IT`S REAL!!! I just...
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IT`S REAL!!! I just had my first Super-O!!!

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Wow.... where do I start..? how it happened or how it felt??
I have to admit, the first week I actually thought this might be some kind of feeling people believed so hard they actually imagined the sensations.

Now I know that it`s the good feelings physically + focus on a feeling of a wavy electric sensation in your prostate + finding your own breathing technique + method to make it all tip over the edge.

Jesus Christ... it really is like a wave flowing over your entire body. It's like deep inside your abdomen you build up a huge pool of tingling smooth sensations that suddenly wash out over every limb in your body.. Like the almost smooth electric wave gets sent to every single neural connection in your entire body... O M G.......

Still can't believe it happened. Don`t even know if an orgamsm is the right word for it.

Tried to have one more after the first one but couldn`t breathe properly, couldn't relax - muscles tensed up, and couldn`t hold the contractions like I did the first time. Felt like what you call mini-Os afterwards. More locally in the anal region, like a small wave in the anal canal.

Dunno what more to say besides --- I WANT ANOTHER ONE!!

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Lucky auto ass fucker! LOL!

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Haha.. beat you to it @xtimedt69 😉 thought you would be first though. Never experienced what people describe as autof**king. Only movement by breathing and contractions.

You'll get there to.. I promise!! Still can't believe it.. :O

B Mayfield
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Congratulations! Sounds like a delightful experience. Explore and stay open to everything that comes your way. Autof**ing is not a prerequisite for the Super-O, it's something that manifests itself with certain individuals. Your path will be your own.


BF Mayfield

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Thank you! *Proud Super-Oer*

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@Alex_xxx I am happy for you man. I will get there am enjoying the ride with you guys.

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congratulations!!!!! =D>

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Yes, Alex, the Super-O is indeed real !

Good Vibes to You !

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@rumelHaha.. sorry, didn`t mean to say that everyone here is lying. I just had a hard time believing that the male body could have such a physical reaction emitting from the prostate/abdomen/anal region and out into every single limb. It`s like a neural sensory overload. I just didn`t comprehend how it was possible since I haven`t seen any real scientific research done on it.
To put it simple, a small part of me thought that this could be a marketing gimmick to sell the aneros product.

Now I just feel like one of you guys, one of the first pioneers a new era of male sexuality (even thought 1 million products have been sold). One that will become more prominent as taboo`s all over the world diminish in an ever increasing open society.

Now I will learn how to better control this new gift this forum and the Aneros company has given me. And now I have no issues at all with the money I`ve spent on my three aneros models. They will follow me as long as I live!

I also want to give a big thank-you to my girlfriend that I`m sure will be reading this post. A thank-you because she`s been so patient, encouraging and interested all at the same time.

She was shocked when I told her I got the Super-O last night after she had fallen a sleep (my breathing session started before she fell asleep).
This breathing-method I did in the start before switching to an holding contraction of the PC/Sphincter is better described in the post before this one.

This is not the end - it`s only the beginning, can`t wait!! 🙂

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@Alex_xxx - Congratulations! I'm thrilled to see the change in your beliefs about what your body is capable of. Just wait till you get to share this experience together with your girlfriend actively participating. 😉

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Congrats! You will be amazed once you have one Super O it will manifest itself into different types of Super O's. I have only been fairly new to this and have so many different kinds it is crazy. People have been on here for years and still have different types of Super O's so we all have much to look forward to.

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Was I right that you had actually been having P-waves for longer than you expected?

Congrats man!

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@MMO_RPGlolWell.. it might have been a P-wave that time, but it sure wasn`t a Mini-O or Super-O. Because now I know that feels completely different 🙂

What I had that time I`m still not exactly sure of, but I trust your judgement if you say it was a P-wave. But I think you said it was a Mini-O when I asked if it was an P-wave.. ?:)

I can`t wait!!! 🙂

You`re right! But I like things explained and documented physically, not spiritually or meditatively.
I will continue to wrap my head around this. In my mind this is all about focus on muscle groups, movement of the body and the aneros and physical stimuly as well as erotic thoughts. I think it is a physical reaction to an overloaded system. Dunno why it reacts this way though...

Researchers have a hard time explaining 100% why we get shivers from horror and big impressions, so figuring out this thing won`t be done until 20 years have passed I guess 🙂

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Wow, nice going! Must of been an awesome surprise!Interesting you mention 'make it tip over the edge' - seen a number of posts and technique bringing this up. How did you personally tip over?

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I`m not 100% sure, because I had another session with MGX and Progasm today going straight for the goal. And I was on the edge really fast but couldn`t tip over. Today it seemed like my muscle contractions went out of steam, and I also lost control of my deep but short breathing when I was on the verge of Super-Oing.

