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I think if the Aneros community signed up to youtube en masse with an Aneros-related name, describing how Aneros has really improved your life others on youtube might catch on. Russia TV uses youtube already as a cheap propaganda vehicle for praising 'mother Russia' and Putin's band of brigands, so why not some very satisfied customers spreading the word? The gospel of a better world, with a possibility of reaching billions!!!

On youtube there's only one at the moment: Nirwananeros. If you really want to spread the word start your own Aneros-related channel and subscribe to this one. Start making simple videos telling about your Aneros experience, backed by tranquil music and video or images. Microsoft Movie-maker is a godsend for this, makes it really easy to edit music and video and add imagery. All you have to do is google images then in MM you can make it into a video.
And the best thing of 'coming out on youtube' about your aneros use is you can stay anonymous

Perhaps HIH can provide some incentives, like giving out prizes for best video on youtube.
1st prize $1000
2nd prize the Aneros Vice
3rd prize the Aneros Tempo 😉

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Here are some well known and perhaps influential people bunking on their own. Possibly with some 'lonesome time' on their hands.

-- One-Fifth of House Freshmen Sleep in Offices - CBS Evening News - CBS News --

All are males so make each a gift of an Aneros, with a web link to the Forum. 😀

This answers Helixer's question (post #82) asking when we were going to march on Washington.

No need now -- gift wrap, a sticky note and Parcel Post or FedEx can do the job

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I'd say #91 is more to the point, at least, if you like me, feel compelled to enlighten as many people as possible of their orgasmic potential?
Youtube has potential and I'm sure the Aneros gospel can be communicated in all kinds of different and creative ways. Multimedia is an ideal platform.Veiled in anonymity it should be easier for the Aneros community to 'come out of the closet'. I think a lot of people would like to experience what we can. And I'd love to encourage and inform others of a world hitherto conceiled, how direct prostate stimulation produces Super O's, sharing our experiences in diverse ways to the others in the Aneros community and to the world.

Like all communities people have their differences(but having all noses face the same way has seldom brought any change) but you may find that all the pettifogging dissolves when people can become united by the greater good. If someone has a good idea that promotes the cause then we should endorse it, regardless of who is saying it.
Just having Nirwananeros on youtube won't raise any eyebrows, but there are 19000 registered Aneros users, say if 4000 of them are satisfied customers and 500 of them are actively making videos (spurred on by HIH's monetary incentive) then I think it shouldn't take too long before the world catches on.

Again, coming out the Aneros closet isn't so difficult in anonymity

BTW: as you're referring to my Plug'N'Play faux pas I hoped my calling it an office chair would render further description obsolete, unfortunately....
FYI an office chair can survive perfectly well in a living room, but one year of Plug'N'' Play is enough to break the back of the sturdiest

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When I joined the Forum a little less than 4 years ago there were less than 5,000 members. Tonight, new member 'aneros_user46717' became our 20,000th Forum member. The word is spreading and our strength is growing. Congratulations 'aneros_user46717' and High Island Health for making the world a more pleasurable place for modern men and women to enjoy.

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A slogan for the Advertising Department to consider.

"Pop in a Peridise. The snack you can enjoy between sessions without ruining your appetite."

I am going to introduce a friend to our forum later on this week.
I hope he will join us.

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In my opinion it's not really about cleaver ads or anything, while I have seen some cleaver one here. It's about the truth and being straight forward (with this product especially). I think that people don't want to be told to buy the Aneros. The people want to discover it themselves through curiosity. the internet is the way to go. I have made multimedia applications before. A straightforward multimedia internet ad would get thousands of new customers in a short amount of time. I would make one myself but my art skills are not Great (however they are ok). I would like to make one one day if I found the time to do so (as a challenge). its all about curiosity!!!!

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I think word of mouth also makes a difference. In two other sex and fetish related forums I've mentioned Aneros prostate massager's. And I almost always get some sort of interested response from it. And I'm sure there are plenty of other people that read my posts without commenting who develop an interest in Aneros prostate massager's.


