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new stomach sensations for me

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Ok, before I describe this and how I got to this point I did do a search first and didn't find much that makes sense.

So before the site went sideways I was playing around and experimenting with coronal ridge stimulation as my only form of masturbation that involves direct penile stimulation. I left the ejaculating stimulation to a different process that doesn't involve me doing it by hand to try to brake the cycle. I got to the point that my sessions felt almost unworldly and not unlike using a pleasure tool. I could hold this point for as long as i continued the stimulation never feeling the urge to ejaculate, I just let them flow and was always satisfied after.

One night last week I decided to join up with Miss Helix to see if she wanted to play, but alas she didn't want to do all the work and after a short amount of time my mistress stopped pleasuring me no matter what I imagined for her to do to me. I decided to add in the coronal ridge stimulation. OMG my head started to pulse and swim in pleasure and she started to kiss and bounce hitting all the right spots. Felt so sublime, however as time went on I could feel the sensations start to change. My stomach started to get tense even though I was fully relaxed, I could feel the tell tale tingle deep in my urethra that I might ejaculate. Now normally when I do this I stay soft but this time I was hard as a rock. I decided to sink into the feelings and let happen what will. I felt the throbbing of my prostate and the rhythmical pulses of my pc muscles start like I was ejaculating (I  never did though, completly dry) as normal only faster, and each time miss Helix was being driven into me hard, my stomach twisting and tensing so hard I was having difficulty keeping my breathing slow and regulated. This just didn't stop. It felt like I just kept trying to ejaculate after there was nothing left to expel, my prostate kept throbbing and my pc muscles kept pulsing. I finally got to the point that my stomach was so sore I had no choice but to stop stimulating. To my surprise I just kept getting hammered by Miss Helix, My body having passed the point of no return, kept at the relentless stimulation. I was at the mercy of my body, I had no choice but to try to sink into it deeper and go where it would lead. Slowly my body relinquished itself allowing Miss Helix to return to slow kisses letting me relax. 

The following night and every time since, every time I stimulate my coronal ridge, I begin the climb up the mountain and feel all the same sensations. light headedness, stomach fluttering and tensing, tingling and the urgent sensations of ejaculating but never dropping a drip of fluid. I have found part of my grail, the ability to experience the sensations of ejaculation but not the hormone cascade after that makes me get bummed that I have no one to share this pleasure with. The only down side is just before I get to the ejaculation sensations I have this almost sick feeling in my stomach from the fluttering of the muscles.

Yesterday while watching some pleasurable videos I started to fall into an aless as if feeling what was being done to the person knowing what pleasure they were getting from having there prostate stimulated. I got that same sick feeling, (best way to describe it is the feeling you get when you are doing something you shouldn't and might get caught, or is really exciting, like the anricipation of riding a new roller coaster) as my muscles started to flutter and than ache. I know this is part of my journey and experience and I need to work through it, relabel it and find joy in it to keep from creating a blockage preventing further heights.

I guess after all this typing I'm wondering if this is what is known as the P waves. I don't think I've ever found anyone try to explain what they feel like to different people, unlike trying to explain what an orgasm feels like as there is lots of those. I know that each person feels things differently but this is a new one for me. 

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This must be something new, no reply's. I can say this though, I found out what muscles were involved. All the small assistance muscles that help to stabilize the body. Yesterday & so far today I've been battling these muscles seizing up creating extreme pain in my sides and stomach not unlike when one strains muscles in the lower back and it forces all the others to compensate. Seems I have somehow made these muscles tense up and they have not let go since that fateful day. I guess I need to start some type stretching routine to get these things to relax than a strength routine to build them up to hopefully keep this from happening again.

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Posted by: @somebody

This must be something new, no reply's

@somebody, tensing of the abdominal muscles as one approaches orgasm is actually quite common. Over the years I have read a number of reports citing exhaustion and abdominal muscle soreness as a result of multiple orgasm Anerosessions, so in that respect your experience is not that unusual. On the other hand your report of an "...almost sick feeling..." as you experience orgasm is a bit unusual.

A bit later you wrote a telling sentence.

I got that same sick feeling, (best way to describe it is the feeling you get when you are doing something you shouldn't and might get caught, or is really exciting, like the anricipation of riding a new roller coaster) as my muscles started to flutter and than ache.

