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Massive Spontaneous Orgasm With No Stimulation

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Hi all! It's been awhile since I've logged on or contributed. I've been on the Aneros journey about 9 years. Anyway, I have to report what just happened to me within the last 2 hours. I had massive orgasms that lasted about a full hour, but this was without using an Aneros, or any kind of stimulation with my hands or anything. This is not the first time it's happened, but it's been a long time since it was this intense. Of course I credit the Aneros and years of anal, prostate play, and learning myself.

It has something to do with my brain chemistry, I know that. Sometimes after not having orgasmic anal release, or penile ejaculation my energy and hornyness just spike. This late afternoon I felt fatigued so went into the bedroom to rest, but that didn't happen. I wanted to take all my clothes off, and lay there. Soon as I did I was thinking of my ass and getting release however I didn't want to go anal. It's hard to describe what I do to cause the orgasms. It has to do with my breathing and abdominal, back, and sphincter contractions. I will say that this time unlike my normal procedure I lay on my stomach and put 2 bunched up pillows under my abdomen and belly, while resting my head on another flat pillow. I spread my legs far apart on the bed, and I supposed I day dreamed my ass was being stimulated and I was being penetrated. My breathing got very aroused. As I took breaths my ass, legs, and sphincter began contracting and twitching somewhat. I admit at this point due to arousal I tickled both my nipple a few times. I lay there like that perhaps 15 minutes, and decided that was enough and I thought I should just rest as planned. I turned over flat on my back, and bent my legs at the knees. As soon as I did my legs, ass, and abdomen began twitching, and vibrating wildly. My breathing intensified, and it felt similar to the super orgasms I often have with the Aneros. My super orgasms are typically super, and incredible and occur one after another sometimes for hours. This was no exception. The longer I lay there and focused on the role play day dream, on my breathing, and ass, and just incredible blissful feel, the better it got. Each time it would cycle up to climax and I would release prostate fluid, and my mind would just drink in that blissful release of orgasm which wouldn't stop. Every time I thought I was done and was beginning to think my body was toast, I was surprised another even stronger orgasm ensued. Most of the time my whole body was twitching and shaking, but particularly at the end as my legs would kick my ass off the bed, and my head would tend to shake back and forth, left and right in a very fast snap. Eventually I was inhabiting my orgasm in my head as it released and there I dwelt while focused on my inner mind and vision. Perhaps to some extent my body was so animated it may have been a bit like a seizure, but I had control and could stop at any time. Anyway, the rest of the household was wondering when I was coming out so I eventually quit. Anyway, it was incredible! This has happened at least once before at this level, but it's been a few years, and that time it was at night when I was trying to sleep.

Things that I know help cause the spontaneous, hand free orgasms are, lots of fish oil, (I take nearly 8 grams of pure, highly concentrated in a 400epa/200dha ratio), avoiding any kind of sexual release for a week or 2, Claritin (for some reason it seems to always be there as a factor), the occasional dark chocolate, proper breathing technique, and knowing how to flex my back, abdomen, sphincter muscles. You also have to know how to position your body.

Anyway, I know it probably sounds crazy that I can do this. We hear of females being able to do this. I suppose in a way I am very blessed, but this can also be a bit of a curse, as it lures, and distracts constantly from other parts of my life. I also wonder if it is safe, and healthy to have such intense, nonstop orgasms. I have seen women that had to go to ER cause they couldn't stop their orgasms. That's my story!

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Fantastic! You have just confirmed something I have wondered about for a while now...Once awakened, the Prostate, and the rewired mind, seem to seek to provide pleasure through the accumulation of sexual energy, regardless of what else the body and mind do on a daily basis!

Am I oversimplifying anything?

Also, during my early rewiring and before I had my first significant dry orgasm, I experienced two extremely profound spontaneous releases of energy where it felt like an extremely strong buzzing in my body, and I had absolutely NONE, ZERO, ZILCH control over it! It hit, lasted but a brief 2-3 seconds, then stopped! It felt incredible, and I experienced an afterglow of pleasure for several hours which was very nice!


