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Newbie, bph and urge to urinate

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I am a recent Helix Trident user.
After a few sessions, big sensations but not yet O or SO.
Obviously it is probably too early to hope having one and after reading many testimonials I know that I have to be patient and relaxed. I am 61 years old and have BPH. As I said, the sensations are quite good, big sessions with involuntary movements, quite loss sense of time, it's cool and I'm enjoying it. But my sessions are disturbed by recurrent urges to urinate due probably to BPH which force me to interrupt and do not allow me to let go to more sensations and perhaps O or SO.
Today I even had the feeling that I was going to urinate on myself.
However, I try to do my sessions away from taking liquids and after going to the toilet. Do you have any advice to help me overcome these difficulties? Thank you.

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Posted by: @pooletta

I am a recent Helix Trident user.

Welcome to the Aneros Forums, I invite you to read the Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros.

Posted by: @pooletta

... my sessions are disturbed by recurrent urges to urinate due probably to BPH which force me to interrupt and do not allow me to let go to more sensations and perhaps O or SO. Do you have any advice to help me overcome these difficulties?

Feeling the sensations which trigger the urinary urge is totally normal and common when learning about prostate play. These sensations are triggered by pressure on the prostate. For the entirety of our lives those pressure sensations were generated from a swelling bladder informing us of our need to empty the bladder. When we start prostate play we are now applying pressure to the prostate from a different source but our brains are still interpreting those signals as if they are due to pressure from the bladder. The solution is not trying to ignore those sensations but rather re-interpret them as positive signs of prostate/device engagement and let them morph into pleasure waves. This is a matter of convincing yourself that you are not going to urinate despite the sensations being generated. To this end there are steps you can take to reduce/eliminate the chance of accidental urination.
1.) Avoid drinking any fluids for at least an hour prior to beginning an Anerosession.
2.) Prepare your play area with towels, just in case some small accidental release of urine does occur.
3.) Void your bladder immediately prior to beginning your Anerosession.
Knowing your bladder is empty should go a long way to easing any fear of accidental release, This will then allow you to concentrate on reinterpreting those sensations as the positive indicators of prostate engagement that they are. This is mainly a psychological hurdle to overcome as the body knows how to separate urination from sexual activity and won't generally allow you to pee while having sex.

Good Vibes to You!

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Hello everybody,

Well, first of all, please be cool with my Frenchman English.

I have some sessions behind me right now and I have felt a lot of different sensations, all going to more pleasure even if no super-o, may be mini-os but I have read enough on this forum to know that I have to be patient.

As I feared, urine has come 2 or 3 times but I was liquid proof so no problem. It is still a session stop thing. But I have had the sensation that there was a thin lign between the urine sensation and an O sensation if I am not wrong.

I am happy to experiment a-less sessions, I had one today, preparing our meal at noon, it was curious and I was “dancing” in front of the oven. And I often have one when waking up in the morning coupled generally with a strong erection which does not last but sends me o the road again.

And as I read in the forum I feel to be on the edge of almost-almost but I trie to resist to any super-T call because the latest sessions were so good and new I have to built brick by brick to the super-O.

I hope that my BPH will not delay to much the super-O thing or any intermediate O.

have a good day and lot of SOs.

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I too have BPH and one doctor and physical therapist think overactive bladder (OAB).  A 2nd doctor thinks BPH only due to prostate size (large, 92 grams) causing restriction in the urethra after several tests (urocuff, cystoscopy, rectal ultrasound).  This had led the 2nd doctor to propose HoLEP surgery, which I am resisting for continued natural solutions.  Right now, that is down to acupuncture and herbs from a Doctor of Oriental Medicine.  Just had my first session Thursday, after taking herbal supplements 3X per day for 2 weeks for weak kidney function.  After two weeks the DOM said kidney function is now strong.

I do what @rumel proposes to you before sessions, and have chatted on here with him.  My findings from him are on target, as I have found.  My urge to urinate is mostly right after a session after Aneros device removal, which is fine and manageable.  I also practice kegel exercises, as learned through ~3 months of PT.

I insert my Helix Syn V and immediately begin 5 second inhale then 5 second exhale with a Kegel pull, relax for 5 seconds then repeat. I start with no vibration to get the feeling.  I just let pre-cum ooze and go wherever it goes.  Relax.  Then after 10 minutes or so, I turn on the vibration and repeat the Kegel 5 second drill even a little stronger with more movement of the Syn V's tabs against my perineum.  Sensations are wonderful, and my wife says that she enjoys my arousal more as I try harder to give her the enjoyment she deserves with clitoral touchcing and nipple play simultaneously....and now I am hard & dripping after writing!  Ha!

