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Moving Energies Around

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OK. I promised Chuckjo2000 that I would put a transcript of his chat session with a number of the guys up here. I had already posted it on my blog (such as it is) but he suggested (rightfully) that more guys read the forum discussions, so here goes: This session took place on February 7/8.
Fellow Anerosers and members of the community: Many of the Aneros community have had the good fortune to get to know Chuckjo2000 and his special knowledge and abilities to train users (and non-users) in managing our own internal energies for our benefit and pleasure. Of course, he cannot reach everyone in a simple way and there are many of you who have wanted to benefit from his amazing talents. Chuckjo2000 has asked of those who recently benefited from his exercises to "spread the word" about his unique techniques for distributing energy around your body and it results in some of the most powerful experiences you may have, Aneros less.

The following transcript is from two separate sessions that Chuckjo2000 shared with chatters on the 7th and 8th of February 2015. I've pretty much copied the transcript verbatim, with a few simple additions and corrections and some notes. Of course, any reference to the participants has been removed. You should first read through the entire transcript, and then, before beginning any "test" or exercise/maneuver, read over the details of the individual maneuver so that when you perform it, you can do it without interruption. Like riding and other A-less activities, they are best done in a quiet and undisturbed location. But as Chuckjo2000 points out, the last level of accomplishment in these sessions includes an amazing tool for enabling you to call on these new abilities that you will gain wherever you want and whenever.
Here's Chuckjo, to walk you through his "tests" (as he calls his various maneuvers and exercises).

I think most of us know, by now, that we have energy in us, yes? And with this energy........we can move it around to parts of our bodies. So, for these tests.......I want you to just have some fun and relax into it. Don't look at it as a graded "test". Rather.........just
enjoy the time you spend. Before starting, if you can remove your penis from your pants now, then do it so it's not touching anything. Let's get started…


This first test will involve touching parts of our bodies.

1. Taking the index finger on the left hand.....: use the VERY tip of that finger, placing it on the VERY tip of the right nipple. You can do this through your shirt. Use GENTLE touch on this, and do NOT move it around. Keep the tip of the finger on the tip of the nipple.......and do NOT move it. Just hold it there...for 3 mins. As you continue to keep it in place, you MAY feel some energy/buzzing in your ass, or between your legs. Let it build. Continue to just let it build, and build, and BUILD. Relax as much as you can during this, try NOT to make anything happen

Now , using this finger, I want you to move it back and forth........tick/ tock........over the dark area of the nipple, crossing over the tip of the nipple as you go from one side to the other. this "tick/tock" movement SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. VERY VERY Slowly: Tick................... tock...............nice...........and...............slowwwwwww. Keep doing this...and as you pass over the tip of the nipple, STOP and linger…just take your time. And let your body respond, and it will begin to orgasm. By now, you may be having some nice orgasmic sensations.

Now, while you are doing this tick/tock with your left index finger, I want you to move the big toe on your left foot a bit just a tiny bit, move the big toe on left foot. Slowly move the toe up and down, up and down, very, very slowly.

And now, we'll add something else:

I want you to continue with the finger ticktocking on the right nipple and open your RIGHT hand, straightening the fingers and bringing them together, palm side down. Take this flat palm now......and place it over your belly button...(BB). Hover about 2-4 inches above it and DO NOT touch the palm to your body, just hold it over the BB, and continue to do the nipple thingy while you're holding your flattened palm over your BB area.....

Now, I want you to.....slowly......move the palm toward your chest area....2 inches, then....reverse......and pass it back over your BB, continuing on downward toward your dick/balls. Then reverse again passing the palm over the BB again and continue this 'back and forth motion. Slowwwwwwwwwwly!

[SLOW is GOOD here. Fast is BAD!]

As you pass over your BB, linger again and even stop, letting your body react.

Try it now and enjoy!


