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Masturbation without ejaculation

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@aneros_user88299 I can attest for this. I get very close to the edge. Sometimes I get small contractions and I get what seems clear to slightly gray semen barely oozing out. I relax and go semi-flacid.  30 secs later I can get right back to the edge again. Can do this about 4-5 times. No refractory period that I can feel. I have energy & still a bit of arousal.  Have to sometimes wait for it to cool down a bit when I'm done. Would like it better though if it could still lightly stimulate and stay in the orgasm. Keep it going dry and continous for as long as possible.  Maybe get to a whole body intense dry O. 

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Sometimes a few times I feel like I'm going to go over the edge, then I don't and get maybe a drop or two of semen but other times I very definitely go over the edge and get much more. It's when I more clearly cross over the edge that I will often get a few small contractions, but much more comes out.

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Posted by: @buick45571gmail-com

 Would like it better though if it could still lightly stimulate and stay in the orgasm. Keep it going dry and continous for as long as possible.  Maybe get to a whole body intense dry O. 

Keep at it and you'll get there.  At least, I have by continuously practicing.

Good luck and good vibes!

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This morning I had my wife tickling my testicles and I was lightly stroking my frenulum with one finger and I had a dry O. It was really great.

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Posted by: @turnrow


Arousal is wonderful and having lived seven decades, I admit that arousal for me has faded.  But I think the key is, as Rumel would say, developing the neurological pathways of pleasure by deeply relaxing and enjoying whatever your prostate gives you, and focusing on that pleasure allowing it to build.  In my aging body, I have only at this point to grab my glans and tweak my nipple for those wonderful orgasmic feelings to start.

This morning I had a prostate pulsing  orgasm with a totally flaccid cock about 20 seconds after I grabbed my glans and used my nipple.  I simply felt the orgasmic pleasure as soon as I made contact with my nipple and glans and then I focused and concentrated on the pleasure while relaxing my mind and pelvic floor muscles.  Naturally, I would have preferred to be hard and breathing fire like we men like to do, but the orgasm was wonderful and I realized that orgasmic pleasure tops erections and breathing fire any day in solo play. 

Now with my wife of many years, I do want that erection but as Gnawdol says, with a wife, it all this comes about easier with erotic play. 

Hope this helps you good men.







I am re-reading your posts. Exceptionally useful. Again thank you. 

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Masturbation without ejaculation is a bit of an adjustment, though at least if things get uncomfortable I can always let some steam off. Arousal does take a bit of a step up once again. My usual schedule of ejaculation used to be every couple days, but lately I've been doing that every third day which takes a bit of patience along with masturbating a little each day. I intend to have an Aneros session on each third day, followed later by the "ruined orgasm" way of letting off some semen. If not done too frequently, I feel as though I can feel sometimes more sexual, or at least more p-waves, after letting off some semen in this fashion. It's like the heightened arousal shines through the mitigated refractory period as long as you don't induce too much of the refractory period.

So far it's my second time through this cycle, tomorrow being the next Aneros session and release of some semen. Things are interesting, though it takes some getting used to. Have yet to get to that point where I can't stop thinking about release, so I think three days might be optimal for me.

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Posted by: @aneros_user88299

Masturbation without ejaculation is a bit of an adjustment, though at least if things get uncomfortable I can always let some steam off. Arousal does take a bit of a step up once again. My usual schedule of ejaculation used to be every couple days, but lately I've been doing that every third day which takes a bit of patience along with masturbating a little each day. I intend to have an Aneros session on each third day, followed later by the "ruined orgasm" way of letting off some semen. If not done too frequently, I feel as though I can feel sometimes more sexual, or at least more p-waves, after letting off some semen in this fashion. It's like the heightened arousal shines through the mitigated refractory period as long as you don't induce too much of the refractory period.

So far it's my second time through this cycle, tomorrow being the next Aneros session and release of some semen. Things are interesting, though it takes some getting used to. Have yet to get to that point where I can't stop thinking about release, so I think three days might be optimal for me.

What an awesome experiment. Keep us posted. It’s experiments like yours that help us learn.

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After lunch had some nice sensations. Some in pelvic area, some in chest, even some in my tongue. I've found that sometimes I can get sensations in my tongue from rolling my tongue back on itself, or holding cold water in my mouth. This might be the strongest I've felt it. Before it was usually rather faint, but now I know I've wired my tongue for pleasure at some point.

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Masturbated for a bit, and then had an Aneros session soon after. Can't really call my Aneros sessions duds the last couple of times. There were times when I had some nice sensations in various areas. Mainly chest, pelvic area, sometimes stomach. Couple times much sharper very brief instance of pleasure from prostate. After about I think half an hour, wanted to try the ruined orgasm method and see if that was different during an Aneros session in some way and then continue the session. I didn't end up continuing the session afterwards because of interruptions, but I did end up letting some semen out a couple of times. I was playing around near the edge but didn't quite go over, so rather it was that prostate milking method where you don't quite go over the edge and manage to let some semen loose. No contractions, a lesser amount of semen let out but still a fair bit I suppose. I think that attempting to let semen out this way first and using the ruined orgasm method as a next-best thing might be an even better way to go. The prostate milking method doesn't cause any refractory period, while ruined orgasm method will mitigate it if you do go a bit too far.

