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Medical - A journey with BPH

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2011 seemed like my life was ending - extremely stressful ejaculations Onset of BPH.
2012 life began again with the help of Aneros and Saw Palmetto. the aneros reduced the prostate tension that seemed to block ej.
2016 BPH was increasing, difficult to urinate and ejacs became stressful. Back to square one?
2017/1 prostate ultra sound, medication DuoDart to reduced Prostate size - warning loss of libido and ejaculant --- gulp!
Will life really ends this time!
2017/6 all good, in fact even better. back to a good routine again all functioning extremely well. Smaller prostate make it more responsive to Aneros
In fact all sorts of new nice things are happening. Even easy fast flowing wee. 🙂

This post may encourage others on the journey.

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I have an enlarged prostate and have resisted the prescription drugs propecia, avodart, dustasteride, etc because of their effects on libido, erections, and my manhood in general. To me, these drugs are a kiss of death to an older guy like me who is struggling to stay sexually active.

So the question: To what do you attribute your success in shrinking your prostate......To the drugs??? To aneros activity??? Yes, your post is encouraging but if you are on prescribed drugs, what effect have they had on your erections, libido, your manhood in general.

Thanks for the details. I am happy for you, my aneros brother.

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Good to know! 15 years ago I had prostate issues due to congestion - that lead me to the HIH website and I purchased my first aneros. It certainly helped a lot. But as the years ticked by, my "flow" was getting worse, and I was diagnosed with BPH by my then new female doctor. She put me on Flomax, which fixed the flow issues but had interesting side-effects. Further investigation revealed that the allergy meds I take mimic many of the symptoms of BPH.

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What side effects do you attribute to flomax. I am thinking about the green laser light treatment for enlarged prostates. It is the least invasive of the rotor rooter surgeries and is the least likely to cause sexual difficulties according to my research.

I would like opinions for well entrenched aneros practitioners like Rumel as to whether he would undergo any of the procedures such as Green Light Laser, TURP, or the new Plasma Button clean out. More specifically, I am wondering how these procedures affect prostate pleasure generated by the aneros.

This is a great thread for older guys and I appreciate the input here

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2017/6 all good, in fact even better. back to a good routine again all functioning extremely well. Smaller prostate make it more responsive to Aneros In fact all sorts of new nice things are happening. Even easy fast flowing wee. 🙂

@isvara, I am pleased to hear your situation has stabilized and you are still able to enjoy your Aneros journey.

I would like opinions for well entrenched aneros practitioners like Rumel as to whether he would undergo any of the procedures such as Green Light Laser, TURP, or the new Plasma Button clean out. More specifically, I am wondering how these procedures affect prostate pleasure generated by the aneros.

@Turnrow, when it comes to health issues, I wouldn't rule out any particular therapy but I would prioritize the various approaches after researching the possible side effects. I think each man will prioritize these therapies slightly differently as is appropriate for his situation. My preference would be to avoid long term drug usage (I have to take hypertension medication) because of their known side effects. I would also choose the least invasive physical treatment option (I opted for external beam radiation for my prostate cancer treatment) but any choice one makes will have its own negative side effects (including pleasure depreciation) so be prepared to accept that as a new fact of life. Fortunately and thankfully, I remain cancer free 9 years after my treatment. The radiation did kill off some prostate nerves, cutting back sensations to about 67% of what I remember them to be before the treatment. However, I believe my regular Aneros use has contributed to maintaining my current prostate health and my previous BPH symptoms have not worsened.
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel Thanks for sharing your sensitive health info. I never knew about your diagnosis. I'm so glad you are C-free almost 10 years! As all of us guys age, BPH seems to become a reality. It is encouraging to have this forum where we can continue to share our life experiences. God bless you!

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"So the question: To what do you attribute your success in shrinking your prostate......To the drugs??? To aneros activity??? Yes, your post is encouraging but if you are on prescribed drugs, what effect have they had on your erections, libido, your manhood in general."

I have made significant lifestyle changes over a number years. Briefly - I now meditate, practice mindfulness. I focus on loving body, mind, and spirit. So I do yoga and I am employed! Oh yes, I am a non meat eater. For my mind I am getting rid of all those old stories, conditioning and guilt so I am becoming very free. So attitude is a key point. into that.

so to answer your question I think the success I am having is because of my whole lifestyle change, my attitude coupled with the DuoDart and continuing with the Aneros.

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You, bro, postulated from personal experience what I thought to be the case regarding any invasive procedure to the prostate. So glad you have beat cancer. Sounds like too that you did your homework on preserving as much prostate health as possible. That is what I want to do and at this stage, I get up only one and at the most two times a night because of my enlarged prostate.

I do think that if I worked more with the aneros toy I would have better prostate health. Due to privacy and work issues, working with the aneros has been sporadic when I did have privacy. Most of my prostate pleasure has come from shaft edging and nipple play in the early morning hours when my household is not up; and lately edging at the base of my penis which is highly arousing. I have had many many dry Os doing this, but do know that the aneros is a separate and highly effective route to better prostate health, better and more intense dry and total body orgasms, increases in libido and also anti aging of our sexuality as older men.

Rumel, going 67% strong for you must be like 134% strong for the rest of us considering what you have posted on your rewiring accomplishments and your always kind disposition to help other men.

Blessings and Good health to you sir and thanks for the input. It is appreciated.

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Isvara. Thanks for your reply and explanation. I am like you getting into more mindfulness and meditation. I think those traits lend themselves to prostate and orgasmic pleasure.

Glad you are doing so well at age 78. I am eight years your junior but will be watching for your posts since you, like Rumel, are a trailblazer in aneros and MMO pleasure.

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@Turnrow - the side effects I believe attributable to the Flomax were: erectile dysfunction [although perhaps this was an effect combined with the allergy meds], altered orgasm [much easier to separate orgasm proper from ejaculation and vice-versa]. As my doctor explained, Flomax works by relaxing muscles around the bladder area - and other muscles too. If I needed erections or I needed to father more children these would be horrible side-effects, but for me, I actually rather like them. Most guys would not.

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I found flomax to make me very tired. I also had almost completely dry ejaculations, something that was not uncomfortable, but a strange feeling nonetheless.

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