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YouTube infomercial?

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I found this Ad on the Internet. It looks pretty good to me but I just wonder why they needed three "CLICK HERE to BUY NOW" buttons. Also is the female model on the left wearing a strap-on? 🙂 Just curious.

How about this for 20 sec. TV commercial?

Slyvester Stallone dressed as 'Rambo' facing Arnold Schwarzenegger dressed as 'The Terminator'

'Rambo' holds up a Helix pointing towards 'The Terminator' and says -

"...pleasure's great..."

'The Terminator' points a Progasm at 'Rambo' and responds -

"...more filling..."

each repetition of ",,,pleasure's great..." & "...more filling..."

the camera withdraws and the sound fades, finally 'Alana' voiceover -

"Either way... you win.."

You could also substitute Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson for Arnie and Sly.

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Thanks for the link to the ad. I'd like to know where on the Web this ad is running. I've never seen it and I surf the Web a lot.

As for your TV ad idea; it's excellent. Given the high cost of network TV ads, I doubt Aneros/HIH could make economic sense of it. A more cost-effective approach would be a late-night cable TV infomercial with a "call now" 800 Number. Big-name celebrity spokespersons aren't needed. Even WWF wrestling guys would be good enough, and I bet they don't cost much.



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Thought you all might get a kick out of this plug...I'm a big blog reader...mainly conservative news type blogs and such. I ran across this post on Intapundit, one of the most popular conservative blogs and I had to respond for our community here. I think you'll appreciate the subtlety of my post. Feel free to chime in The Volokh Conspiracy Vibrators

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Thanks for the pointer, Tex.

I posted a comment there, too. Should be up in a few minutes.



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Whoa BigTex and ten_s_nut!!! 😀 😀 😀

Great diplomatic probe to another planet! They are a busy bunch. So many posts following yours... Hope some of them notice. Keep up the good work! 😀


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Hello, all.

The following quote is from MindTravel's post in the Forum, today:

What I need, and what is needed by whoever wants to tell their friends about the Aneros, is an effective introduction to the concept of the Aneros and the Super-O that is approachable even to someone uncomfortable with sex toys and anal sexuality. In my eyes, this would consist of multiple accounts of the Super-O that are not more explicit than necessary. (Some material I read here is pretty raunchy... it reads a lot like erotica in many instances. Which, in a moderate degree, is probably good--if you can pique sexual interest without it being overwhelmed by the taboo alarm bell, then a private follow-up is likely. However, some of the accounts are too extreme in this way.)

I really want to give Aneros free advertising! I want to open the way for my friends to experience this "journey." But I don't feel like I have the tools. This thread is meant to become an effort from the users to collect a base of material suitable for use in introducing this sexual world to newcomers who wouldn't automatically be comfortable with it.

It can be as simple as collecting testimonials that get the point across without making it sound like overhyped BS. Any other ideas you have, post them! Let's do this. My objective is a succinct document or email that can be sent to close friends to suggest a further investigation and provide them with the ways to learn more, as in links.

He makes a good point about how simply linking guys to the Aneros site could be counter-productive, due to somewhat racy and kinky content here and there.

The simple way to spread the word is to... (wait for it) spread the word. If each of us tells four people and even if only one of the four tries Aneros and tells four more people, the information will spread exponentially. So, I've told four people. How about you?



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As Rumel suggested, here I've copied the starting post from my other thread:

]For reference, here's a thread from the Testimonials section.

So, why isn't it common knowledge?

We all know why, and it's very simple: because sex is fairly taboo, and nontraditional sexual exploration is very taboo. And for guys, anal penetration is the ultimate taboo.

But we can spread the pleasure by spreading the word. It's a win-win: more people feel more pleasure, and the taboo becomes lighter, and then even more people try it, and all the while the knowledge base is expanding--a self-compounding cycle that begins with us, and how we go about spreading the word.