This indicates to me an underlying psychological issue of some sort which is causing incidental stress. I suspect if you are able to identify and resolve that issue the "...almost sick feeling..." will disappear.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks for the reply. I may have inadvertently been tensing but if I was it wasn't by my direct thought or action as I was to the best of my memory as relaxed as I could be trying not to ejaculate. 


Posted by: @rumel

This indicates to me an underlying psychological issue of some sort which is causing incidental stress. I suspect if you are able to identify and resolve that issue the "...almost sick feeling..." will disappear.

If that's the case than I have no idea what it could be. Perhaps it will 'show itself' at some point. Hopefully sooner than later.

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@somebody, increasing muscular tension on the arousal path to orgasm is a sneaky phenomenon, it is a stealthy increase. I sometimes catch myself developing muscle tension in my thighs and abdomen during an Anerosession as my arousal increases and then have to consciously focus on relaxing those muscles. This often then breaks my focused concentration on the good feelings being generated from my Aneros-prostate interface and my arousal suffers as a result. If I don't catch the tensioning then it often acts as a limiter to how high my arousal can go and plateaus my pleasure at sub-orgasmic levels and leads to termination of my session. Relaxation is important to allow the subtle sensations of prostate massage to work their orgasmic magic.

My suggestion to you would be to forego the coronal ridge stimulation and focus on your Aneros sensations. This might also reduce your concerns about ejaculation, if an ejaculation happens, so be it, it's not a bad thing !

Good Vibes to You!

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It was just something to try at the time. I normally don't do that when joined with a pleasure tool. 

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what do you mean by coronal ridge stimulation? Can you explain it or provide a link to “techniques?” What confuses me is how you can stimulate your coronal ridge when flaccid. Do you use lubrication? 

My experience with coronal ridge stimulation is as follows:

I have done it since I was maybe 14 (I am 33), and it is so intense that I only do it once a month or so. I get fully hard first, I often use lubrication, and make a circle with my index finger and thumb. The movement is the normal one used for masturbating, but it is located only on my coronal ridge, and very light. I am circumcised so no foreskin gets in the way.

This can bring me to ejaculation but often I stop before, or ejaculation proves to be impossible from this alone. It makes my eyes water, profusely sometimes, and it makes my stomach flutter as you describe. My toes wiggle as if I were in pain. This is also a technique conducive to male squirting.

I agree with @rumel in terms of forgoing coronal ridge stimulation during aneros sessions, if you are on the path to re-wiring (you responded it was a one-off test). Once you get the hang of your prostate and understand how to have non-penile orgasms, then you can re-incorporate it and see where it takes you. Since my re-wiring, I have learned how to have dry orgasms from coronal-ridge stimulation. But before my re-wiring that stimulation only led to ejaculation (or not, as I mention above, but certainly not to dry orgasms).

As for aless and stomach fluttering:

For me, Aless techniques, like the vagus nerve orgasm technique, often produce the "roller-coaster/doing something you shouldn't" stomach feelings you mention (great analogy, to which I add, watching a thriller). But I rather enjoy that sensation, along with many of the sensations produced during prostate play, as it is an escape from reality. It is part of a long list of strange physiological responses I have to pleasure, that are actually very close to a list of responses to pain that one can have. I personally am fascinated by the striking similarity of the realms of pain and pleasure, but that merits a whole thread apart. (On a different note, I once read a list of "negative" effects of LSD meant to scare potential drug users, and I thought, yeah that's all good stuff.)

I don't mean to say that you SHOULD be enjoying the feelings, if you aren't, or if they hurt. But maybe they are indicative of sensations that you are interpreting as negative but could be interpreted differently. To give you a some examples... I have "re-wired" in many ways over the last 2 decades since I became sexually active. Things I once found negative, or uncomfortable, I now find very pleasureful and arousing. It started with tickling. When I was a teenager, I discovered that by over-riding the urge to laugh when a partner tickled or caressed me, I was able to revel in a realm of pleasure, often heightened in the more ticklish parts of my body. More recently, I have learned how to enjoy physical pain. Things I hated years ago, I now love (getting my hair pulled, for example, or being dominated).

So I don't quite agree (for once) with @rumel saying the stomach sensations could be an underlying psychological issue that can be resolved. It COULD be that, but it could just be your physiological response. I also don't agree (ha, twice! must be the quarantine) that relaxing muscles is the way to go, though I don't think @rumel was insisting that his technique would work for you, rather, it works for him. It is very important to be aware of your muscles and their tension, and to be able to relax them if need be, especially if you are getting cramps. And for some, like @rumel, muscle tension can apparently override pleasure. For others, like myself, muscle tension goes hand-in-hand with orgasmic pleasure. I rarely enter the realm of cramps, but I almost never find myself fully relaxing my body, except in between orgasms. I am often in a middle ground of muscle tension.

