results. However I am learning, so I have one little piece of advice for you as you start your journey.
Most of us (myself included) approach aneros use the same way we are used to pleasuring ourselves the usual way. We want to take an active role in the pleasure stoke our penis until it feels good...we stroke harder/faster until we cum. Simple enough right? Wrong!
We are used to giving our bodies pleasure, but now we have to learn how to let our bodies give us the pleasure.
Believe me, that takes lots of practice and discipline. I'm still learning that. When my body gives me pleasure with my aneros, the first instinct is to try to do something to make it better, ...contractions etc. That will kill it every single time.
Instead, I have to relax, enjoy the pleasure my body is giving me, be grateful for it, and simply wait for it to give me more pleasure. When things are going right my mind is in a place where my entire universe is that pleasure. It's wonderful.
Now, I'm not talking about any Super O's or anything like that...I may have had one in the year + I've been on my journey. I'm talking about enjoying what your body gives expectations, only rewards.
I hope this helps. Enjoy and keep us posted!

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