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Navigation of the Pelvic Floor.

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Yo gents!

Ive seen a few comments here and there about difficulty with separating muscles and controlling them independently.

Here’s a few training notes out of my playbook that may help.

God gave you fingers,use em! When you want to feel something flexing,poke your finger in when trying so you can feel it work,know where it is,and you can start to build a mind muscle connection with it.

Start with the basics which are sphincter and pc. The easiest path to go is flex the sphincter 40-50% and hold it there steady. Visualising pulling your cheeks together it good for static holding.  Pulling a sphincter contraction up your ass crack to your spine is a great visualisation. Once you’ve got the hold,try pulling your pc toward your sphincter. I liked to visualise pulling the two points together to touch in the middle. It takes practice,I did this stuff over months,not days. It’s fine if both pull,just keep focusing on the static hold,and try to release the pc,and pull it again. Releasing the pc can be done by trying to push it (reverse Kegel) slightly,or consciously relaxing it.

If you keep doing it,you’ll eventually get it. Play with them at your desk,watching the game,driving and anywhere else you’ve got time. 1-2 them,1 off,the other on,move them back and forwards in a rolling wave.

Transverse or side muscles as i call them can be flexed by squeezing in from the inner crease at the perineum sides,visualising the creases as two blankets with which to cover your perineum over. These aren’t nearly as tricky as you think,but doing em without sphincter engagement is what needs practiced. Often in session,these flexes can put you on your feet just as a wave breaks and let you surf the ocean of orgasm 🙂

Bulbosponge or secret muscle as it’s sometimes referred to (nothing secret about it) is right at the top of the pc chain. The trick with this muscle is that it works better with tension than an actual contraction. You can visualise a flex of a muscle is your bell end,or sucking air down the urethra,or flex a spot in the air above your glan,but it needs to be light,real light as if you may break something going any harder.

What I do is anchor tension here for my entire session,contractions happen in the other muscles on top of their tension but I hold the bulbo in a small constant static hold of 10-20%. Everything holding,moving and shaking if what stimulates the prostate to generate pleasure.

Ischiocave muscles (diagonal)  are pretty hard to get the hang of,but I found a way. If we think of the Pubic pad as a triangle,we need to flex underneath the pad diagonally down its sides,it’s a pretty light contraction,and with focus and eyes closed,you can find them. They add little subtle pleasures to the larger pleasure generated by the big movers and shakers in the trunk of the PF.


Levatator ani are the workhorse of the PF and where i generate tension and ultimately involuntaries. If you lift the whole floor,they’re generating the lions share of power and will also provide the endurance to keep it there to induce invols.In my opinion,invols are made from tension,not from clenching muscles so tight you might give yourself a hernia.

Putting it all together is simply like balancing,everything has a contraction and power point that wants balanced at the minimum force and brainpower necessary for the job to get done. Not gut wrenching required,just flow and rhythm.

Remember to visualise for the win.







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Great info!  Thanks! 

Gulliver reacted
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 I think I have confused the Transverse and the Ischiocave. My problem isn't manipulating them, I can do that quite easily. I can even flex the side muscles or  independantly. So what exactly is considered your center or PC? Is it both of these? Because I squeeze the sphincter and these 2 as my source. 

Posted by: @helghast

try pulling your pc toward your sphincter.

To create this I contract the sphinc. and the Bulbosponge, this gives me the feeling of the 2 coming together. The PC as I know it has little to do wit the up down feeling.

When I flex the sphinc and the PC, as I know it, theres a kind of bouncing back and forth btwn the 2. When I flex the sphinc. and the bulbos, I get alternating contraction btwn. the 2 which also makes my dick throb or pumping like an orgasm, which also activates the very top or tip. So when Allie says flex your center which is it. Sorry if this is confusing because I'm confused. They both feel good but different, not sure how to take either to the next level as it were. I would say that the most pleasure thuogh is generated in the PC region, and the sphincter. 


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Pc muscle or muscles are generally regarded as as the whole ‘hammock’ from the Pubic bone to the tailbone. 
For me,the centre flex is the top or front of the ani,just past my sphincter.  I viewed my pelvic floor from lying on my back with knees bent and feet flat in bed. Think of looking down through the body at it with x ray vision. In my head,I placed an Xbox controller over it to create commands for different flexes,and that’s where the up,down,left,right etc came from (quirky I know lol but hey,it worked a treat!).

The bulbo or secret muscle as some call it is top,and like you,sphincters are base/bottom. For me,the bulbo flex is fairly north of a centre flex. I don’t know if you feel three flex’s in three different areas in a session but I do,more areas if i flex the side muscles too so the pleasure moves in a swirl motion around the PF,but then again,I’m very much a doer and not a do nothinger.

I guess it’s open to perspective and how each individual pictures things. You seem to have a decent grasp on things. I’m not sure whether you use AT or not,I assume not because you do nothing,but that’s what I’d try if I wanted to go to a next level.



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@helghast  Thanks for clarifying some things for me.I have started to experiment with AT again,since I am doing Mindgasm. I am getting better results this time. What I notice so far is the AT produces a different type of pleasure. I am excited as to what the future holds. I have several things I am dying to try once Mindgasm month is over.    I am able to seperate 4-5 groups, sphinc, both sides of my center individually, my top and my tip, hard to tell if my tip is imaginary or not, funny as that sounds. But I can feel it. Mindgasm has reinvigored my journey, its like getting evry toy you asked for at Christmas, you don't know which one to play with first. I can feel another weird one cumming.

Happy Contracts boys.

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It’s all real. Ppl need to understand,you’re playing with muscles groups designed to work autonomously and pretty much in secrecy all your life. 
Good luck with your AT. It will serve well. All it does is move and tighten thing around the prostate,to direct the energy created by the muscles into the massage. 

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