So based on that I made it tip over by having a looong session with only movement and edging with breathing. Then suddenly I switched to contrations - more than usual.. had PC muscles at about 50% constantly and continued to press on with the spinchter muscle (the one that STOPS your pee mid-session) to push the aneros inwards. The PC was engaged all the time when I started this.

Hard to select between the two..... since they seem somewhat interconnected. But I found a way for people to easilly seperate them when I went to pee one time. The one that HOLDS the progasm in place when you stand and pee seems to be the PC, but if you have try to stop midways you also engage the spinchter (closing your butthole in plain french). Sorry about the description.

So to conclude, after a long session of breathing and edging I actually used the method in "Quick and dirty path to the super O" because those two muscle groups seemed to rotate, PC engaged all the time and spinchter only when I could - hard to hold that muscle constant. It`s the one that can make your penis bounce as well as stop pee midways.

Next time I will edge for a longer period with breathing before I try to score.
Try to make it get sucked in when you breathe out and pushed out when you inhale.
That edging technique got me some interesting results, noted in my other thread here:

And DON`T stop your breathing technique when you start doing your contractions. It`s really hard to breathe + contract correctly so that if feels good AND relax. The exhalation was key to the good feelings for me, emptied my lungs on my shallow breaths out.

Hope it helps!! I`ll be happy to answer in more detail if possible.
Maybe some of the more experienced users can comment on the muscles used to make them have a "tug of war", because that`s what happened before I had my Super-O.

I had the PC contraction at 50% when going active because I felt it press against my prostate better then. Along with the breathing and spinchter contractions it made me Super-O 🙂

My prostate has been "purring" all day long after the last session. At one time on the couch I almost had an Mini-O while just laying there. It`s really feels awsome 🙂

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I believe I had my first super-O just on three years ago and have only had about twenty of them since.

I don't believe you can "will" your next super-O any more than you could "will" the first one.The next one will arrive when it is good and ready. I suggest just continuing with whatever you were doing leading up to your first one and enjoy the next one when it comes, (as it surely will) by merely continuing your practice.

Perhaps with more consistent practice, super-Os will become more frequent but I can't attest to that.

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@PommieWell, it feels like I will be able to learn the technique to will the Super-O, but I can only speak for myself. It feels like it is somewhat like the release you get when you consistently stimulate the penis. If the prostate gets over stimulated it has what I would call a sensory overload and release (that is what it felt like), almost like a regular orgasm but still not at all like it.

It differs on how the orgasm works and that your heartbeat gets sent to 140BPM, and you feel like a flip get`s switched and suddenly your blood is rushing around in your body. This is just BEFORE the Super-O, when you get the build-up wave. It`s crazy..

But there is a kicker in my theory.... you have to exclude the dud`s. Like everyone else here I know that sometimes the prostate is non-responsive. So I will do my best to will the SuperOs with practice an consise methods.

I`m 99% sure that there is a key to open that door.

@BMayfield and @Rumel - what do you guys think?

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As much as I would like to think that my ego could will Super-O's into my sessions, the truth is, after nearly six years of practice, I am like @Pommie. The Super-O's come of their accord, when my body is ready and desirous of producing them, I do endeavor to create the optimum environment for them to occur and I practice the same techniques and procedures which have produced effective results in the past but I still only reach Super-O levels less than 10% of the time.

However, I do have to say that I do NOT begin my Anerosessions with any expectation of a Super-O and I rarely have a 'dud' session (one in which I didn't find pleasurable). My sessions generally end due to an onset of 'mind noise' pollution and tapering off of the pleasure wave phenomena.

Alex, if you are able to "...will..." Super-O's into existence, I will stand in awe of your ability to control your body and mind to such an extent, that would be a rare gift indeed. I wish you well on your continuing journey.
Good Vibes to You !

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I agree with pommie & rumel. I think there is something going on that prevents the ability to will or bring about the elusive super O. As much as we would all like this to happen, for sure. My sessions kind of mirror rumel's in that I just try and set up the environment and enjoy the session regardless of what happens and as of today have only had two myself, though most sessions are very pleasureable. If you are able to do this, you should write a book! I'm sure it would be a best seller among us aneros users. Though not that it isnt possible, and by all means please try.

