At the bottom of the page you can see that we have almost 90k members, which is quite a community. But the forum seems (ok, IS) very slow activity-wise since it came back.
I've been lurking for years but never posted (made an account years ago and don't even remember my username) and honestly felt somewhat bad about not contributing, but I could always find all the answers I needed in active threads or with the search function, so I didn't feel the need to add anything, but now I'm trying to do my small part.
But now it seems like we only have around 50 posters, what gives ? We're lucky to have some of the old guard and @rumel who always seem to remember everything that was posted in the last ten years (take that as a huge compliment !) or else new members would not get a lot of answers or would wait for days. And we have some active new guys which is great also.
What do you guys think, can the multi pages threads of yore make a comeback or... ?
@zentai ,transition to the new site was way too long and very painful! Many regular users gave up and redirected their interest elsewhere. What is needed to bring back active users is a long period of absolute trouble free usage in the forum but I suspect the increased activities will originate mostly from new users.
Yes, thank the stars for guys like @rumel, @sowithoutaneros, @bigglansdc and a few others whom have stuck around and continue share their infinite wisdom. I too miss the old interaction we had before transition.
@ggringo yeah I was starting to fear that it would NOT be going back up. User experience is pretty bad on mobile (I'd say mildly infuriating sometimes on Android) but can be worked around for simple messages, but at this point a new forum change might spell the end so we might be stuck that way, on desktop it's somewhat better.
Drats, there's a French forum with an Aneros section, they only have about 300 TOTAL threads and they're more active than we are at this point.
Tous de très bon gars avec de bonnes expériences et je n'ai que du bien à dire d'eux, je sais que certains lisent ici aussi ! J'ai appris beaucoup chez vous ! )
(Translation : All good guys with good experience, only have good things to say about them, I know that some of them read this forum also ! I learned a lot there !)
But a lot of them don't read English so we can't just get them to come participate here...
... it seems like we only have around 50 posters, what gives ? We're lucky to have some of the old guard and @rumel who always seem to remember everything that was posted in the last ten years (take that as a huge compliment !) or else new members would not get a lot of answers or would wait for days. And we have some active new guys which is great also.
What do you guys think, can the multi pages threads of yore make a comeback or... ?
@Zentai, thanks for the acknowledgment but the truth is I really don't remember everything. I've been a member of the Aneros Forum for the past thirteen years and have read the majority of posted thread topics and responses over that period. There are certain topics/questions which new members frequently ask since they may not have the time or patience to search the forum for the answers. I have tried to make note of some of these common topics/questions and the threads/posts which aptly addressed them. I've seen some consensus on a number of topics and try to make those salient posts available by pointing them out to new members.
I view my participation on this forum as a kind of community service for information and education regarding the issue of prostate health and pleasure. I was honored to be invited to help compose the Aneros WIKI. In the past I tried to get an Introductory Message to New Members out to each new member to jump start their personal journey but this new forum format has made that nearly impossible. I'm glad you are joining the community with a similar desire to contribute.
You are quite correct in your observation about there being only about 50 active posters but this is really about the same as it has been over the years. It is just that the list of active posters changes as people get the information/learning they wanted and/or needed. They eventually see the repetition of questions/answers and they move on in their lives.
I suspect the reason we don't see multi-page threads anymore is partly due to the knowledge base contained in the Aneros WIKI which has been viewed more than 1,790,000 times, that's a lot of views! Another reason is that prostate massage and discussions thereof has greatly increased over the last ten years with many more web sites promulgating the practice, getting the information more widely disseminated, which is a good thing. I would like to think that I have contributed in some small way to making that happen too with my threads/posts and my blog entries Rumel's Ruminations Part IV & Part V.
There's no doubt the Aneros Forum took a big hit from the down-time transition period and working through the many bugs but I'm hopeful the recovery period will not be extensive. I am most pleased to see Aneros corporate taking a more participatory part in the Forum.
Good Vibes to You!
