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Microdosing & Aneros ?

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Posted by: @rumel
Posted by: @techpump

All in all I learned a lot. Microdosing is still the best way to get past barriers and find levels of self-acceptance that can trigger strong, prostate-based orgasms and deeper feelings of self worth, pleasure and gratitude for our own sexual powers.

Yes, I think this may be the best way for those struggling to get into a good mental state of mind to explore their prostate, perhaps even better than cannabis. I'm thinking microdoses in the 0.2 to 0.4 gram of a common p.cubensis strain.

Posted by: @techpump

Stronger microdoses are good for this too, but one needs several experiences learning how to become orgasmic because of microdoses, or, learn how to use microdoses to expand an already rewired prostate and brain.

OK but I think it would be helpful for us to delineate the dosage range and particular mushroom varietal being consumed. Stronger dosing here would be in the 0.5 to 0.75 gram range.

I should have specified my doses, sorry about that! My microdose capsules are 0.1g and are kind of weak, not like penis envy-strength, but the standard cubensis where one would typically need like 3-4g for a full blown trip. My mild macrodoses are like 3-5 capsules, so 0.3-0.5g. However, for my stronger macrodose I cut a small piece off a big stem of penis envy variety, like 0.2-0.5, and it is stronger than the same weight of the capsules; the variety is much stronger than regular mushrooms (and forgive me, I'm not a mycologist and don't know all the strains of mushrooms).

Posted by: @techpump

Macrodoses are amazing for expanded consciousness to pair with Aneros and prostate/anal play.

In terms of newbies starting their Aneros journeys I think macrodosing must be approached very cautiously, it could all become too overwhelming without having good familiarity with mushroom intoxication. Please indicate dosage & strain for this level of 'macrodosing'. To me 'macrodosing' is in the 1.0 to 3.5 gram range but that range may have profound sensory distortion and psychological effects. Set & Setting become very important at this dosing level.

Yes, macrodosing is 1-3.5g for weaker mushrooms, probably the easier to get varieties, whereas I've been on penis envy lately and macrodose for that is 0.3 (sometimes just that much is enough to feel a lot more) to 0.8g or so. I would not macrodose and then dive into Aneros play (or maybe anything sexual at all) if I was unfamiliar with macrodosing. I think "use mushrooms first, get used to it, then explore your body while on them" is the safe way to do all of this stuff.

Posted by: @techpump

Strong macrodoses to the point where a little more would bring on full peaking is like above but even more wild and intense. I'd suggest being familiar with stronger microdoses and macrodoses before venturing into an almost full on trip paired with Aneros and related fun things. Shit gets overwhelming extremely fast...

Yes, this is most assuredly good advice. Again we need to know what constitutes a 'strong macrodose' (anything above 3.5 grams?) so newbies don't overwhelm or frighten themselves out of an exquisite sensual experience.

Hard to quantify for me, sometimes a 0.4g dose winds up feeling like a whole gram, and sometimes it doesn't. I try to eat and then wait at least 2 hours before dosing. But sometimes even then the effects are either a little stronger or lesser than I expected for the weight I consumed. Personally, and based on everything I've read, I find anything over 3g for me is a full on trip when its more standard mushrooms. I ate 1.8g of penis envy (a large stem with cap) and it felt like I ate 4g or even more of what would be more standard P. cubensis or like "field shrooms". But, since 3.5g is the norm for either a very strong macrodose or full blown trip, research can help the user determine what the strength of the variety they have is and they can dial it down if needed. Like Penis Envy is either 2 to 3 times stronger than standard mushrooms. I've found sometimes it is twice as strong, other times its three times as strong. Depends on how I ate them, time of day, when I last ate, things like that.


I wish it were easier for me to lock down exacts but its a tad tricky. Capsule microdoses are the most consistent and easiest to control. Even when I weigh out small pieces of dried mushrooms, a 0.3g piece versus another 0.3g piece can have different effects on me. Best advice is to start small!! And then slowly move up in small increments.

@Rumel I hope I'm not derailing this thread!