"But... there are those PROBLEMS! It's taboo!" And yet, we got into it. So if we want to let others in on it, the real question to ask isn't "why not," but rather, "why did we get into it"?

What was the hook?

It's been different for different people. For many of the older guys in here, it started as therapy. It's really great that they have a solution to a problem, but many people don't have that problem of an enlarged prostate. And even those that do have other ways of solving the problem, like therapy from their trusted doctor.

The real hook that makes autopowered prostate massagers like Aneros special is the pleasure: prostate pleasure, a type of pleasure that the vast majority of guys have never experienced in this way. But the real kicker isn't just a little prostate pleasure, this alien and unusual thing that sounds kind of mystical and uncertain like crystal balls and tarot cards. It's the "super-o" an orgasm that's ten times better than the orgasms you're used to feeling, and lasts ten times as long, and can happen ten times in an hour or more. Pursuit of, desire for, THAT thing is what will make people perk up and take interest, even if they're not entirely receptive to the idea of a sex toy that you put inside your anus.

Cynical people like me would say it's all hype... until they read the countless testimonials and see a large body of evidence before them.

The thing is, I would be hesitant to link my friends to that material because some of it is perhaps unnecessarily descriptive and it might turn them off the idea because of the taboo-ness of it all.

What I need, and what is needed by whoever wants to tell their friends about the Aneros, is an effective introduction to the concept of the Aneros and the Super-O that is approachable even to someone uncomfortable with sex toys and anal sexuality. In my eyes, this would consist of multiple accounts of the Super-O that are not more explicit than necessary. (Some material I read here is pretty raunchy... it reads a lot like erotica in many instances. Which, in a moderate degree, is probably good--if you can pique sexual interest without it being overwhelmed by the taboo alarm bell, then a private follow-up is likely. However, some of the accounts are too extreme in this way.)

I really want to give Aneros free advertising! I want to open the way for my friends to experience this "journey." But I don't feel like I have the tools. This thread is meant to become an effort from the users to collect a base of material suitable for use in introducing this sexual world to newcomers who wouldn't automatically be comfortable with it.

It can be as simple as collecting testimonials that get the point across without making it sound like overhyped BS. Any other ideas you have, post them! Let's do this. My objective is a succinct document or email that can be sent to close friends to suggest a further investigation and provide them with the ways to learn more, as in links. (emphasis added)


What tennisnut says about spreading the word--just do it--is true in a way that when it comes down to it, we have to be a bit brave and put ourselves, and the subject at hand, out there. However, to me the specifics of how are extremely important, because the way we go about it makes the difference between whether the people we tell listen to what we're saying and pursue more knowledge on their own time, or whether they hear it but don't really do anything about it because it makes them uncomfortable and/or they don't know where to go with it. In addition to that, it's important that we streamline the process and make it as easy for ourselves as possible, because I know that I've struggled to find a time and place I feel comfortable bringing it up.

A few good starting points seem to be two particular parts of the Aneros Wiki: The Super-O page ( The Super-O - Aneros Wiki ) and the Aneros Basics page ( Aneros Basics - Aneros Wiki ). I plan on also going through some testimonials to hopefully find some suitable for the job. For now, however, I'm going to go to bed. And possible to my Helix. 😀

Edit: and to MultiOrgasmMan, it kind of seems like the phone answering would be a job for a specialized branch of Aneros staff. It seems like a rather daunting task to talk to strangers about a taboo sexual subject without getting paid! Or it could be fun.

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i agree that gay men would be easier to market to but advertising directly to the gay market might alienate some more narrow minded potential customers i think just go for it whole page ad in fhm or maxim if i had seen an ad for aneros products ten years ago i would have bought one i was always jealous of my wife's sex toys but never liked the idea of a fleshlight or worse a blow up doll
an ad that states the potential benefits healthy prostate, stronger erections, then by the way it also gives you mind blowing orgasms maybe a bit of humour to round off bob's your uncle

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So, I'm just doing it!! 😀 😀

Attended a public science event focused on de-pathologizing LGBTTQ (lesbian–gay–bisexual–transgendered–two-spirited–queer) sexuality and orientations, wearing my first Aneros t-shirt with the Helix in white on the front and "Have Courage" with "" on the back. There were about 60 people there, men and women about equally.

