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My 5 Simple and Essential Points for a Successful Session

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The lesson escapes you. The anus cannot override the mind. Improper mindset causes stagnation. Your supposed search method cannot be modified. If the sweet spot was valid, one would be able to consistently stimulate it and Super O. If the sweet spot existed there would be no stagnation. All would Super O once that Sharpie hit the spot. Your aversion to the mind will not serve you well.

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When modifying the tab, use a hot craft glue gun. You can mold it how you need it, with as small or large as a tip as you want. Works amazingly well. And if you ever need to redo it, just pull off the glue and do it again.

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@pspotsquirter, I guess some of us are wired in the brain differently then I guess lol. My brain follows steps to complete a task. I cant do what you describe, my brain does not work that way. And to be honest maybe that is why I have problems reaching consistent super O's. I will find my path one day and yes it will be individual as well as everyone else. We are not all built the same and must find our own paths. But whats wrong with the basic premises of the wiki? Is that not a good starting point? When you talk and make recommendations its like you are much further progressed then the rest of us and thats fine, but it tends to feel like you want to discuss string theory with some freshman physics students. We are not there yet and really have no clue what you are talking about. Maybe some day, but no, not right now.

@convinced, please do not hesitate to make your comments and recommendations. Just because we do not all agree does not mean that it will not help. This forum will hopefully be here for the ages and many in the future will come to look at it. Your talk about the sweet spot does intrigue me and will look into it, as I have never thought of it being important. But who knows it could be the missing link or cog in the wheel for me or many others. We all have our own methods to our own madness and it doesn not make one right over the other. I look forward to EVERYBODY'S input and recommendations including @pspotsquirters.

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@ineverknew,in an earlier thread authored by @Canacan called A bigger picture journey... Scares, thrills, questions, decisions... What a mess!, @Pspotsquirter made the following post which I think is worth quoting in full here:

"I was MMO about 25 years prior to my Aneros use. In my experience, breathing has nothing to do with it. When I started the process, I would masturbate almost to the point of ejaculation and stop. I would do this anywhere from 2-4 hours. Then I would ejaculate. After about a week, I was able to masturbate past the point of ejaculation. Meaning I was able to masturbate to orgasm without ejaculating. I still have that ability.
I have had up to 15 orgasms while doing this. I can do this during sex with my GF."

I would submit that @Pspotsquirter is amongst a very few men who have gained this skill and that the idea that edging for 2 to 4 hours at a time for a week sounds like an extraordinary degree of dedication, (to say nothing of spare time). Nevertheless I would love to have this skill and I can see why he argues so strongly for the power of the mind in all this!

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@pommie, hey thats great he has all of those capabilities, im glad for him, truly. But we are not all blessed with those amazing feats. I'm not knocking anything he has to say, im just saying whats wrong with other inputs and recommendations? Whats wrong with the wiki as a starting block? What works for him may not work for others, thats all. What he recommends may not work for others either. Its all hard to say. We all have our own individual paths to find but the foundation of this process I think is rock solid for most. Yes there are a few who will not find it. And everyone is free to try whatever they think will get them there. But to come along some 10-15 years after this was introduced and say the wiki is all bullshit, well I have a problem with that. If someone has some magic plastic banana good time rock n roller fantastic idea then lets put it forward and change the wiki, lets see how productive it is. This is just a differnce of opinion, its definitely nothing personal, i hope everyone knows that, I personally like everyone here and love to read all of the comments.

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The path to individuality is formed by separating oneself from the Wiki. It is evident it has not served you well. Yet you adhere to it steadfastly. You heed it unwaveringly. Why? Do you fear yourself ? Strike out on your own, find yourself, and stop seeking so much advice. You are the answer to the questions you seek .

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@Pspotsquirter,what I was saying was that you have the advantage over the rest of us that you were multi-orgasmic, long before you even commenced the Aneros journey so, I would submit that you probably had a good deal less to learn from Aneros devices.

IMO, we need to remember that the Wiki was originally authored by @BMayfield to assist men with absolutely no experience of this activity, to begin the journey towards receiving pleasure from using these tools. I can well understand that, from your perspective, the Wiki contains a lot of material that would be of no assistance to you, but that does not mean that it cannot be very useful to others.

BTW, I thank you for the post that I quoted above. I found it most interesting and repeat that I would love to have your ability to experience seemingly endless orgasms from conventional sexual activity. Good luck to you!

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No worries! I'm humbled and honored that you quoted me. The Wiki can only assist one to a certain point. After that point is reached, one faces a ROAD CLOSED sign.
IMO the Wiki stops most from doing their own thing.