All very good points. And I sincerely think that there is nothing "small" about your contribution to this community. Your posts have been a great help to me over the years.
Even with all the new ressources about prostate massage, it's clear that there is not a greater concentration of knowledge than on this forum, I just feel that this is THE place to be for the best info. You have people approaching the practice in a very spiritual way and some others in a more technical way, and you don't see that mix anywhere else. And everyone is so supportive. I only remember one guy being banned (for pretty bad comments about women), and even this dude was mostly helpful.
Naturally I've been guilty of just browsing the new threads once every two weeks, seeing mostly the same questions and answers, then grabbing some new nuggets of knowledge and running away with them like a thief without any comment or thanks. I'm sure many do the same and sadly it's the way a lot of things are on the net...
I just hope that some of the lurkers decide to sign in and that we can get things going again.
Drats, there's a French forum with an Aneros section, they only have about 300 TOTAL threads and they're more active than we are at this point.
Tous de très bon gars avec de bonnes expériences et je n'ai que du bien à dire d'eux, je sais que certains lisent ici aussi ! J'ai appris beaucoup chez vous ! )
Vous parlez de ? Si oui, j'ai decouvert aneros par Adam, car il a parlé d'aneros sur le super podcast "Les Couilles Sur La Table"
I think that almost everything that needs to be said has been said. Here are types of aneros posts I've regularly seen:
1. Asking for help choosing a toy
2. Asking for help progressing
3. Sharing an interesting experience or progress
4. Toy modification
5. Sharing techniques of all sorts
6. Pot/drug/supplement use
7. Meditation/hypnosis
8. Visual and audio stimulus
... other categories?
One could easily get most of the information one needs from the wiki page (which is pure gold, and I think every user should read it at least twice before asking for help here, because most questions can be answered there-within). Most of the rest one can find through searches. The old forum search function was useless; the new one seems ok. There are occasional questions/posts that bring up a really good point or something new, but most questions are "re-runs", with a personalized twist. Thus there are many lurkers who peruse without giving their two cents or asking questions (rightfully so, seeing that the treasure trove of information is vast). And then there are a few people here regularly communicating. I imagine we are here for different reasons. For the obvious reason of wanting to give or receive help but also: the joy of sharing and communicating with others on a subject that so few comprehend; the therapeutic and educational value of putting what one feels physically and emotionally into words (which men rarely get the opportunity to do in real life without fear of mockery); self-validation/self-justification... but also some ask questions because that is easier for them than searching in the annals (almost had a freudian slip there).
And good for @rumel for having a system of classification that allows him to respond to questions with examples of other threads as well as links to external pages. That is very useful, and it helped me discover an entire world of pleasure.
Yes I was talking about NXPL ! I only found that place after being pretty far along in my journey but it was refreshing to read some new testimonials in my native language. The mind works strangely sometimes and I made some interesting connections reading le Traité d'Aneros, just because it was presented differently from the Aneros wiki. The people are really supportive and it helps that Adam is really active in answering questions.
You're pretty spot on with your categories and it's true that's its mostly the same things over and over. It just puzzles me that I don't see the same things on car forums or woodworking forums. It's probably because you can easily take a quick progress picture and post it there and everyone will comment, but when you're talking about Aneros sessions, you need to write several pages to describe a really special session. Also maybe the experience gap between beginners and advanced users can be so big that they are talking about completely different things and group A has trouble mixing with group B and relating.
I think I'm probably being self centered here, like "now that I'm ready to participate, why are things so slow ? Where are the people I could help ? Where are the new tips? Come back ! Entertain me !" And that's not completely fair, is it ? It's like practicing the guitar alone for 10 years without telling anyone, getting very good and then wondering why you're not in a huge band. It's not because you suck, it's because you never shared...
There are certain topics/questions which new members frequently ask since they may not have the time or patience to search the forum for the answers.
@rumel, I'd say, we should keep in mind, that there aren't many users, who know how to load emojis from external sites or even how to deal with simple search functions.
