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Important Prostate Orgasm Research

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Hi guys, I’m really sorry I haven’t updated the thread until now, I’ve been having a very hectic time in my personal life. 

Bad news for those who would have liked to have pushed forwards with the study unfortunately - Dr Levin is now working on a book for the foreseeable, so he won’t be able to assist with the study. Perhaps there are other researchers out there who would be willing to help us? Maybe we can search for some more researchers in that field and contact them. 

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Good job we didn’t cash app him the 50k lol.

Whats his book about? 

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@helghast he didn’t mention to be honest! I also asked him if he knew of any other researchers who might be interested and I got no reply :/ I’m sure he’s a very busy guy. That said, surely it can’t be that hard to find another researcher in the field who may be interested. I’ll see what I can find 


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Have you managed to contact researchers and get any responses?

Some potential researchers could be Barry Komisaruk and Nan Wise of Rutgers University. They are some of the leading brain imagers for orgasm, and their custom head holders have reduced head movement to 1.3 mm. They get many emails and are very busy though. I can see if I can make a list of lesser known researchers who may be interested in the subject.

Levin has an article called An Orgasm is....who defines what an orgasm is? which discusses problems associated with determining orgasm occured from the point of view of the brain imager, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychologist, and subject. Levin could be reluctant to put much work into an fMRI study with so many unknowns about orgasm and problems with brain imaging in general. Defining irgasm and orgasm topology is also complex and can be very individual. At this point, even more exploratory, descriptive, or survey studies can help build a literature of prostate orgasms and other orgasm topologies. 

Thank you, OP, for sharing the estimated costs for research. I'll look more into the costs of various research modalities for orgasm.

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