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TH, in answer, overall I'm not quite sure. I know that it is true, what you say, and that which you regard as the "rewiring" process, and your body and brain's awareness of the prostate. Until I experienced anal, prostate, perinium, k spot, and nipple stimulation I, as a male was unaware pretty much completely of this entire type of sexual energy and drive. After you get used to it, and get addicted to it, at times you begin to crave it like a hunger that can be hard to quench. The more I've done it, the more it is essential to feed it. Sometimes I ponder perhaps this is akin to a meth habit and I just have to get my fix. If the orgasm is a chemical dopamine release like meth or other drugs then this would explain the addiction. That is one reason I wonder if it is healthy for my brain and body at this extreme. I have also found, (and I am not completely sure of the combination of what factors cause it), that when I abstain for a period of time, my brain will still have it's way with me, and require either some type of manual anal / prostate stimulation or it will just cause me to begin having spontaneous orgasms with no stimulation such as when I lay down to rest to a large degree whether I like it or not. I can slow that down by traditionally ejaculating, or cutting back on fish oil.

Your 'release of energy' sounds like a type of orgasm possibly to me. I have identified my best orgasm as a true 'release', and I am at it's mercy with some lack of control, where I believe brain endorphins are being released across my brain and the feeling is of extreme relief, blissful pleasure, and typically muscle spasms, thrashing, quivering all over my body, and prostate fluid release from the spasming prostate, and my interior muscles contracting in waves. That comes after many cycles of building pleasurable wave cycles, that are nice, but in and of themselves are not a true release or orgasm. For me when the true, full orgasm hits you know it, as it locks you into it, you are within it as it rushes on with pleasurable fulfillment, and release of all struggling, and striving for the apogee of pleasure. In that regard it is a pinnacle, and complete. Often you get the "calm seas" feeling afterwards and just bask in that. That is until my body continues to cause me to do the same thing over and over again with each time being more intense. That usually continues until I am completely satisfied, or just fully worn out.

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Yup! I can identify with everything you described! Truly amazing! I'm also intrigued by your observation of how fish oil contributes to your experience! I'm going to pay more attention to that as I also take fish oil supplements!

Thanks for the feedback and interpretation of my experience!


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Fish oil' epa/dha builds more dopamine in the brain at higher doses. Keep in mind you should only use highly purified, highly concentrated fish oil in a 400 epa / 200 dha ration. As I recall it must be molecular distilled, pharmaceutical grade or higher; otherwise you contaminate your body/brain with heavy metals, pcb's, etc. Dr Sears is the guy who did all the research into fish oil and it's benefits. I'm personally aware of many overall benefits it's had on my own life. See the book 'The OmegaRx Zone'. Large doses 5 to 10 grams, or higher can eliminate depression. I believe I take around 5 grams of the pure stuff daily which for the brand in question is about 8 capsules. There was a book released years back for women, 'The Orgasmic Diet" where the author claimed part of the secret of her having full orgasms at will with or without a partner was fish oil. I believe the full recipe was fish oil, dark chocolate, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and a low carb diet, combined with Kagel exercises, and proper breathing technique. The more fish oil I take, the more Orgasmic I tend to become particularly within a few days to 1 to 2 weeks of the dose as it builds up in my system. That said you have to be rewired, and familiar with your Aneros to really get great orgasms and know what to do. Let me add that I've found there have been times I thought the Peridise gave me better orgasms than traditional models - my favorite being the Progasm. This was not the case at first. The Peridise is a different mechanism with different contractions required to get the orgasms started. Body position makes a huge difference also. For me lying on my back comfortably, with a flat pillow under my lower back creating a bit of curvature, and my legs bent at the knee, or sometimes my feet elevated on a short object about 2 feet tall works well. Breathing is always important. Sometimes I work up to faster almost hyperventalate, but usually I start out with shallow breaths causing a bit of oxygen deprivation.

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What brand of Fish Oil do you use?

Most of my sessions these days are without any Aneros, and I'm always on my back, laying completely flat. The one Peridise I have is fantastic at getting me going when I use it, which is very rare! I absolutely love being rewired to the point I'm at now! I couldn't agree more that proper breathing technique is important! I too have found myself breathing quite rapidly at times, but mostly it short and shallow breaths that really help to ramp up my orgasms!


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I usually buy Dr Murray's Natural Factors Rx-Omega-3 off of Amazon in the 240 capsule count. Probably the best would be Dr Sears OmegaRx brand, but his are some of the most expensive. I believe the OmegaRx and RxOmega-3 are in the same ratio of Epa/dha (2/1) and in about the same capsule size of 1000mg. Dr Sears brand may be slightly purer but I believe both are molecular distilled and free of heavy metals, and pcb's. The prescription brand Lovaza is good but you may have to add dha to get to the correct ratio.

