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Looking for some Aneros Guru guidance

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Hi Guys.

This is probably a too-long forum entry, but I was feeling the need to connect and wanted to give enough information to get helpful responses. That said, here I go.

Short background history:

I’m 57 years old. I’ve been single for 10 years. I’ve never been that sexually motivated. I like sex, but don't go out searching for it. When friends would say they had an “itch” for sex that needed to get “scratched", I never really understood it, and have never felt that way…until now. My sex life is masturbation only, and I often go for a while in between masturbation sessions.

I was drawn to the Aneros because of things I had read. I thought it would be interesting to try it out. I’m gay and I’m familiar with, and comfortable with, anal sex. I find it very pleasurable and thought it would be a nice addition.

I started with the Aneros Prograsm In April of this year. I now use the Helix Syn and noticed a big difference. It seems to fit me better and hit the right spot. My sessions started to change as a result and become more activated and pleasurable. I use the “do nothing” method. My sessions generally last 1.5 - 2 hours. My sessions have built over time and have recently gotten quite strong.

I’ve had a bit of pain after use…usually on the 2nd day after a session (similar to the muscle soreness after a good workout at the gym). It feels like an internal sore muscle. Not incredibly painful…but definitely there for a couple days. It hasn’t stopped me from having sessions, but I have spaced them out a bit longer in between.

Recent history (about 2 weeks ago):

Something happened that totally caught me off guard.

I was driving and had such a strong sensation of orgasm that I questioned if I should pull over the car. The feeling ran through my body. It lasted about 15-20 seconds. It was very unexpected and I didn’t immediately know what was happening. This was a stronger experience than I had felt during an Aneros session, but definitely Aneros initiated.

Since then I’ve been having many, MANY waves flowing through me all through the day. They are totally involuntary. They feel like mild orgasm-like waves. They are pleasant and vary in strength. After a couple days of this, the amount and consistency of them became alarming. I started feeling that maybe this isn’t what should be happening…like I had damaged a nerve bundle or something.

After a few more days of this, I decided to make an appt. with my doctor…that’s the level of concern/anxiety I had. It was embarrassing to explain -but I did- that I’ve been having involuntary orgasm-like feelings throughout the day and that I was concerned. --I didn’t tell her about the Aneros use. I know… She did a rectal and prostrate examination and found nothing irregular. Also did a urine sample (all good). I was very happy about that, but it didn’t explain the sensations. However, the examination did make me feel less concerned with what was happening.

What’s happening now:

Since the car “incident", I’ve become highly sexualized. My nipples have become so sensitive that I can give myself orgasm-waves by playing with them without the Aneros in place (I've never had this before). I feel this is totally connected to my Aneros use and have read about others having this experience. In fact, many areas of my body have become sexually sensitive. I feel the desire to masturbate all the time (don’t)…a “horniness” I’ve never experience before. Also, I’ve started to sexualize other people. I find myself looking at guys and wondering what it would be like to have sex with them, or wondering what their sexual life is like, etc…I’ve never done this before. I guess what I'm saying is that prior to the car thing, my sexual desire was like 10% ...now it's always present, both internally and externally...and that's been a challenge.

So…all that said…here are my questions and concerns.

Have others experience similarly abrupt sexual feelings/changes as what I mention? Is this what is referred to when the topic of “rewiring” is talked about in the Discussion Forum and on the Wiki? I expected it to take place in a slower, escalating manner…not a bolt. Has that happened to others?

Is this (totally unfamiliar to me) heightened sexuality a long lasting sensation, or does it become normalized over time (hope so…this hyperdrive is a bit too much)? To some degree, it has affected my sleep, interest in food, and general focus.

There is a good bit of anxiety and fear that comes with being in this new sexually charged state -like: how long will this go on? Will it get stronger? Will continued use of the Aneros heighten it further? Frankly, I’m not sure I want to heighten it further without getting used to this state, but don’t want to stop the Aneros use either (if that makes sense)

These new feelings leave me feeling a bit unbalanced (in good and not-so-good ways). I’ve been deliberately doing things to keep grounded (gym workouts, being outdoors, etc.). Should I refrain from doing things that heighten my sexuality…like porn, Aneros or masturbation…for a while? Don’t want to, but… thoughts?

