journey frustrating
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journey frustrating

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this aneros journey is the most frustrating thing in the world because the same things don't work and why i say this is because ive had good things happen but that was only two great sessions and that was two days in a row and since then ive try to do the same thing but no joy and when i say no joy i mean it would suck straight up my backside and stay there but i would feel no pleasure and these great two sessions happen about 9 months ago so i just don't understand why the same thing that i tried don't work.

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darrenmynameis, (if the video isn't showing on your screen, try clicking here !)
This video clip is a wonderful metaphor for the dilemma we all face in making significant life decisions. I've reviewed your past posts and see a pattern :
1.) "do you have to learn kegel anal excises"
2.) "i don't care about super o or big o i just want to know how to do the p waves"
3.) "what is the most senstive bit of the prostate"
4.) "why is it so hard to get any pleasure out of the aneros. i have the helix and the progasm"
5.) "what are abdominal contractions"
6.) "do you need to strethen your pc muscles and anal muscles to get a super o"
7.) "do you have to breath the same time as you contract your pc muscles and anal muscles"
8.) "what are all the positions you can use with the progasm"
9.) "when i finish my sessions with the progasm i find that their is yellow/white fluid on it"
10.) "i use the progasm once or twice a day but i am not geting any pleasure is it because your prostate gets less sensitivie the more you use it"
11.) "other than rubbing your nipples for pleasure what other body part can you touch when using the progasm"
12.) "is there any thing you can do to help the re-wireing"
13.) "how can i complete relax without taking a shower or bath"
14.) "what is one forth to a half of contraction"
15.) "how do you stimulatate your nipples when using the aneros"
16.) "how many minutes of abdominal breathing do you do before you start to do contractions"
17.) "i know what anal and rectal contractions are but i don't know what abdominal contractions and rhythmic breathing is"
18.) "what are the benefits of strengthening your pc and anal muscles"
19.) "i have the progasm and i can get it to pivot but when i do i get no pleasure from it"
20.) "how do you massage the sides of your prostate with the aneros"
21.) "im still not getting any pleasure and i can get it to work on its own"
22.) "...i start to feel pleasure on my prostate but it is not intense so the longer i do this for will it get more intense or not."
23.) "when using the progasm do you always have to keeping breathing through the session"
24.) "1) how do you know when you are done rewiring? 2) what is the most important muscle? 3) can you get any pleasure by massaging your perineum with your fingers?"
25.) "why can i only get pleasure from anal contractions but when i try the rectal , abdominal , pc contractions i get no pleasure whatsoever."
26.) "...when i try the same thing with the aneros inserted you would had thought that the pleasure would be better but for some reason its not."
27.) "can someone tell me how masterbation interferes with the rewiring process because when i don't masterbate or have sex for a good week or more i find that it doesn't make any difference to my aneros sessions and it doesn't make me more aroused?"

this aneros journey is the most frustrating thing in the world because the same things don't work and why i say this is because ive had good things happen but that was only two great sessions and that was two days in a row and since then ive try to do the same thing but no joy and when i say no joy i mean it would suck straight up my backside and stay there but i would feel no pleasure and these great two sessions happen about 9 months ago so i just don't understand why the same thing that i tried don't work.
You've started 32 threads asking questions for which answers were already available in the Aneros WIKI if you had just made the effort to read a little. You've received 69 responses to your threads with thoughtful, well meant commentary yet you have not acknowledged even one piece of the advice that was given. IMHO, think it is time for us to stop 'spoon feeding' you information you can easily seek on your own. None of us can tell you what you will or won't feel in this journey, it is your journey to experience in all its magnificent mystery. You can now choose to take the 'blue pill' (discontinue Aneros use and return to your previous sensory joys) or take the 'red pill' (surrender your questioning ego and immerse yourself in the non-verbal, logic free, emotional-physical world of your own sensuality), "Just Let Go!"
Good Vibes to You !

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Haha.. good reply:) I sense the need of a Matrix marathon asap... I wanna download good feelings, speed up brain tech research and beam me up scotty!!

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I chose the red pill and never looked back :))

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Well said @rumel.
Can anyone else see the video clip Rumel put in his reply?All I see is a big blank area. I am using chrome on windows xp.
Hoping it is not a problem with my setup only.

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on chrome, I was able to see the video after clicking on the shield in the upper-right corner that says there's insecure content and allowing it.

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The wiki is a great resource of info but it can very easily be forgotten about after you've read it only once. Perhaps it's worth reminding our fellow anerosins to revisit the wiki from time to time? And, in particular the mile stone section.

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very true hywel. And as you progress it actually starts to make more sense.

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@hywel - totally agree. Every time I go back and reread it, I find something I missed previously - or more likely, has just became relevant and I now understand.


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@Jspad YOU DA MAN! Thanks I totally missed that, that did the trick.@hywel yes the WIKI is great the Jedi master members have put a lot of time into this to make it so.
It is only any help if you actually try and read it. The person in question clearly will not.
Self help is always key!
