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Please feel free to leave your reviews and impressions of the Helix Syn V here.

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Posted by: @rumel in his thread Helix Syn V Reviews

Hi Guys, First, I'd like to note my viewpoint on vibrating prostate massagers. It has been my experience with a few of these massagers that constant vibration patterns tends to numb prostate nerves the longer the duration continues and the quicker that numbing happens at higher intensity and/or frequency.

The Aneros VICE with the MUZE vibrator tried to address these problems by providing multiple intensity levels and a variety of vibrational patterns. This model pleased a good number of men but I was never able to reach Super-O's with this model for a couple of reasons, the main reasons were its girth became uncomfortable for me after a period of time and changing the pattern/intensity via the Muze's actuating button was difficult so I basically just set this model aside and went back to using my reliable Helix SYN model.

The Aneros VICE 2 solved the problem of actuation by providing a remote control and they improved the vibrating patterns but I still had the problem of discomfort occurring during a prolonged Anerosession due to its girth. For many men this is not a problem but it is for me, so again, I went back to primarily using my Helix SYN model and then the new Helix SYN Trident model.

I'll admit to being a loyal, biased Aneros customer having acquired each new model as it has been introduced and the Helix SYN V is my newest acquisition. For most models I haven't provided a review as I have allowed other members to speak up first so as to not influence their thinking but I am excited to speak up here now. This new model, IMHO, is superior to the Vice/Muze and Vice 2 for several reasons. 1.) This model is extremely comfortable even for prolonged Anerosessions, with or without vibration. 2.) While there is no remote control, the actuating button at the base of the unit is much easier to manipulate than the button on the Muze/Vice model. 3.) The vibration patterns are more interesting than the previous models, especially pattern #8 which is perceived as quite random with changes in intensity, pulses and pauses. 4.) The lowest level of vibration is optimal for allowing you to readily string together multiple orgasms before succumbing to desensitization.

I can attest to the details as noted by @aneros-team in the Helix syn V thread. I spent nearly two hours with this model trying all the vibration patterns, I experienced a couple of prostate O's but when I finally settled on pattern #8 at the lowest vibration intensity I was gently lead into a wonderful Calm Seas Super-O lasting nearly 15 minutes. IMHO, this may be the best Aneros model yet, even without vibration, it is a wonderful model and one I can recommend unreservedly . I hope to hear other reviews from my fellow members as well.

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @moeseph in his thread My Helix Syn V Experience

My HSV arrived on Friday and I spent the weekend checking it out.

TL;DR: Yes it’s awesome and you should get one. Even as a first model, I think the HSV excels. This has to be the best vibrator on the market for prostates.

To recount my background, I have been using Aneros for just over 2 years. I have not reached Super-O, yet but everything still feels great. I have every model except the Maximus (I don’t know why not, but I don’t).

My experience with vibrating toys has been that they are usually very large. Even the Vice 2 is, I think, too big to be comfortable for long and causes numbing. Vibration always feels great, at first, then wears off as I want more. I also don’t like the way you have to push the button at the bottom or use the remote. For some reason, I don’t like remotes.

I jumped right into the HSV after seeing @rumel post about his and I am glad I did. The small size is perfect and the vibration really enhances the experience rather than detracting. The low intensity is really low and after 2 hours, it was still helping and never made me numb.

There is a good mix of tapping and intermittent vibration settings but my favorites are setting 2 and 7. These are both very light tapping vibrations and, setting 2 in particular, really get the involuntaries going. At first, I didn’t even feel anything when I changed to setting 2, but after a minute or so, the involuntaries kicked in and the HSV got to work on its own. I have a hard time keeping the involuntary movements going with regular models but the HSV is great at keeping them steady.

I ran through all of the settings and ended up back on 2 for the majority of the first session. Towards the end, I upped the intensity to see what that was about and found that it gets pretty strong. Numbingly strong. I can’t wait to try the higher settings during sex. All of my other vibrators feel like they are going to pop out so I haven’t been able to use them very well with my wife…

The USB magnetic charger is well thought out, too. With the Vice 2, the charger just sat at the end and I would sometimes find that it came undone and didn’t charge. With the HSV, the charge connector has a plastic piece that hugs the base and stems of the unit, keeping it in place very well.