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Avoid Omega 6. That is one reason flaxseed oil isn't a good solution to getting your Omega3's. Dr Sears states that Omega 6 provides chemical combinations of molecular pathways to produce bad eicosonoids (arachidonic acid) in you brain and system. Arachidonic acid creates tons of bad health for you such as heart disease, bad cholesterol, bad mental health, and inflammation all over the body leading to a multitude of disease states. Omega 3 on the other modulates to produce good eicosonoids instead and reverse arachidonic acid. Of course The Zone is also about controlling your insulin and blood glucose in healthy ranges based on what you eat. I believe in the Zone diet and the 40/30/30 ratio of carbs/protein/fat but I lean toward it being accomplished by Paleo Diet type means i.e. veggies, fruits, nuts, lean meats & salads, with no grains, dairy, processed foods etc. Pure Paleo also eliminates legumes, potatoes, rice but I believe that some potatoes and legumes may be ok. PS: I think the occasional bowl of oatmeal is good as it is one of the only sources of GLA (gamma linoleic acid), and GLA is essential and really good for you. I should add I also take Tribulis Terrestris (herb) daily as well

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Just had another similar spontaneous stimulation free orgasmic session that lasted about 1 1/2 hour. Would have gone longer but kept being interrupted by text messages I had to answer! X( Took extra fish oil this AM. So relaxed now...

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Thanks again!


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@Oh! Thanks for sharing your experience. I am also interested in the Omega-3. I recently started taking this brand and would like your thoughts on it. It seems to have the ratio you talked about. With aprox 1000mg per pill, are you saying that you take about 8 of them thru the course of the day? Here is the link:

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@ReWire, from what I can tell that one should be very good as well. Says it's molecularly distilled and free of impurities. The epa/dha ratio is identical as far as I can tell. Number of capsules and serving size is different, but 120 servings of 2 capsules of vita cost is equal to 240 capsules of the other RxOmega brand. - Make sure the fish oil inside is clear / not cloudy and keep them out of sunlight and fairly cool

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@ReWire, PS: yes I take 6 to 8 a day. Although today I took 11 to up my orgasmic energy. At 8 that's about 600mg / per pill (epa/dha) × 8 = 4800mg or ~5 grams. As I recall Dr Sears only counts the portion of actual omega3 epa/dha per pill, but would have to look up to verify. Dr Sears recommends 4 grams for healthy individuals, but goes up, even way up depending on what ails you. Start slow with probably only 1 to 2 pills a day at first for a week or two. Always take with meals so as not to upset stomach or have fish burps. Increase as you get used to the amount. The higher quality fish oil the more you can take without it bothering you. At higher doses it will lower your triglycerides, reduce depression, and inflammation throughout the body. Hard to say where you do best for orgasms but probably 6 to 12 would be good. I've been taking fish oil continuously for at least 7 years and thoroughly believe it really helps my body overall. You will notice some improvements right away, but others manifest months and years down the road. For instance I used to have irritable bowel, but that slowly went away over 1 to 3 years with fish oil. Granted I also started drinking fluoride free water and taking some probiotics.

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Thanks @Oh! for your detailed description of of what you experienced during your orgasms and for your information about diet. I've been taking this: recommended as a result of neuropsych testing for mental fitness. I don't see any information besides EPA and DHA content nor its purity. I'll look for Dr Murrays fishoil. I'd been taking flax seed oil as a substitute but no more. Your diet sounds similar to ZaneBlue's orgasmic diet.

I've been stuck in a calm seas orgasmic plateau for some time. It's pleasant and fun but I'm curious about the higher levels. I'm theorizing that my energy is a key factor

Thanks for the interesting discussion.

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Fantastic! You have just confirmed something I have wondered about for a while now...Once awakened, the Prostate, and the rewired mind, seem to seek to provide pleasure through the accumulation of sexual energy, regardless of what else the body and mind do on a daily basis!

Am I oversimplifying anything?

Also, during my early rewiring and before I had my first significant dry orgasm, I experienced two extremely profound spontaneous releases of energy where it felt like an extremely strong buzzing in my body, and I had absolutely NONE, ZERO, ZILCH control over it! It hit, lasted but a brief 2-3 seconds, then stopped! It felt incredible, and I experienced an afterglow of pleasure for several hours which was very nice!


