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is edging bad for erections?

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I practice Tantric intercourse, lots of intercourse with very little ejaculating. Semen retention.

The rest of the time, my wife edges me without making me come.

And it's becoming incredibly erotic for hours afterwards. OMG, I never dreamed these feelings existed and I'm just scratching the surface.

I think the toys are helping me. Euphro Trident and Helix Syn Trident, very early days, only 3 sessions but each one is becoming so much better than the last, and this is creating waves of erotic arousal and sensitivity all the rest of the time, including my nipples and legs.

I don't edge or touch my penis at all in my toy play, but the combination of toy play (on my own) and my wife's attentions at other times -- is just increasing my erotic feelings by leaps and bounds.

I've got poor erections for intercourse with my wife lately.

I think it's the constant sexual arousal I am experiencing that is causing that.

Anyone have any suggestions? When I am too aroused for too long a period of time, my erections suffer. Erections don't matter except for intercourse, and even then, I still have intercourse without good erections, but I'd like to figure out the issue.

I'm thinking of asking my wife to do a few ruined orgasms for me to help discharge semen a bit a few times a week.

I have high testosterone anyway, and I think I need to release some semen now and then, but I hate the fallout from full ejaculations/orgasms. Nevertheless this constant high arousal is very distracting.

Any comments are welcomed. I have been reading old posts and blogs here as much as possible.

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Surely people will have different answers to your question, but I think the only person that can figure out the solution for your rather specific situation in your body is you. You have unusual sexual habits compared to most men.  For example you said you have a lot of intercourse without ejaculating. Perhaps that is a problem (for you), but to find out you would have to ejaculate more often (troubleshoot... from the hip?), despite the consequences. Or perhaps it is having a lot of sex that is the problem. You don’t mention what the sex is like but maybe you are having excessive rough sex, or just having erections for extended amounts of time without getting soft occasionally to get the blood circulating. Perhaps it is like you said, edging. Perhaps it is lack of arousal that is the problem. Or perhaps it is a circulation problem or some other health problem that is unrelated, lack of excercise, too much excercise, sleep problems, medication, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. 

I, like you, have a lot of what one might call Tantric sex (though I don’t adhere to any practice, it is often slow, extended, involves al senses...) and I refrain from ejaculating for periods of time, sometimes days on end during which I have a lot of sex (1-6 hours in bed with a partner... fun quarantine). I also have erectile problems some of the time, but most of the time I am hard as a rock. I know what causes the problems for the most part, but these causes are very specific to my body and mind. Here is a list:

— too much sex, i.e. after a day in bed with a partner, by the end it doesn’t work anymore.

— too much rough sex, especially her on top, or after jamming my cock (ow! Happens in doggystyle sometimes...). I don’t like her on top for that reason, or only for short periods

—  Sometimes drugs can effect my erections negatively

— When I used to drink, that gave me problems

— Being with someone I am not mentally attracted to in a very serious way (I am demi-sexual). I can have non genital orgasms with anyone, but can’t get hard for the life of me with most people.

— occasional bouts of less intense érections, lasting from a few hours to a week.

For me, edging, semen retention and prostate play all contribute to much stronger érections. When the above factors don’t come into play, i am harder than I have ever been in my life, sometimes feeling as if my cock will explode through the skin. 

I hope that is helpful, but like I said, you can only find out what causes you problems by trying different regimens out, and in the case of suspected medical or psychological problems, seeing a doctor or a psychiatrist/sex therapist.


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thank you for your thoughtful response. I generally have really good erections, and I'm just wondering about it in this situation. I'm very good medically and we don't have rough sex at all. I think it's because if I'm aroused and excited for many hours over several days, I lose good erections and I think this is common with men actually. I'm sure there is something to be discovered here and very interested to learn what unfolds next.

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Maybe prostate milking would help? I'd previously heard about it, but I hadn't tried it before. I stumbled on it by mistake, finding that when I use a finger to rub my prostate and get to the edge of ejaculation, sometimes when I back off I'll still get some semen to ooze out. I know that the ejaculatory response hasn't occurred because I back off and relax in time that there's no contractions, and I know that the refractory period hasn't set in because I could immediately continue and get back to the edge of ejaculatory orgasm. After doing it a couple times by accident I got the idea to do it on purpose. Maybe that would be the way to go instead of "ruined" orgasms? It skips the refractory period, but also makes it easier for me to cool down sexually. I'm on day 6 since normal ejaculation, and usually by day 4 I'd be kind of pent up, constantly thinking about sexual release and kind of grumpy, quick to anger. For me it so far it seems to relieve the sense of urgency to get off without needing to ejaculate. I've tried semen retention before, but usually wouldn't get past day 4. Now I'm experimenting with prostate milking to see how long I can go.

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yes prostate milking is an idea. Thanks for that! Seems very easy with the finger technique.

I do like the idea of ruined orgasms as I think I can probably use it to edge better once I learn it and I want to teach it to my wife. Seems very erotic and also quite handy. Just get to the edge, learn to find that and just merely eject a little semen, back off, seems very useful. 

This is quite erotically fascinating to me...

I'm just also starting out with the prostate massager, early days, and hoping this doesn't interfere with that.


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Posted by: @simplepenguin

I think it's because if I'm aroused and excited for many hours over several days, I lose good erections and I think this is common with men actually

Again, this sounds personal. I have never read about anyone having erectile problems from edging, but there is also very little information on this sort of obscure and taboo subject (taboo in the normal world, not on this forum). I would love to see a reference or post that talks about it, but until I have seen evidence, I can’t agree that this is, as you say, common. If I am adamant about this, it is only because I don’t like generalizations without supporting facts or at least significant anecdotal material behind them. The consequences for such unfounded generalizations can be problematic. In this case, someone interested in edging— which is an excellent arousal builder, a means of pleasure in itself, an endurance builder, and a way to get better acquainted with one's body— might decide against it because of potential erectile issues. 

For example, there are certainly men who come to this forum out of interest, look up the horror stories (they exist on this forum, but are often isolated), and decide against using the toy. I know I have scared myself doing so.

So by all means, if others have shared experiences, please do contribute to the anecdotal evidence. And if the OP has links that show that this is indeed commonplace, I will gladly look at them.

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