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Massive drop in arousal after promising start

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So today, like almost very other session I've had, i experience immediate feelings of arousal and pleasure when inserting a device. It then after 10 mins max, drops off and I'm left feeling very little indeed.

What I've discovered is that the arousal and the physical orgasmic feelings disappear simulatnously.

Now i don't know if its the confident boomerang i need to observe here, but i find the feelings don't return as strong as they did IF they return at all.

However what i find frustrating is i KNOW if i were to have several of these 10 min build ups i would be in an amazing state of bliss.

Its almost as if Ive had a wank! my body thinks I'm satisfied and somehow shuts off, but my mind is aroused, but body and prostate seem not to be. This would explain why when i then remove a device, another 10 mins later I'm having a super aless time, its like I'm physically aroused again and able to be susceptible to the sensations again. The issue i have is physical, not mental, that is certain after todays session.

One other thing i found today, i removed the device after the ten mins of fun and i found that it was really hard to get out, like the lube had been absorbed, Ive been using coconut oil, i wonder if this is the issue? that the device cannot move because there is minimal lube. I did try a re-lube and instantly felt great again, though not as intense and soon i got bored.

I have a plan:

- use coconut oil in conduction with other lubes, perhaps shea? something that will keep me lubed in there
- have 3x ten min sessions a day. Rather than one long session it seems i can only have them in sort of 'bursts' of ten mins at a time. Perhaps this is the way i do things, small but quality sessions.

Anyone else identify with this sharp drop in arousal AND in physical sensation? this is my only barrier now! all devices work, aless works, just this barrier needs to be tackled. I am even happy to entrain that its diet thing/physical well being thing, which isn't great currently. I need to find the answer.

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One more thing I don't fully understand.

My aless sessions last for ages and I don't need to be aroused in the slightest, it just keeps going. No matter what I do, what position I'm in or what frame of mind I'm in I still have uncontrollable aless Prostate heat, it's all up my legs and especially my feet, huge throbbing in my Prostate. It's always at its strongest post Aneros session, usually a few hours after my 'tens mins' of fun above. It's like the total antithesis of what i experience above.

It's really throwing me for a curve here....

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Here is a good question. How long is the time between orgasms with the aneros? If it's minutes and feels like you're starting again from scratch each time then cool, I'm on the right track, but if it feels like 'your done' after ten minutes then what the f*ck is happening?

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I find that that coconut oil absorbs very very quick so i always use vaseline with it.

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I always thought Vaseline was bad? Would shea be decent instead?

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I use shea as a first coat on the toy followed by coconut oil. You can also freeze shea into little pellets to be inserted beforehand as supposatories.

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Joined: 7 years ago
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In addition to my coconut oil i also use A&D ointment on the device(thin coating) and on my universal aneros entry point (LOL), that makes sure the device can move back and forth smoothly.

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@inhope, the man that discovered Vaseline, Robert Chesebrough, ate a tablespoon of Vaseline a day for over 60 years, dying at the age of 96. So I think it's safe to say, Vaseline is safe to stuff up your bum.

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So today i felt the strong pangs of an aneros less build up (like every day) and i couldn't keep to my rule of waiting a week. (its been a day since my last session)

This time i used Shea And Coco and set about 'doing nothing'

Once again i was greeting my the familiarity of wondrous feelings of warmth and something big coming my way. My penis flaccid then semi, then hard, then flaccid.

Oh oh oh oh! lovely.

!0 minutes later... boom. Its gone.

This time, remembering my new 'guide' to myself i using a small 10-20% contraction. Dick goes hard again, prostate responds in kind.

The feelings though are different to do nothing approach. There is no build up and it all feels like its somehow forced and penis based.

I change positions to my chair and it feels f**cking amazing, i even chuck some porn on, it just gets better and my arousal is high in my mind, but it feels different in my prostate.

Things fizzle again and i contract again and boom its back, instant boner and instant prostate pleasure. Amazing.

After 10 mins of this though... guess what?

its like my body gets bored haha!

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Omfg just at down and googling porn and having the most intense aless orgasm, it's constant ON and not letting up, not A bit. When my cock stiffens it gets more intense uhhhhhh

Ok sorry to say this but f*ck it, porn is good in aneros sessions. It is getting me to places I never thought possible. As are holding contractions.

My dick is shooting hot fiery orgasmic energy and my ass filled with hot fire of immense pleasure, it's coming in waves that pique at a level of amazingness. My Prostate is throbbing. I feel every inch of my cock it's like I'm cumming without end. The videos that are doing it for me are amateur stripteases of a women with two guys, if anyone knows any more decent vids... This session could go on and on....!

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I had another session today, observing the same techniques bar one:

I did a mild holding contraction the whole time, just to see what happens. I find that immediately I'm in the orgasm zone, within seconds! I found a weird feeling that i ve noticed before but i cannot really do it justice when describing. It feels like a sort of 'zone' where its silent, the device is held subtly on the prostate and it feels great, its almost where you feel like your legs are involved in some way internally but the muscles are not tensed.

While in this zone my cock went super hard and i felt a mild orgasm that i was able to sustain for a good 60-80 seconds. It was amazing.

After this my arousal went to nothing, i felt as though i had orgasmed (ejaculated, yet i hadn't) and my body wanted nothing more from the session. Even the most hardcore of erotic scenarios did nothing. yet prior to the session i was hornier than a dog in heat! This again is after just 10 mins of being in session.

If i watched porn it would generate something but it would be forced. The aneros device is an aneros amplifier, so if there is nothing amplify then it is over. Watching porn would give me a boner which would generate feedback feelings in the prostate yes but it wouldn't be like the previous 10 mins. After this drop in arousal no contraction, or do nothing, or tug of war would do anything.

So sticking to my plan i will try again in an hour. As usual after removing the device i am having nice aless feelings. Though i am concerned this is something to do with my health in some way.

Quick question: what lube lasts the longest and stays SUPER fluid in the anus and on the device?

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