The button is in a very good place and you pinch to press it. With the Vice 2, pressing the button pushes it up into me in a way I don’t like. With the HSV, you just reach back and pinch and it’s very comfortable. I have one toy that the button is actually on the insertable part, which is totally silly.

Double pressing turns the unit on and off and single presses change the vibration mode. When you cycle through modes, the intensity stays the same. So, you can go back to the beginning without increasing intensity. I have a toy or two where you cycle through all of the settings at all of the intensities to return to the beginning and that takes away from the experience (or you have to turn it off and back on which sucks, too). To change intensity on the HSV, you long-press the button and it stays on the same vibe setting but gets stronger. This is awesome and well thought out, great job, Aneros!

After all of that, I only have minor gripes and suggestions for the HSV:

First, I wish that setting 1, which is full-on continuous vibration, was setting 8. This way, you would move from least intense to most intense. 

Second, I would like it to be fully waterproof for using it in the bath. It is splash resistant, so you can wash it and use it in the shower but I do like Aneros in the bath, too.

Neither of these, in any way, detract from the awesomeness that is the HSV. I only bring them up as suggestions for later models (not that I need to give Aneros more of my money, but you know I will when they come out with the Eupho Syn V).




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Posted by: @darkbond in his thread Helix Sync V -Review

Hey Folks. Hope all are well. Haven't been around lately due to real life but I am still continuing my super-O journey.  I've used the Helix Syn V twice in the last three days and it's an amazing product. The only other vibrating prostate massager I have is a Lelo Hugo (which to me isn't really great). This one though...this one is remarkable.


Full disclosure I have only explored the low 8 settings. This feels good with and without the vibration. I particularly love how this feels like a stiffer Syn while still being supremely comfortable. What I like most about the low level of vibration is that even in the down time of me not involuntarily contracting the vibration provides just enough feedback to either keep things buzzing or to effectively jumpstart things. Each session I had was over 2 hours and the vibration was going strong. I stayed on low setting 2 for the most part. If I had to describe this toy with one word...relentless would be it.

All in all...I highly recommend this product and hopefully we can get a Eupho and Progasm version of this same product.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Aneros Team

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I echo the posts brought here too: the HSV is THE one!

It goes without saying that the Helix is by far the top Aneros model. But I'm not an old school "Helix guy", I got turned on to (and by!) the Helix original model just before the Helix Trident got released. While I've used Aneros toys since 2004, and have just about every model they've ever put (including the High Island Health products), the Helix became a real fast go-to for sessions and the Helix Trident just ramped things up to a new level both with my prostate sessions and orgasms but for my overall well being.

When it comes to vibrating anal and prostate toys, the vibration needs to be pretty "dull" or low for me. If its too strong it makes me really numb quite fast especially if the vibrator zone of contact in me is large or runs a long length of the toy.

The Helix Trident Syn is outstanding. To me, after plenty of use of all Trident Syn models, the Helix version is tops. I love how the others engage my insides, but the Helix takes me over the top more times a session, quickly, and it never feels like its too much or I need to change to something smaller. The size of the body is just about big enough, but honestly I've always wanted a slightly bigger Helix body on really any version of it.

So, the HSV literally satisfies all the things I could ever want in a seriously souped up  version of Aneros's top toy!

To start, the lowest vibration setting is so perfect and is so lending to my ability to orgasm easily, that its the very best anal and/or prostate vibration I've ever felt in about 16 years. I tried so many vibrators anally I can't even count anymore. Almost all never get me there. (HOWEVER, the Vice 2 gets me off crazy good! But, its larger than most prostate-centered toys I prefer to use.) The thing about the HSV is that it is the perfect size: not too big, not too small, its a perfect middle ground. Wouldn't be bad for a beginner to use because the super slickly soft silicone coating, in my mind, eases the use of toys of this size. I think a beginner could use it also because the lowest vibration setting is pretty low and not abrasive or overbearing like 99% of most toys I've had experience with.