The question is, why do most fear not heeding the Wiki? In a sense, most allow it to become a hinderance to their journey. If one experiences something not in the Wiki, one feels it is not right, because Mr. Mayfield (Wiki) did not experience it.

Most also feel something is horribly wrong, if they do not achieve the milestones listed. Why? Most speak of the individuality of the journey, yet most do not want any individuality. It puts a severe crimp in one's supposed individuality, no?

Ones that find the Aneros through outside sources (Amazon, outside advertisements, etc), tend to have much better results, than the ones that come to the Aneros through this site. Why is that? That was brought to my attention by @devajones. I never would noticed this in a million years.

That is a painfully valid, as well as an extremely logical point. Does not the Wiki, in fact, inadvertently, set up expectations for one? Most here are living vicariously through another's ass. They should cease and desist this behaviour. Then again, maybe they are afraid to live their own ass.

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I never said I strictly adhere to the wiki, I dont think others should as well if they are so inclined. I simply said it was a good starting point. Also I have read of many guys on another forum(male chastity site) who tried the aneros and threw it away. When I asked them if they read the wiki or the forum most said no. They just didnt get it. My contention is that if they had read up on the information available here they might have had better luck or at least yearned more for the results.

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It would stand to realize, those into male chastity would not like the Aneros. As they derive pleasure from denial. Specifically, the denial of control over their penises. Most here just don't get it either. Most do the same thing and get the same results. Yet, most do the same thing and expect different results. Is not that a bit of a conundrum? 😕

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male chastity is not about denying penis pleasure but denying ejaculation and the release of hormones that make you indifferent to sex. By denying ejacualtion it makes the male ready and willing to have sex at anytime. I got an amazing and long blowjob from my wife the other night, it was extremely pleasureable and while I didnt get to ejaculate, it was still amazing. For me and my wife its more about masturbation control. She doesnt want me to masturbate and waste all of my sexual energy but to instead save it up for just her. Its a win win.

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@Pspotsquirter,To a degree, I find myself concurring with your suggestion that the Aneros Wiki leads to a dead end, but I do still believe that it is an excellent resource for those setting out on the journey!

I have had an interest in the concept of MMO since the early 2000s and had read "ESO" by Alan & Donna Brauer even back in the 90s. This was followed by Mantak Chia and I eventually stumbled across Jack Johnson's KSMO in 2004, although I have to admit, the espoused magic of KSMO still eludes me.

It wasn't until my doctor pronounced that I had an enlarged prostate in 2009 that I did some research into the prostate and discovered the HIH website. That quickly led me to Aneros but, at this point, I was almost totally ignorant of prostate massage and its benefits. Had it not been for Brian Mayfield, I would still not have embarked on the Aneros journey. To him I owe a deep debt of gratitude, for it was he through the Aneros Wiki that guided me through the first steps of the journey.

I will admit though, that after a few months, I began to experiment on my own and would agree with you that doing one's own thing has got me to where I am now. I'm sure I wouldn't have become A-less without 'breaking a few wiki rules', notably sleeping the night through with a tool on board and occasionally having multiple sessions on some days.

My sincere apologies to @convinced for having taken this thread way off-topic but I would like to assure you that I am now in the process of trying to find my own "sweet spot"; thus far, without success! I will keep trying!

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I'm back... Sorry for being gone so long. I have an update on this whole "sweet spot" issue and may post about this again under a different subject heading at some point but hope that those of you who have been engaged in this discussion will see this addition and have a look.

As I said back in February, the "sweet spot" is there and can, at times, prove to be somewhat elusive. Generally, my experience has been that using the rounded end of a Sharpie marker was perfect for probing to find that spot on the perineum. I have done this enough now that I pretty much know exactly where it is but sometimes, even with probing, I do not have the same identifying sensations (slight numbness in the penis and a "tingle" at the head) every time. Sometimes the sensations are very subtle. Other times the sensations are pronounced. From that standpoint, I would encourage those looking for that spot to not give up. Also, don't assume it is precisely on center line either. Mine is slightly to my left of center.

In my original post at the beginning of this thread, I said that in my case the sweet spot is farther away from the anus than is suggested in the wiki. This made it essential for me to find and mark the spot and to use some sort of "non-slip" surface on the P Tab to actually place the P Tab on that spot. Otherwise, the Aneros (Progasm, MGX Classic, and Maximus) all tend to land short of the mark. Without putting the P Tab on the Sweet Spot, all I did was manage to have a nice feeling massage... nothing more. If, however, I pulled the Aneros' P-Tab up to the marked Sweet Spot, I was able to achieve the Super O and multiple orgasms.

