Message to Lurkers
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Message to Lurkers

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Right now there are 400 of you sitting in the background and not participating.

This community will be better with YOU in it!

If you want to learn about hands free orgasm, the best way is to partispate
and actively learn from other members. A passive involvement does not benefit you
or us. Get in here!

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@The_Bishop Yes I agree there are some that just lurk and never participate. It would be great if more people did take part.

Are you talking about Chat or the Forum? We are seeing a phenomena in the Chat where people connect up, then leave. They don't even say 'Hi'.

I'm not finding chat helpful for actual techniques and tips and help in getting a hands free orgasm. I've asked many times and people are unable to advise beyond the basics, which can also be obtained from the wiki. I miss members like Canacan - they helped me a couple of years ago understand the idea of relaxation and that we are normally tense and don't realise that we are tense.

I go to the chat for the comunity spirit and to see how everyone is doing. We kinda become friends there; it's a place to hang out. But I've kind of given up hope of getting coaching or actual serious help in the chat.

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2 year lurker here. Just joined yesterday. Strange coincidental timing of this thread a day later.
Please let me offer my experience, and feelings.

While lurking ...Answers to all the questions that came to mind, could be found in the wiki or in the thousands of threads on this forum. All that was needed was to search and probably also find answers to questions I did not even know to ask.

Many techniques and methods of use can also be discovered that I would have never thought to try.

I also found that with a bit of A-less while reading the threads was another way to increase arousal, pre-session.

While lurking I rarely felt I had any info or experiences that I could share that would offer value or unique insight to this forum.

When I did feel I had something positive to add to a thread, I joined.

The Aneros and prostate massage is a pretty private intimate experience.
Pressure to join would have been a turn-off for me. If joining was 'encouraged', the friendly welcoming aura here, might be tainted in the lurker's mind. and sour his participation. It would have done to for me.

Sure glad my lurking was privately allowed without implied guilt. Otherwise, my journey would have probably never started or continued.

Thank-you Aneros Forum for allowing me, and hundreds of others, to eavesdrop, learn, grow, and find pleasures I never knew existed.
Also Thank-you for the welcome I have received when I did join a day ago.


ps Chat is kinda fun.

(Wierd, joined yesterday 21 hours ago., profile shows today.. what time zone is host server?)

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I am a newbie for a reason, I am a Learner, not a Lurker. I so much appreciate what I learn from all you experts. Been at this a few years, and I continue to learn from you and my own patience and experimentation every single day!

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Another thought.....
Many of the 400 potential lurkers may actually be members who are just checking whats new, without logging in.
(like have been doing this morning).

The Aneros Forum 'Members List" is 5704 pages long....10 per :rolleyes: mm.....= 57,040 members


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2 year lurker here. Just joined yesterday. [...]

While lurking I rarely felt I had any info or experiences that I could share that would offer value or unique insight to this forum.

When I did feel I had something positive to add to a thread, I joined. [...]

Well, p38, what a first posting, thanks for joining and be welcome! Your first posting already was full of wisdom, hope you will stay and share your deliberate opinions. Your thoughts remember me, myself still a Newbie, of my first visits on this site.

But let me encourage you and all of the remaining "lurkers" to join and to stay with us because there is "one more thing"®, you will not discover without participation:

Sharing my experiences as well as discussing other's questions or starting polls deepened my own insights and understanding in a manner, I never had thought possible. Sometimes only writing down my latest experiences already opened my eyes and helped me to notice details I otherwise would have missed. So, don't be so shy or selfless! :rolleyes: Joining and sharing your experiences may help yourself even more than anyone else. Just do it!® 😎

How much I agree to your statements, @p38, so much I therefore agree with @The_Bishop's appeal to join the forum and even to start your own diary in the blogs' section, as your journey with Aneros can become faster as many rollercoasters do promise. 😮

And you would deeply regret if you had not used your blog to remember all the details of all the upcoming unbelievable experiences your journey will provide you. Looking back and reading my own blogposts even helped me to take hurdles and to find my path. So fasten your seatbelts, let your journey start and learn to know how to really let go!

Btw, thanks to some extremely passionate experts here, this is the friendliest and most fruitfully forum I ever was allowed to take part. For example I no longer say "to google", I call it "to @rumel". 😉 Thanks, guys!

Best vibes to all of you "lurkers", come in and find out®, and ... never mind!

P.S.: Forum time may be GMT, timestamps for this posting and editing are UTC / GMT. Perhaps somebody else may check his own timestamps.

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Saying voldemort < @ing rumel

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Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker.
Could you please explain your comment, @Tatornator?
Or can anybody else?
I not have a clue. :confused:

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@SOwithoutAneros Maybe it's something to do with Harry Potter books / films? I don't know - I avoid them.

Google says for "Saying voldemort":

"Some have theorised that the practise of saying "You-Know-Who" instead of Voldemort's proper name might have began when he used a Taboo on his name during the First Wizarding War. This is unlikely, because Dumbledore encouraged people to use the proper name Voldemort so as to not fear the name.

[h=3]Taboo | Harry Potter Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia[/h] "

The < is "less than".
@ing might be the act of putting @ in front of a person's name, and the effect of it on the forum is that they get a notification.
So maybe to @ rumel means to be greater or better than to say "to google".

Or maybe it means that rumel is taboo?
Or maybe it means that you should not have put @ on rumel's name so that he didnt get a notification?
Or maybe it means that... I have done well to stay away from Harry Potter?

I don't know - I only know that currently I'm experiencing an unusual case of very light fluttering of the anal sphincter on my lunch break.

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Don't over complicate it, it was something I I always thought was funny. In the movies if you said Voldemort he would come to and kill you. I only reference it because many people have said things along the line of needing help and specificaly @ing rumel and then he would show up and help. Just an odd funny only meant to those who would think its funny.

Its sort of the same at @SOwithoutAneros commenting above as him refering to rumel as superior to google.

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Got it! Thx!!! 🙂

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Lord Voldemort has no power over the adventurous souls inhabiting the House of Aneros, we have the Magik of Super-O's to protect us. All you lurkers are invited to join us in our quest to enlighten our brethren and guide them out of the Dark Forest of Taboo. Come claim your multi-orgasmic birthright and feel the magic for yourself.
Good Vibes to You !

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Sooo cool! 😎

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(Weird, joined yesterday 21 hours ago, profile shows today. What time zone is host server?)

Maybe, it's the curse of Voldemort. 😮
Or you just didn't claim your birthright to choose your personal forum settings?
:p @Voldemort! 😉

User Settings / Account / Date & Time Options / Time Zone (+ DST Correction)

ALL timestamps displayed on the forums can be automatically corrected to show the correct time for YOUR location in the world. Simply select the appropriate time zone from the list above.

And right below it you can choose your settings for DST Correction.

Thumbs up, @p38, thanks to your question I now found out how to choose my preferred time options. 🙂


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Another thought.....
Many of the 400 potential lurkers may actually be members who are just checking whats new, without logging in.
(like have been doing this morning).

The Aneros Forum 'Members List" is 5704 pages long....10 per :rolleyes: mm.....= 57,040 members


This is true.

Also, when checking 'Who's on Line', we see many long-time registered members with 0 posts or blogs. I see nothing wrong with this. Everyone is welcome here.

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