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Posted by: @divine_o
Posted by: @techpump

Macrodoses are amazing for expanded consciousness to pair with Aneros and prostate/anal play. If you feel any hint of sexiness and rapture when you are alone with Aneros and anal/prostate stimulation you well get off, hard!!! And have a very fun time! But I'd suggest being very extremely open to your prostate, ass, and sexuality. Things take over that are a bit out of your control and if you feel like you can control them you won't want to

Just to intervene with a classic drug-forum style warning, because y’all are now generalizing and giving advice, and high doses of drugs are being mentioned.  It is important to speak only for yourself when you speak about drug use and effects.  Otherwise not only is it incitation to use drugs, but also you risk generalizing what is only actually personal. It’s not a problem to say “prostate play is fun” because the associated risks are nil. But to say “mushrooms are fun,” you are creating the risk of inciting another person to try them, and the associated risks with mushrooms are actually very high (for certain people). Thus it is better to say “I find mushrooms to be fun.”


I don’t think anyone should use this forum as a place to decide whether or not to use psychedelics for a first time, nor to decide on dosage. Anyone considering doing so should thoroughly the Erowid page and psychonautwiki page on the particular psychedelic they are considering, as well as books on the subject if applicable. Read about HARM REDUCTION, dosage, drug interactions (for example, lithium is incompatible and possibly deadly with many psychedelics), set and setting; read trip reports good and bad... a bad trip can have lasting psychological consequences, can lead to problems with the law, can ruin your life, and can even kill you.  After you’ve done your research, then ask yourself if you want to really take the step into the nether regions of your mind.


Full blown psychedelic trips should not be for prostate pleasure alone. If that is the goal, a trip could become frustrating.  With any drug it is good to go in with no expectations.  I think drug use should be for the sake of expanding the mind, and sexual and prostate pleasure is just one of the many benefits. But that’s just my opinion 🙂


Here is the psychowiki mushroom page:




I agree that a macrodose is  starting at 1-1.5g (dry cubensis), because that is when psychedelia begins. 3.5 is very strong, too strong for a first psychedelic experience.  Even as a very experienced tripper, I have no desire to go past that mark.


In terms of dosing psychedelics in general with respect to sex, in my experience as dose rises, sexual pleasure does as well, to a point. Then when I pass a certain dose, sexual pleasure becomes impossible to concentrate on.  I can’t say what happens with lower doses of drugs, cuz have yet to microdose, and can’t really be bothered to at this point, because when I go through the trouble to procure illicit drugs, I want to jive with the macro.


I should have thought of that before I generalized, perhaps overly too much, these experiences with this substance. Sorry everyone! I gotta be more safe talking about this.

I do not recommend any drug use of any kind in order to become rewired, or to achieve prostate orgasms and related sensations. I do know that men try hard to get prostate orgasms and they would and do turn to drugs or substances to try to get there. If they want to do that, be careful, tread slowly and lightly, do not expect the answer to be in a "pill", and have some familiarity with what the substance actually feels like before trying it with something like Aneros. That's why @rumel suggests the lightest way possible to start; I agree too. I just wanted to reveal my experiences with a range of dosing amounts and what seemed to work and how it all felt.

This is not a sure shot towards prostate orgasm, but maybe it can help a little bit. If you are experienced with mushrooms in any dosage then maybe Aneros play and prostate stimulation can become something else for the user. But always tread lightly!

I'll proceed with more caution on this thread and others related to substances in the future, thanks for the head check @divine_o !!!!


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Posted by: @divine_o

... the associated risks with mushrooms are actually very high (for certain people).

Yes this is true. While the physical risks of microdosing are really minimal any higher doses may have unanticipated psychological effects especially for people with underlying/latent psychological states such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. Caution is definitely called for.

Posted by: @divine_o

I don’t think anyone should use this forum as a place to decide whether or not to use psychedelics for a first time, nor to decide on dosage. Anyone considering doing so should thoroughly [read] the Erowid page and psychonautwiki page on the particular psychedelic they are considering, as well as books on the subject if applicable. Read about HARM REDUCTION, dosage, drug interactions (for example, lithium is incompatible and possibly deadly with many psychedelics), set and setting; read trip reports good and bad... a bad trip can have lasting psychological consequences, can lead to problems with the law, can ruin your life, and can even kill you.