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading on the Aneros forum and Wiki to educate myself about what might be going on.

Getting some support is the primary reason for expressing and asking about what I’m experiencing. I know some may think…”wow dude, that’s great, keep going”, but that kind of “cheerleading” is not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for some genuine help in navigating these heightened sexual thoughts and feelings. This is totally new territory for me (really? ...at my age?) and I’m needing a bit of experienced guidance.

Any thoughts or sharing would be appreciated. Thanks, Dexter

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@Dexter, I think you may have experienced a "cargasm" or an orgasm while driving. I can understand your concern if experiencing such can get you into a traffic accident. But it is apparent from reading your entire account that you are taking quantum leaps in your Aneros journey. I salute you for this. Just relax and enjoy both your Aneros sessions and your Anerosless experience outside of sessions, or Aless.

I am 67 years old, ten years old than you, after five years of devoted Aneros sessions, I began experiencing Super-O's and MMO's two week ago and exquisite and profound Aless since then.

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@Dexter I'm certainly no Aneros Guru, but I have been on my journey for a little over a decade, so I have some little experience. So for whatever it's worth, here is my input.

Neuroplasticity is the scientific term for what is normally called rewiring in this forum. I wrote a post on this recently. I suggest that you do some reading on this topic, since it might help you understand what is happening. ( https://community.aneros.com/community/general-discussion/neuroplasticity-the-science-behind-rewiring )

Many Aneros users experience sensitizing of different parts of their bodies, in particular their nipples, and many also develop the ability to have orgasms from stimulation of nipples, or other parts of their body, alone, without any prostate stimulation whatsoever, Aneroswise or otherwise. To understand this phenomenon, I suggest you do some reading on classical conditioning.

Developing the ability to have different types of non-ejaculatory orgasms using prostate stimulation, or other techniques, such as KSMO, has been known to strengthen the sex drive. I have experienced this myself, although not in the abrupt way that you describe. The vibrations of a car, or to an even higher degree, the vibrations of a bus, being lower in frequency and usually higher in amplitude, can trigger waves of pleasure in my body. And yes, I'm roughly your age!

I suggest you also look into the KSMO forum ( https://multiples.com/orgasmforum/ ) since the topic is addressed there too. Other topics that might be of interest to study is tantric sex and kundalini awakening.

Where you are at right now, I think it's a good idea to engage in activities that keep you grounded. I don't know to what extent you might already be doing it, but ejaculation tends to have a draining effect on the sexual energy. As you may know, the opposite practice is commonly used to strengthen the libido.

I guess this was what I could offer. I hope others can fill in.

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@Dexter What a great, detailed testimony! You may find that by "slowing-down" a little (or even stopping for a while) you will regain control over your strong, seemingly out-of-control sexual responses. Nothing in your account, to me, however, is out of the ordinary. I too have experienced the so-called 'cargasm' somewhat early-on in my journey and yes, it can be hard-hitting in the sensations felt. One thing to be aware: once Aneros re-wiring is essentially complete (and it sounds like you are close now), you can take-your-time and enjoy all the things that you like. Your sexuality will take on a new focus, however, and you will never lose that aspect. You body will tell you what it wants, even when you are "prostate-horny". You are with friends in this Aneros community!

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Have others experience similarly abrupt sexual feelings/changes as what I mention? Is this what is referred to when the topic of “rewiring” is talked about in the Discussion Forum and on the Wiki? I expected it to take place in a slower, escalating manner …not a bolt. Has that happened to others?