So now i want to go to JUST touchless stuff… NO touching from here on out:

I have named some of these tests, so that if you hear the name later, you'll know what it is referring to. The first one I'd like to teach is called…

1. The Letter M:

Using both hands..I want you to join the knuckles of the fingers they are touching knuckle to knuckle at the first and second joints to form the letter M when you look at it from the side. Looking at your hands now, in front of you see a 'M'? The fingers should be pointing down together, bent at the knuckles, to form the center leg of the M. Now, then, take the fingers......and line them up over your BB area. THEN, move this M upward, towards your chest.........then downward, towards your dick/balls, focusing on the bb area, and as usual.........SLOWLY, like a turtle. I'm serious.......the slower.....the better, You're moving toward chest...then down, towards your dick/balls.

Each time you go over the BB.....STOP, linger, and just let your body react. Continue to do this now…This can cause an erection…

Do this a few more times now and feel what it does.

2. The Letter C

For the letter C, just remove 1/2 of the M (remove one hand) and move the fingers over the BB area, not touching the skin. Continue with the letter C for a bit and feel what it does.

3. The TENT

Using both hands now.....loosely intertwine the fingers, and as you do so, this formation should look like a domed tent. Do you see the tent? I want you to take this 'tent' and place it over your bb. The fingers of the left and right hands are clasping loosely. Place this domed tent of fingers over your BB.....about 6 inches in the air, and in a little, you'll be lowering the tent downward............extremely slowly, but not before you read and understand the next two paragraphs:

As you lower the tent made by your fingers, I want you to picture the following: THIS IS IMPORTANT: Picture............that you are using the tent to push a stick 'right through you' as you lower the finger tent.

The stick is putting up a lot of resistance to the lowering of the tent. Push the stick with the tent, Push the stick with the tent… .............push.......PUSH harder.......HARDER NOW. Really PUSHHHHHHHHHH as you very slowly lower the tent towards your BB, trying to overcome the resistance of the stick.

[By now......your abs should be shaking. Your full orgasm phase. Your stomach may jerk violently in a convulsion type jerking motion]

This is a really intense movement of energy… Second Session with Chuckjo at about 7:40 am EST on 2/8 (About 40 min)


Make a flat palm with your right hand. You'll be using it to make LARGE circles over your belly/dick/balls area...with the belly button as the CENTER of this large circle. DO THEM SLOWLY. This is like a 2 foot diameter circle....palm DOWN. For each cycle.........take 20 seconds. After doing this for several cycles, make a cycle take 30 seconds now. Your palm is circling the 'universe'....that would be your belly button.


Piano man is more subtle. It's like a mild sensation.......but ohhhhhhhh, so nice. Picture........someone at a piano now....and they are playing random notes........nice and slow. The melody is simple, and their fingers are moving at random rates of speed...mostly slow. Now, Start to make the fingers of both your own hands imitate the piano man. Take this 'movement' of your fingers.......and focus the downward pointing fingers at your belly button, taking care to make the movements just slow and gentle, tiny, tiny movements of the fingers, Just randomly moving over your bb area. Slow, tiny movements--that's all it takes. Your prostate/perineum should be very happy now. This is a very deep sensation. Enjoy it. Let your mind sink into it. Escape ...........let your mind wander now. Now , move the hands with the slowly moving piano playing fingers......ohhhhhhhhh, so…slowly …upward towards your chest, so that your left hand is over your left nipple and your right hand is over your right nipple, but never touching! And continue this movement of the fingers. THEN, move the fingers back downwards, in a V they come near each other, back towards your BB area. [Your abs may tighten. Your prostate may be pounding now. Your balls may be feeling tight].

Continue this, Let it build. Zone out now.......Just allow your prostate to swell, pound, pulse. Just enjoy it !!

