just ordered my hel...
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just ordered my helix syn (also got mgx at a huge discount) and have a few questions

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so to start things off i am not particularly new to anal play. i have 3 vibrators but they never seem to pleasure me a lot. i did get 2 orgasms out of it but it didnt happen until i shook the vibrator around and the orgasm sensation rose and i jizzed. (im not sure if that would be considered an anal orgasm) but it felt like a normal penile orgasm.

i am interested in getting this so called super O, as those orgasms did not feel anal at all from what i read online. i ordered the helix syn and mgx yesterday and im wondering what the process is like. ill list the questions numerically down below.

1. i will be starting off with the helix, when it is inside and i use my muscles to use it, what feelings should i look out for? also leads into 2

2. i heard that my prostate area needs to be rewired to get pleasure out of it. what do i look for and how long?

3. how long should a session last?

4. how often should i use it and how many sessions a week is too much? the last thing i need is my muscles to weaken and cant retain my poo.

5. as far as what i should do before a session, like a couple days before. should i not jerk off or edge myself but not cum until the aneros session

6. will any kind of water based lube be ok? is there lube i should look out for?

7. any personal experiance that would be helpful for a newbie like myself?

thanks for any input!

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@bensor310 Congrats on taking the first step in your new journey. I'm sure by now you have gotten a message from @rumel with links to lots of good info. read and reread. On to the questions.

1) Good choice, I started with the mgx than the helix. got my first prostate based O with the helix. I have found the 'do nothing' approach to work the best for me. I have tried to do the light pc clench and kegels in the beginning but found them to do really nothing at first ie didn't really help me along but ymmv. You are looking for any type of tingle / buzz , something different than the norm. just let them go what ever they may be. These are what will blosom into the mind blowing O's you read about.

2) It's not the prostate that gets rewired, it is your mind per say. your body is unaccustomed to these new sensations you are about to encounter so the mind is unsure what to make of them. As you feel them more often and have a positive attitude towards them your mind will associate pleasure to them and they will blossom. Now obviously if something hurts stop. I would look for as long as your joined to a pleasure tool. I say joined because once your body becomes accustomed to the aneros you are using it will disappear into you, you won't even notice you have something inside you IE joined

3) It has been stated to go for 1 - 2 hours Longer or shorter is up to you.

4) 2 - 3 times a week. more or less again up to you but know the more sessions in succession does not mean more. I have found that every day things start to slow down greatly, not that there is no sensations, it always feels good but just not as intense.

5) As far as before sessions not masturbating to completion is a positive but not a must. You can do anything you want that feels good but understand that in the beginning you may take longer to get to a prostate orgasm as the penis base orgasm is well ingrained into you and could over ride any subtle sensations you may feel in the beginning.

6) basically any lube is good. except silicone lube as you have the syn model. Since you have some anal play experience use what you have in the past, it's all good.

7) The only thing I can say is take your time, feel for anything new and let these feelings envelope you. Try not to force or push any sensations you get as they most likely will go away. It has been said here before,"the prostate is a fickle bitch" it loves to be teased, tickled and adored. Above all else be relaxed and enjoy. all sessions are good even if you don't think you felt something as the body interprets all sensation good or bad.

Most all these questions will be answered in the wiki and associated links that rumel will send you.

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Almost forgot, you may want to keep a log or blog of your sessions. It can be done here or privately on your computer or in a notebook even. This will allow you to see what worked or didn't, what you feel or experienced.

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@bensor310 Hats off to @somebody for a thoughtful, step-by-step response to your concerns. I would add a couple of things. I have prostate/anal vibrators and don't use them anymore. I would commit to Aneros sessions only for a while. The suggestion of the 'do-nothing' approach is a good one. In time, your body (and your prostate) will direct you to further 'action' in the way of clenches or PC contractions. Just relax in your sessions and let the Aneros take you where it wants you to go. I assure you, you will feel it! It may take a while but you are on your 'journey' with Aneros and it can be a life-long adventure! Good luck to you and keep posting on your progress!

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@bensor310, Welcome to the Aneros Forum, @somebody certainly gave you some good advice and I'll just add a few things to his.

1. i will be starting off with the helix, when it is inside and i use my muscles to use it, what feelings should i look out for?

There is nothing in particular to look for, it is more a matter of just being sensitive to ANY subtle sensations which arise, these sensations may actually occur in remote parts of your body such as your feet, hands, ears, almost anywhere, but they will most frequently originate somewhere in your lower pelvic region. These sensations initially may be quite subtle, so, please do not dismiss them as insignificant as they are the building blocks of future orgasms. Please see Aneros Basics in the Aneros WIKI.

2. i heard that my prostate area needs to be rewired to get pleasure out of it. what do i look for and how long?

