Newbie here with so...
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Newbie here with some questions and maybe some frustration..

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Tried the MGX twice...about 1.5hr the first time, 1 hour the second, using the aneros anal lube. I get a sensation I can only describe as 'tangy' (no i didn't taste it). There is discomfort, slight burning, fullness, basically a lot of distractions in there to prevent feeling pleasure.

Felt a bit of pleasure the first time as well as mini invol. contractions. Have the MGX, when I push it alittle toward the front, it feels like it's stimulating my prostate more, hence wondering if I should have got the Helix...

I really didn't want to be one of the (it took me a year) guys.... 🙁

Maybe the Helix would make it happen faster instead. How does one know if a model change will cut down the time required for the super-o.

When I was younger I experienced two very pleasurable orgasms...both hanging from bars (gym, monkeybars), while pulling my knees up and there was no ejaculate. This was before I discovered masturbation.

Kinda bummed out. Wanted this thing to give me pleasure and relax me.

I do have patience, just not tonight.

How can I awaken that area to experience this?

Lastly, I do wash and what not but how much difference would a home-kit enema make? Haven't done that yet.

Thanks everyone,

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Hi and Welcome enigma92

I'm sure you read the wiki and read extensively in the forum before making your first purchase, just like I did. I ordered the Helix. After my first session I wondered if I shouldn't of bought the MGX, maybe that would have been a better choice! Keep trying the MGX, keep reading, and in a couple of weeks, if your're still so inclined, buy another model. I'm an advocate of having more than one model so that you can ease your doubt and switch back and forth to vary your routine and build up those critical little muscle groups. I ended up buying the Peridise starter set and have had no regrets.

So you didn't see God on your first time out? Believe me, we all hope to have smashing success on our virgin voyage. Now come on and join the rest of us on our (sometimes long, sometimes short) journey.

For myself, I found that one of my greatest pre-aneros training experiences had been that of changing my kids diapers for 4 years. After that, nothing is really gross. Enemas are entirely up to you - use the search function for "enemas" to get a lot more perspective on it.

Lastly, if you want my advice, go out and find some monkey bars. If it worked before, why not try it again? Heck, take your little white friend with you - maybe that'll jump start your "awakening".

As always, good luck and go back and read the owner's manual (stickys and wikis)

- J4

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Hello enigma92,

And welcome to the Aneros forum! 🙂

How does one know if a model change will cut down the time required for the super-o.

To the best of my knowledge there is no way to know that. But generally you should give it at least a few months of regular practice. Then if you have the money to spend, by all means try another model. Like J4 said, it does ease the doubt of whether you have the correct model or not, and allow you to switch back and forth within a session.

I owned my Helix for over a year with little to no results. Although my usage was infrequent for that reason. Then I bought an MGX which really kick started the whole process of feeling pleasure down there. Shortly thereafter, I went right back to exclusively using the Helix. As with more experience under my belt, I've found it to gives me more pleasurable sensations than the MGX.

There is discomfort, slight burning, fullness, basically a lot of distractions in there to prevent feeling pleasure.

Until you can allow your mind, body, and anus to completely relax, you will not feel any pleasant sensations with your MGX inserted. When you get to the level of relaxation where that does occur, you will know it, because you will no longer have any discomfort or feeling of being invaded. If you are currently using a glycerin based water soluble lube. I've found that using a thick natural oil, like 100% refined shea butter or coconut oil, really helps this process along much faster. As insertion is quick, easy, and painless because of superior lubrication.

Lastly, I do wash and what not but how much difference would a home-kit enema make?

I find I have no need to flush my rectum out with an enema prior to a session. But it is a personal choice you will have to make for yourself. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable, will help in allowing you to relax during the session.

How can I awaken that area to experience this?

Persistence. No expectations of the results of a session. Regular practice. Try to have a session every other day if you can. Also, do not masturbate during or after an Aneros session until you've learned how to have a super-O. And try to abstain from masturbating as much as possible in general. The reason for that, is that you are trying to increase your general level of arousal. But also, the Aneros is trying to teach you to separate the orgasm response from the ejaculation response through stimulation of the anus and prostrate. If you mix masturbation into your session you will just confuse your mind and body what you are trying to teach it to do.

Love is Peace

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Enigma92, You mentioned the "reach" of the model you are using.
I wondered the same you did when I started with the progasm as I would occasionaly
push it in manualy just to see what it would feel like if it went in further.
What I have found is that, after using the Progasm for about a year now, all the muscles in your abdomen need to adjust, strengthen and so forth. Eventualy the feeling you got when you manually pushed it in that automatically strokes that place as it goes deeper and deeper and man you have NEVER felt anything like it!
The main thing you can do is relax give it time don't squeez very hard on it and invest in a good lube(Oh and FOCUS on how it feels in there and not on your penis).
I know that's hard ...but man it is worth it!

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