Just can't get thei...
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Just can't get their

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hi was looking for some advice I have a helix a Vise and a progasm. I've had these for over a year now and can't seem to get that mind blowing super o . I can get some good feelings from all of them but that's as far as I can get. I think I'm not relaxed enough any one have any ideas what I can do

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@Tractorman32 you have been around for a while so I presume you read a lot of posts about patience and 'no expectations' so I won't emphasise on that. I will however suggest to try different positions and different approaches; change room, add or remove porn (differ from your usual), try different positions, approach your sessions as an observer instead of a player. My second last suggestion is to reread the contents of WIKI; sometimes when revisiting the WIKI you read something that might trigger something, however small it is.

My last one is to not give up! To some, it takes several years. For me, it will be 1 year next month and I'm at the same stage you are. I have come to really enjoy all my sessions even when I read other member's huge success in short period of time. To me, all the feelings I now experience are feelings I had never had before so I consider myself miles ahead of the game.

Good luck!

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Agree with @GGringo don't give up.

I gave up using the Aneros over 6 months ago because I got totally frustrated with it. I Super-o'd on virtually my first session, and several after that, and so I was spoilt; then I lost it totally after a slow decline and never got it back again. I think that came down to expectations being just too high, frustration and a mental block.
I have only just come back to it and bang it's working great within a few sessions, ecstatic orgasms. This time I'm going to enjoy it when I can but no massive expectations, and no overdoing it or getting frustrated.

My 'tips' are (1) use your breathing - breath deep and aim your breath at the prostate (imagine you are breathing into your pelvis), at the same time pull the breath up to the top of your nasal passages when you start to feel anything pleasurable: it acts as a magnifier of the sensations (2) concentrate like your life depends on it on any good sensations you get, it's a meditation; nothing else should be going on in your brain at the same time. (3) keep doing everything as you feel the faintest orgasmic sensation - there's no 'edge' the orgasm builds slowly upwards and you have to keep it building and building until the full force hits you and even then you need to keep concentrating and breathing correctly.

Also - relaxation - it's not critical, don't be too tense, but you don't have to be fully relaxed to enjoy an orgasm.

PS my profile says I'm an expert - I'm not!

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@smudgefish your suggestions to @Tractorman32 resonate like they come from an expert so don't shortchange yourself. Great advice!
Welcome back to the forum; nice to read you again.

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Thanks @Tractorman32

Having had extreme successes and extreme failures I have come to realise that there is a lot more going on with aneros usage than meets the eye. I don't think there is any debate around the fact that there is a large psychological aspect to its use. There are two particular aspects to this: firstly that a lot of emotional tension is held in the musculature, and secondly that the enteric nervous system and vagus nerve are the intermediary for orgasmic response, and these are also the mediators of emotional memory and response. Hence pleasurable signals from the prostate are potentially blocked by both muscular tension and emotional issues held in the enteric system, add to this any egotistical issues and 'mind noise' as the signals reach the brain and there are numerous ways that the signal is stopped en route. If the prostate is not yet awoken (enarmoured) due to lack of use in the past then it's no surprise it takes a long time to learn how to use the aneros.

In my case I orgasmed rapidly, and I think my system was overwhelmed. A brain orgasm caused me to have a very unusual response (Kundalini Syndrome) and my whole system shut down and blocked any further response for fear of being overwhelmed again and it's taken me a very long time to recover, and a lot of abstinence from the aneros, and it's pushed me into counselling and spiritual exploration which is no bad thing. I remember writing last year that I felt I had found the best drug in the world that I was no longer able to get hold of, and that was very painful at the time, and it caused me to go through a lot of soul searching and address a lot of problems in my life and I'm still nowhere near finalising what it started.

I do believe that the aneros can uncover a lot of hidden blockages particularly in terms of old emotional hurts. Other things that I have found helpful have been yoga, meditation and mindfulness. If it's not working for any individual then I would suggest that there might be some problems with technique, but there are more likely to be 'issues' (of a psychological nature) underlying that. Looking into these can be very painful but it's ultimately something that you have to do if you want to move forward in life and develop spiritually, and if you want to enjoy using your aneros of course.

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