Brother, not to brag about it, but to shed a light on your experience. When reading the last part of your post I just had to log in and tell you. That extremely strong body buzzing, as though you're being electrocuted with a orgasmic electricity, is a state of being, you can reach it, though it depends on many factors getting there. Dude, I was orgasming in that state for 5 hours and 30 minutes por or less.
I reached a point where I was simply caught in it, a current so strong that was able to attract and guide my body with a strong magnetic force. Ejaculation was a thing of the past in that moment, I just had nothing to worry about, I was free to roam and explore those orgasmic dimensions of our being.
It was about 12:30 am when it started. It was my third time having a super-o and the other two times in the moment I felt I understood it so well that I stopped after an hour or so, that I'd continue the next day like it was no thing. Then the next day just beat myself up for not taking the chance lol.

[btw, not that it matters to me, but just to put things into perspective, I'm not gay nor ever fantasize about what you're to read next]

Anyway, I was totally inmersed in it. I felt soooo dirty, I felt like a helpless dirty slut, at the mercy of her captor. My IQ went down to zero, not kidding. That stupidity felt, strangely, extremely arousing. I really felt like the dirtiest stupidest slut and I don't know why, it was so taboo lol... the Aneros totally got me, it was caressing my sweetest spot, it knew exactly what I wanted bending me to its will with so little effort. I was helpless hahaha I can't say that enough.
In the last half hour things had climbed up and intensified so much that I literally went partly blind, kind of like loosing some parts of my vision.
I started by listening to OK Computer by Radiohead, after that I hadn't really noticed that there was no music. I was gone. Entranced. Domintated. Lust growing exponentially. Pleasure too. IQ tending to zero.

Some day I'll have another one, and I'll deffinitely come back here with some insights. Though, not trying it, reduces my chances of living something like that again.

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@euphemistic Yes you should probably switch brands of fish oil as the one you link to doesn't say it is highly purified, and I think the other 2 brands are a better value/cost. The ratio was good however.

Per your other link / post regarding your diet, energy, and diabetes here are my thoughts. The food you eat should never make you sleepy or tired. If it does it is either the wrong food, too much food, and or you waited too long to eat. Wheat belly is good, but take it a step further. Check out The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain and The Zone by Dr Barry Sears. I personally believe in optimally eating Paleo in a Zone ratio of carbs, protein, fat. Paleo is basically eating in a somewhat similar way as our pre-agriculture ancestors. As he defines it avoid processed foods. Eat whole foods. Eat fruit, veggies, nuts, lean meats, and salads. Avoid sugar, dairy, legumes, potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, tortillas, and similar. Avoid salt. I vary that as potatoes, and legumes are considered a grey area. I still eat oatmeal some as it includes GLA. I consume sea salt rather than table salt. Eat small, regular meals. Stay active and lose any extra weight. Take fish oil, possibly also vit D3, and some B vitamins. Also I believe I've had huge health improvements from eliminating fluoride from my water, and taking a probiotic. I use a Big Berkey with the fluoride / arsenic filter which I highly recommend. You will find eating any of the carb dense foods, particularly grain based like pizza, bread, cakes, cookies, sugar, tortillas, potatoes, rice, cooked corn starch, etc will make you want to take a nap. If you eat carbs sources from fruits and veggies, nuts, etc you'll find that won't happen. Drink lots of water. Also try NutriBullet Nutriblast shakes that include veggies and fruits some nuts, goji berries,etc. They are a great way to get good nutrition raw from things you might not normally eat, plus you get all the fiber!

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@Oh! Thanks. Got Dr Murray's fish oil. I'll try increasing the amount I take gradually. I already eliminated most sugar, refined grains and all wheat, and processed foods. I limit portions of other grains and legumes. Eat lots of veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat and fish. I've been eyeing a high speed blender. I should live forever at this rate 🙂

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Live long and prosper my friend.

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Fantastic! You have just confirmed something I have wondered about for a while now...Once awakened, the Prostate, and the rewired mind, seem to seek to provide pleasure through the accumulation of sexual energy, regardless of what else the body and mind do on a daily basis!

Am I oversimplifying anything?

Also, during my early rewiring and before I had my first significant dry orgasm, I experienced two extremely profound spontaneous releases of energy where it felt like an extremely strong buzzing in my body, and I had absolutely NONE, ZERO, ZILCH control over it! It hit, lasted but a brief 2-3 seconds, then stopped! It felt incredible, and I experienced an afterglow of pleasure for several hours which was very nice!