3. The PINCH

I want you to take the thumb and first 2 fingers and pinch them together, like getting a pinch of salt., Take this pinch (P) and hold it over your BB, 1 inch in the air over it. Just hold the Pinch still, don't move it. Continue to hold it there for 2 minutes. Your prostate should be super happy right now, like you are on the verge of ejaculation. As we near the 2 min mark, we will be moving the Pinch upward...just a couple inches....along the centerline of your belly, keeping it close to the skin, about an inch away. Move it .......nice............and..........SLOW now. Now, move it back downwards, towards your BB area. How does that feel?

THE NEXT STEP: Visualizing all these maneuvers without actually doing them.

I want you to 'THINK' , with your eyes closed or choose. I want you to think about moving your hands......BUT you're NOT GOING TO MOVE THEM.........just 'think' the pinch, for example : moving over your BB, or THINK the piano man maneuver without actually doing it. Imagine these maneuvers happening to you and their effects on you, and and see how THAT works for you. You dont need to do the have the magic now.........Picture that domed it's coming close to your BB.

Chuckjo2000 said that you can do these exercises/maneuvers as you wish in any order. Once you have learned the method of doing them mentally by visualizing them and not even physically doing anything, you can do this in the dentist's chair, or while you're being bored in a business meeting, or while you're at your sister in laws house. The ways you can work with this are endless…

Here's hoping that you get as much benefit from learning and doing these as those who were lucky enough to "be there" did in real time. And once you've mastered them, you might want to let your friends, but only your best friends in on them!

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@Armon-neat, thank you so much for transcribing, editing and making this available for everyone in the forum as well as in your blog. Perhaps some day this whole area will be understood better and take it's place in the aneros wiki.

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Thank you, Armon.

Love these experiences.


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I would like to thank Armon for taking the time and effort in doing this project. As I had expressed to him, all that energy in our body is 'there', but we just sometimes need the tools to allow it to work for us. I am not trained in anything (school bus driver, but sometimes 'free time' can result in discovering amazing things that are available to you for free ! If you or someone you know is having a problem with their aneros, perhaps due to rewiring process, please guide them to this very nice and easy to use post that Armon has provided for us. Perhaps, it could be just what might be needed to help you along on your journey. Chuck

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I am slowly learning these maneuvers and I wanted to share a phenomenon that I experienced on my recent (weekend) attempts. I noticed that when passing my open hand or the Piano Man hands over my navel, abdomen and groin area, a feeling like lightly and pleasantly brushing hairs on the skin. I made sure at one point (and then again and again) that I wasn't actually touching when this happened. I happen to be very "unhairy" on the navel and abdomen (though I do have pubic hair), so it wasn't me actually touching anything. Then I thought it might be static electricity, but I was laying in bed and there should be no electrical potential between my hand and my body under those circumstances. So I have no explanation for the sensation. Anyone else notice these when they do the maneuvers. I'd like to hear from any who have used them and incorporated them into their A+ and A- activities.

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@Armon-neat, yeah it can feel like a light feather or mild estim to me. I couldn't believe my senses for a while. I kept on trying it different ways to see if I was imagining it. It happens under water, through clothes, at a distance. It also can travel through pens or styluses to my skin! Some people even can feel it when I came close to their skin. I like to play with it when I'm riding, it seems stronger then. I want to experiment with it as foreplay some day 🙂

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A fun time is always had by me when I follow Chuck's teachings.


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just needed to bump this up for someone that was looking for it...Chuck

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New book out about this subject 😉

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Armon-neat@ Thanks for the large fonts posting this, easier for those of us more mature to read.

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@shyzen: Thank you for that link!!! AFAIK, Chuckjo2000 came up with some or maybe all of his exercises empirically (I'm sure that he'll let us know)...But it will be interesting to see what the book says.

@acquiescence: Of course, that's the reason I did this (:))...Only thinking of us more mature readers. Isn't it funny, that way, both children's books and books for the elderly are written in large print. It's Shakespeare's "All the World's a Stage", all over again...

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@euphemistic: It's crazy, actually...but I found it to be the same. Who cares if it's psychological (I'm just d arguing with myself out loud here!).