The first continuous vibe setting has brought me to orgasms that start quickly upon insertion that last for a "really long time" and I don't know how long but if I had to guess I'd say between 30 seconds and maybe a minute or a little more. My Super Os don't last very long, the build up does and its intense and so good but once that O hits it just kind of melts and fades for 20ish seconds or so. The HSV gets me Oing soon and there's something about the low level continuous vibration that prolongs my involuntary contractions and, I think, the vibe itself on my prostate just keeps my prostate pulsating or cumming on its own without much more movement of the toy. 

Like there's a resonance to the toy that feels like fast pulsations of energy that ripple across my prostate so that its almost a "sonic" type feel, although I haven't had sonic wave stimulation on my prostate before, I'm guessing that the feeling might be something like that.

The size of the toy is the best, though. I like the slightly extra full feeling and that its the Helix body. Plus, its an upgrade for the Helix Trident Syn for me because of the larger sized body and especially the rigid arms and larger P and K tabs. I wasn't sure I'd like the rigid arms at first but instantly loved them! They anchor the toy to my P and K spots and the vibration, even though its slight in the arms, kind of gets into those spots and helps amplify my orgasms. Its pretty unique and feels indescribable.

The short and long pulsation settings are to die for! I just love the pauses and the length of the pauses; when paired with the lower vibration, when the vibe kicks back on after a pause, it isn't very jarring and doesn't feel like too much. Sometimes in other vibrating toys that kick back after a pause is enough to make me take the toy out! That isn't an issue with the HSV (unless you're on the top vibration setting; its a bit too much for me but the lowest and middle settings are mind bending so I don't care!).

I've had enough time with it to use it first in a session and also midway through. I normally always use 3-5 Aneros models and a gspot glass wand to milk my prostate; I do use other toys 😉 I like the HSV in both placements. It helps me warm up fast and the vibration loosens me up for larger toys more quickly than almost any other Aneros models can.

I did have a Super T with it. Lowest vibration setting the whole time I worked up an erection and stroked it for a little while. Then I switched to setting 3 and it made my prostate pulsate and trigger involuntary contractions that were also being fed by the stimulation to my hard on. I switched the toy off for only about 10 seconds to feel it off while I was hard and its really damn good! Then I put the first setting back on and worked up a really massive final orgasmic ejaculation and I wound up a mess!! I actually left the vibe on for probably a whole minute after my Super T (all my Super Ts last well over a minute in length) and it felt amazing; really calming and soothing. Relaxed me even more than normal. After that I was done and done!!

I highly recommend the Helix Syn V. I can't stress enough how amazing it is. It has blown me away in just a short time and I look forward to incorporating it in my sessions more often than I have ever used a vibrating anal toy before. This one replaces them ALL. Enjoy out there!

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Posted by: @reddog152 in the thread Helix Syn V Reviews

Gave the Syn V its first go today. Initial impression is that it's great! I like the feel of the P and K tabs. I'm usually not a fan of the K tab. On most of my models the K tab just hurts. I've been known to hack them off in a crime of passion, haha. Not so with this model. As far as overall feel once inserted, the SV had a nice cradling feel to it. I took a bit to let it situate before switching on the vibes. I love the vibes, especially on the lowest setting. A couple of the modes feel like tapping or almost an electric pulse. Very novel feeling, very subtle, and I could tell that there is a lot of potential to take me where I want to go. My favorite modes so far are 2 and 7. I got some good P-waves going at one point which was really encouraging to me. I plan to give it another shot tomorrow. Overall really glad I bought it!

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Good flight: session 9.  This not-yet rewired newbie eagerly tried his new HSV (won it!) and Coconu oil, each is a first time.  The lube has hardly a scent and sensually melts.  This pricey oil was set as an offering before the “inner sanctum” in hopes if I treat it right, I will remain in good graces.

