I'm I close?
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I'm I close?

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I have been using the aneros off and on now for about 2 months now. Nothing has really happened to me except for the last 3 or 4 times I used it. When I contract my sphincter muscles, my body quivers for a few seconds until I relax the muscles again. (I am lying on my side when it happens) This phenomenon usually starts to occurr at around the 10 min. mark. The longest I have gone with the aneros in me while this short quivering is going on is about an hour. I usually can't take it anymore and use my fleshlight to finish me off.

I don't believe that I have had a super-o becuase I haven't felt any p-waves. The quivering is good, don't get me wrong, but I feel that there is so much more that I am missing out on.

I'm I close to having a super-o? Do I just need to hang in there alittle bit longer for it to come? Just a side note, but in the past, I have spent about an hour and a half and have had nothing happen to me too. Any ideas? Thanks.

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I am a little confused by your apparent dichotomy of sensations. First you said "The longest I have gone with the aneros in me while this short quivering is going on is about an hour. I usually can't take it anymore and use my fleshlight to finish me off.” What are the sensations that make you say you “…can’t take it anymore…”, is it pain or pleasure? Your use of the Fleshlight seems to imply intense arousal and pleasure driving you to ejaculatory relief. Yet, in your next sentence you state “… I haven't felt any p-waves.” What exactly do you think a P-wave is? It sounds to me like you are having P-waves, see the definition in the WIKI Glossary - http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Glossary “P-waves may be very subtle or intense.”
You probably haven’t had a Super-O because you are falling into the trap of penile based sensations and succumbing to the strong urge toward a traditional orgasmic experience. If you can resist that urge and stay with the quivering and focus on those feelings coming from inside you, I think you will be in for some real thrills. Hang in there and ride those quivers while trying to focus your sensate awareness at the tip of your Aneros as it tickles you inside.
Some sessions will be duds, some will be so-so, some will be truly enjoyable, you are just beginning your journey, be patient and keep with it. It sounds like you are getting some good results, remember to just enjoy what you do experience and don’t worry about that Super-O that is quietly stalking you. That wiley Super-O will pounce only when it knows you aren’t expecting it.

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