I don't have answers, but as you can see from my experience, you aren't the only one to experience this stomach giddiness. Whether this, along with muscle tension, is a good or bad thing, is for you to decide. But know that for me, they are good things and are even part of my orgasmic response.

One last thought: could the stomach-fluttering sensation be caused by endorphins, to which some, including yourself and me, are more physically sensitive? 


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Posted by: @divine_o

what do you mean by coronal ridge stimulation? Can you explain it or provide a link to “techniques?” What confuses me is how you can stimulate your coronal ridge when flaccid. Do you use lubrication? 

Sure, this is done lube free because there is no actual rubbing movements, laying on my back trying to maintain full relaxation through out, I take my index and middle finger and place them on the ventral (bottom) side where the frenulum would be (I'm also circumcised) to act as a stabilizer point. I take my thumb and place the rounded pad just to the side of the nail in the dip just below the corona on the dorsal (top) side. I than move my thumb up/down ever so slightly, maybe 1/4" or 7mm, just enough to distort the shape of the glans. Pick a speed that feels comfortable as to fast and the thumb cramps up. As you progress, the stimulation for me causes some engorgement but not to full hardness. You will than start to feel the perineum pulse with each flick, this gets the prostate engaged not unlike doing an aless session or what happens from nipple stimulation. At this point I either slow down or speed up to keep the full body tingling / light headednesss in the preorgasmic/orgasmic state like what one would feel during a session with an aneros tool. At this point I just let things flow till I'm satisfied (which is never :>)) or I fall asleep.


Now for the second half. I somehow crossed the line into full ejaculatory reflex that wouldn't stop as my member became fully engorged almost to the point of being painful on a good way. My anus, perineum and all other muscles involved with ejaculating were pulsing and throbbing like mad. I suspect it was at this point, because I didn't want to stop, was where the whole issue started concerning my stomach. 


As a side note I have also found that if I do the same movement using my thump on the frenulum with my shaft resting on my belly I can get the same sensations going minus the ejaculation sensations. Seems if I do one or the other I get bliss, if I do both I get wet than crash.


For me the whole exercise was a way to find the bliss without the crash because I just don't have the 'me time' any more to have a good aneros session unless she goes to bed early or I end up falling asleep during a session just when things start to get good if I join before going to bed. This I can do under the sheets before going to sleep and no one is the wiser.


I will think on the rest and get back to you on my thoughts.

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I have had some time to ponder some.

Posted by: @divine_o

One last thought: could the stomach-fluttering sensation be caused by endorphins, to which some, including yourself and me, are more physically sensitive? 

I 'spose anything is possible. I do recall one night being woke by my s.o. having a wet dream and I got involved in 'playing' while she was still asleep, when I had enough and wanted to get more involved I felt that same fluttering.

Posted by: @divine_o

For me, Aless techniques, like the vagus nerve orgasm technique, often produce the "roller-coaster/doing something you shouldn't" stomach feelings you mention (great analogy, to which I add, watching a thriller).

I have tried that and sometimes I can get it, but don't recall any feelings other than my head getting light.

Posted by: @divine_o

So I don't quite agree (for once) with @rumel saying the stomach sensations could be an underlying psychological issue that can be resolved. It COULD be that, but it could just be your physiological response.

I suspect that is most likely the case that my body didn't know what to do with the sensory input and that was what I was given in reply.

I'm not going to let this stop me in going forward. I look at it as a new stepping stone in the journey that will work itself out.




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Have had a similar sort of feeling yesterday. Almost as if I was tensing / suckling my tummy in so far that it was coming out of my backside. The feeling were so intense but also cramping at the same time. Have never had these feelings before, I thought maybe it was a dry O as it felt like a Cumming / cramping feeling. 

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Sorry for the delayed reply, I haven't visited in quite some time. 


Yes, for me it was the precursor to being able to have consistent dry orgasms and lasted several months as my body readjusted to a new intense stimulation that was separating the sympathetic and non-sympathetic responses. What I mean by that is actual full body, cock throbbing, prostate pulsing dry orgasm where you swear you are ejaculating but fully dry. It is quite intense to feel that, but not see fluid be expelled.

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