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Ive figured out my problem

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Howdy all, me again.

I believe I've figured out what my problem is and am trying to get out of this funk.

My problem has been that I've always been a "here's the instructions, do this and this and you will get this result" 

I've just recently discovered that this is my problem and now I'm just going with, put in my aneros and just let my body do what it wants to do, if I feel tightening- just leave it. If I feel pressure- just leave it. Basically I'm giving no physical or emotional input whatsoever, and you know what, it's actually yielded some results.

By doing this I've have funny belly feelings, my aneros moves on its own and I've been getting short of breath. Not had any OH WOW SPECTACULAR moments as of yet but I've been getting good feelings nonetheless.

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You sound a little perplexed. The do nothing technique is also a set of instructions in itself,but if it’s working,and progress is coming,then follow it.

It does need said that any technique or famous sticky post is not a guarantee of success. No matter how much is read on the forum,there are small pieces of the puzzle that each man must figure out for himself to tie everything together and produce the end goal which is usually the elusive super o.

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Do nothing can be a little more freestyling. Focus on a particular breathing and muscle contraction takes a lot of discipline. Relaxing and focusing on what feels good is a relief and freeing.

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@regal13 T o true, focusing on the present sensations, or staying in the moment as it is, I find helps as a do nothinger. Although I catch myself helping sometimes without realizing it. Does anybody find themselves doing that? Like when the the rolling contractions start, and they find a rythum, and I try to make sure this happening on its own, I concentrate on being relaxed, and I am suddenly aware I am contracting with the involuntaries. Then its like my body says Hey! you cheated, end of session for you.Ha! Though I keep trying for a while after, as my brain is the very last to get the message.


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Yeah, doing nothing is a little misleading, because  call it rewiring or whatever, for me it is more of a response than a call if that makes sense. 

I respond to the natural muscle rolling and good feelings that start to happen. I try to handle it like it is a bubble...all jiggly and unstable and could break if you put any more force on it than you have to to catch it in your hand.


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