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Longest time using the aneros but not masturbating

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Hi all, I was wondering if some "Hard rewired" guys here completely stopped 'classic masturbation' (ejaculating or not) and used only the aneros.

So what was your longest time using the aneros without touching your penis at all ?

Stay safe,


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Posted by: @refasme

Hi all, I was wondering if some "Hard rewired" guys here completely stopped 'classic masturbation' (ejaculating or not) and used only the aneros.

So what was your longest time using the aneros without touching your penis at all ?

Stay safe,


Hmmmm tricky and good question!

To get this right, do you mean what was the length of time of no "classic masturbation" and instead Aneros use that eventually led to a prostate orgasm, hence the process of becoming "re-wired"?

For me it was 8 days of no ejaculation. I teased my penis on like, I think, 3 of those 8 days, my wife teased me probably 4 times during those same days, and I used Aneros with no penis stimulation I think only once during the 8 days (probably on day 4). Then on day 8 I used Aneros with my wife present with me and after that warmed me up we used a g-spot glass wand that stimulated my prostate really good and I had my first recognizable, and powerful, hands free prostate orgasm. I was completely flaccid throughout the whole experience and it only took about 10 minutes. I did not have a complete ejaculatory orgasm that night and did not have one until day 13 (I was planning a 13-day break from sex and cumming so that on day 13 it would be the day of our 13th wedding anniversary, and on day 13, it was pretty fun!!).

Hope this answers your question!


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Nope I don’t do that. It sounds like a great idea, just as it would be fun to only touch nipples, or only touch the back of your hand for sexual pleasure, for several weeks on end. That is a great way to challenge yourself and possibly learn something.  I lack discipline the displine to do these things for more than... 30 minutes at a time?

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Posted by: @refasme

So what was your longest time using the aneros without touching your penis at all ?

I took the 21 Day Challenge. You might find the 21 day challenge post discussion interesting.

Good Vibes to You!

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@divine_o hahahaha dude I'm sure you can go longer than 30 minutes! But I hear ya, I'm always aware of my ever present genitals and its hard not to touch them. I had a wonderful, explosive prostate session with my wife last night and while I normally set a "ground rule" that she can't touch my penis until I'm ready for it I didn't say anything this time and she touched me when she wanted...well, when she saw and felt I was ready for it. She timed it perfectly 😉

That said, there are lengths of time abstaining from orgasm, ejaculation and even achieving an erection that are highly beneficial to men if they are seeking a certain outcome. I have preached of the joys and wonders of a 7-day abstinence and the feelings that come about for a man who waits 7 days. Chinese scientists and doctors have published that after their test groups waited 7 days the men had the highest naturally elevated testosterone in their system than any of the 6 days prior or several days after: 7 days is the high mark. These researchers were trying to find out more about sperm health and generation, erection quality, and the ability to impregnate a woman. Every 7 day break I've taken has ended with massive, beyond wonderful orgasmic ejaculations that blow me and my wife away. Sometimes if feels like its stronger than a full-body orgasm. The amount of semen produced is honestly insane. The contraction strength and duration is unreal. I've tried 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, you name it number of day breaks and Day 7 is the best and most amazing. Every time.

So when you do an Aneros session on Day 7 its out of this world. Prostate is overactive and produces so much fluid. Penis inflates and deflates a lot and makes for wonderful internal sensations. The urge to cum and finish fully translates to the prostate and anal/rectal canal and movement and involuntary contractions feel bigger and better than on normal days. And, if you Super T during this session, get ready for the extra absorbent towels! A draining worth waiting for!


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@techpump definitely, I agree that semen retention creates significantly higher levels of arousal (though I don’t notice any other difference in my body), and I regularly do 4-7 days for the enhanced arousal it provokes. I am currently on day 13 of a run, though I dont usually go quite so long... 

However, the OP is talking about not even touching the penis, so no masturbation even without ejaculation, and I imagine no sex either.  I guess @helghast is in a position to share, seeing as his penis is in cage...


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Almost three weeks now. Its an experience I won’t forget lol. I’m horny constantly. No way to get proper release. Incredibly frustrating. Irritable. Stressed. My mind cannot switch off from it,I think of sex constantly. Not just sex. Procreation. I don’t want to have pleasurable sex with my wife. I don’t even want to bang her. I want to mate her,I want her pregnant with a baby lol. 
My senses I believe are sharper. Even a faint smell of a women’s perfume and I’m off on one. If a woman flashed her ass 100 miles away,Im sure id see it lol. I’d shag a hole in the wall if I could hahahaha.

I’m not sure I could do this without a cage,I’d have jerked off ages ago. It’s really tough. 


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Posted by: @refasme

Hi all, I was wondering if some "Hard rewired" guys here completely stopped 'classic masturbation' (ejaculating or not) and used only the aneros.

So what was your longest time using the aneros without touching your penis at all ?

Stay safe,


Longest time I have gone is six weeks - first week was the toughest! After six weeks the release was very intense! Aneros and Aless time was more pleasurable during that time! Lots of dry Os and super Os made it worthwhile!

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