Accommodation in “off” mode was fine.  I found the give and feel of the silicone body an enjoyable difference relative to my plastic HT.  I spent much pleasant time on 2/low, but enjoyed also 1/medium and its supplemental tickle.  The vibration seemed to relax my automatically tensed sphincter area.  Thus so and maybe partly due to the oil, in resting my finger by the HSV I noticed repeated displacement achieved with internal muscles.  I hadn’t played with the other settings.  It is quiet on low.

Removing the HSV felt smoother than prior removals, and it still looked slick (oil).  This is in contrast to a removed HT which looked on the dry side (Uberlube silicone).

Like session 8, I felt some crests of good feelings.  Although there was no defined “release”, again the feelings are impetus to want to try more in a couple of days.

I admired the technical and aesthetic construction of the HSV out of the box.

It’s a keeper!  I’ll let you know how I do.

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Posted by: @fred27 in the thread Helix Syn V Reviews

Best Aneros thus far and I have a few! This one definitely hits it out of the park! Just received it and took it for a quick test drive this morning! All I can say is WOW! It’s a perfect fit for me! I went through the settings briefly to see what each one felt like and was dripping precum very quickly! The random one was definitely the winner - a pleasant and welcome surprise! Only had a few minutes to play but this one will be a go to one! A Eupho version would be awesome! Nice work Aneros team!

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Posted by: @unknownnewuser

It’s a keeper!  I’ll let you know how I do.

I'd imagine newbies considering a purchase would eagerly receive word that someone close to their shoes has received pleasure with the Helix Syn V.  Over in Helical's beginnings, session 11 I wrote about my first-ever good bursts of pleasurable prostate feelings, first with it Off, and then with it On.  Best wishes.

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I've been riding my new Helix Syn V daily for a week now.  I have grown a fairly large collection of toys and this one is currently my favorite.

I am really pleased with the rigidity of the p-tab and k-tab.  I own the original Vice 1, and have always been disappointed with the overly pliable tabs.  

The variation in vibration settings is really well done.  From rumbly-soft to intense, there seems to be a setting for whatever I am in the mood for.

I'm very happy to own this model.  I sincerely hope that there is a eupho version of this on the drawing board!

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I got the Helix Syn V last week and have rode it a few times. So far here are my thoughts:

I held the Helix Syn V in my hands for a bit and compared it to my (acetal) Helix Trident, my favorite of the models I have. The weight change felt pleasant and balanced, and not in the way like the Tempo feels in the hand with its pure heft. This is my first powered prostate device of any kind, so the texture and everything felt very different. The Helix Syn V also seems to be just a little girthier than the Helix Trident all around, which is very pleasant to consider and imagine internally. After plugging it up to the wall for a little bit, I cleaned it as well as cleaned/lubed up myself: I did a gentle enema then used Gun Oil H20 glycerin-free water based lube internally and applied a thin layer of Slippery Stuff water based gel to the Helix Syn V. I then inserted the device unpowered (I didn't bother to play with its power features earlier despite charging it) and laid down on an exercise mat.
Wow. The Helix Syn V is a real treat! I laid down and started to contract my pelvic muscles softly. Instantly heavy P-waves were growing and within 20 minutes I had a powerful Super-O. Unpowered, the Helix Syn V is a lot of fun to use. Curious to find out what the sensation is like with vibration, I turn it on for the first time. I feel the 1st vibration pattern and it's a little distracting (again, no anal vibration experience), so I double tap it again.
The pulsing (2nd vibration pattern) is less distracting and kind of pleasurable. I ride the waves for a bit until I get the desire to switch it up. On the 3rd option I'm able to time lightly fluttering and flexing my PC and BC muscles with the vibration, and here I have an intense Super-O. Admittingly I got self-conscious and distracted at how loudly I was moaning from this one--a sign that this is working very very well. Eventually I get to vibration pattern 6 (the one with increasing levels of constant vibration power) and DAMN. I have an absolutely electric full-body Super-O that was indescribable in its intensity and heat washing over me, and if I noticed I was loud on my 2nd Super-O I was definitely screaming on my 3rd. Not good for neighbors, but very good for me!
If you like vibrating toys, I think the Helix Syn V is an absolute must. Having not tested the Vice 2 I can't give any comparisons to the shape of that device, but if you like the Helix shape and find it pleasurable then you'll love this new one.