I read somewhere about the old "Aneros Classic" which was discontinued from the Aneros line because of the greater distance between its insertion axis and the P Tab. I discovered that the Aneros Classic is still being sold at High Island Health's website as the "PS_New." The PS-New is a bit longer than most other models and also has two raised nodules that contact the prostate but most importantly for me, the P-Tab hits my sweet spot naturally. My first experience with the PS-New was one of multiple orgasms that began within the first 10-12 minutes or so. For me, this validates the importance of finding that place on the perineum commonly known as the sweet spot. I may go after one of my other models with a heat gun and actually bend the P-Tab out to match the PS-New.

Anyway, I want to encourage those of you who are looking to continue to do so. Read the Wiki. I believe most of the information there is right on the money. One last thought regarding multiples and the Super O: When I "try" to have an orgasm, I don't. It is only when I fully relax and allow the device (my favorites now in descending order are PS-New, Maximus, MGX Classic, Progasm) to do its own thing as the involuntary muscular reactions dictate.

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Can I ask how much pressure you use with the Sharpie? Does it need enough to compress the utethra?

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My apology for not responding sooner. I don't log on to this forum that often.
Can I ask how much pressure you use with the Sharpie? Does it need enough to compress the utethra?

I don't know for certain if, in searching for the sweet spot, that I actually compressed my urethra but I can tell you that I used some significant pressure...not enough to hurt but certainly enough to bury the rounded end of the pen into my perineum. My guess is that the urethra would get compressed somewhat...but without pain. At the same time that I press, I wiggle the end in contact and under pressure, moving maybe 1/8" at a time. What I can tell you is that once I found that sensitive spot, I ultimately modified every one of my massagers so that the P-tab lands on that spot. Consequently, I no longer have to go through the "search and mark" procedure and, because the distance between the shank and the P-tab has been increased, the aneros is actually more mobile and, therefore, more effective.

I cannot stress enough that, for me, finding the sweet spot and making the effort to see that the P-tab lands on that spot (whether by using a non-skid surface and pulling a fold of skin to hold it there or simply modifying ...bending... the arm of the P-tab) made a sudden and radical difference. I went from having a generally frustrating experience to having a 80% certainty that I would have a euphoric experience. Since bending the arm of the P-tab(s) that certainty is more like 90%+.

I am not one to dogmatically say that everyone should try my method. I simply want to share what worked for me and am "convinced" that the sweet spot is part of the equation. For me, that spot is farther from the anus than is typical. There was simply no way I was going to ever reach a level of success...until I started probing with my finger (as suggested in the Wiki) and ultimately tried something smaller in diameter like the round end of a sharpie.

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@convincedHi, great post. I agree that the sweet spot is vitally important to achieving super-o's and have to admit that I still haven't put the effort in to find mine even though I've owned an Aneros for over a year. When everything is working well down there, I can almost feel the sweet spot harden up and it feels like the whole area is being hugged by the Aneros.

Do you find that your sweet spot is always in the same place or does it move around? Part of the reason I haven't exactly located mine is that I feel like the location may change with mood or even pulling skin around to move it somewhere else. If there is a consistent sweet spot I am very motivated to find it.

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Hi @all,

I just wanted to drop a quick note.

For the vast majority it's well know canon, that the prostate has to be awakend and rewiring is a thing that exists. Yet you all fall for the "button-pushing" illusion when it comes to the perineum sweet spot. The quest is not to find it, but to awake it. That takes training, patience and awareness rathen than a pen...

A well rewired p-spot will swell and expand so much that nearly every spot along the perineum will give you great sensations.

Just think of the dozens of stories of guys, that modded their devices forth and back just to eventually end up with the stock setup.

What happend is, that their p-spots really awoke in the meantime, when they where busy with modding and trying...

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Hi @all,

I just wanted to drop a quick note.

For the vast majority it's well know canon, that the prostate has to be awakend and rewiring is a thing that exists. Yet you all fall for the "button-pushing" illusion when it comes to the perineum sweet spot.
Where you get "button pushing" from this discussion I do not know. Read the Wiki. All I did was take the wiki's suggestions and content to heart and follow its suggestions. For me it was an instantaneous "awakening" as there was immediate results. I agree that the prostate has to be "awakened" but the sweet spot can play a significant role in helping to move the whole process forward. Obviously others have found this to be the case, otherwise there would be no mention of it in the wiki.

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Do you find that your sweet spot is always in the same place or does it move around? Part of the reason I haven't exactly located mine is that I feel like the location may change with mood or even pulling skin around to move it somewhere else. If there is a consistent sweet spot I am very motivated to find it.

