Injactulation befor...
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Injactulation before session?

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Over the past few months I've read a lot about sexuality, orgasms, and all the methods to getting there. Still processing it all, but its hard to believe I could've known these things long long ago.

Anyway, I bought that popular book, the multiorgasmic man. I haven't read it yet but I got to read a sample online. After reading on the injactulation part, I wondered if that can be used in a session. I kinda doubt it, but figured since there isn't a ton of info here about it I should ask.

Can one masturbate to orgasm, hold back ejactulation, then switch to Aneros since ejactulation didn't happen and arousal is now high? But the arousal is penis and not prostate centered correct?

In the sample I read, it notes that after mastering the method, orgasms eventually progress (over time, not in one night) to unreal levels, similar to the Aneros super-O (but not specified as such) which makes me wonder if they are the same, just different ways getting there. But I'm fairly certain that's not the case. Its still amazing to fathom the idea that men can have not only multiple, but different types of multiple orgasms!

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I find that traditional pathways to orgasm inhibit Aneros sessions. Even if I'm edging all day and have a small milking, the later aneros session is dulled.

For years, I pursued mechanical means to pause/re-route orgasm. The day I bought Mantak's book, I was all like, "This is it. I am going to be able to screw my wife for hours and not cum."

That never happened, and all that work was all a waste of time. The non-ejaculatory route (the mental route) is so more profound. A-less orgasms are all mental for me. . . even when I'm with my wife.

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So the injactulation didn't work for you? Never got better after a few times? I tried it, not sure what was getting more intense, the orgasm.. or the effort put into contracting the PC (I didn't do the manual way) Ya, I really find the mental aspect much more appealing, but arousal is my biggest issue right now. Porn=dick. I can usually get aroused via mental stimulation but if the good sensations don't kick in after 10 mins with Aneros, I'm screwed (ha!) because if i try porn to get going, its going to be a bad session..

Your last comment there, can you prevent cumming by being in an aneros mindset?

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hey @helgasm,

not sure if I got you right. We have to define our words here to avoid misunderstandings. Injaculations means an ejaculation directed inwards into your bladder. Although staying dry on the outside you still empty your seminal ducts and hence start a refractory period. So there is no gain from that. Unfortunately, injaculation is often confused with a dry orgasm, but these two are not the same thing.

I'm not quite sure which technique you are refering to, but as I understand you try to supress the ejaculatory-reflex by clenching your pc- muscles. I tried this approach over 4 years and never succeded. It may be possible but consider that any technique that supresses things respectivly "holds back" must be (far) inferior to techniques that alow things to spread and evolve. You don't want to hold back on the brink of orgasm - you want yourself to open to it. And that's (more or less) the "mental" way @gregor mentioned.

By the way, I'm not a big fan of Mantak and his teachings, so my advise to you is to read his books with a healthy dose of skepticism. Use what seems plausible and leave what seems out of time.

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Let me know what you think. With that method, I had 5 orgasms, but like I mentioned earlier I'm not sure which was getting more intense- the orgasm or holding back...

I'm still pretty skepticle though. One source says this, another that, etc. Like the holding back part. I've read four ways- One, and not as common, is using the BC muscle. Another, most common, is applying pressure to perineum via finger. Next is grabbing base of cock (found that in PE world) and lastly, simply pinching off the head.

I did not notice cloudiness when urinating after.

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I just found this, interesting..

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hey @helgasm,

I followed your links and it's exactly what I thought. It's the classical brute force pc-clenching approach. If you like it, go and explore it's possibilities but imho, it's a dead end.

To train separating ejaculation and orgasm, you should rather leave out the pc-clenching part and do quite the opposite, relax your pc as much as you can. The ejaculation-reflex relies on tension around your prostate and seminal vesicles, which builds up unconsciously. If you build some proper awareness you can stop this tension from building up and can reach orgasms without involving the ejaculatory circuit.

A good pc-training is very valueable, but not for building strenght but for builing awareness and control! Do the workouts and then try to seperate the different pelvic muscles. It's not just the pc, it's in fact 10+ muscles...

You may see my post in the "My first super-o" thread for more detailed info.

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Thanks for you're advice!

Ill checkout that thread later tonight


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Maybe I'm a bit unusual, but my preferred method at the moment is masturbating to multiple orgasm. No difference otherwise to the orgasms I get A-less. No perineal pressure, no excessive effort holding back - just relaxing into the orgasm and not even thinking about ejaculation. Definitely no injaculation.

Concentrate on pushing the sexual energy down into the perineum, breathe into it as you would A-less or aneros, and you will have a non-ejaculatory orgasm. I have managed whole body orgasms whilst continuing to masturbate, in fact the more intense it gets the less likely I am to ejaculate as my concentration is pulled entirely to the other orgasms happening.

Just takes a bit of practice but well worth it!

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I will have to try that sometime, since I quit the traditional mast to porn route I've notice a ton of new sensations I didn't know were even there, so much to learn!

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