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New to the forums and Aneros

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First off may I start by saying what a brilliant forum and community this is. Such a warm welcome, thank you. I'm in my early 20s and think of myself as very sexually driven. This tool being my latest source of awe.

I've read a few posts on here helping me along my journey to the super O. I eventually plucked up the courage and purchased an Aneros Progasm Junior. Wow, an amazing toy.

I have one question however, is it safe to leave your aneros in over night? And if so what would you guys recommend?

Thank you again for the warm welcome 🙂

B Mayfield
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A warm welcome to you!

While overnights with the Aneros have never been recommended by the manufacturer, some men have experienced their first glimpse of the Super O by this method. It's been well established that success with the Aneros comes with some degree of passivity on the part of the user, and what could be more passive than the sleep state, right? The problem is, from my perspective, that you're ultimately going to want to have Super O's while awake, and this method does little in the way illuminating the path for you. What it may do that is of some importance is to personally verify the Super O as something tangible. I don't see anything wrong with exploring the overnight, if it works for you, you will have determined that the Super O is something real. After that you will want to look to developing the same experience in the waking state. In terms of the process itself I'd recommend spacing out your sessions so as to avoid over-stimulating yourself. Bear in mind that the average Aneros session (if there is one 😉 ) lasts between 2 and 4 hours. As most people sleep in the range of 6 to 8 hours, that's a long time with pressure on your prostate.


BF Mayfield

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For me, I tried the overnight thing, but didn't really sleep well at all. Probably, won't bother again. I need my sleep too much.

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