My Approach to Supe...
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My Approach to Super-Ts

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The idea here is to end a session with an ejaculation in mind, or as part of the plan. If you jerk off out of spite or frustration because the session did not go well, or if you can’t help yourself and compulsively masturbate after you reach a certain amount of pleasure, then in my opinion, you are doing things wrong and introducing negativity in your session.  

You should be starting with the mindset that IF you do not reach a Super-O, and even if you do reach one and you still feel like it, then you will masturbate to a finish. You will either ejaculate once you decide that you are done with your session, or as part of it, as the closing step of the session. Remove the idea that you messed up and ended up ejaculating, by including a Super-T in your session planning right from the start.

After a little practice, any ejaculation with the Aneros will already feel better than just ejaculating without a device inserted, and in this way, you will always finish a session on a high note, and it will always be worth it to go for a session VS just jerking off.

The idea is to take advantage of direct prostate stimulation, and of the fact that as you ejaculate, your anus and PC muscles will contract on their own. This is basically how semen is pumped out of you. Most of the times, you’re too focused on penis feelings to realize this is going on, but with the Aneros giving feedback, this will be a lot more noticeable.

While we’re talking planning, since you not going to be holding back, think about where you’ll be ejaculating. The best option is probably right on your large beach towel. Being stopped in your stride by the idea of making a mess is a no-no, you’ll want to go all-in on this.

So here’s how I do it. When I’m at the point where I decide this is going to end with an ejaculation, I get into a kneeling position. I start with some glans stimulation in short 2-3 seconds bursts. Normally this will surprise my body and the chance of ejaculating will be practically nil, since I do this quickly. I want to make this penis focused so I want to grab my body’s attention here. I’ll make sure to work myself up to a solid erection if I do not already have one.

Then I’ll lube up and start going pretty hard at it, making sure I stimulate my whole penis, but with a pretty light grip, with focus on long strokes and hip trusting at the same time. I try to have my PC muscles and sphincter muscles pretty relaxed at this point, and I’ll push lightly at the sphincters to make sure the Aneros is not held too tightly either. Loose hand, loose butt is what I would think.

With my extra hand, I’ll flick my nipples, shifting my mental focus between them and my penis. When I feel the Point Of No Return approaching, I make sure to let go of my penis BEFORE I hit it, and I also make sure to give myself some wiggle room here so I don’t ejaculate during my first cycle. If ejaculation is a 10, and the PONR is a 9 , then I’ll stop at 7. I switch focus on my prostate, PC muscles and sphincter muscles. As soon as things wind down, I start stroking again, getting near the PONR, maybe a bit closer this time, and again, letting go and letting the muscles pump a bit and wind down. We are not really edging here, or holding back, so this should be pleasurable and not frustrating. These are basically incomplete orgasms in pretty close succession. 

When I feel this pattern starting to be less enjoyable, which can be around 3 to 5 cycles, I’ll often try to let the Aneros finish me off by stopping right at the PONR and flicking both nipples very quickly and focusing on pulling the massager UP while pushing lightly at the sphincters. If this happens, then it feels really fantastic and I’ll let things wind down until the refractory period starts to hit and everything starts to be a bit too sensitive.

If ejaculation does not happen, then I’ll wait a little bit for things to calm down (5 seconds, maybe ?) and then I’ll really let it rip. Again, long strokes, pelvic movements, and I’ll exaggerate PC and sphincter contractions, too.  When I cum I’ll concentrate on spraying everywhere, and I’ll push things into the refractory period since the added pleasure from the Aneros doing its thing will give me that extra motivation to spend a bit more time in the refractory “discomfort zone” we all know.

And this is how every Aneros session can end on a high note.  

Fred27, Helghast, Soul Pleasure and 1 people reacted
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Lately I'm trying not to scream during ejaculatory orgasm. Even without aneros inserted it has been very intense.

One tip (others may have already done this), place your lubricated index finger over the "anal lips" (just keep it outside the anus) as you walk for a super T 😉 .

Zentai reacted
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This is an impressive rewrite up. I’m actually really proud of you.

See,this is how exploring with an open mind and figuring stuff,while maintaining a positive mindset works.

So,you Jack off until the ponr then let go for an assisted HFWO? Have you tried to HFWO with no penis stim at all? 


Zentai reacted
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Posted by: @helghast

This is an impressive rewrite up. I’m actually really proud of you.

Thanks Mom 🙂

Edit : These things do take some time to write down, so I'm glad you enjoyed this ! 

Posted by: @helghast

See,this is how exploring with an open mind and figuring stuff,while maintaining a positive mindset works.

I hope some guys can make this work for them. But was I really wanted to showcase is that like you said, exploration will definitively pay off, and discovering some new tricks or technique is really quite a cool experience. It's worth it. You never now what you'll stumble on. 

Posted by: @helghast

So,you Jack off until the ponr then let go for an assisted HFWO? Have you tried to HFWO with no penis stim at all? 

First question : Yep, you have to "lean into it" and not hold back. There's a timing element here that might be quite precise and practice is the only way to know how many cycles you'll want to be doing, and when to try for the ejaculation. 

Second question : HFWO is quite rare for me, it's not something that I'm shooting (hehe) for right now. I think I need a lot of arousal and pretty intense prostate stimulation to make it happen, I feel it's somehow more mechanical in nature since I can get wet prostate Os with wands and such.  



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I wanted to add that if you think that going for an ejaculation at the end of the session will slow down rewiring or progress in general, then don't do it. I'm not making any claim that this Super-T method is superior to what anyone else is doing or advising, but if you do decide to ejaculate at the end of your session, then I feel it's a good way to make it a great ejaculation indeed. I'd recommend it to people who have a hard time feeling anything during their sessions, since you will definitely get some pumping action and prostate involvement with this method. Good luck ! 

Fred27 and Newtoy reacted
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Great article, Zentai! Pretty well sums up some of my sessions! Haven’t had any repercussions from Super Ts but very intense ejaculations! Easy to go back to hands free without ejaculation! If anything, enhances the total experience! Thanks for sharing!!

Zentai reacted
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Thanks ! I don't find that going hands on at the end of the session caused any issues for me, either. It's up to each guy to evaluate his results and see for himself what happens. This is a fun trick to practice, and you can work up to multiple ejaculations, too, which is also pretty cool.  