Alone the issue of avoiding emojis to prevent our posts from being sent to nirvana, I guess, may already have cost lots and lots of interested people, who would have loved to join but don't like to try again and again. Instead they simply leave and go elsewhere.
Is it already solved? I don't know. I just wanted to test, whether the staff may have mended the blog section, and guess what - with some tears of joy - I'm back and I can tell,
I'm speechless! Now I'm full of new hope, that they somewhen will get rid of the other issues, too.
Then, when the time has come, we will see the Aneros Forum rise like a phoenix from the ashes!
Cheers and thanks @zentai for taking part and especially for your self-reflective and highly dialectic niveau of your contributions.
@all: Taking part is worth it! The blog section is back, writing down my experiences there and discussing them here has been substantial for my whole wonderful journey and still is. Come in and join our discussions!
It is just that the list of active posters changes as people get the information/learning they wanted and/or needed. They eventually see the repetition of questions/answers and they move on in their lives.
Spot on, that's my impression too.
Naturally I've been guilty of just browsing the new threads once every two weeks, seeing mostly the same questions and answers, then grabbing some new nuggets of knowledge and running away with them like a thief without any comment or thanks.
Hehe, that one gave me a nice chuckle. You may use the new "Like"-function. The author of the regarding post gets a notification and the info who liked the post.
I think I'm probably being self centered here, like "now that I'm ready to participate, why are things so slow ? Where are the people I could help ? Where are the new tips? Come back ! Entertain me !"
I feel you.
Alone the issue of avoiding emojis to prevent our posts from being sent to nirvana, I guess, may already have cost lots and lots of interested people
Jeez, I totally forgot about this and sent a post 45 min worth of writing into the shadow realms because of this. Felt like a complete idiot and never found the energy to re-write it again...
As for the reason, why the vivid, multi-page discussions declined. I got the impression that back in the day (long before I joined the forum), people searched the world in all directions to find valuable new information to come back and put it here. Out of necessity, because this forum wasn't the all-including-almanac it is today. Now, that the forum bursts with information, that period of promoterism is just over.
We stand on the shoulder of giants. And the bigger they get, the smaller is the impact of new contributions.
On the other hand, it seems, that most forum members see themselves at the end of the rainbow, once they master the Super-O. I kept on going and learned so much more in the 5 years I'm super-orgasmic now. I don't mean this in disrespectful way, but I'm a bit sad about the absence of the spirit of research.
Thank you for opening this thread @zentai! Regarding me, the a lurking info-nugget-thief like you, it's the best one since a while. (:(
On the other hand, it seems, that most forum members see themselves at the end of the rainbow, once they master the Super-O. I kept on going and learned so much more in the 5 years I'm super-orgasmic now. I don't mean this in disrespectful way, but I'm a bit sad about the absence of the spirit of research.
I understand why at some point someone would be quite happy at a certain level and would not care about taking it further. As soon as it gets better than classic masturbation and ejaculation, it's already quite something when you stop and think about it, I'm sure some guys never go above the Super-T, and are super happy, and I can respect that. Others will stop at various levels of Super-O, and they have every right to be proud about their achievement.
My first Super-Os were life changing, but now I know that they were only Baby SuperOs, or that my capacity to really appreciate them was still developing. Like you I kept going, and I'm still working on visualizations and techniques to get there faster, for a longer time and with less "crutches". I had elaborate rituals with lots of elements (porn, audio files, pre-lubing, the Aneros itself, lots of nipple stim, towels blankets and pillows...) and I'm removing things one by one. Now I can go Aless, fully clothed, laying on the floor with only deep breathing. There's always a way to improve and I don't see myself ever learning everything that can be learned.
I stop by once in a while, although I don't post much. But I plan on writing my blog entries here and there, as I'm just getting back into it. I find the posts here to be good at guidance, but I know the best results really come from the experience.
I registered on the old site, and during the transition I sort of forgot about it all. Happy to be back and practicing though