First off, there is no need to apologize for your length of post, a good description of your situation helps the rest of us respond more effectively. Second, the delayed internal discomfort/pain you have experienced is probably due to orgasmic spasm induced muscle fatigue. As those muscles get more and more exercise they will strengthen and tone up, I believe you will find that discomfort will disappear in time. You've made much progress in a short amount of time but the mind and body are not yet quite in sync, this too will change in time. Third, the spontaneous experience of P-waves at unexpected times is often reported, these are normal after effects for men who have awakened their prostates. Now to your questions.
Rewiring is simply the term used to describe the effects of our brains capacity to employ neuroplasticity (see also @Pavlov 's thread Neuroplasticity - the science behind rewiring). The Aneros WIKI - Glossary describes the term rewired as having the following attributes :

Slang for the distinctive changes that one's body undergoes through the use of the Aneros. In particular: (1) becoming permanently responsive to non-penile forms of stimulation, as associated with the prostate, perineum, nipples, anus and rectum; (2) a vivid sense of tingling well-being in the pelvic region, most noticeable when not in sexual situations; (3) an overall increase in sexual sensitivity; (4) an overall improvement in sexual performance, including ejaculatory control and erectile function; (5) increased skill at arousal amplification techniques such as the Aneros, KSMO, E-Stim, and secondary erogenous zone stimulation, among others, so that spontaneous pleasure and non-ejaculatory orgasm become increasingly easy to achieve.

The time frame for individuals to become aware of their own level of rewiring is greatly variable, in your experience it has occured rapidly, for others it occurs much more slowly. This is one of the many individual variables of the Aneros journey.

Is this (totally unfamiliar to me) heightened sexuality a long lasting sensation, or does it become normalized over time (hope so… this hyperdrive is a bit too much)? To some degree, it has affected my sleep, interest in food, and general focus.

From your description of these other effects, I suspect you may be experiencing a mild form of Kundalini awakening, this is not unusual for some men taking up the Aneros journey. As you progress, your mind and body will likely normalize these sensations and integrate them into your daily routines, they become part of your new "normal" level of awareness.

There is a good bit of anxiety and fear that comes with being in this new sexually charged state -like: how long will this go on? Will it get stronger? Will continued use of the Aneros heighten it further? Frankly, I’m not sure I want to heighten it further without getting used to this state, but don’t want to stop the Aneros use either (if that makes sense) These new feelings leave me feeling a bit unbalanced (in good and not-so-good ways). I’ve been deliberately doing things to keep grounded (gym workouts, being outdoors, etc.). Should I refrain from doing things that heighten my sexuality …like porn, Aneros or masturbation…for a while? Don’t want to, but… thoughts? I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading on the Aneros forum and Wiki to educate myself about what might be going on.

I can't tell you how long it will continue or if it will increase in intensity, I doubt any one can. Exploring the unknown is understandably an anxiety inducing experience but I think your desire to continue Aneros use is a good indicator your psyche is wholly prepared to go forward into the exploration of this experience. IMHO, your activities to stay grounded are positives and choosing to parse activities which may inflame your Kundalini is probably wise as well. You always have the option of pausing your activities until you feel confident enough to experiment further.

This is totally new territory for me (really? ...at my age?) and I’m needing a bit of experienced guidance.

I don't think one's age is as much a factor as one's attitude and maturity. It is totally new territory for all of us at the beginning of our journey but having faith in yourself and your body will go a long way toward resolving the anxieties. Meditative and self hypnosis practices can also greatly help integrate these new sensations into your advancing consciousness. Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks guys! I appreciate your thoughtful responses. BigGlans -- I got a good laugh from the "cargasm" word use...very funny and perfectly accurate. Pavlov -- thanks for the neuroplasticity info. I watched the TedTalk link when you posted it earlier...and thought the talk was amazing...to the point that it felt as though the first 10 mins could have been a talk about Aneros use. It was a great, educational post...I hope others will check it out too. I'll check out KSMO. I'm not familiar with it. Goldenboy-- as with most of your post responses, there is a calming "follow the path - trust" style of response you provide that is very helpful...sort of a "take a breath" approach...appreciate that! ...and Rumel-- you are so thorough and hit all the points. I read a lot of your posts and always learn something. Thanks for being such a consistent presence on this site. I'm not very familiar with what is considered a Kundalini Awakening. I'll check into it...provided it's not going to freak me out, as a result of learning more. 😉

So...all that to say...thanks for your responses. It's been a weird couple of weeks and sharing this information helps me. Like someone out there has a sense of what's happening and it can be easily discussed with informed people. Aneros use isn't one of those topics that comes up casually with friends, so this discussion forum has been really helpful in my process. It's a great resource. ...any other thoughts you might have...it's all helpful and I appreciate your support.

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