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My New Vice

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I just purchased my first Aneros (Vice) and am very excited about the possibilities. In reading through these posts, it appears it will take time and some experimentation to realize its true potential. My question is about lubricants. My personal favotite is Astroglide but it contains Glycerin. The instuctions indicate not to use lubricants containing this ingredient, but I noticed that KY Jelly has been recommended on this forum and it also contains Glycerin.

So am I OK with Astroglide or should I find a different product?


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Glycerine will not damage the vice in any way.

Many people (myself included) suggest avoiding lubes with glycerine as it can cause an uncomfortable sensation to some anally.

As long as you don't use any silicone base lubricants then you are safe to use your lube of choice with the vice.

My recommendation is to try pure Shea butter.

In short yes you are OK to use Astroglide.

Have fun.

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Titans --- I learned early on that glycerine was the cause of my violent diarrhea after each usage. After some looking around, I found that both KY and Astroglide make glycerine-free versions of their products. "KY-Sensative" is readily available wherever KY products is sold AND I go to their website to run off a $2 coupon each time I need to restock. I found the glycerine-free Astroglide on the Astroglide website. Good luck!

B Mayfield
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Any water or oil based personal lubricant will work with the VICE. The choice of which one to use comes down to a personal preference. As other users have said, glycerin based lubes may cause an urge to purge with some individuals, but this is by no means universal. If you prefer water-based products and do have a sensitivity to glycerin there are glycerin-free alternatives you can try. Some use propylene glycol as the principle constituent, others use aloe and natural gums. For more information on this, check out the Aneros WIKI.

With respect to cautions in the instructions, the only products that you may not use with the VICE are those containing silicone


BF Mayfield

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