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Instant dry orgasm
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Instant dry orgasm

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Does anyone here, if they believe at least they are orgasming from using the aneros and possibly not realising it, have this happen to them?

What i am referring to is orgasming within seconds/a few mins of aneros being introduced? When i do this, most occasions i get a super E and then i get an 'orgasm' from the arousal this generates. Its not necessarily a great orgasm that is comparable to a powerful masturbatory one but it is still an orgasm and it is, almost, instant.

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@inhope yes indeed...many sessions for me elicit an orgasmic response early on (within 3-5 minutes) that is short in duration and somewhat mild in sensation...It feels very pleasurable but doesn't last too long...maybe what many often refer to as a "miniO"...if the session progresses well, these return frequently and will build in duration and intensity culminating in a dry orgasm or possibly a Super O! When these miniOs don't present early on or fail to continue to show after the 1st 5 - 10 minutes, my session is not likely to progress optimally. They are kinda like the canary in the coal mine so to speak.

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see for me these mini o's happen instantly but they effectively and consistently end the session. I cannot build up anymore, but if i am able, which is very rare they are nowhere near the strength of the first one.

Why are you able to do this and I cannot?

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@inhope...I don't have a good explanation to answer your question. You undoubtedly have far more years of experience with ANEROS than I do...therefore I suspect you know all of the "mechanical" techniques that have been described by many in the you know what works for some may not work for others...however I believe that there are some universal truths that will apply to everyone on their journey and they are MENTAL...

1. I believe one's level of arousal at the outset of a session is highly important. For me, arousal is not an's a mental state of mind driven by accumulated sexual energy. That's why I like to refrain from ejaculation via masturbation for at least a week because it jacks up my libido and consequent arousal/sexual energy.
2. I practice occasional edging without finishing wet to further build sexual energy maybe once a week. This helps me train my mind to feel the pleasure in the prostate and away from penis/ejaculation.
3. I only start a session with ANEROS if I'm feeling really horny....I never use ANEROS to "make me horny."
4. Lastly, during the session I try to focus on mental images of various things that keep me in an aroused state, for example imagining the ANEROS device gently stroking my prostate or imagining my lover stroking my prostate with her finger or sometime relaxing with the image of my lover's lips surrounding the glans of my penis.
I hope some of these ideas may be of help to you.

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I have just had a session now where i as able to keep things going, when things would fade i would stimulate my nipples, not continually as before (as this would stop feeling nice after 10 mins or so) and then let go.

it almost always resulted in an erection but of course with the erection came the pleasure. I also had a moment of prostate pleasure with my penis flaccid... a first for me.

Great advice, but i already do those things with the exception of one point you made which is one i am worried about, not just for me, but for you and others.

Point 3: most people, if not all of them here, will state that this mental state is NOT conducive for aneros sessions. You should be relaxed but aroused, not really horney. This will almost certainly result in a constant distracting erection and desire to chase the orgasm or indeed ejaculate. My best sessions come from being aroused but fairly 'indifferent'

Is your cock hard during your sessions when your really horney for one? constantly? or does it fade away?

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