Actually, the rewiring occurs in your brain, as you learn, you build new neural pathways, as you progress, those pathways become stronger and stronger through repeated use. There is no way to predict how quickly one will build their neural network and there is not anything to look for in regards to this neural network. Over time you will feel the effects more on an emotional/psychological level than on a physical level.

3. how long should a session last?

Aneorosessions can last as long as you want but generally speaking it is not much point to continue a session when pleasure is no longer being generated. Please see the Poll How long is just right to ride your Aneros? to see what your fellow Aneros users think.

4. how often should i use it and how many sessions a week is too much? the last thing i need is my muscles to weaken and cant retain my poo.

This is totally up to you, some men have multiple sessions per day, some may have a session once a month or even less frequently. You may find the Poll How frequently do you use your massager? informative. Don't worry about fecal incontinence, the more experience you have with your massagers, the more control you will have over your pelvic floor muscles.

5. as far as what i should do before a session, like a couple days before. should i not jerk off or edge myself but not cum until the aneros session

Every man develops his own preparatory regime. Physically you should read the Getting Started section of the Aneros WIKI. Psychologically, you need to be aroused to have an effective Anerosession, please read the threads Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence. While going for an ejaculation during an Anerosession (see Super-T) will be quite pleasurable, I'd advise against doing it often until you've developed the ability to have Super-O's consistently. Please read @Cockadoodle ’s thread Penis, NOT and @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side for some reasoning behind this.

6. will any kind of water based lube be ok? is there lube i should look out for?

Again, please see the Getting Started section of the Aneros WIKI.

7. any personal experiance that would be helpful for a newbie like myself?

I sent you an introductory Private Message (Newbie's Notebook) with some additional hints and tips to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button to retrieve it.
Good Vibes to You !

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@bensor310 I have been on this journey for 10 years and I can tell you that everything you discover in the wiki is pretty much the way it is. You can absolutely not go wrong by studying these materials.. infact this information can probably be the key to getting to where you want to be more quickly. Because now there is a “collective” of experiences that we all relate to and communicate to each other. I remember when I first started out on my journey, this forum was nowhere near what it is today! Men were discovering their bodies and sharing their experiences for the first time.. so there was not a whole lot of information out there. After a 7 year hiatus I've returned to the forum to basically say that yes! This shit is for real man!! Your personal journey is about to begin. In my case, it took me the better part of 5 yrs to really start unlocking doors. The rewiring process took me some time basically due to life changes.. new locations.. meeting new women. However I have maintained contact with my Aneros at certain intervals throughout that 7 years. It's my journey... and what they say about “the journey” or “your journey” is true.. but it has to be in your own personal timing, just at the perfect time. If there are any short cuts that I can offer you is this: In the physical sense, come to realize that your prostate is a sex organ. It's in there lying dormant waiting to be awakened. Your anus from the opening to deep inside you is full of pleasurable nerve endings that love to be wet and love to suck. This too is a sex organ. And each of them together, your prostate and anal nerve endings are capable of producing something that u never thought possible!! Even after all this time, having experienced a “O” .. even though I've had so many I still can't believe it! I have sessions where I am so overwhelmed that I'll just start laughing outta the blue like I'm heading straight down a huge steep hill on a roller coaster, lol it's just breathtaking and almost unbelievable sometimes! And now in a mental sense you have to come to a place, and come to understand that your mind is in control of it all. It's like all of a sudden it clicks in when you least expect it to. Your journey is worth “all” that it takes to get there, whether it is 5 hrs or 5 years from now. Once that door opens you will never want to close it!

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@bensor310 I should broaden that statement a little.. your mind is in control by working in conjunction with your physical body. Becoming in tune with your physical body. Thoughts can become physical reactions.. when your extremely horny what is it that you think about? Pleasure.. sexual pleasure.. there's a certain tingly feeling that happened with all men when we think about sex or something sexy.. that thought which produces that little ember of pleasure can grow into a enormous fire!!

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@bensor310 one last thing.. and I'm sorry for the excessive posting.. possible helpful nuggets are coming to me the more I think on this.. the last tip I want to give u is that YOU are every bit deserving of experiencing the super O as anyone else here on this forum. It's not reserved for zen masters or sexual gurus.. it is Your special personal gift! This gift is available to all Men.. It's just up to you to unwrap it!

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@Years2CenteR Don't apologize for excessive posts! I frequently "add-to" my blogs as I go forward. If you thought about augmenting your post with more useful info, then just do it! Don't analyze it!

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Oh I shot pretty straight down the middle with my points I do believe. Good luck on your journey!

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thank you all for your feedback, very helpful! i will look into starting a blog in the hopes of not only having help being received, but how my experiance will help others on their journey
