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My Progasm Progress
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My Progasm Progress

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I purchased my first aneros about 9 months ago (mgx) and now own the helix, peridise and progasm. Recently, my best sessions always involve the progasm. I have made slow but steady progress since day one with many great sessions and many duds. I think my biggest problem is I have a hard time relaxing. With my situation, I rarely have complete privacy and that is always on my mind. I seize every opportunity for a session and can usually get in one or two a week. My only hands free orgasm came on my third session, and at a time when the family was out of town. I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

None the less, I feel I am making steady progress and in the right direction. I generally start my sessions with the mgx or helix and then switch the the progasm. Although the mgx feels great, it's when I switch that things usually heat up. During the last few sessions, I had the feeling like I could actually come. I took this as a step in the right direction.

Todays sessions was a good one... after switching to the progasm, it suddenly felt as though the progasm was a vibrator and it had just switched on. It was an incredible feeling and lasted for several minutes. I could almost hear the buzzing. With my hands working my nipples I brought myself ever so close to a hands free orgasm.
I can rememeber the first time I ever jerked off. I knew nothing of masterbation and was a horney 12 year old just stroking his dick. I was surprized when I started to come and stopped stroking - I didn't come but then realized something was going on. Todays session felt just like that. I'm dissapointed that it didn't go further, but this gives me hope for the next time.

Just when I think I am at the top and headed over the edge, I find another level. It seems lilke a long road but I am enjoying every step of the way.

Would you say a hands free orgasm is a step towards a super O or do they have nothing to do with one another?

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Hello thhn, 🙂

Would you say a hands free orgasm is a step towards a super O or do they have nothing to do with one another?

If the hands free orgasm includes ejaculation. I suspect it's a small step, you do learn about your body's response, but you have to go beyond it. This is where I stand in my own journey. I've learned to pretty easily have hands free super-T's. But to have super-O's you have to learn not to initiate the ejaculation response. I've made the mistake of forcing the pleasure from my sessions by flexing and holding my PC muscles while rocking my hips back and forth. And then some hard conscious anal contractions initiates the super-T, and thus the ejaculation response.

In my opinion, if you can avoid going down this route, it will save you a bit of frustration in having to undo habits, techniques, and expectations that lead you to a super-T and not a super-O. That's my two cents. 😛

Love is Peace

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I guess I can't say if the hands free orgasm would include ejaculation. Hopefully soon I can answer that question. My first one of so long ago, did not include any ejaculation.
I guess I'm a bit confused as to the road to follow and how to differenciate the one leading to a super O and the one leading to hands free ejaculation?

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Hello again thhn,

If your first orgasm during an Aneros session did not include ejaculation, then I would suspect that you are on the right path. Since I have not had a super-O yet, I have no way of telling you how to differentiate between the road leading to a super-T versus a super-O. You can only know through experiencing I would guess.

The only thing that occurs to me from my recent experiences with this is to make sure that your penis is not getting any stimulation at all during an Aneros session. Meaning even inadvertently from the bed, the covers, or even from flopping around wildly if your body convulses in pleasure. I believe that inadvertently stimulating my penis by contact with my bed is what has lead me to learning how to have hands free super-T's.

When you asked in your first post about a hands free orgasm being a step towards a super-O. I assumed you meant that hand free orgasm = super-T orgasm without manual stimulation of the penis. Since mini-O's, dry-O's, and super-O's are all considered to be non-ejaculatory events. And the term hands free is not usually associated with them, as that is just assumed because it is done internally by the Aneros device.

So perhaps what you experienced was a mini or dry-O. Which would definitely be a step in the right direction. I think it would probably be a good idea for you to either find a way to get complete privacy, or find a way to make yourself feel that you do have the privacy within a session. I think that worrying in the back of your head during a session probably doesn't help, particularly if you have a difficult time relaxing. Just some thoughts. Hope this helps. 🙂

Love is Peace

Edited 11/20/2008 Reason: Correction and clarification

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Thanks for the response and the advice - I think it is good advice!
I guess I have got my termanology mixed up between hands free orgasm and dry or mini O. Perhaps what I exerienced my first time was a dry O as it lasted about as long as a traditional orgasm brought about by masterbation.
Progress is progress and I will continue to take baby steps as long as I am on the right path.
I appreciate all the help

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I suspect that you and other newbies may be harboring unrealistic notions about what a Super-O is. I further suspect that some of you have already experienced Super-O’s but just didn’t acknowledge them as such. If you draw information from the WIKI ( ), you will find the following –

mini-O A less intense non-ejaculatory orgasm, typically experienced in the early stages of developing non-ejaculatory orgasm skills. They are often focused in the pelvic area and involve a mild but distinct orgasmic contraction and sense of climax.” These could be involuntary spasms which last only a few seconds, they can also be spasms located in other body parts such as legs, arms, torso etc.

dry-O A medium intensity non-ejaculatory orgasm, one that is neither a mini-O nor a Super-O.” This would be like your conventional orgasm lasting 15-20 seconds but without ejaculation. There could be accompanying muscle spasms in other body parts but not necessarily.

Super-O An abrieviation of Super orgasm. An overwhelmingly strong non-ejaculatory orgasmic event. Orgasms that have no refractory period allowing them to be repeated multiple times. See also the Super-O page for further information.“ see - . If you read the definition “… A Super-O is an overwhelmingly strong non-ejaculatory orgasm that may involve:…”, the key word here is "may", just because you don’t experience all of these phenomena does not mean you haven’t experienced a Super-O!

The point I’m trying to make here is there is no point frustrating yourself trying to attain some fantasy orgasmic state (Super-O) that incorporates all the elements described by others, that simply is not going to happen and you are just indulging in illusory thinking. I encourage you all to read this thread started by ‘Buster’ – see .

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Hi Rumel,

That thread started by Buster was a good read.
Thanks for posting the link. 🙂

Love is Peace

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