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I've been waiting for this design for as long as I've known about Aneros -- and it does not disappoint.  Far from that, it's a home run.  So starting with this: total recommend, for both beginners and pros. Game changer. The best on the market to date.

I often thought a classic Aneros with vibration would the holy grail of p-massagers -- one that has the precision and research that Aneros is famous for behind its function, and has the thoughtful touches that makes Aneros the brand it is.  (With all due respect to Vice 2, which I have not tried, its simply too "girthy" for the experience I was currently looking for -- its not the "classic Aneros," Vice 2 is more of a "specialty Aneros" but I am sure it is a great item for people looking for that size, and I would be open to trying it down the line)

I explored other brands -- lncluding Lelo, which is a beautiful item that is oversized and overpowered to do the delicate work it is required to do -- it ends up pummeling and numbing, and that's the last thing that should happen.  The whole point is to feel connected to your body, and understand its response, and have a connection to your own pleasure, and the Aneros Helix Syn V is designed to do that. Almost perfectly.

First: the Syn V feels great even with no vibration. Just put it in, and the body responds with lots of involuntarily thrusts and contractions. It's really great, the slight larger size difference is notably better than my regular Helix Syn. Putting it in is a soothing and comfortable experience, easy to put in, and works on its own without any vibrations. After getting the body warmed up, turning it on allows the subtle gentle tapping vibrations on the lowest setting to start a rhythm. They are super gentle, but enough to give your body a good baseline of rhythm to follow and respond to -- it's really is helpful and still lets you feel everything. Plus, the tabs feel great. The best I've felt on any item -- firm, but never hurts. A forceful yet gentle pressure.  

The gentle vibrations are easy to just relax and vibe to, they really help you focus and meditate on the rhythm. There is no vibration pattern that feels bad or jarring,  all of them have their benefits, and all of them fit a mood. 

Moving up to the stronger vibrations, they also feel great. You never get that "reckless pummel numb" feeling that so many other brands seem to produce.   With the Helix Syn V in, it's easy to just zone out, and after a while, you can't tell what vibrations are from the Aneros, and what are from your own body, and that's the best feeling I could possibly imagine -- its a wave of gentle focused pleasure, where you always feel deeply connected to your body, and everything still feels present -- no random unfocused jackhammering to numbness.  Waves of pleasure, where your consciousness is riding through fields of pleasure, relaxation, intense pleasure, and soothing vibrations.

On top of the gentle precise design, the Helix Syn V is very quiet, and never feels like a clumsy contraption. It's a miracle of compact design, and its a sturdy and beautifully finished as you would expect of Aneros.  I was worried about the hand-operated power button, (and imagine that someday there will be a remote or app based version), but truth be told EVERY SINGLE remote or app-based item I've tried in the past is glitchy, and causes more annoyance than convenience. So: surprisingly, I like the direct contact power control.  it's simple and direct, and easy to figure out after a little practice. and its not a bad thing to have that direct control of the p-zone. its comforting and easy. makes the whole thing less complicated.

Finally, and this is a surprise to me, after using the Helix Syn V for a few hours, I found that the perfect finish was to take it out and put the trusted simple non-vibrating MGX Syn in.  After getting the area all relaxed and warmed up, it is seriously primed for that simple MGX Syn, and all I can say is the focused p-pressure I experience is like nothing I have experienced before. The Helix Syn V acts to really wake things up and prime the P-area for some serious pleasure. I love that using the Helix Syn V actually improves the feel of my other Aneros items used directly after.  