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@rumel @inverknew @Alex_xxx I really don't want to start an argument (especially with rumel, he scares me!) but I don't mind a discussion! LOL! But I, like Alex, am curious about why this is so difficult and why the path is so full of obstacles. He may fail in finding a predictable method, but he may also discover something new.
If this is a natural physical act, then it should be attainable, predictable and repeatable and no different than attaining normal orgasm. Here is the controversial part of my thinking from the standpoint of this forum. many want to make this a metaphysical experience and that is cool with me, some people find that in regular sexual activity too. I have found a certain peace with it myself but I think that comes from my use of meditation to reach my the pleasure state.
Like rumel, I have learned to enjoy each session for what it is and after my initial frustration each one offers me something interesting and feels damn good on it's own.
One of my nagging questions, like Alex is what is the underlying physical triggers to this whole process? If I stimulate my penis, I will eventually ejaculate, why not the same for the prostate and the super o?
As some of you may know, I introduced a very close friend of mine to Aneros 2 weeks ago. He started and he did not join nor consult the forum, it is not his thing, but a couple of days in I sent him the text of "Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O" and this morning he texted me that he had what he thinks was a convulsing Super O that he didn't want to stop. He had only done what was in the post and he said when things got tensed up he rode it out rather than trying to relax.
I think there needs to be research done on what the heck is really going on and ways to induce the physical response like you do with regular orgasms or how women do with G spot orgasms. I fear that if a predictable pathway is ever found, there won't be man on the street ever again they will all be convulsing endlessly in Super O heaven.
I don't know if I am being clear enough on my thinking ... perhaps I need to go meditate on it for a while!!!

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@xtimedt69 poses alot of really good questions, many of the same I am having. I do believe there is a recipe for the super-O, a master key. PS, lol about the meditation - you woudn`t know how to 😉

Just for the heck of it, here is my progress since the Super-O:
Two days have passed, both yesterday and today I have used the MXG and the Progasm.
Both times I have been on the edge of the cliff to the Super-O. And I`ve gotten there by the same method, fist I start my relaxing exhaled breathing technique. This brings on the electric chills as I call it (almost like mini-O`s but locally around my buttocks, upper tighs and lower back. Then I add a light spinchter contraction into the breathing tech, increasing the pressure on the prostate. I keep it at 20%. Then I start involving my PC and I`m brought right to the edge...
Sound sensory input get`s cut out, my body starts the uphill of the Super-O before the release, heartbeat goes waaaaay up, my eardrum flutters actually and my muscles want to tense up (a finger, my tounge, my back or something). Then right before I tip over I get over focused on keeping the method instead of listening to my body... and it fades away.

Then I slip in the Progasm and go right for the last part again with same results.

I WILL find the master key!!!! But the most important part is the start. Exhaled breathing, short breaths is my startup engine.. has worked every day the last week since I started with it...

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@ Alex_xxx Hey man, what you call "Electric Chill" I have been getting those! A radiating tingle, feels really good. I had no idea what it was!!! And I have had the eardrum flutters.
I am on the verge of something here.

My buddy said today that he had some of what I have described as the "Massive Contractions" when they released he could feel his the rhythm of his heartbeat in the device. He said instead of relaxing he went with it using his abdomen muscles and then BAMMMMMMM! He said he was shaking all over with heavy breathing and he didn't want it to stop. But he said he had massive penile leakage and at the end a super boner. He said he grabbed his dick and when he did he just ejaculated "like a porn star." I wonder if had he not grabbed it if he would have had another one?

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@rumel @inverknew @Alex_xxx I really don't want to start an argument (especially with rumel, he scares me!) but I don't mind a discussion! LOL! But I, like Alex, am curious about why this is so difficult and why the path is so full of obstacles. He may fail in finding a predictable method, but he may also discover something new.
I'm sorry if I scare you, that's certainly not my intent, my intent is to be informative and helpful in the process of aiding men in their journey to the Super-O. Discussion of this phenomenon known as the "Super-O" is actually pretty rare outside of this community and there are many who would label it a mythical hoax perpetuated by a 'for profit' manufacturer. I'm just as curious as you are about the mechanics involved with the physical triggers for the Super-O. There are numerous paradoxes this community has discovered over the years that seem to defy explanation and we (this community) are the study group investigating this phenomenon.
If this is a natural physical act, then it should be attainable, predictable and repeatable and no different than attaining normal orgasm. One of my nagging questions, like Alex is what is the underlying physical triggers to this whole process? If I stimulate my penis, I will eventually ejaculate, why not the same for the prostate and the super o?
I agree with you this phenomena needs to be scientifically studied (see Support for scientific research & What's really happening during Arenos use?"). However, I also think the Super-O is induced by a more complex set of variables than mere physical stimulation. If all orgasms were dependent on simply following a recipe for physical stimulation then men and women around the world would be experiencing orgasms on a daily basis, but we both know that is not happening and it is not happening for lack of knowledge either.
The process of getting to a Super-O has often been likened to the process a woman goes through to attain her orgasm. It is much more than simple physical stimualtion, it has to do with an emotional state of mind. This is where your theory gets weak because you really have to include the illogical, irrational, emotional mental faculties which influence our behaviors as well. Our loves. likes, hates, fears, anxieties etc. are all mixed in the stream of consciousness we swim in daily. To get to your personal "zoneros" requires more than physical triggers it also requires certain mental filters, discipline and focus.I WILL find the master key!!!! I hope you do find it ! Please, please, please document it well and share that info with the rest of us too.
Good Vibes to You !

