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Large muscle quaking (no pleasure)

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I have started my journey of rewiring, and over the last 6 weeks have made progress thanks to all of the fantastic information from everyone that has shared their findings.

Starting as a newbie, I am looking at the list of milestones on the wiki understanding that this is a journey and the path I take will be unique. I am also using the mindgasm lesson 2 to learn the "big squeeze" to strengthen my pelvic muscles.

After getting comfortable with insertion and not feeling anything for the first few sessions, I was pleasantly surprised when my hips suddenly started shivering and then twitching on their own.  I alternate sessions on my back with knees bent, or lying on my side with one leg straight and the other bent.  Regardless of position I can now easily get this motion to start and it can become quite intense with hip thrusting in large movements to an increased rapid movements.  On my side I usually lock my ankles together for support and the movement causes my entire body to react as the thrusting starts.  I just close my eyes and try not think of anything, and continue with deep breathing.  My breathing sometimes will turn into panting and this will last for about a minute when I release the light pressure I have applied.

I have both a Helix Syn Trident and an Eupho Trident and get similar results.  Last night while taking a night off, I just tried contracting my muscles without using either massager and I was able to generate the same movement in my hips but at a lesser intensity.

I am not getting any other feedback of pleasure/waves/leakage.  The only other thing that happens is that I loose any erection that I might have before starting the session when I insert the massager.

Does this movement indicate that contact is being made with my prostate and it is being massaged, or is it just a result of strengthening my pelvic muscles? 

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I completed another session today, this time during the afternoon when I had the house to myself.

I tried a new lube; first inserting sliquid silver silicone using a lube shooter and then coating the Eupho Trident before inserting.  I still feel a slight discomfort from the tabs so I experimented with different positions but I continued only to trigger the large quaking response.  I then tried lying completely flat with my legs spread.  When I lifted my ankles from the bed a few inches I was surprised that this would trigger a significant response.  Alternating legs also caused the quaking and it would move upwards to my waist.  I tried lifting both my ankles and shoulders to get the movement to focus more on my mid section, but still my body did not respond with any signs that my prostate was involved.

After about an hour I stopped for a break as I was dripping with sweat and to cool down and catch my breath.  I used the next half hour to experiment and found the following:

- if I insert the Eupho upside-down I can still get some mild quaking similar in intensity to the response I was able to trigger without anything inserted.

- while removing the Eupho it was not very slippery and took 20-30 seconds to remove comfortably.  I then coated it in sliquid silk and it was easier to insert and remove.

Based on these observations I think I will try next session to pre lube with sliquid silk and use some silicone gel lube on the Eupho to attempt to get some involuntary movement which I have still not been able to achieve.


A follow up note about 2:00 am I was awakened by a throbbing erection with the base of my penis fully engorged.  This is definitely not normal but a very welcomed side effect of the session earlier in the day where my penis was completely flaccid.  Unfortunately I am on day 11/21 of SR and had to struggle to find a comfortable position to fall back to sleep.

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Takes varying amounts of time for the necessary neural pathways to be built,in essence,your brain needs to learn that pleasure comes from somewhere else other than your penis.

It is possible to focus too much on the mechanics of what you are doing and miss the very subtle sensations that occur. These are what amplify up wards in time. So whilst focus is important,it can be over done.

The quakes are good sign that the machinery is chugging and sputtering to life. When you get them going,maybe try a little erotic fanstasy etc Things are often reported as better with erection,but it’s not necessary. That’ll come too,in time.

You could also try shorter sessions,they don’t have to be an hour plus. As a newbie,no more than one per day,unless they are short.

. A lot of guys reckon every other day is a good regimen. Of course that’ll depend of things like,career,family,relationships and sex lives.

Just keep exploring,and things that are good,keep doing them. If you don’t play with your nipples,then start,they can really generate kick ass p waves inthe gland. Keep practicing with them until you’ve learned they bring pleasure even if they don’t now. 

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Thank you @helghast for your insights.

I agree that focusing mainly on the mechanical aspects has provided the first mechanical feedback, but as you say there is so much more to work on to get the brain to open up these neural pathways of pleasure.  The quakes are so intense they might be overshadowing any subtle responses that I am not picking up on.

One of the reasons for attempting to complete 21 days of SR is to remove the habit of a daily penis orgasm while looking at porn.  Trying to break myself from these habits.  And the suggestion for erotic fantasy is a good idea.  I also like just listening to the audio from live webcams.  The mind is an important part of this journey and I will look for ways to balance the experience.

The erection is tricky for me.  I avoid making contact with my penis once I insert the aneros, but it is like there is an off switch that is triggered as soon as it is inserted and my erection quickly disappears.

I have tried playing with my nipples, and they react to the attention, but have yet to provide any pleasurable feedback.  I will keep working on this.

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I see. On a lot of ask for help posts,the old stalwarts of Porn and jacking off aren’t usually far away.

Since your quaking and invols but not feeling much speaks volumes.

Get rid of the porn and audio for 2 weeks,you don’t need any of them. Lie in your bed in the quiet and focus your minds eye on your pelvic floor and have a session a day for half hour or so and see if things don’t begin to turn around. Don’t promise to never watch again,small attainable goals is life. Someone else on the forum did this and made more progress than before.

Youll soon learn that the sensations themselves fuel arousal and the other sources actually work against your journey through distraction or decimated pleasure circuits in the brain.

Make some changes now or you’ll still be treading water years from now.


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Posted by: @helghast

Make some changes now or you’ll still be treading water years from now.

A spectre of orgasms-future gestured your gaze towards an abyss.  Change ye ways, adventurer.  lol.  Welcome to the Forums!

Posted by: @silverdragon

my erection quickly disappears

Don’t worry.  I don’t get hard for Aneros and Aless unless I directly stimulate, but that hasn’t impeded my finding pleasure in those two ways.

Posted by: @silverdragon

The quakes are so intense

Earlier on, I had felt the concrete manifestation of a bodily belief, almost a reflex, for more tension and more forceful muscle movements in an newbie/misdirected effort to drive things.  As I’ve progressed I’m finding that “less is more”.

Good luck!