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@forum admins : I am the author of the posts by the user called Broadcaster on this thread.

unfortunately, due to the server “crash”, my posts are no longer attached to my pseudo “pooletta”.

And my last post, about my SO like then SO experience has been lost may be because it had not been approved by admin. Could you retrieve it?

could you attach them back to my pseudo pooletta? THANKS & BEST REGARDS

well back to my experience, I think I have been quite well rewired because I have such SO now, with day by day increments, with aneros and often more a-less (in fact a-less every morning).

the best is when the precum comes, I feel it flowing I the orgasm goes with it, for several minutes and no need to force it, it just stands and flows and controls my body and my brain and every part of me is so excited.

I also have strong O or SO holding and pulling my balls and scrotum, oh man!!!

And for the record I am no longer annoyed by the urge to urinate because as I am quite well rewired when the urge comes I let it come a little longer then goes urinate and then continue my session. No more an issue if anyone wondered.

It occupies a lot of my daily thoughts and time, and that’s so good.

Wish everyone to get to it and more. Be seeing you!


This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Pooletta

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Hi @Pooletta, please check it now - does it look okay?

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hi, great! It’s ok, have lost the last post before the crash where I was thanking Rumel after I had read his newbies post more carefully and reach an upper level.

well, if it is not retrievable it does not matter. I do thank Rumel again thru this post.

And THANKS to he admins who have attached my posts back.

kind regards

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Pooletta

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Well, update to my journey today, I think I have reach a new level and what I thought were SO were in fact mini and/or maxi Os.

What I felt today was beyond what I felt before.

I cannot say anything else than “I was the O”, I was orgasming and it did not stopped and I was no more moving or convulsing or what, I stood still on my back enjoying the moment that seemed to never end and I did not want it to end.

Well it did stop as I’m writing now but ouaouhhhhh, wtf!

I guess that is a kind of SO.

Be seeing you! (I am not a number, I am a free man who has discovered a new world on his sixties)

This post was modified 3 years ago by Pooletta

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That's fantastic ! Looks like a calm-seas orgasm to me. Ouaouh indeed ! Congratulations on getting there, our inner world is truly an amazing place. If I may ask, how long did it last in your mind vs in the "real world" ? Not that it matters, but sometimes times truly does stop and all that's left is now, this might be one of the secrets. 

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I really do not know how long it was. A few minutes obviously.

what was fantastic was that it needed no effort of any kind, it was just an orgasmic state of mind and body.

hope to feel this again asap and even more if possible

what do you mean by calm-seas orgasm? Is there a non calm-seas orgasm?

This post was modified 3 years ago by Pooletta

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Posted by: @pooletta

what do you mean by calm-seas orgasm? Is there a non calm-seas orgasm?

There is no consensus about this, but just like the calm-seas are effortless and without tension, what I call rough-seas involve large muscle contractions and some effort to hold-on to what is happening, there is not much that could be called "calm" with these.

You can also experience emotional releases, laughing or crying uncontrollably for example, which to me are not really orgasmic but pleasurable nonetheless. and I put them in a different category. Then there are the more unusual experiences like ego-death or Kundalini rise, which I would say are their own thing and really hard to categorize or label. 

Posted by: @pooletta

hope to feel this again asap and even more if possible

There's much to explore ! Some things will return, others you will see only once or twice, so take everything in and don't take any experience for granted. 

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Posted by: @pooletta

what do you mean by calm-seas orgasm? Is there a non calm-seas orgasm?

Please read the Aneros WIKI definition for a Super-O. As you will note these types of orgasms can vary quite widely.

from Aneros WIKI Glossary
calm seas of orgasm A metaphor to describe where one is in a state of ongoing non-ejaculatory orgasms yet very relaxed at the same time, avoiding the usual muscular tension typically involved in high intensity arousal. Rather than vocalizing, thrusting, contracting or convulsing towards the orgasms, one gently keeps all muscles relaxed, letting the pleasure freely flow as if breathing it in and allowing the orgasms to come to you.

Other non calm seas orgasms may involve :

from Aneros WIKI Getting Started>Milestones
...Observation of slight involuntary contractions
...Significant large muscle quaking with pleasure

Good Vibes to You!

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