Yes I absolutely agree with this. I should have made this clear in my original post. Educate yourself well before starting on this particular approach, it can be life changing for better or worse.

Posted by: @divine_o

After you’ve done your research, then ask yourself if you want to really take the step into the nether regions of your mind.


Posted by: @divine_o

Full blown psychedelic trips should not be for prostate pleasure alone. If that is the goal, a trip could become frustrating. With any drug it is good to go in with no expectations. I think drug use should be for the sake of expanding the mind, and sexual and prostate pleasure is just one of the many benefits. But that’s just my opinion.


Good Vibes to You!

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In the interest of further education; here are a couple of YouTube videos I found which offer a good introduction to microdosing and the reasons for doing so -> How to Microdose Mushrooms with Intention & Microdosing. Getting Started. What you need to know. Continued research seems to indicate very positive benefits from microdosing 'magic mushrooms' but you need to be your own judge.

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Gentlemen -- after months of absence I am back, with all kinds of knowledge and insight on microdosing and the Aneros! For brevity sake, I'm going to give everything in small bullet points to easily communicate my findings:

  • Microdosing sounds small and incremental, but it is very much a big and serious undertaking. You're working with powerful psychotropic materials and you may or may not fully gain the experience you're intending to get.
  • Microdosing is also best used when you're firmly on a disciplined and structured mental and holistic wellness journey. The benefits appear to be best realized in those that have a big and firm foundation of those practices--if you're just starting out then it could be a crapshoot like it was for me.
  • What is your purpose for taking the psychotropic material? How can that challenge you're seeking a psychedelic solution for be solved in a conventional mental health way? (Therapy, medication, exercise, diet, etc.) I'm in the beginning stages of pursuing these more conventional paths and while the journey will be long, I'm sure this will lead to an incredible and healthy sexual future.
  • There are already a number of Aneros/prostate orgasm enthusiasts that enjoy THC and find that it greatly enhances their ability to achieve Super Os of varying to great intensity. I was never a regular THC user, but I found that it revved up my prostate incredibly... that is until I found out that I rewired in a way that consuming THC was the primary method to achieving those Super Os. (This I tested after ~3 months of no consumption. In an hour's time I had 12 incredible back to back orgasms.) Switching back to JO and sexual play with a partner in the summer furthered me even more from achieving Super Os, and now I'm slowly learning to achieve Super Os again without the use of any substances. (It's working, but very very slowly) Imagine if the only way you could achieve Super Os is when you're microdosing?
  • As for my psychedelic experiences in the past, none of them triggered any sort of sexual desire or rise in libido. Your mileage may vary, but for me it didn't translate.

In summary, something like this could be very effective IN THEORY for the right man who has a high degree of physical fitness and mental health, when done in a very structured and highly researched manner. You're probably better off eating a more veggie-heavy diet, doing lots of core and cardio exercises (and being physically active in general), sleeping well, going to therapy and having a mental health component to your daily life, and meditating.

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@Poseidon, you've made some very valid points. Microdosing does involve some powerful psychotropic substances that must be used with thoughtful care and insight. When used in the proper context their effects are subtle and gradual, unlike the effects of macrodosing other substances such as cannabis, alcohol etc. As such, users should not expect dramatic or sudden success in their Aneros practice but rather a gradual reduction of fears/concerns and increasing awareness of other factors which may be contributing ... Obstacles to Progress.

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Posted by: @poseidon

 that is until I found out that I rewired in a way that consuming THC was the primary method to achieving those Super Os. (This I tested after ~3 months of no consumption. In an hour's time I had 12 incredible back to back orgasms.)

I'd be interested to hear more about your experience with this.
I think my own THC use has had a similar wiring effect... sober sessions seem far worse than they were before I ever touched weed. Smoking also launches me into aless. It's a lot of fun, but I would like to get my sober sessions back.

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Posted by: @poseidon

and now I'm slowly learning to achieve Super Os again without the use of any substances.

I am on the same journey, and am also finding it very slow. I have not stopped my THC enhanced sessions - not ready to give those up - but I am making slow progress without. Keep us posted on your progress, as it is interesting and helpful knowing I am not the only one.

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