I can't say I have yet experienced the elusive "super o" yet, but I can say I have experienced real intense pleasure, and on this journey to discover the "super o" have felt connected to my body in ways that I did not expect. The experience of using the Aneros Helix Syn V goes a long way in unlocking some of the mysteries that we as guys have been denied in understanding for so long. Aneros as a company has really brought the whole p-spot conversation into the light, invested thoughtful design and science into their items, and have empowered men to understand their own bodies and our unique capacity for pleasure. I couldn't be more grateful. 

The Helix Syn V is truly a wellness product, it's a pleasure toy, its a lifestyle product, it's is a game changer. Deceptively simple in appearance, and so thoughtfully designed. I recommend it whole-heartedly. WORTH THE WAIT, AND WORTH EVERY PENNY.   If I could only buy one Aneros item, this would be it, (with the MGX Syn in close second!). 



This post was modified 4 years ago by Dax

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As always each model improves upon the past and I can see now why so many say its aneros best vibe yet. Settings 2 and 4 were amazing. But as many have said you can barely notice setting 2 but unlike the others it gives much stronger and slow buildup.

I'm not sure what it is about 2 that makes it so effective. I still love my vice 2 and progasm but syn V is definitely my new number 1. Thanks Aneros you rock.



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Hi there - I felt it appropriate to comment here but, does anyone know if these are already available in Europe? The only store that seems legit that I can find says it's on pre-order for the 11th of October, was just curious if that might just be them or if it's for all EU suppliers?

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@Mountain, I got one about a month ago in The Netherlands.

I ordered it at: https://www.depaarsekeizerin.nl/product/helix-syn-v-aneros-vibrerende-prostaat-massager

Fast and discrete delivery! 

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@mountain-below-the-sea, the Helix Syn V is also available in Europe from Easy Toys


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This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Aneros Team

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I’ve only had one session with this toy but it was the best prostate pleasure I’ve had yet! I’ve been playing for just over a year and I haven’t had any orgasms yet, but I’ve made a lot of progress. 

I prefer the syn models for comfort and I usually use a eupho syn trident. I’ve been intimidated by the size/angle of the helix and I never bought a the helix syn trident because of that, but I wanted to take the plunge on this model because of the vibration. It’s bigger than the regular helix and has slightly stiffer tabs, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s actually very comfortable, surprisingly so. 

I tried it out without vibration first, then switched on the lowest power setting. Pattern 2 is like a ‘knocking’ vibration which already gives you more than a non-vibrating toy. Then I tried pattern 8 which seems fairly random but gives you a quick buzz of two strong settings, which at times felt amazing, had me moaning and feeling like I was right on the edge. I feel like this toy is the most likely to give me my first prostate orgasms.

I lost track of time but even after about 2 hours I hadn’t experienced desensitisation of my prostate. Aneros obviously know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to the pleasure of prostate owners. I’m really impressed with this model, easily my best which was a bit unexpected because I usually only get pleasure from the eupho. That said, I’d love to try a eupho syn V too! 

Very happy with my purchase overall. 

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What happened today rekindled my love affair with Aneros, due to pressures of everyday life I'd taken a sabbatical away from my sessions with Aneros devices, that is until earlier today the ring of the doorbell signalled the delivery of my brand-new Helix Syn V.

First impressions are it's silky smooth silicone exterior is as ! would expect for a quality product like this. The magnetic charger and control button are new additions but are there for very good reason.

My first session started like most of my others, duche, hot shower, a stretch and setting the scene, closing the drapes, switching off the phone, basically shutting out the outside world. I find soft core porn helps transport my thoughts away for everyday distractions.

I lubed up, gave the device a coating of Vaseline and inserted it. I've recently purchased a wedge-shaped cushion to raise my butt off the bed, this worked a treat.

I did quite literally nothing for the first hour, just lay back and relaxed, occasionally I could feel a warm glow radiating from my prostate, a sure sign that the device is hitting 'the spot'. After an hour or so my legs started to quiver, this is my body (and mind) telling me "it's time", it's only after I started to play with my nipples that things got really interesting. Diddling my nipples triggered p-waves and a powerful and delicious glowing sensation from deep within my pelvis region. 