I get the feeling that the prostate milking method might actually be a bit easier when there's more buildup up semen, also with a prostate massager rather than with finger so you can relax more. Might also need to be a bit more careful when highly aroused, but it's probably easier when laying down relaxed.

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Was a little too aroused to resist, edged a bit more and ended up releasing a bit with the ruined orgasm method. Still, only once in three days so refractory period shouldn't be too bad. Prostate milking it doesn't seem to curb urges as much as the ruined orgasm does.

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Good stuff @jspad

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Last night was maybe day 7 of SR. I was very horny. I watched some porn (which I almost never do) and then started a session with the Helix. It was the best most pleasurable one yet. Lots of arousal and pleasure, no Os or anything quite. But I think I must have milked my prostate a bit.

This morning I was not horny the same way before. I still had a lot of juice backed up though. Didn't stop me from intercourse with my wife, and edging.

In the midst of playing with my wife and having her masturbate me, I ended up in a wet O which I didn't ruin. 

In my experience, when I'm aroused very very often, continuously, my erections become bad. As soon as I had this full wet O, my erection became great again as is usual for me. 

I'm in the post 12 hour wet O period which is usually really good. It's beyond that time that there tends to be the "hangover" in my experience.


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I feel like taking a break from masturbating so frequently. For one thing maybe taking it easy on the porn for a while might help in some way. I don't really know how much masturbation impacts pleasurable sensations in other areas of my body vs. avoiding/mitigating the refractory hormones as best I can. That said, did have some nice sensations at times earlier in the day, so at least I'm somewhere farther than I was before all this stuff. Edging does seem to contribute at some point or another to the urge to ejaculate, so I wonder if maybe masturbation should be done more sparingly or only when needing a bit of release. Maybe I'd be able to go an extra day that way? Who knows.

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Probably a good idea. I find in general things work better when I avoid masturbation. 

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I feel a need to clarify.  I don't categorize what I am doing as masturbation.  I am really doing prostate edging utilizing the most erogenous areas of my dick coupled with nipple play to arouse my prostate and give me mini Os, dry Os, and beyond--lots of times pretty instantly as in Greg and Vera  Bodansky's book, INSTANT ORGASM.  That book is available at Amazon and is  a great read.

Stoking my shaft as in regular masturbation is something I seldom use to have a dry O or any type of O.  I am really making love to my dick, mostly making love to the sulcus, coronal ridge, meatus, and frenulum.  Those areas of my glans along with right and left nipple play give me instant feelings of orgasm that build and build and build the more time and focus and enjoyment I feel.  Lots of time I feel electric orgasmic shivers in my legs, abdomen, chest, breast muscles and wherever I put my focus to  enjoy those orgasmic feelings.

So I dont feel I am masturbating as what I do doesnt drain the swamp as in a regular orgasm with ejaculation nor in a ruined orgasm which releases some semen but doesnt drain the swamp............quite contrarily----my dick play with nipple action arouses me and makes me hungry for more orgasms.  They make a 7 decades guy horny and that is a reason to get this as my experiences in my seventies of loss of horniness, makes me envy you younger guys who point and shoot so easily in your youth, and you young dudes can go at this pointing and shooting several times a day  ejaculating all those times with no problems.  Yes, you young guys do have refractory periods, but you get over them and can screw or do the big M three or more times a day.  Not so for older guys where it takes me days to get back to feeling some degree of horny manhood after an ejaculation.  

I feel no need to limit my prostate edging daily.  In fact, I love to go at it daily as it increases libido, make an old guy horny, and makes me in some manner feel like you younger guys who are driven by your sexuality and your desire for a release, with the ability to do it several times a day, either solo or in sex with your sweetie.  Enjoy your youth guys.  Don't get old.  For me, I see this discovery to be a Godsend for older guys trying to hang on to sexual feelings and arousal in the golden years (which aint so golden.)










This post was modified 5 years ago by Turnrow

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@turnrow Masturbating and ejaculating three times a day sounds exhausting to me, and I'm only 26 lol. Not everyone has the same level of refractory period after ejaculation. For me personally, masturbating to ejaculation even once every day can get old. Every second day was my usual habit. This, however, wasn't very conducive to producing those feelings that occur beyond just the genitals. Maybe, once you've felt the feelings enough, you get to where you can more easily produce dry orgasms? I don't know just yet, but at least by mitigating the refractory period I can more easily get those feelings even if I've never had orgasms from them yet.


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Posted by: @turnrow

Enjoy your youth guys.  Don't get old.  For me, I see this discovery to be a Godsend for older guys trying to hang on to sexual feelings and arousal in the golden years (which aint so golden.)



Could not have said it better myself! 

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Anyone else experience this?