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I think the key thing is that we "are" the study group in a sense and after years and years noone has found the recipe to consistently produce super O's at will. This shouldnt and obviously will not stop anyone from trying to find that recipe, though the recipe that does work for one may not work for another. I'm ok with that, and personally, like xtimedt69 said, if we could, would you really want to? Something so great and wonderful may lose its luster if it becomes an everyday occurence, though that could be crazy talk LOL.

@xtimedt69, if you stimulate your penis, yes you will ejaculate, but you have to admit, that some traditional orgasms are better then others? For me, jerking off to a sears catalog model in her panties and bra kind of ejaculation is :|, but it still feels good. Being jerked off by shannon elizabeth in real life would be : D @-) =P~ :x!!!
Hope that makes sense, cause i think thats kinda how most prostate massages are for me, some are ok, some are spectacular!

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@rumel @ineverknew @Alex_xxx For years I have pondered the notion that if men were capable of multiple orgasms and had no recovery time like women, but still had the desire and drive that a man at full sexual power had, things would be a mess. Women have the ability for multiple orgasms but they, as a general rule, throttle their desire naturally.
As for a company and a mythical hoax, that is BS. I have experienced pleasure as well as health, emotional and relationship benefits that I never imagined. I wonder how many people are satisfied with their Aneros who started for health reasons and how many are dissatisfied because they started for sexual reasons? If this was about sex, I would be done right now.
Since discovering Aneros, I masturbate less and have less interest in porn in fact almost none. I have more interest in "Sexy" Erotic and intimate.

Here is where my friend @braveneworld will have a field day (and I imagine post a picture, LOL!), but I have told my wife if I had her equipment, and toys I would never leave the house!!! I would be a lump of goo and dead batteries.
We might just be dealing with natures limits. Perhaps the Super O is simply an illusive pathway to the remnants of the fact that we all started out the same and then split with some becoming female and some being male and one gets a g spot and the other gets a prostate. If you really think about it, up until recently is wasn't that safe or pleasant to go up the booty and directly stimulate the prostate.

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Super O or not, the damn great feelings are real and I think it exists because I have been close.

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You'll get there.. The breathing tech will allow you to enjoy it more. 🙂 You`ll know when you get there.. trust me 😉

Btw. have thought of the same myself Gspot and prostate.. we have both sexes for quite a few weeks.
Also I read today that females also have an prostate. Read it while researching the prostate.
But not where ours is, there they have the uterus.

I also had a theory about food intake actually being a factor in being able to Super-O easily during a session. Have tried not eating for 18hrs and eating right before after having not eaten for about 15hrs. Need alot more data before I can take a stand on it though.

It would be natural that a system and body working on digesting will work differently than a body burning fatcells for energy.

How sensitive the prostate will be has two factors I think:
1: How much it got stimulated last time vs. recooperating time. Desensitized.
2: How long since you ejaculated vs. how long it takes it to fill with seminalfluid again. The stuff that mixes with sperm to provide nutrients and protecion for the spermcells. Naturally a full prostate will make it easier to make contact with. It is afterall only about 6cm in length and 2-3 cm in girth. If it`s filling back up it would be like placing a "do not disturb" sign on the hotelroom door.

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Reference your theory about food intake and ability to have super-Os reminds me that my best sessions and nearly all my super-Os have occurred between 6 and 8AM!

I think it is fairly well known that ones sex-hormone level reaches a peak in the early hours of the morning.

BTW, my wife and I make love almost exclusively in the morning. Maybe we are simply too tired to do it at night!

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Ahh.. the morning sex. It`s awsome! Pump and dump before work 🙂

Never had any luck when I wake up naturally, will definately try setting the alarm so that I wake up to a scheduled session. Sounds awsome... almost like the Aneros owns your ass! haha..

True about the testosterone, also after a night of heavy drinking. Alcohol is an testosterone inhibitor, so you`re body produces more to compensate. So when the alcohol wears out us guys usually get extra horny because of extra testosterone.

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On a sidenote, my first FORCED Super-O!!

Yesterday I refused to give up after not achieving a super O with the MGX and Progasm. So I had a go at the Progasm again after I wrote my last post. Forcing and willing myself to the Super-O, and WITH mental distraction (my GF) in the room. And I did it.. I got there. Wasn`t even horny when I started, but I was determined.
The Super-O I got wasn`t nearly as good as the one that brought it self on, but it was still really good. I managed to tip over the edge by will, breathing, contraction and focus on my prostate - AIMING for the Super-O that was my goal.

So this was my first forced Super-O. Even though people say it can`t be done. And it was my first Super-O done with the Progasm. I will continue to aim for attaining the Super-O EVERY time I play, and I WILL perfect the method of achieving it. Like a handjob but with different muscles and an aneros:)

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