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Machine Gun Orgasm
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Machine Gun Orgasm

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Okay… so I experienced something over the last couple of days which I have never experienced before… and which I also haven't really read about… so here goes.

I started with the Aneros back in late July, and had my first non-ejaculatory orgasm sometime in early December of last year… so it's been a little over a month since I achieved that. Basically, I achieved it using the Peridise, and in particular, the two middle sizes work the best for me so far.
I think the Peridise is my favorite product.

So, I decided to take a break for a couple of weeks. During this time, I had many non-ejaculatory orgasmic sessions without the Aneros. A couple of days ago, I decided to end my break, and I decided to use the Progasm Jr. Before I started with the Aneros, however, I had been having some Aneros-less dry orgasms and I had been doing that for maybe an hour or two that day, not directly before using the Aneros, but I took a few long breaks. So I had had the Progasm Jr. in for a while… maybe an hour, and I had a typical "climax" moment like I do many times, where there is the feeling of suspension, the spasms in my legs, my abdomen, etc. But then something very new and unexpected happened…

I would describe the rhythm of most orgasmic muscle contractions whether traditional or non-ejacultory as being a longer, slow, and very organized rhythm like this:
___ ____ ____ _____

Then you have your non-ejaculatory orgasms where one comes on top of the other, and they have a more erratic pattern like waves on a pond, from two or more separate rocks being thrown in.
__ . __. .__. _._ .__ __. . __ ._

These tend to be more erratic. This is just like an interference pattern with regards to wave propagation, for those of you who are physics nerds.

Then there is what I experienced that night, which I will, for obvious reasons, refer to as the "machine gun orgasm". It goes like this:

It is a highly organized, insanely fast muscular contraction. Also, obviously, it feels insanely good. Interestingly, I was wondering if those muscles could move that fast, and I was very doubtful that it was possible since other orgasms which seemed to come on top of each other lacked such coherence.

When I experienced this for the first time, I thought it was just moving in time with my heart, and that my heart was really going just that fast, but I realized that it was actually going much faster than my heart. It kind of scared me at first, so I quit. A couple of days later, I tried it again with the Peridise, the second largest one. This time, it went even faster even than the first time, or so it seemed.

Since I had my first non-ejaculatories… I've been sort of unclear as to what constitutes a true Super-O as opposed to "lesser" non-ejaculatory orgasms, and I've seen some discussion about that on the forum here. Obviously there seems to be some kind of grey area. I assume that what I've been experiencing for the past few weeks has been a Super-O, but then there is this *new* level to it that I've just discovered.

Has anyone else experienced this machine gun orgasm that I'm describing? Is this a common phenomenon? Is this just a higher or more intense form of Super-O?

Just curious as to what you all might think.

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perhaps its your technique that is causing this to happen in the way that it is, what is your technique? has it changed recently perhaps?

Would you describe each of those lines as orgasms, comparable in intensity to a normal ejaculatory orgasm? if not it might just be a series of very small mini o's

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Some gents have attributed the short-term oscillations to fascia responses rather than deep muscle oscillations. I used to think of this as an Alfa-wave response but think that's incorrect. It seems better if I just accept it is for, what it is and don't analyze it.

Google: .. why some people get out of the chocks quicker.

Basic discussion:

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My technique has not really changed. I was doing a lot of kegels leading up to when I had my first mini-O's back in December. I was also occasionally doing the Key Sound and occasionally still do but not with any kind of consistency. The only thing that was different is that I took a two week break during which time I had some aneros-less sessions, but maybe also it could be because I was using the Progasm Jr. for a longer period of time.

The lines and dots weren't meant to represent individual orgasms, but rather the contractions which happen after the "suspension" or beginning phase of the orgasm.

rook: for me personally, I prefer to figure it out, because understanding what is going on has consistently lead me to achieve better results. I also enjoy it.

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YES!! You hit it on the head sir, and I too have all of these orgasms the way you diagrammed them and I'm very happy right now 🙂 The machine gun O I have just recently had myself and it is pretty crazy and wild and freaked me out so much when it happened the first time I yelled out loud "what the Fuck is going on?!?!!" and it was orgasm bliss to the max.

These MGOs (might as well do the acronym thing) I get come when the aneros gets pulled in deep and hard and is held there by an involuntary "sucking/pulling/flexing" action that happens. it's like I'm flexing hard on purpose but I'm not, and its intense as all out. Then my ass decides to relax on its own and the second the aneros moves out a little and my sphincters all start to come undone, the aneros slams back into my at lightning speed and its like a jack hammer, or machine gun, of super fast twitch/spasms and I'm cumming. But not like my super O its just a notch below. Stronger than the fast and short dry Os that happen a lot and can stack up on each other, and build off of each other. I like the machine gun action, its pretty fun!
Thanks for sharing it, and the line/dot diagrams are really nice to see

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Me too! I have had exactly what @Techpump described but it only happens on very rare occasions.

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Sounds like fun!

I think I'd like to try one of these!

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