Had great conversations with quite a few. Gave the "" address to many verbally, with the brief explanation of what's it's all about. Good humour about it and a good reception. Was amazed that no one said: Oh yah! I know about that!" Not one. Sitting next to me was a friendly psychotherapist from another city and we had quite a detailed conversation. He made notes, including the links. May then advise clients...

...just doing it...


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I spend a lot of time on reddit: the voice of the internet -- news before it happens mostly in Sex, and the question of, how do i massage my/what do i use to massage my prostate comes up quite freaquently. I always send people to Prostate Massage, Sex Toys for Men, Male G-Spot, Prostate Stimulators Stimulation, Anal Toys and tell them to check out the forums.

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That's awesome artform!

Now if only we can all be so brave! Though I would feel much more comfortable wearing that shirt at the event you attended I'd still feel awkward wearing it around my home town. But If I were in a different city where I didn't know anybody I'd where it in a heartbeat. Need to get one of those shirts!

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(A fellow member pm me a request to move this post to this thread which makes since so here it is)

Aneros on South Park
No the aneros wasn't brought up on South Park.
But I think it would make for a great episode! I think Aneros should pitch the idea to the creators of South Park. I so have the episode envisioned. It would take too long to fully write out the screenplay here so I'm just writing out the jist of it. It would go like this.

One of the characters perhaps Randy Marsh (Stan's dad) is searching for sexual stuff on the internet like maybe jacking off techniques or something and comes across the Aneros website. He can't believe the hype that this device can give men multiple orgasms. So he "secretly' orders one. There's a side plot going on with the main characters (the kids) that will tie into it but for purpose to keep this short I'll leave that out.
There's comical scenes of Randy anxiously awaiting for it 's arrival and doing everything he can to check the mail everyday before his wife or kids do so not to get caught ordering it.
Next would be of him using it. A very comical scene of some awkwardness of using it for the first time. Trying to make sure he has the house to himself. Obviously they can't show the explicit parts but they can for sure show opening the package and lubing it up as well as an over exaggerated super O session of him practically bouncing of the bed from the orgasms.

Then a scene of Randy getting caught. Not caught using it but instead either his wife or his son finds it. His son finding it could be funny because he could bring it to school not having a clue what it is and the kids could all be joking about it poking fun at what it's use is for. Maybe Mr Garrison already knows about it because he already owns one and decides to tell the kids what it's for and it freaks all the kids out. Word spreads quickly through the community and everybody starts calling Stans dad gay.

Then all the men of South Park start "secretly" buying aneros's and more scenes of exaggerated MMO's of different people. But the whole time even the people using them pretend to their wives and friends that they would never even consider using the aneros calling it gay or what not all the while secretively using it.

Somehow the Aneros forum could come into play and maybe through the forum people figure out each other are using it or someone mentions something that makes another realize the persons identity. Basically something happens that brings to light the fact that everybody is secretly using the Aneros though because of the stigma behind anal stuff and guys nobody is willing to admit it. Maybe peoples kids keep finding their dads Aneros's and all the kids are freaking out that their dads are gay.

For the finale maybe there's a big town meeting going on or for some reason everybody is gathered in location. Randy is tired of being ridiculed and decides to give a speech trying to defend his usage of the Aneros. Some emotional one where he talks about how there shouldn't be a bad thing for men to receive the type of pleasure that the aneros provides. How men need to stop acting like it's gay to use the aneros. Calling out all the people who have been ridiculing him asking people to raise there hands if they use an Aneros. Garrison could be the first one to raise his hand saying he uses one. But of course nobody is surprised because he's gay. Maybe Cartman makes that joke there. But then one by one slowly every man in the town raises there hand confessing they use the Aneros.

