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Newbie beginning to break down the wall

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First hello to all you out there from a belgium member,

I've had the helix for 6 months and didn't used it alot but enough and had not any feelings nor contractions.
Although a newbie in anal play i decided to buy the progasm because maybe the helix didn't reach the right spots for me,we all are different.
If you take it slow to insert it it's not that difficult.
Now i used the progasm 5 times and last evening for the first time i felt a great feeling,a warm glow in my penis and balls area,it felt so great i had a 4 hour session with 8 times the feeling that there is a bliss to discover,i just coudn't go over the top so i ended with mastubation with the progasm inside.
If this is the feeling you have for minutes when you orgasm than it's even better than a normal orgasm.
I didn't have any orgasms nor contractions but i think i'm on the right track now,so any advice is welcome from you who recognize these feelings.
With the first signs i can't wait to put it in again but is it alright to put it in the next day or should i use it every 2 days so the prostate can rest.
Waiting to hear from you,sorry for my english
Bye, 😀

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Welcome to the forum!

It's recommended that you use it every other day to give your prostate a rest, but this is a guideline, not a rule. Listen to your body. If you feel a craving, go with it.

If it feels tender or even painful though, I'd let it rest. And always make sure you use plenty of lube.

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I use about 5ml of maximus,that should be enough no ?
But when i do my breathing alot comes out again so i don't know if i should use more or not.
Does anybody had problems using maximus,i mean internal.
Can lubricant(Maximus) be a health risk because i don't know what the effect is inside me in the long run of using this lubricant in my anus.
It's waterbased so that's a good thing but the other ingredients? who knows.

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I use about 5ml of maximus,that should be enough no ?
But when i do my breathing alot comes out again so i don't know if i should use more or not.
Does anybody had problems using maximus,i mean internal.
Can lubricant(Maximus) be a health risk because i don't know what the effect is inside me in the long run of using this lubricant in my anus.
It's waterbased so that's a good thing but the other ingredients? who knows.

I also use Maximus in generous quantities but from what I've read on this forum it shouldn't be a problem.

Try a search on the forum about lube. There have been many topics about it.

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Greetings, it is always nice to see a new face around here.

i just coudn't go over the top so i ended with mastubation with the progasm inside.

I'd just like to chime in and say that you shouldn't make this a regular practice, as great as it feels, you should disassociate ejaculation with the Aneros. At least for me, when I did this I would feel a great need for relief and would try to force an orgasm to happen. When I stopped this practice, I was able to feel the pleasure from my sessions more greatly with a clear mind. It was around the few weeks that I stopped ending my sessions this way, that I was able to get over the top. I also just think that it is better to think of ejaculation and MMOs as two totally different things. Of course that is just my opinion, I could be totally wrong 😛

I didn't have any orgasms nor contractions but i think i'm on the right track now,so any advice is welcome from you who recognize these feelings.

Be patient with the orgasms, they will come. Involuntary contractions aren't extremely important, in fact the few times that I've achieved MMOs, the contractions only seem to happen during the orgasm and aftershocks afterward, but I don't recall any involuntaries prior, so I don't think they are required. If you are feeling good, then you are definitely on the right track, just enjoy yourself and it'll happen. I think the biggest factor in my success was that I stopped trying to have orgasms and just enjoyed myself and then BAM my first one hit me.

With the first signs i can't wait to put it in again but is it alright to put it in the next day or should i use it every 2 days so the prostate can rest.

Personally, I try to have a session at least ever three days, some weeks I go about 5 days. I do this because when I was using an Aneros model every other day, my anal muscles would get very sore after a while, so taking the extra day(s) off seemed to remedy this problem. Of course if this isn't a problem for you, then have sessions whenever you want really.

The only other advice I can offer, is check out the blog section to see how other's journeys have gone, you might find some interesting parallels to your own journey. Good luck!

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First thanks for all the advice , 😉
I now also think you better have at least a day rest because my second day in a row was not so good,still good feelings but not as intens as my first day.

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Arousal, both mental and physical, are crucial elements to achieving a super-O.

Physical Arousal - While continuous or prolonged repeated sessions may be enjoyable, I am of the opinion that they are counterproductive to achieving a super-O because the continual release of pleasure giving endorphins in the brain is bound to tax the body’s ability to maintain a consistent level for replacement purposes. Along with endorphins you are also affecting other hormone secretions in the body. I believe your body is a marvelous creation capable of maintaining itself if properly cared for, but overstressing any part of it will certainly have negative short term consequences and repeated overstressing may produce permanent long term consequences. The body needs rest periods to rebuild and maintain itself, if you listen for the signals your body will give you, your path along the journey will undoubtedly be enhanced. As you have already discovered the second day’s experience was less intense, I think because you had depleted some of your endorphin reserves. Of course there could also be a myriad of other factors that can affect you too. I would suggest that you abstain from Aneros use for a few days and also abstain from any masturbation for a few days and see how your arousal level is affected before trying another session. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how intense that next session will be.

Mental Arousal – If your mind is occupied with troubling thoughts, worries or any number of mental distractions, it is highly unlikely that you will experience much pleasure even if your body is ready to go. The subtle feelings and sensations produced by your prostate that lead to the super-O can be easily ignored, overlooked or killed by your mental processes. Focused mental energy on paying attention to those feelings while in a relaxed state of sexual feelings will be quite effective in leading you to the super-O doorway. What ever facilitates you in getting those sexual feelings generated, be it visual pornography, erotic literature, sensual music, self hypnosis or your own sexual fantasies, will be a tremendous support environment for you to allow the super-O to emerge from within you.

Of course all of the above is just one man’s take on the experience and it might just be B.S. Take it for its worth to you. 😉

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Hi Rumel,

I don't think it's B.S. what your telling me, i think your right.
Waiting a few days will certainly enhance the longing for another session.
I'm going to do it this way from now and see what happens,even if i don't get the super O it doesn't matter because the feelings i had from the first results where that great that it's worth it.
Then again maybe if i don't have the super O in my mind and just go with it,it might just have the opposite effect and get me there sooner.

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You said “Then again maybe if i don't have the super O in my mind and just go with it, it might just have the opposite effect and get me there sooner.” That is very perceptive of you and exactly correct! Many new Aneros users get these pleasure waves going, they see that there is more intense pleasure ahead and start pushing themselves to get there, to get to the Super-O land. What they don’t realize is they are really just pushing the boundary along in front of them. The trick is to let the Super-O come to you, don’t chase it! If you keep chasing it will keep running away.

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