Today much of the time, but towards the end of my day constantly right now, the sensations that are often pleasurable. However, right now it's like constantly on the verge of being pleasurable sensation. A kind of nagging sensation, distracting and not quite enough to feel satisfying in any way. Only sometimes does it become a bit stronger. It's most constant in my pelvis, but also other times in my abs, chest, and tongue. On one hand masturbation to ejaculation might stop the nagging feeling, but on the other hand if I ride it out until it gets stronger might be a really good thing. I don't know if I've had the sensations nearly this constantly, and I think that this could be an important step coming up along my Aneros journey. For a long time I'd have killed for this much success in producing these feelings, both for the sense of progress and the opportunity to let the feelings develop further. So I feel I'd be doing myself a disservice if I didn't see what happens the next day and during an Aneros session.

This feels like maybe a fuller version of horny... a nagging distracting horny but maybe it'll be more pleasant later. Maybe doing some exercise would give me a temporary break? Stress from exercise usually quiets things down. Guess I'll grab my dumbbells for a bit before I go shower.

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I am glad for that aspect of your journey.  I would think that what are experiencing is a combination of good Testosterone levels at your age mixed in with the effects of rewiring.  Others on this website can advise you better.  But even my older guy friends who are rewired note precum dripping as we correspond on rewiring and upping orgasmic pleasure.  

So there is more for both the young and the old with the pleasures of this rewiring.  At my age, I would appreciate your kind of distraction. 

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@aneros_user88299 yes I'd let it ride until your Aneros session. I have a very strong sex drive myself. I'm in my 60s. I practice SR and for many years didn't masturbate, instead having long pleasurable intercourse with my wife many times a week, without ejaculation, just dry Os.

So now I'm kind of rewiring from all that, and I find that I can after 5 - 7 days become distractedly and uncomfortably horny. If not before.

I find an Aneros session helps, perhaps by a little inadvertant or unintentional prostate milking.

Also the other day I did in fact have an ejaculatory orgasm when I was with my wife, but it somehow didn't really cause me any refractory period or hangover, not sure why. Perhaps its because I had so much stored up, that I could lose some and still be fine. I didn't even "ruin" it. 

I feel like I have so much sexual energy now it's crazy. But it's wonderful too. I am doing an Aneros session almost every day, and spending sexual times with my wife. Due to a very temporary and rare situation we can't have intercourse for a bit, but I'm having a blast anyway. Life is AMAZING with this kind of sexual drive and pleasure. OMG.


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@simplepenguin I imagine that after enough time away from it and enough arousal you might not even notice a refractory period. They say it takes 21 days to reach hormonal homeostasis after ejaculation, and most people ejaculate frequently enough to compound the refractory period if that's how long it takes.

I did manage to quiet things down for a bit before bed with a little exercise, that was kind of a nice break from that. Slept well enough, though now that I'm awake the feelings are starting back up again lol. They're I think a bit stronger though, a bit closer to pleasurable rather than teasing. I only just woke up though, so have yet to see how it goes the rest of the day.

Been trying for so long to get this kind of pleasure from having Aneros sessions, now it's like the Aneros session is having me lol.


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Just got done with an Aneros session, and I have to say it was pretty nice. Not only was it not a dud, I was getting p-waves pretty consistently in several areas.

At first I was laying like normal and things felt in prostate, chest, and stomach. Feelings started falling off when I started drifting off a bit, so tried masturbating a bit. Didn't do that for too long before stopping and relaxing fully again, and things started up again. The place I felt it the most consistently was my abs, between the bottom of the sternum and belly button. A couple times the pleasure was so consistent that I wondered if I'd have my first non-penile orgasm there. I've heard many people say that something feels like a buildup to a climax but then drops off, and that's kind of what happened a couple or three times maybe. I'm not disappointed though, I really enjoyed the session overall. Not even sure if I've had a session that nice before. Masturbated a few times, but only for maybe a minute at a time before going back to relaxing.

Decided to end things with letting out some semen via the ruined orgasm method, but ended up not quite going over the edge and didn't have any contractions. Was edging until I was just barely nudging my member to trigger beginnings of orgasm for a brief second, but then didn't quite trigger ejaculatory response.  I'd estimate about 1/3 to 1/2 of a load maybe, and probably didn't even trigger any refractory period. Might have made things more difficult for myself later in that regard lol. Last time things ended like that felt like I had to masturbate to ruined orgasm later to cool off somewhat. Right now though even just sitting here feels nice to my prostate...

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Felt the need to blow off a bit more steam, so I did so in the shower. Once again I ended up seemingly doing the prostate milking method instead of ruined orgasm, and twice. I don't know if it's me being more careful, me going up to the edge slower, getting better with practice, or just something in my body clicking but I never got any contractions, like going over the edge and back again. It's like the stars are beginning to align for me as of late. Seems like I finally figured out what works for me in regards to prostate play.

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How long did the rewiring process take, for you to feel this orgasmic pleasure with your meditations? Thank you!

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