At the end of the episode the whole town changes their view of the stigma the Aneros brings and embraces the MMO.
Of course maybe the kids of South Park might still not get it. And the end could be Cartman saying one last joke like. Whatever, looks like I live in a town of queers. Or something like that for a laugh factor at the end.

As you can see the idea behind this episode is to treat it much like what's going on in the real world now. How all these aneros users have no trouble chatting on this forum and being open about their use but away from the computer most would still keep it hidden and would even talk shit with their fellow buddies about anal stuff being gay right after they just had an aneros session. The scenes waiting anxiously waiting for the mail man would ring true with many aneros users. The keeping it hidden from the wife. There could be comical scenes of having chairgasms or random mini o's during regular daily activities. Really there's a ton of directions they could go with it.

But most importantly since South Park attracts millions of viewers, it would open millions of people to the ideas of MMO that otherwise may never know that it's even possible. I can almost guarantee that Aneros would have trouble even making enough product to keep up with the demand after the showing of that episode.
Another thing it would do is expose the concept of MMO's to teens since that's a good size of there audience. That could end up having a positive impact by exposing such powerful info to people that could start using it from a younger age instead of perhaps either finding out about it many years down the line or perhaps never.

Another great story line could be maybe Randy or another dad on the show getting Prostatitis and coming upon the aneros website by trying to find a cure for that . Much of the same stuff in the other story line could occur as well but maybe some of the healthful benefits of the aneros could be revealed. Maybe in the final speech at the end it gets brought up that not only does the device give you amazing orgams, but it also helps fight prostate cancer or what not. So it would once again expose this most likely unknown info to the masses.

Shit this ended up being a much longer post than I meant. It happens...

But yea I think this would make for an awesome South Park episode. It would totally fit into the humor of that show.

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So their replies from the other thread don't get lost here are a couple replies to the post above.

Fairly funny idea.

But Trey Parker & Matt Stone aren't really into giving out free publicity (at least not the good kind)

But most importantly, you gotta look at the real target market of south park, mostly men in the age of 16-30/40 and the vast majority of real fans are on the younger side of that. Manny of which are homophobic (my impression from most guys my age, 22)

Im trying really hard not to be a downer here, but in all honesty I think it would only wind up turning Aneros itself into a joke in many peoples eyes, and why would you want that?

Take your same idea and make it about prostate massage, but leave Aneros out of it because I fear it will only bring more negative stereotypes and homophobia.

The 2 cents from a guy that lives with 4 male roommates my age, all of which skip class to catch the new episodes, and 3 of which are EXTREMELY homophobic.


I think the main reason why it wouldn't happen is because South Park does episodes on things that are pop culture. Aneros is not.

Now, if you could get R. Kelly, Tom Cruise, and that Twilight dude to all come out and say they use Aneros and swear by them, you probably have an episode.

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Hey guys, great thread. Just to let you know that I did my part!!!! In my last blog entry I promoted Aneros as a high point in my sexual journey. At least a few hundred people might read about them that might not have known about them before.


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Great Billy11 and bigguy!!! 😀 😀 😀

Having decided on as the site to post my vids, I have listed Aneros as one of my hobbies, created an Aneros Users Poll (and done same for KSMO) and am encouraging guys to think about prostate massage as a key practice to add to their arsenal! All orientations represented in the thousands here. Chatting Aneros and KSMO and energies all over this dick site.

all excited as spreading the word and the joy to all


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So you guys, what is the best route to go up? (sorry) The health or the fun way or a mixture?
Just been reading that HIH sell their products at higher price than Aneros..
Is it the same firm?
We can only surmise.

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Hi madmick!! 😀 😀

So you guys, what is the best route to go up? (sorry) The health or the fun way or a mixture?
Just been reading that HIH sell their products at higher price than Aneros..
Is it the same firm?
We can only surmise.

HIH owns, created and funds and operates Aneros and this site. We are extraordinarily grateful to HIH for all of this. What approach to use?? I am using sex boosting, great orgasms, and energies potential at and anywhere that that is the natural entry portal ! 😀 Otherwise, health is the opening and early developmental way in, IMHO.

