Injecting lube the ...
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Injecting lube the key??? (hopefully?)

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Been using the various aneros models for oooooh 10 years I think. Never had a super o. Think I was close a handful of time but never reached it so overall kind of disappointed. But being the stubborn person that I am I haven't completely given up yet.

I have never injected the lube before. I know most of it comes off the aneros when inserting. I was curious as to how much the aneros should move in and out during a session? I'm thinking maybe I just don't have enough lube inside to provide the movement necessary to achieve prostate orgasm. I know not all people do it, but wondering if maybe I'm one of the people that require it. What do you all think?

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I've come to believe that for an 'orgasmic' session when I'm fully relaxed, I have to be slippery enough inside for a Helix or Eupho tool to move from just my meditative breathing. Once fully relaxed and internally aroused I expect to feel slight tool movements from my rectal/prostate pulse (heartbeat).

This time of year I'll slide in a Shea Butter/Coconut Oil suppository for pre-lube. In the spring and summer (when room temperature thaws Coconut Oil, injection works easier. Since water-based lubes and gels are always sort-of fluid you'll save enough $$ to quickly pay for a lube shooter.

hth.... rook

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To me injecting the lube was not the plus I expected. Perhaps it was a little too much. Finally together with a bowel movement after a longer progasm session it caused a big mess at the toilet. So I will be back to lube up my hole and my toy only. What I found helpful is to lube up the toy more often. This may insert some extra lube too. I first lube up my hole thoroughly using one-way-gloves and my well lubed forefinger, then I will insert the lubed up toy, wait a moment to get accustomed to it, then pull it out and lube it up again and put some extra lube on the tip. Doing this three times works for me. During very long sessions I lube up the toy again once in a while or change to another well lubed stable mate. Have fun!
P.S. Up to now I used aquabased lubes only.

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I inject 5ml of Astroglide and then coat the Aneros with Astroglide gel. My sessions average an hour in length and I don't relube.

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@jja2 injected lube certainly helps and you don't need a lot. I inject 2 to 2.5cc of liquid water-based (KY) or 1 cc of pure virgin olive oil and this over and above using KY jell on the massager. My sessins are 2 hours long and I never run dry. I also never have a mess due to the low quantities I use.

Good luck.

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