The "sweet spot" is a place certain and, according to the wiki is located in about the same spot for most men. This is why the design of the Aneros was changed early on. The first version had the P-tab a little over 2 1/4 inches from the center line of the inserted massager. That distance was shortened by about 1/2 inch. This fact alone should debunk most of the lame arguments that there is not a "sweet spot" otherwise why change the design? No, it does not move and apparently is more pronounced for some than it is for others. As I said from the start, I languished for a long time getting nice feelings and "hints" of an orgasm of sorts and was reaping the benefits of regular prostate massage but when I went back and seriously read the Wiki, I decided to investigate the issue of the "sweet spot." It was not easy to locate until I modified my search technique and used a smaller diameter substitute for one's finger (as suggested in the Wiki). As I have said before, my "sweet spot" is not quite 2 1/4 inches from the anus and slightly off center to my left by about 1/8." I initially did not realize the area being more sensitive to the left but have come to realize this through my experiences.

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Hey @convinced,

I may have sounded a bit harsh - that was not my intention and I apologize, if I sent out some negative vibes.

I find your tips very helpfull, but still wanted you to remember not to get lost in the focus of just one aspect/detail. Your route to success (more or less) boils down to: "find THE spot and everything will turn out fine". And this is imho a "button pushing" mentality. By this logic, just locating and jamming the prostate would be enough for a fast success and obvsly it isn't...

See, I have a different perspective on the subject because I had my first few Super-O's without the perineum being involved too much (euphoSyn's p-tab is too soft for applying firm pressure). I unlocked this area rather recently. Before that, I tried 4 years to awake this spot without any success. And my problem was not to find it, but to awake it. So from my point of view you are a very lucky guy, but your instant awakening can't be taken for granted (I still may be wrong and stand alone with this opinion ofc).

That's why I find this thread important and helpfull, because it gathers infos and feedback on perineum awakening... and I'm thankfull, that you shared your wisdom (was just too late for me though 😉 )

Cheers, Unfug

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the sweet spot, IMO, is only 'sweet' for some of us, I've tried and tried and its never proved to be worth further exploration.

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@Sorens, thanks for your comment - I won't try to hard, just test and see. I only get a few mini construction as it is but strangely I do feel better for them. It's four years in January. I have many health benefits.

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@unfug...interesting perspective...if I may were you able to "awaken" the perinuem sweet spot? I'm a user of Helix Sun & MGX Classic

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@unfug...interesting perspective...if I may were you able to "awaken" the perinuem sweet spot? I'm a user of Helix Sun & MGX Classic

Hey Jaxsun,

hm that's not so easy to answer. Someday it just clicked, but I can't even recall when this happend - must have been around oktober last year...

I think what did the most for me was my wife randomly caressing this spot from time to time. Once while driving, she reached between my legs and did a pressing/pulsing massage which started some serious pleasure waves. So serious, that I told her to stop, since I was driving and didn't want do kill us... I was really suprised back then, that such a big reaction was possible from this spot alone. In hindsight, I guess this was my wake up call, to spend more time exploring my pernieum.

From then on it's more or less practice respectively touching this area on a regular basis and listening to the bodys reaction. Somewhere on the way, I started visualizing myself to be a woman who touches her lady parts. This fantasy helped me to interpret the sensations as arousing and eventually enabled me to orgasm.

So, it's more or less the same as with the prostate and the nipples: just touch it and then let time and practice do their part.

Cheers, Unfug

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Unfug...thanks for sharing! My wife stimulated my perineum a while back during sex and it did feel really good...don't know why I didn't follow-up in subsequent sessions...I guess I need no embark on a new the way I do like the stiffer Ptab of MGX & Helix Classic. ??

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Guys, nice posts, but I think the key to get the most out your sessions is to relax. Don't over think things, do what feels good to you and don't think you have to mimick other users from this forum. I used alone twice, then got my very willing wife involved and bam, super o. Relax guys, it will happen and everyone takes a different path.

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when your perineum wakes up, you will know it. whether that requires the kind of precise mapping the OP describes is up for debate.

on the other hand, because people have intense orgasmic responses from the peridise, which does not directly stimulate that area, it is clear that the perineum awaking is optional, though it might help.


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Convinced: THANK YOU for this advice as it was just what I need to move forward. I was putting a dab of lube on the tab...thinking it couldn't hurt and would help in case I didn't get it on the right spot/it would drift to where it needed to be...not so much. I also found out that I had low testosterone levels and getting that back in the normal range helped as well. A

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