Have you noticed I've not yet mentioned the vibration modes? Read on theres a very good reason for this, I hadn't activated them yet!

Only when I was absolutely sure I was in 'the zone' did I activate the vibrations, at first the softest and gentlest pattern, wow! this instantly felt good, I could feel my prostate reacting to this new sensation. A little while later I started to scroll though the patterns, as a way of getting used to a vibration Aneros! 

I must admit I felt a bit sceptical about adding vibrations to an Aneros model, after all is one of the strongest USP's of Aneros is its controlled by the body? I have full trust in Aneros, after all they know what their doing and wouldn't of taken such bold step without a history of achieving results.

So, back to the session....

My biggest observation on my first test-run of the Syn V was that the vibrations dull some of the feedback one gets from a non-vibration device, hold on a second though........ without any of the usual warning signs, totally out of the blue, I was hit by a powerful Super-O, this lasted for a good few minuets and at one point the device popped out but the Super-O just kept on going, waves of pleasure washed over me, my body shook and flapped around like a Bass in a boat! This was followed by a further THREE Super-O's, all as sensational as the others. As I sit here now post-session I'm savouring the after-glow.

So fellow forum readers, a genuine review from someone that had fallen out of love with Aneros only to fall head-over-heels back in love thanks to the Helix Syn V.

Would I recommend you buy one. HELL YES!

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Nice Sounding Guy,

Thank you for the terrific Helix Syn V review above.

FYI though, the use of petroleum based formulations (Vaseline) is not recommended with the Helix Syn V as they will degrade the silicone exterior over time.  Silicone based lubes must also be avoided.  Please read the care and cleaning instructions for the Helix Syn V here

We advise the use of plant oil and water-based lubricants only with this product.

*Also note the special instructions at the bottom with regard to electronic devices.



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This post was modified 1 year ago by Aneros Team

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Posted by: @aneros-team


We advise the use of plant oil and water-based lubricants only with this product.



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Does your definition of 'plant-based' lubricants include virgin olive oil?   My question is for my Helix Syn Trident.  I would hate to damage it.

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Virgin olive oil is fine.  That said, some people find that it produces a "burning" effect, in the mouth and anally.  This is on account of its high phenol content (specifically olecanthal).  If you don't have a problem with it anally then should be good to go.    If you do, using a lighter olive oil can bypass this. Some other alternatives are almond, coconut, jojoba, and avocado oils.

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@aneros-team Thanks guys. Being a typical bloke I tend not to read instructions, lol.

I will pick up coconut oil from the grocery store later this week.

NSG :0)


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Definitely has become my favorite! Like the syn material and the shape is perfect for me! It's good as a passive device but really comes alive when you try the various settings - my favorite has become the three strong bursts or pulses. Went into the auto stroke mode today as I was experimenting with different settings - settled in on the three pulses which seem to stimulate better and sent me in to ecstasy land very quickly! My session lasted almost an hour and did not experience any numbing effects in the pulse mode! Like the added length as well - you can't go wrong with this model!

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I just recently added this model. Upon holding and playing with its settings I found it to be a very well crafted and engineered device like a finely built automobile, sleek and sexy.

Initial test drive didn't disappoint and left me with the feeling of floating after several light super Os.. I think I was looking for a full on explosive HFWO and got very close several times  but while cheating had two strong wet ejaculation orgasms  The Super Os were not as intense as with the Progasm wich leaves me sweating, heart racing and in another dimension for as long as I can hang on all the while heavily leaking pre along with small thick cummies. 