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I had some surprising movement and energy doing these exercises. The piano felt awesome with lots of movement in my abdomen. While I haven't had any super I'd, I am definitely making progress. My stomach was going wild last night as I rode laying on my stomach. Even now I can recall the tingling and subtle joy. I guess my prostate is slowly waking up and this will look like a Super Summer for me if things continue.

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Gave this a go before a aneros session and it was interesting ,it felt like a warm heat to me as i circled my bb with my palm and after a aneros session the domed tent and stick method got me shaking and moaning and the piano man really got things going and amazing feeling going from the niples down to the bb.Thanks for posting these Armon it was like a burning hot fluttering feeling most enjoyable and yet again amazing experience,The piano was my favourite.

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@step8, @jd13373: These "exercises" are chuckjo2000's simple and energy filled gift to us in the community. Everytime I see reactions like yours, I smile and think how lucky we all are to be linked in this way. We'll be waiting for reports of progress from you both and anyone else who reads them.

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Legs bent witg feet flat on the bed or legs straight lying on the bed? Which is better?

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even i have had great success with using some of the above, i need to try it more now I'm a lot more rewired since attempting them.

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@newguy8: my standard answer to your question: WWFY: whatever works for you. And probably at different times, different positions! @inhope How do you improve your body's response to these exercises, the same way you get to Carnegie Hall (it's an old joke): practice, practice, practice. But in this case, the practice itself is sooo much fun, isn't it?

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I too like to vary, change positions, see what else I can do to enhance my experience even further.I already tried the Piano Man and The Tent, last weekend, and they felt amazing. Can't wait to try the others, this weekend.
Kudos for posting these wonderful tips. 😉

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Great discussion. Every now and then I'll have one of those sessions that just don't launch so I'll use the session to play with energy; moving it around, making it stronger, and trying to involve my entire body rather than just certain areas. This can work pretty well a-less too. Breathing is very important. Sometimes Yoga breathing exercises can cause a major energy release without my actually thinking about it. It's pretty fascinating.


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@Xileh Yes, I have used it to jumpstart a "sagging" 🙂 session. And you know what, I have also had some amazing success while riding/chatting in kind of sharing.. Of course, when Chuckjo2000 has done it on chat it's often with a group of guys and they/we nearly all get going together. I happen to really like that kind of sharing..We should keep reminding ourselves of the service that Chuckjo has done to our community, like all the other amazing Forum launchers recently, like Neros and Crimsonwolf. Think of all the guys these generous men have helped. Thank you all.

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For me, moving energies happen easily when I lose myself fully of my Aneros sessions as I did this morning when I experienced my Super-O. My body was lost in the electric vibration of pleasure as I lost myself in each of my four Aneros tools. I described this more fully in my Aneros blog entry posted this morning. The thing is that the pleasure kept growing and growing even after I ended my session and entered Aless. In Aless, I have the leisure to move the energies around through light touch of my erogenous zones and even through mere thought!

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Some great stuff here. Thank you Chuck and thank you Armon for posting

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Been awhile since i've seen Armon on here...but i wanted to pull this post forward, as i feel it might benefit quite a few members that are getting started...also hope we all hear from Armon soon..Chuck

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Hey! Just to let you know that I am 'alive and kicking', well, not really kicking. Busy days and nights and a fair amount of travel have limited my "on time" in chat and forums. I have to confess, Chuckjo, that I haven't really done much "moving energies around" recently. When I can, I ride. And i very recently acquired (to my surprise and great satisfaction) Eupho classic and MGX, on the recommendations of chat friends and I have not been disappointed. Hoping to return to chat and discussions as things settled down in my worklife. In the meantime, my best to all!

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Hi Armon! Hope to see you back here again soon

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This is one of the best threads on here. Really helped guide my a less sessions.

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quick bump on this....someone had asked about it. Chuck

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So I favorited this, and I recently lost all my favorites. Glad I found it again as google wasn't helping for some reason!

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