Hi All,
This is my first post, and I'm looking for insights in how to focus on and/or increase one's experience of pleasure using the aneros of their choice.
I'm 53, and in good shape. I Exercise regularly. My prostate is in good shape - and certainly presumably in even better shape, now, that it gets a regular massage! I currently use the MGX. I Bought the Helix as well, but so far, the MGX seems to be the tool of choice for me. (IMHO, I think it's aesthetically prettier looking too.)
I've been practicing with my MGX for close to 5 months now. So far, no super-O, not even close. What I have experienced that seems to be pointing me in more pleasurable direction is what I would describe are subtle pulsating throbbing sensations primarily felt in my anus, prostate, perineum and penus shaft area. It's almost like a pulsating aching feeling. I've noticed that these (usually) pleasant sensations tend to only be experienced near the beginning of my MGX sessions, within the first 10 - 20 minutes of a typical 60 minute session. I tend to practice with my MGX 2 - 4 times a week. It's near the beginning of my sessions, when I start to gently (VERY GENTLY) contract my anus muscles that I can, for a while, build on these tenuous pleasurable experiences.
Regarding the building of these so-called pleasurable experiences: I cannot stress just how SUBTLE and tenuous they seem to be for me. (Have I said "tenuous" enough times yet???) Typically, I feel them around my anus, perineum, prostate, and also up my penus. I can feel the beginnings of my penus beginning to swell as well as my prostate. Sometimes I can also feel my anus muscles twitch involuntarily or contract and/or push around the MGX. But then...all these encouraging experiences just seem evaporate away as illusively as their subtle arrival. No matter what I do next I can't seem to find a way to bring the same degree of albeit "subtle" pleasure back for the rest of the hands-free part of the session. I'm lucky to achieve 2 of these tenuous experiences within my sessions.
And that frustrates me.
Typically, 40 - 50 minutes later, near the end of my sessions, I finish off with some hand penile stimulation with the use of massage oil. Often, my goal at this point is NOT to achieve a traditional ejaculate "wet" orgasm, but simply to enhance and/or directly induce feelings of building pleasure within my prostate, particularly as I feel the gland swell and become stimulated through traditional "hand job" activity. My penus swells as well. At such times I often begin to feel my anal muscles involuntarily twitch. Not a bad feeling either. Often, my goal is simply to do my best to ride the top of that impatiently felt pleasure plateau that one feels just before they pass over to the point of no return. I try to linger as long as I can within this very precarious plateau, sometimes passing over (Oh well... It was still fun!) but other times successfully stopping BEFORE passing through the point of no return. During these sessions I apply muscle contractions against my swollen prostate (some are subtle contractions, some stronger) in the hopes that the accumulation of all these pleasurable sensations might eventually help "re-wire" a good portion of my conscious sexuality so that as time goes by I will be able to achieve a "hands free" super-O experience more easily. When I DO use hand stimulation on my penus I try to keep it to a minimum. My goal is to focus more on the ever-building feelings of pleasure accumulating within my prostate area and not so much within the penus itself.
But getting back to the hands-free part of these sessions: As the months have gone by I have learned that I had really underestimated just how incredibly SUBTLE these tenuous throbbing pleasurable experiences located near my prostate seem to be for me. I also noticed that any form of obvious/overt (strong) anal contractions to physically slide the MGX device against my prostate seems to do absolutely NOTHING to induce any kind of pleasure within me - particularly during the hands-free part of my sessions. It would seem quite the opposite happens, as if I was hitting my "G" spot with a sledge hammer! So far, what seems to work best for me is to apply a VERY SUBTLE form of STEADY but moderate (NOT STRONG!) pressure against my prostate, with perhaps a very, VERY, subtle bit of slow-rhythmic twitching anal contraction added in as well.
I now try to approach my MGX sessions in a more patient manner with no fixed "goal" of achieving the holy grail of the super-O. I try to focus on those illusive "throbbing" experiences felt around my prostate, hoping to allow myself to "give in" to them, to be enveloped or carried away within each "throbbing pulsation", to go-with-the-flow, so to speak.
To be honest, I don't know what else to try. It really is difficult not to feel frustrated and concerned that I'm doing SOMETHING wrong, that if I simply changed one subtle little "thing" and/or activity that suddenly it would all start falling into place and start working for me, and perhaps I would finally be on my way towards pleasurable hands-free experiences with perhaps one or two super-Os thrown in for good measure. (I love a packaged deal!)
BTW, I recently ordered an educational DVD (my first on the subject of sexuality), Titled "The best of Vulva Massage" showing many forms of female masturbation. I suspect watching these wonderful and courageous ladies self-pleasure themselves before I start another MGX session is likely to increase my own libido, and that can't hurt.
Final details: During my MGX sessions, I typically lie on my back with my legs bent at the 5 - 7 o-clock positions from the knees. I use adequate lubrication, both GLIDE and K-Y. I try to relax and breath for about 5 minutes after insertion before I begin my focusing experiences. When I do start I tend to contract my anal muscles VERY SLOWLY enveloping the MGX model, almost as if I am inducing an involuntary function. So far, that's the only thing I've been able to do for myself that seems to bring out some kind of "hands-free" pleasure, however fleetingly tenuous it might be.
Ok guys, with ALL that said can any of you offer some insight that might help someone in my situation take the journey of self-discovery to the next step?
Thanks for reading this long diatribe. Hope some of you got something useful out of it.
Best regards,
Terrific account of your journey! Sounds like you're off to a good start. Please let us know about this video...sounds like a real stroker .
BF Mayfield
What you're relating sounds very familiar.
Especially the "first 20 mins" part and the "the less I do the more I feel" part.