  • Awakening the next morning I was in high gear with with a roaring erection and went for another spin with the HSV. Well several spins actually and had three wet Os, cheating of course, that were very strong and heavy all within thirty minutes. Not bad for the initial ground breaking with the HSV. Several, three to five, mild Super Os and five very rewarding strong, wet ejaculations within a few hours.I'm up to bat again with the HSV and will try and take my time and let things play out. No promises!
  • I'm strongly leaking just thinking about it now
This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by R_Ropes

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love my helix Syn V! Lately have tried wearing it all night for several nights! Before falling asleep I lubed up generously with coconut oil and enjoyed a few vibration patterns then turned it off and went to sleep. Woke up in the morning and did a few more vibration patterns then removed it. Needless to say the first night I didn’t wear it, my anus was fully aroused and wanting to do Aless so I obliged and soon the Os started and continued for many minutes!

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Got mine on Wednesday. Only one session so far but it's a game-changer. Spectrum of vibes from Teaser Taps to Come-Hither Waves to Send-You-Into-Convulsions Tummy Rumblers. This can't be beat, no vibes or better yet vibes this is the best massager ever invented.

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@fred27 hmmm I’m gonna have try falling asleep with it in my. Sounds relaxing.

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I started using a Progasm 10 years ago with immediate success, many super o’s and super T’s. Perhaps I over did my use After about 6 months I was no longer able to have super o’s and wondered if I had numbed myself.

hearing about the Helix Syn V has me thinking of trying it to see if it will help me recapture some of the old magic. 
I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience

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Thank you for sharing your personal experience and review of the Aneros Helix SYN V prostate massager. It is helpful to hear from someone who has tried multiple models and can provide a comparison of their features and effectiveness. It's great that you found the Helix SYN V to be comfortable and effective in achieving prostate orgasms. Your review may help others who are considering purchasing this model to make an informed decision.

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Like the review by @r_ropes and all the reviews. I received my 1st Aneros device, the Helix Syn V, in December of 2021 after using a pelvic wand given to me by my physical therapist (who specialized in pelvic floor). I did a lot of research, and found the size and shape to be anatomically close to the shape of the rectum. I thought that was a good place to start. Reading this forum, it was a good decision.

I was diagnosed with BPH, had a 94 gram prostate, and peed frequently. I had HoLEP surgery, and that helped my peeing and the Helix Syn V is a part of my ongoing physical health therapy and pleasure. My wife believes my orgasms are more intense in penetrative sex and masturbation since the surgery coupled with continued prostate massage. I have used the Helix Syn V for long sessions (> 45 minutes) lying down in front of a mirror, in the shower (get clean and insert while a bath sometimes getting hard with pelvic floor Kegels when I pull the penis muscles, feels so good!), and perineum tab is wonderful too. I let my wife know this, and she frequently massage my perineum as a foreplay move when we are naked I and on top of her.

I use Astroglide water-based gel for a lube, as it sticks well to the end of my finger for the anus relaxing and the device when dispensing and coating prior to insertion. Insertion is so much fun, as it drops right in after the top knob slips inside the anus. It is almost like there is suction going on in there!  I start with NO VIBRATION, then do 10 Kegels, then may turn on low vibration (1st) to setting #2, then later #7.  I may go to the 2nd level vibration, because that really gets me throbbing when I am standing up.  Watch out!

Thank you Aneros Inc. for the Helix Syn V!

This post was modified 2 years ago by Golfing1

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Although I blogged about my first massage experience with the Syn V, I will add a couple of comments about the product itself.

I think it is an ideal starter massager as it fits easily into my ass and created no discomfort. At one point I wondered if I could walk around with it doing normal activities. The Vice 2 looked a little intimidating in size for a novice, but the Syn V looked like the Baby Bear version so to speak - just right.

The other advantage of the Syn V is that it includes vibration and thus gives room to grow, and probably eliminates the need to buy yet another massager as you advance. So if you want the basic experience, do not turn on the vibrator. But if you are ready for additional stimulation, it is available at your finger tips.

Syn V simply feels right even without having orgasms - it fit me like a glove. There were no discomforts as my anal complex spasmed and twitched. I am getting aroused just thinking about it.

If it fits your budget, I can endorse Syn V as an excellent starter massager.

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