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Magic button to the best orgasm ever

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Looking for Magic Button(tm) to the best orgasm ever... Or how to entirely miss the point.

I think only explorers get the benefit, and the benefit is better connection with oneself and the world and more enjoyment of life.
To me, THIS is orgasmic.

All shortcuts, tricks and (vibrating) devices are just distractions.
Uncovering a shortcut can be cool and fun - taking someone else's most likely is an illusion (...if it ever even works).

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@Canacan: A very worthy observation worth pondering!

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Very much agree!

My ability to relax has changed for the better dramatically! I seem to sleep better, and dream much more often!

Orgasms can be both "the cake" and also "just the icing" to suit my needs!

More importantly, it's my own self discovery that keeps this so exciting!


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The journey matters more than the goal.
Don't mistake the forest for the trees.
...and all the usual.

It's amazing how easily one can get off-tracks despite all the good knowledge and advice we have been exposed to. I know, it happens to me too.

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I cannot agree more.

Yes, journeys can bring us to goals.

Some journeys do not need to be repeated to have the benefit of the goal. The PROCESS of learning how to do something (e.g., change the oil in a car) does not always need to be repeated in order to reach the goal (e.g., clean oil in the car). You just do it.

In this fantastic road we call rewiring, the JOURNEY (the process) IS the goal - in my very humble opinion. For me, my satisfaction paradigm has shifted to one that almost entirely focuses on the trip rather than the destination. It's the hike, not the campsite.

With all of that being said, we need to consider that it is impossible to recreate an individual process that you have experienced and make it happen for another. I try, I try, I try to couch all of my comments with "Well, for me…" or "In MY experience…" - emphasizing the uniqueness of our travels. How many times do we say, "Well, you just had to be there?" The experience, the moment, the path is impossible to duplicate - even for your own selves. So, the advice we give here is only as good as the willingness of the receiver to make it his own.

The goal (a Super O, Super T, whatever) becomes part of the process and, hence, not a terminus. That integration weaves the process into our lives, instead of making it a layered piece of our lives. If it is woven in, it effects all realms of our lives - sexual, emotional, physical, psychological, social, spiritual. We can truly become whole.

There are several ways to change the oil. We all need to find the way that works for us.

Just my two, or three, cents worth.


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@brine very well said. I especially liked "It's the trip, not the camp site".

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@brine very well said. I especially liked "It's the trip, not the camp site". I second that comment!


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Thanks, gents.

Should have said, "It's the HIKE, not the camp site."


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Sorry, you did say HIKE....My bad!

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Snap, Canacan.I thought you had the magic button here. 😐

Brine, I think you expressed what I've been trying to figure out about my journey. I'm so confused about what I've been experiencing that I've given up trying to put names to it. Orgasms, pleasure waves, mini, maxi, names don't capture the experience. I'm pretty sure I haven't had a super orgasm yet but I may have. I have nothing to compare it to. I just like riding, is all I know. Once I started rewiring myself, and follow some of the suggestions in the wikis, I know I'm in for a interesting ride to somewhere. I like your description, integrating into the whole. I'm so different in many ways since a year ago when I started. But I'm still me.

I'm glad there isn't a magic button or pill, Canacan. I've noticed some things take time and effort, often the things I need to learn most. I'm just grateful for the fun ride!

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@euphemistic I so agree with and understand what you mean. Once I started letting go of labels and milestones, I started REALLY enjoying and understanding and moving more deeply into the huge FUN of being rewired, multiorgasmic, and awakened!

Keep it up, my friend.


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Excellent, friend. Take it all in for what it is…YOUR pleasure!


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Guys, you make me pleased and proud and I agree with every comment you made.


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@G-ForceThere I go again, right to my default of self-doubt! Thanks for your admission.

Guys, this is one awesome thread, IMHO!


@Canacan, @didymus, @euphemistic, @Theme_Gasm, @Jaxson

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Thank you for this very positive thread, it's a breath of fresh air.

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This is the best thread I've read. It says it all! Take the labels away, get rid of the signposts and milestones! We're on the journey and we are going there. I remember thinking "What was that? Was it a p wave or a mini O."? Will I get that again? Actually you may well be experiencing a big O and because you are trying to classify it, you miss it's essence, pleasure. Thanks for these excellent comments. Most instructive.

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I agree. I agree. I agree.