Brother, not to brag about it, but to shed a light on your experience. When reading the last part of your post I just had to log in and tell you. That extremely strong body buzzing, as though you're being electrocuted with a orgasmic electricity, is a state of being, you can reach it, though it depends on many factors getting there. Dude, I was orgasming in that state for 5 hours and 30 minutes por or less.
I reached a point where I was simply caught in it, a current so strong that was able to attract and guide my body with a strong magnetic force. Ejaculation was a thing of the past in that moment, I just had nothing to worry about, I was free to roam and explore those orgasmic dimensions of our being.
It was about 12:30 am when it started. It was my third time having a super-o and the other two times in the moment I felt I understood it so well that I stopped after an hour or so, that I'd continue the next day like it was no thing. Then the next day just beat myself up for not taking the chance lol.

[btw, not that it matters to me, but just to put things into perspective, I'm not gay nor ever fantasize about what you're to read next]

Anyway, I was totally inmersed in it. I felt soooo dirty, I felt like a helpless dirty slut, at the mercy of her captor. My IQ went down to zero, not kidding. That stupidity felt, strangely, extremely arousing. I really felt like the dirtiest stupidest slut and I don't know why, it was so taboo lol... the Aneros totally got me, it was caressing my sweetest spot, it knew exactly what I wanted bending me to its will with so little effort. I was helpless hahaha I can't say that enough.
In the last half hour things had climbed up and intensified so much that I literally went partly blind, kind of like loosing some parts of my vision.
I started by listening to OK Computer by Radiohead, after that I hadn't really noticed that there was no music. I was gone. Entranced. Domintated. Lust growing exponentially. Pleasure too. IQ tending to zero.

Some day I'll have another one, and I'll deffinitely come back here with some insights. Though, not trying it, reduces my chances of living something like that again.

@JMay --- Thank you so much for those comments! So far, I'd not had much feedback on that buzzing experience! I hope to experience it again someday! I can also relate to the total loss of IQ and vision! Today, I had so many strong orgasms, that went on for over 3 hours, by the time I was done, I could barely see. There is so much to this journey that I'm amazed at the range and altitude that I've experienced continues to surprise me!


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I haven't been running long sessions recently, but I can have an instant orgasm at will. About 8 strength or more on a scale of 10. I'll try now, Sitting clothed on my lounge chair. Yep. About a 15 second buildup to a level 8. 9 is a whiteout of my vision. 10 blows my consciousness out through the top of my skull, splatters it on the ceiling, where it drips down the walls and flows back to me. No fish oil in my diet.

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yeah warren but you're someone that has been tought or has practiced prostate/anal play and you achieved super-0's before the aneros was even invented I'm sure.

Im also sure that if you stuck a pencil up your ass you could super o from that.

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I haven't been running long sessions recently, but I can have an instant orgasm at will. About 8 strength or more on a scale of 10. I'll try now, Sitting clothed on my lounge chair. Yep. About a 15 second buildup to a level 8. 9 is a whiteout of my vision. 10 blows my consciousness out through the top of my skull, splatters it on the ceiling, where it drips down the walls and flows back to me. No fish oil in my diet.

Yes, the ability to have a Prostate orgasm IS unique for everyone! You are very fortunate!


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I can relate to the state of stupefaction while riding and orgasming. All I can exclaim are "Wow" and "I can't believe this" 🙂 When aroused enough I feel like I've taken my skin off and am doubly naked. Of course I'm riding naked in the first place but sense my nakedness is deeper than flesh. It's a really sensuous sensation. Afterwards I'm walking around in a daze.

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I haven't been running long sessions recently, but I can have an instant orgasm at will. About 8 strength or more on a scale of 10. I'll try now, Sitting clothed on my lounge chair. Yep. About a 15 second buildup to a level 8. 9 is a whiteout of my vision. 10 blows my consciousness out through the top of my skull, splatters it on the ceiling, where it drips down the walls and flows back to me. No fish oil in my diet.

Yes, the ability to have a Prostate orgasm IS unique for everyone! You are very fortunate!


he is fortunate because he has put work and effort into being able to experience such things

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I also have had that vision problem from intense or longer sessions and mentioned it in posts years back. I don't really like it, and worrisome. I wonder if blood pressure goes too high or what. I used to do really long sessions like 3 to even 6 hours. Afterwards I would feel faint. Nowadays my sessions are quicker like 30 min to 1.5 hours. Doesn't take long to have one, but the longer I stay the better they get.

PS guys, you mentioned naked, and that reminds me. I've always been pretty modest and didn't much like being naked or seeing myself naked. I don't know if it's the Aneros use or what but now I like to be naked, and walk around the house naked, sleep naked (which is much more comfortable), and don't much mind looking at myself. I guess for some reason I am more accepting and comfortable, and/or perhaps slightly turned on by being naked. Anyway, just something I've found interesting last couple years that's a mystery

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