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For quite some time I've been following discussions on lube alternatives. There seems to be a lot of info out there in various posts and on the Wiki. Sure would be nice if someone would aggregate all this info into one place...and create a LUBE-RARY for us. If only we could find a volunteer for the job of lube-rarian.

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Hello mystic1, 🙂

And welcome to the Aneros forum.
I suspect the Aneros WIKI is the only place where it makes sense to aggregate the basic information about lubes. Once you start getting too specific, the volumes of information become too much. You can certainly suggest new material to be added to the WIKI. There is a separate category in the forum for that. I'm sure Rumel will have further insight into this that is not occurring to me.

lube-rary! 😆 Good one! 😀


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wow... powerful idea mystic1. Just to kick this off, what would you like to see?

Love_is threw me a curve ball with his Vegan criteria. Wonder what other tastes and limiting criterias are out there. Are lube preferences driven by session objectives? etc.....

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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

You are quite correct about there being a lot of information about lubrications on the Forum. There is also some misinformation on here too. Lubes are one of the most frequently discussed topics on the Forum (kinda like guys discussing “what's the best motor oil for my '99 Chevy pickup?”). One of the purposes of the WIKI was to distill numerous years of members' factual knowledge and experience into a concentrated format that was readily accessible while trying to avoid personal bias to color the information. I think this sentence from the WIKI sums things up pretty well - “A great deal has been made of lubrication in the past in the Forum, the truth is that one shouldn’t get too hung up on it. Find a lubricant that’s slick, one that you like, one that “agrees with you”, then apply it and be done with it. Despite all that's been said in the past, almost any decent personal lubricant will suffice, so long as it meets the criteria above.”

IMHO as long as the lubrication is sufficiently doing its job and is not harmful then it is OK, one can discuss the nuances of viscosity, slickness, longevity of action, etc. but these are all highly subject to personal preferences as evidenced by the discussions on the Forum. I agree with you it would be nice to aggregate all the various discussions into a central repository for members easy review, perhaps you would like to take on that task?

If there is specific information you think should be included in the WIKI, I encourage you to write it up and submit it to us for consideration – please see GUIDELINES for Inputing to the WIKI. Any and all suggestions are welcome as we want the WIKI to be a ”go to” source for accurate information.

B Mayfield
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With respect to lubes and the WIKI, our intention was to discuss general categories of lubes that were in common use. While it could likely use some updating in relation to this, the concept was not to catalog each and every lube that was on the market. Lube preference is a highly subjective thing. Consequently, we felt that the General Discussion section of the forum was the best place for users to make a case for their favorites. In this way other users could provide their own feedback

I like the Lubrary idea and think that it would make for a great thread.

BF Mayfield

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