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Holy shit just had the most incredible super orgasm!

Hopefully this can help some people. Again, this my individual experience and results may vary for you.

I was lucky enough to have my first non-ejaculatory orgasm on my 6th session with aneros.

Ever since then I've been having orgasms of varying intensity. Basically I would just lie there with the aneros in my ass and wait till my body told me to flex and contract and relax and focus on the ache in my prostate that this created.

This led to some great orgasms but, with the exception of my first orgasm in session 6 where I had full body sensations, they were primarily "genital" focused in that my penis would pulse and I'd have orgasm without ejaculating. Very nice, lovely after glow but not quite the full body bliss that one is expecting from the aneros.

So, whilst thoroughly enjoying my more penis based dry orgasms, I decided I was going to experiment.

I knew that it's our brain that creates the arousal and orgasm so I decided it was time to stop tensing and relaxing my sphincter and genital area in response to bodily urges and just relax my body and enjoy the sensation.

The key to it all I reasoned would be maintaining a high level of mental arousal (I use the phrase "mental arousal" because I don't want people to think they need an erection to be turned on).

I reasoned that by tensing and contracting my PC and sphincter muscles, even in response to bodily cues, I was keeping all the sexual energy trapped in my genitals and not allowing it to spread out through my body.

Remembering my 6th session and the more "full body" orgasm I experienced there, I believed I had been more "open and relaxed" and this had lead to the orgasm spreading.

So, I set out to re-capture a more full body orgasm.

First attempt...almost...

I first tried this the other day whilst lying on my side. I focused on the mental images that turned me on (usually gifs that I enjoy from my favourite porn tumblrs) and just relaxed. The sensations started to take hold and my cock started to throb and tingle as it got hard and I could feel that familar ache inside me as the aneros rubbed my prostate.

The sensations started to build and I tried to stay relaxed and breathe. I could feel something big about to happen as it felt everything was about to reach a peak and then suddenly it dropped off.....

And here's where I fucked up. I thought "oh crap" and I then tried to make something happen. Didn't work and I had to end the session shortly after that.

But, thinking over it I realised where I had gone wrong.


Second attempt (2 hours ago).....amazing blissful success!

So, house to myself for the evening. I prepped and inserted.

This time, like my first successful session, I put two pillows covered with a towel under my hips to raise them.

I then just relaxed my muscles and started to arouse myself with slow nipple play and mental imagery. I kept my eyes closed throughout the session.

Instantly I could feel that good prostate ache inside me and I split my physical attention between my nipples and the sensations in my ass.

I made sure I kept relaxed and didn't tense up by breathing deeply and slowly.

I mixed nipple play with mental imagery, stopping physical touching for a while to focus on enjoying the sensations in my ass and the mental fantasy.

Everytime the the pleasurable sensations in my ass would drop off I would re-introduce some nipple touching.

At no point so far did I have an erection.

I kept on enjoying the sensations in my ass as they built. Some "uncomfortable" aching/pinching around the p-tab as it dug in. For me, a lot of the sensations that build towards orgasm with aneros feel slightly uncomfortable like an ache or a pinching. Strange but it's pleasurable (obviously) as well. I believe it's because the nerves are being so intensely stimulated.

Anyway, I kept relaxed and focused on enjoying the sensations and keeping my arousal high with mental imagery and touching.

At some point I stopped touching my nipples and just rested my hands on my stomach.

Now I could feel some really wierd sensations in my genitals. A rushing feeling through what felt like the tubes in my balls on the left hand side of my genitals (the opposite side of the p-tab for me) and the aching prostate had now become an itch and tingle.

I was suddenly very aware of the thin part of the aneros sticking out of my ass and it felt like it's a worm that is sliding out of me. A worm that never ended.

My cock started to get hard and everything built like it did the other day. It felt intense and then it disappeared.

I knew my mistake before and so I just relaxed and focused on that wonderful worm sensation in my ass to keep my arousal high and I breathed deeply to keep relaxed.

Suddenly my whole body flushed and the itching in my prostate became full on tingles. My heart was pounding and I got rushing buzzing through my body.

It felt like I'm falling and falling as this buzzing went on.

It felt like the whole bed was buzzing with me.

I focused on the buzzing and kept some attention on the pressure and pressing of the aneros in my perinum and prostate.

I just enjoyed this falling sensation without wanting more and kept breathing.

My penis felt like it's leaking tons of fluid.

My cock then started to get hard again (I think, my eyes were closed) and it suddenly felt like my cock was as long and thick as my torso.