Thanks for asking madmick! Happy to clarify. Others feel free to add or correct me.

onward Aneros ecstatic ambassadors all


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@artform said "onward Aneros ecstatic ambassadors all"
Maybe that should become "join the AAA... Aneros Ambassadors All !" 🙂

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keep it a super secret club ssshhhh....

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Posted by: @domo_robot_o

keep it a super secret club ssshhhh....

NO, the whole purpose of this thread is to open this wonderful knowledge to the world ! Spread the joy ! Enrich the lives of men and women everywhere ! Fulfillment for All ! There is absolutely no useful purpose to be derived from selfishly withholding this knowledge from our brothers, let us help make the world a more wonderful place to live in !

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Here be found the voice of enlightenment... and it's is loud.

Amen 🙂

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Hello, all.

Don't know how many of you saw this Aneros promo tour PR, below.




Stimulating Awareness- Aneros® Partners With Sexologist Oh Megan for College Tour

PRWeb – Thu, Sep 1, 2011

In an effort to bring awareness to and educate the younger male population about prostate health, Aneros kicks off National Prostate Health Month with several city college tour.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) September 01, 2011
Aneros is proud to announce they have signed on as a sponsor for the Oh Megan "Study Sex College Tour" in an effort to help bring prostate awareness and education to the masses in a sex positive manner. With prostate health being the heart and foundation of Aneros, sex education has become a natural fit.

Beginning mid-September, Megan Andelloux, a certified sexuality expert and board certified sexologist, will embark on her year-long journey, presenting entertaining and educational classes on sexual health – particularly at colleges and universities. As part of last year’s “Study Sex College Tour,” Andelloux presented two-hour workshops at colleges such as Rutgers, Boston College and San Francisco State University, as well as sex shops throughout North America.

By partnering with Andelloux for the “Study Sex College Tour,” Aneros is enabling the sexual health education of thousands of consumers. Aneros has set its sights on young adult males who will benefit from becoming more knowledgeable about prostate health at an earlier point in their life. With age playing a role in the deterioration of prostate health among men, Aneros encourages early understanding of the prostate and the “Study Sex College Tour” will allow the company to reach men that are typically unknowledgeable about prostate health issues until they are at risk.

Highlighting the importance of the prostate in men’s health, in U.S. President Barack Obama’s proclamation of National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month last year, he noted that nearly 218,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, and more than 32,000 men will die from this disease annually. The medically researched, designed, and patented Aneros was originally created to allow men to safely and effectively massage the prostate, relieve congested prostate fluid, and promote general prostate health. Many young men will benefit from learning about the boost in sexual pleasure that a healthy prostate can provide. Every curve of the Aneros was designed to provide the best prostate massage possible. When inserted, the Aneros is drawn directly towards the prostate. The man contracts and relaxes the anal-sphincter muscle, causing the Aneros to move on its own, directly massaging both the prostate and perineum. Through practice, relaxation and an open mind, a man can use the Aneros to teach himself to experience a completely new type of orgasm.

Attendees of the “Study Sex College Tour” will be introduced to such products as the Aneros Helix and Vice®. The Aneros Helix, which is an ideal beginner’s prostate massager, was designed based on customer feedback to provide immediate pressure and tension on the prostate and surrounding area. Users say the Aneros Helix requires less patience and practice to realize its benefits. The Aneros Vice®, which is the newest development in the evolution of prostate massage features the quality craftsmanship consumers have come to expect from Aneros. The Vice is anatomically designed to fit the body and features a multi-patterned vibrator offering up to six hours of sensational pleasure.

Retailers that have held in-store presentations note that at least 50% of the audience purchased the items recommended during the presentation. In the previous years of the education tour, local retailers reported an increase in their sales shortly after. As the original and only patented prostate massager design on the market since 1997, Aneros continues to deliver safe and innovative products to customers that promote health as well as pleasure.

CT Schenk

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