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+1. This is probably the most profound thread in this forum. I have had the most amazing awakening that there is no end to our journey. Goals can be destructive because there is always something beyond. This applies to all aspects of existence and beyond. Now my Aneros journey appears to be slow but only if I become goal orientated. Even easing back from the traditional goal of ejaculation and enjoying the journey rather that the release would be good - that's what gives me the over head tingles. From my personal belief death of the physical is simply a transition to a new realm of experience. I am really writing this for my benefit. I think I can shift my life's journey into new directions, I am definitely shifting the direction of my Aneros session opportunities. So I thought it was getting older but now I realise I have even more time to explore all sorts of exciting things. I can create opportunities I did not know even existed. That which was lost is now rampant with joy...!

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I connect so well with what you have said. "Rampant with joy!"



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What a wonderful phrase. "Rampant with joy"! It says it all. For many of us older guys, the fire begins to dim and the heat goes down but this opportunity provided by the Aneros journey has in many cases, as mine, rekindled the embers and got the flames going again. The rampant joy of realisation that this has happened is so incredible so joyfully uplifting! I am in a state of constant delight knowing the I have this resource still there to lessen my daily burdens, lift me from depression and constantly give me something to always look forward to. I never dreamed it could happen. Hence, the rampant rapture!

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What a wonderful phrase. "Rampant with joy"! It says it all. For many of us older guys, the fire begins to dim and the heat goes down but this opportunity provided by the Aneros journey has in many cases, as mine, rekindled the embers and got the flames going again. The rampant joy of realisation that this has happened is so incredible so joyfully uplifting! I am in a state of constant delight knowing the I have this resource still there to lessen my daily burdens, lift me from depression and constantly give me something to always look forward to. I never dreamed it could happen. Hence, the rampant rapture!

Well said! Totally agree!

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Good to re-read this post occasionally.


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It is so sweet to be at this point of the journey. No rules...No worries...Just come what may

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Thank you all for stating the obvious in such simple and profound language. Here we are all so exquisitely individual in the paths we have taken and yet are united in our treasuring the journey for its own sake.

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@brucemarkland and @Armon-neat,

Agreed. Agreed.

Seems a paradox, but in that paradox is great connection.


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My Fellow Anerosian Journeyers,

It is a wise thing to revisit thoughts that inspire. I decided to take a little trip back to this post because I think it is of extreme importance. Take a moment and peruse. Ponder the ideas presented here.

I encourage you to visit. These profound ideas are significant factors in my feeling of being "rampant with joy" in my Aneros experience.

The best to all of my friends here.


PS - I also wanted to push this post to the top! 🙂

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It pleases me greatly that you have all grasped the significance of "the journey" itself. Whether you are straight, bi or gay, young or mature, partnered or solo, @brine summed it up brilliantly "It's the hike, not the campsite". Happy hiking guys.
Good Vibes to You !

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Awesome thread guys.
Reminds me of what I need to get back to. After purchasing my first Aneros model over 7 1/2 years ago, its been quite the journey. From the first time I used it, I knew I loved it. I didn't know much of anything about anal/prostate play. It was all very exciting. But the rewards didn't come as I expected. Every session always felt good. But I always had that "goal." This expectation. The "SUPER O." I used to have alot of sessions. But things change.
I was 18 then, im going on 27 and now have 2 children. So the sessions are few and far between. Ive purchased many different models over the years, from small to big, and everything in between. Always hoping for that elusive super o. To no avail. I've purchased other prostate massagers always thinking that I'll finally experience what I always dreamed of.
No dice.
My significant other was always supportive about my journey, but I know I've always had to much expectations put on myself when I should just enjoy "THE HIKE."
I have the HypnAerosession CD ready for tonight. Im going to just let go and let thing's happen. Enjoy the moment, and not think of anything else. No interruptions are going to occur like in the past. Im just going to enjoy "feeling good."
I don't know where everyone is on their journey, but it doesn't matter. Its all about enjoying the moment and what the Aneros brings.
Cheers everyone have a great day!! 😉

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There is a term used in psychotherapy/counseling that my therapist wife uses all the time and encourages me to embrace when I worry about most anything. She says, "live in the moment." Don't consider where you were or where you are going, consider where you are. That pretty much sums up the idea of the hike as opposed to the campsite.

I implore you - live in the moment.


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