At this point it all cascaded over into waves of utter bliss. I literally saw a sunrise in my minds eye and I just felt so incredible as I heard myself repeating "oh my god" over and over.

It was literally the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. If I wasn't sure I'd had a super orgasm before then I'm fucking certain I have now. Holy shit!

So, what to take away from this?

This whole thing appears to be 90% mental. Arousal is absolutely key. If you keep relaxed and breathing whilst maintaining nice feelings in your ass and arousal through mental fantasy and non-penile erotice touching then you'll have a super orgasm.

B Mayfield states in his "best of bee line" that it's mental focus on pleasure that is the passport to the super o.

Pspotsquirter states the same thing I believe. It's all about the mind and arousal.

After tonight's experience I agree with them!

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what you describe (cock big as torso) is kind'a the feeling i had they other day (but it was the aneros that felt like it was "as big as me").

I am quite encouraged by your post (juxtaposed against what i think was my first min-O a few days back).

regardless of what i had... this description gives me hope that my body is moving in the right direction!


good for you!

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@neros. Congrats on your success. That is an awesome description. Interestingly, our techniques are very similar, especially the 'worm' part and the total relaxation coupled with nipple stim.
I think your post will help others achieve super orgasms.
Beautiful stuff.

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@neros Congrats Also... You should copy your experience to the my best of super o section!
By your descriptions, I have had glimpses of what you described and am glad that those glimpses are part of the puzzle that I am putting together. Thanks for sharing.

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Forgot to mention that after the first one I flipped over onto my side and had another orgasm.

At one point it felt like the helix was wagging from side to side like a windscreen wiper all over my prostate and then extending all the way up through my torso.

God it was freaky good!

@melsenior yeah as I said in my response to you it sounds like you are hitting the milestones that I hit leading up to my first aneros orgasm so I'm certain if you keep on going you'll reach the super o!

@Bunk yeah holy shit that worm feeling was incredible! It felt like it was just endlessly sliding out of me, the feeling was just magic!

@ReWire great! Keep going.

Honestly I think this is a never ending process of discovery. I'm certain in the future I'll hit new highs and experience different sensations.

It seems to me that nearly every session is a new lesson and a new sensation. That's why I just enjoy every good sensation I get regardless of the intensity.

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@neros said "Honestly I think this is a never ending process of discovery. I'm certain in the future I'll hit new highs and experience different sensations."

This is 100% correct. With your outlook, you will find that there is no end to this wonderful journey. I am waiting for your post in the future that describes how much more incredible your session was than this last experience.

Enjoy the excursion you are on!

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bravo, Neros. Both on your success and your fantastic description. As personal and individual as each of our journeys are, there are so many little and big events that occur to us all, that we can really feel a shared experience. Wishing you continued success and hoping to read of them.

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@neros --- Fantastic description! You hit some very valuable points about the importance of relaxing...well done!

You are on a great path to future bliss!


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Very happy for you sir - your description is very similar to what I experienced the first time I had a super-o. Had to keep reminding myself to stay relaxed, and saying to myself, "You're just an observer, relaaaaaxxxx." Like magic, huh?

I believe the "ache" some of us feel is actually simple tension that has been sort of stored-up in our bodies. I also believe we're very well served by focusing on ideas like relaxation, detachment, and surrender.

Or not. 😉

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@neros it gives me relief to hear that you to experience the high build up of something and then a sudden fall off. I find when it drops away like it does that my arousal falls with it and even the most erotic of imagery fails to allow me to continue.

But now i can see that trying again i an hour or two might be the way to solve it as i too feel arousal appear again after that sort of period of time.

It goes against advice having multiple sessions in one day but it seems the way you and i work sometimes.

Also one thing; i find if my legs are up toward my chest whilst laying down i get almost instant orgasmic bliss, every time, no matter what, but no other position, not even when emulated the body position whilst laying on my side etc works like this one does. I believe it pushes the device on the prostate more hence the instant pleasure i feel. When latin ton my side i find the ass/muscles/weight of my body pushes too much on the device which stops it from moving freely, never understood why the lack of movement would work for others.

The last point is that my cock is always hard when I'm aroused, it always will be i feel so i don't fight it, I've yet to feel prostate response without a hard penis yet.

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@G-Force, @Armon-neat, @Theme_gasm, @Crimsonwolf thanks for your kind words!

@inhope yep but I'm able to keep going after the drop off. The distance between my two sessions described above was a couple of days. If I had just kept going and not worried after the drop off then I would have had a super o on the first try not the second.

I've replied to you in another couple of posts just now as to why I think you are experiencing an inability to recontinue after the drop off but just to re-iterate here:

I think you are going too high too quickly with your arousal.