Like you I'm still navigating in the fog not always beeing able to identify why a sensation was induced and why it suddenly stops.
As you said it is very subtle !
John Q.
Originally Posted By: B Mayfield
Lynx,Terrific account of your journey! Sounds like you're off to a good start. Please let us know about this video...sounds like a real stroker .
BF Mayfield
Thanks for responding.
The video is titled: "The best of Vulva Massage" - an anthology of Erotic Touch from Sex Educators, Tantra Teachers, Erotic Bodyworkers and Orgasm Coaches. It's quite a delightful educational romp into the realms of self-discovery. I purchased it through Blowfish. See:
for details. Yes, I recommend it!
I have a question I hope you might be able to add some insight on. The first 10 - 20 minutes into my session seem to be the most pleasurable for me. I perform slow (very VERY SLOW) contractions and do my best to focus on the throbbing sensations that can coarse and tickle through my genital area. Sometimes I can feel my penus begin to swell and perhaps the prostate area as well. These pleasurable sensations I feel are VERY subtle. Never the less I'm learning to focus on them with greater clarity each day. I try my best to simply stay within "the zone" and feel the sensations and pleasure that come from these sessions.
However, as of yet, no banana! No super orgasm.
In my previous post I mentioned the fact that later on in my aneros sessions I tend to perform hand stimulation on my penus, which obviously tends to produce a different conclusion. Not surprisingly, I tend to end up with some form of a traditional orgasmic ejaculation. While it can be a fun and pleasurable experience (teasing myself in this manner) I wonder if I may be inadvertently short-circuiting my attempts to achieve the so-called dry orgasm by re-focusing my efforts back on my penus.
So, my question is: Do you think it might be worthwhile for me to after the first 10 - 20 minutes of my aneros sessions, when the pleasurable sensations begin to wane, to SIMPLY STOP? I'm wondering if my subsequent continued hand penile stimulation activity might be short-circuting my attempts to get my nervous system to relearn the new pathways to the SO.
I was wondering if I simply stopped after 20 minutes, my body would remain be in a more sexually "charged" and relearning state making it more likely that in my next 10 - 20 minutes aneros session my body might feel an additional motivation to wander down the illusive path towards the illusive SO.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for listening.
Originally Posted By: JohnQ
What you're relating sounds very familiar.
Especially the "first 20 mins" part and the "the less I do the more I feel" part.Like you I'm still navigating in the fog not always beeing able to identify why a sensation was induced and why it suddenly stops.
As you said it is very subtle !John Q.
Hi BF and John Q.
I have another interesting experience I'd like to share with you two. I look forward to any additional insights either one of you might wish to contribute as well.
A few weeks ago I decided to perform self-exploration on my prostate area to learn a little more about the physiology of my body. Hey! If my GP can get paid for performing "digital" exams on me why can't I do it myself, and for free! 😉
I purchased some finger cots at my local drug store. Part of the reason for doing so was to protect the inner lining of my rectum from my fingernails. This is not a piece of real estate one should explore with a hang nail!
So...after 20 minutes of traditional aneros stimulation I removed it and began a little self exploration with my middle finger. Simultaneously, I performed penile stimulation. I was becoming quite charged up. This is when I discovered something unexpected about my sexuality. I discovered that If I stimulated myself almost to the point of no return and then gently pressed with my finger towards what I assumed was my prostate area while also simultaneously contracting my anal and PC muscles I could bring forth the beginnings of small mini orgasms. Much to my frustration these mini orgasms were all way too brief in duration. Dang! It was like getting a teaser after teaser! Never the less, the few brief pleasurable sensations I did experience were deeply desirable and of an unusually high CLARITY. The best way to describe those sensations were of extreme orgasmic clearness. It was as if there was no distracting ejaculate contractions that could muddle up the pure feelings of ecstasy shooting through my body. Alas, eventually I finally went too-far in one of these hand penile stimulation / contraction sessions and I experienced a traditional ejaculate orgasm. Oh well... you have to lose a little CHI every now and then in the midst of life's journey. 😉
The finger exam strongly suggested to me that the MGX model was probably NOT hitting the right spots for me, the way my physiology is constructed in that area. So, I went back to my Helix model. I now have the suspicion that the Helix may actually be massaging my prostate in a more direct way. As I think back on it the MGX model tended to be uncomfortable if I contracted too much, as if the aneros was going TOO DEEP within me to the point that it was missing the prostate altogether. What I do know is that I don't feel those same uncomfortable feelings using the Helix model when performing equivalent deep contractions. On the other hand, I don't like the abutment arrangement on the helix as much as the MGX model. I wish I could transfer the abutment on my MGX to the Helix model.
I have attempted to repeat this finger session so see if I could bring forth additional mini-orgasms, and perhaps to make them last a little longer. So far, I've only had one good pleasurable session performing this technique - and that was with my first exploratory "digital exam". I think my subsequent session failed because I was not sufficiently charged sexually speaking, meaning I needed to wait a few more days before trying again.
Something else...my finger exploration experience was, to be honest, a little confusing. I was assuming it would be fairly easy for me to locate my prostate. To be honest, I don't know if I really felt my prostate, or even located it. The only thing I do recall was that when I was feeling some of those brief mini-orgasms my finger could feel my anal muscles quivering. I think the quivering was tad more pronounced around the tip of where my finger was pressing against but I'm not 100 percent sure of that. I couldn't really tell if the end of my finger was pressing against my prostate or not. My educational exploratory session didn't last long enough for me to acquire a more thorough understanding of the inner topology and where my prostate might reside. To be honest I don't know HOW DEEP my finger needs to be inserted before it can press against the prostate.
Have you any additional information either one of you can share on this? How does one know they have located their prostate?
Again, thanks for listening.