To clarify - arousal the way I see it isn't "holy shit I'm horny", it's stimulation (physical or mental) that creates nice feelings in your ass/genitals.

So try this (and this is how I do it). Touch your nipples with the aneros in UNTIL you start feeling some sensations in your ass/genitals. Then STOP.

Relax as much as possible and then just try to enjoy those feelings. Maybe add in some mental images to help keep the feeling going. DON'T RUSH or STRUGGLE to keep those feelings going, just relax and enjoy in the same way you'd relax and enjoy a massage.

(BTW the mental images I use are a fleeting images, almost like porn GIFS, not a continous fantasy, as I find it impossible to keep up a linear imaginary situation)

As the feelings start to fade, re-start a little physical stimulation until those feelings come back and then stop and enjoy.

Mix it up a little, so instead of stopping all physical stimation on your nipples for example when the sensations come, just take your hands off your nipples and stroke your chest whilst you enjoy the sensations.

This way your body doesn't grow numb from over stimulation and nor does your mental bank of images run out.

Basically I think you are going too hard too soon in your sessions and that's why you are burning out.

GO SLOW. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't blast your body with stimulation, just give it enough to get going and then enjoy it and see if you can prolong it with mental fantasy, other body area touching and vocalising.

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@neros - Congratulations! It's a beautiful thing you have discovered, and I'm very happy for you.

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" GO SLOW. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't blast your body with stimulation, just give it enough to get going and then enjoy it and see if you can prolong it with mental fantasy, other body area touching and vocalising."

@neros, great descriptions and advice as usual! This is what I do.

I don't do any stimulation when I insert the device except hold my belly and feel myself breathe into it. When the sensations build enough, I may briefly touch my nipples lightly or my ass or abdomen or perineum or thighs, all lightly. This amplifies sexual arousal with the prostate sensations and energy fills these areas as I touch them. If a sexual image comes up I try to get into it. Often fantasies are too much work for me and I turn to porn. If I get involved with porn, I can get overstimulated which feels good but I back off and just listen. I let out any exclamations or sounds that come up and feel them in my abdomen. At some point I feel a transition has occurred to the orgasmic zone. It was pleasurable up until then but it becomes a state rather than a project. I often realize that I'm there in hindsight and with a familiar surprise. Sometimes it takes the form of emotions that I let myself express. Then the transition is more obvious. I plateau in this orgasmic zone for as long as I want with occasional excursions to new peaks and valleys but nothing that resembles what others have described as super orgasms. I sometimes play with the energies, moving them around with my hands and intention to explore. I learn something about myself with most sessions if only something small.

I like to hear others descriptions of their experiences, not just the mechanics but the phenomena that they experience while riding. Keep at it. 🙂

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@euphemistic Your "transition to an orgasmic zone" is such an excellent description of many of my best sessions. In one of those optimal sessions, it's almost like I'm a visitor in that zone, exploring the sensations and finding new ones. I don't think I have done enough of the energy "moves" during a good session, and your description of those exercises gives me motivation (if I can only find the time). My garbled attempt to distinguish between sexual stimulation and sensual stimulation in another of neros's fine threads is better said as you did: the porn is distracting at best. It is the enhanced sensuality that I seek when beginning a session and bringing it to that wonderful plateau you describe.

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I plateau in this orgasmic zone for as long as I want with occasional excursions to new peaks and valleys but nothing that resembles what others have described as super orgasms. I sometimes play with the energies, moving them around with my hands and intention to explore. I learn something about myself with most sessions if only something small.

I like to hear others descriptions of their experiences, not just the mechanics but the phenomena that they experience while riding. Keep at it. 🙂

When I peak from good feelings to a definitely identifiable orgasm, there's a between phase where nothing exists outside of my brain and prostate, not because I'm making that happen with concentration, but what ever I'm doing just takes me there gradually. I get lost in the moment, like daydreaming. This is the common thread in my best sessions. It's like I'm already enjoying what's happening enough to let it be, and bask in where I am.

The other big commonality I've noticed in my best sessions is having some communications channel open between my brain and prostate. And it's something I recognise from traditional masturbation, where I have this strong and effortless connection to the sensations in my penis. The sensations come easily, the signal seems clearer and stronger. And I think I'm making progress on this with my prostate, by concentrating on the ache (and the feeling of scratching "the itch"). It can't be pleasure all the time, so I think "the ache" gives me a mental anchor to my prostate. I don't lose focus (or rather I don't go searching for pleasure in some other place), so when the boomerang comes back, I'm still in gear.
Interesting to think about.

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