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Ideas for Spreading the Word...

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Hi BFM and All!

Hey Gang!

I seem to have developed a serious case of anerosproselytizitis and keep veering into proposals in other threads...

with appropriate apologia, here is such a fragment from my recent post in the Swimming thread:

Say rumel, the gang in this thread could be doing video viral ads for Aneros aimed at environmentalists. If this generation's John Muir were to go hiking and swimming with an Aneros in and report these kinds of results, the environmentalists would be adopting Aneros practice like a tsunami of orgasmic enthusiasm.

What say? What sing? Hear them up there in the hills?

I love to go a-wandering,
climb, grunt and growl and push.
And as I go, I love to sing;
"Aneros up my tush!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros up my tush!

I love to go a-wandering,
through sun and mountain's mist.
And as I go, I love to sing
"Aneros prostate kiss'd!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros prostate kiss'd!

(feel free to contribute more verses...)

Now all we need is the Aneros Ecstatic Male Chorus to record a version and...

I'll just excuse myself now...


Billiant, BRILLIANT!!!! Hysterical!!!! 😆

Thank you sir! You are too kind. 🙄 We are all here to please.

More verses and your own adaptive creations please All! 😉 😈 😀

come on all – you do it all the time – get those creative juices flowing!!! 😆 😆 😆


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Back again so soon!

I was just reading the New York Times website and there is a story on a guy reviving the male perm as fund raiser! The male perm. Males joking about the new expanded masculinity is clearly in the air!

We all know prostate cancer is a very serious man killer. I have a family member now in further treatment following surgery to remove his prostate. I've donated to the cause via the Mercedes-Benz Canada prostate cancer research awareness and fund raising campaign ( ) and proudly wear their boxer shorts lapel pin. "Put yourself in our shorts" being one of the slogans.

rumel, I think you will like the style of their TV ad:

M-Bca also is part of Movember, an aussie-originated men's health campaign that has a focus on prostate health too and has guys grow moustaches as the public event! Movember IS international with that delightfully brazen aussie panache!

Each country involved has its own page. OMG! that could be me in the 1970s-80s in the Canada Lab! There are rotating ads at the bottom of the page: M-Bca, Bodygroom with its pair of Kiwis, MO itself with text that sounds like an ad for the Full Moon Club!... ...THERE WAS THIS INTENSE ENERGY, EVERYONE COULD FEEL IT... IT WAS LIKE NOTHING ELSE I HAVE EVER FELT BEFORE... ...UNITED WE BELIEVE... Aneros/HIH REALLY should at the very least have an ad in this mix!!!

Can't we (with HIH/Aneros) come up with an International Prostate Cancer Fund Raising Event that makes it "It's a Pleasure to Ease the Pain" (how about 10% donated to national prostate research foundations by Aneros on each Aneros purchase during Movember!) and/or "Curious for the Cure" and/or...

Wouldn't this be the best possible next step in going mainstream with all of this amazing hope and ecstasy?

We've got the key to the back door! Maybe hundreds (thousands?!) of us as part of a major fund raising campaign could be a key to the front door of public awareness of all of our story!

all the best prostate health to all


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Good Ideas Guys, keep 'em coming!


I think your idea for a small Aneros/HIH shop (kiosk) in high foot traffic venues conducive to erotic themed products could work, but there are very few such venues in the U.S. In addition to Las Vegas and New Orleans, San Francisco and New York City and might provide a foothold as well. Elsewhere across the country, I think you will have to depend upon the small adult novelty stores to carry the product.


I really like your idea of getting an association established between HIH and a highly beneficial non-profit organization such as you suggested. This can generate much good will in the general public and would allow a toehold for expanding information through a different distribution network. I wonder if there would be enough interest in formalizing and creating the Super-O Society as a legal non-profit organization for the dissemination of this information?

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How about "A bad day with an Aneros is a Great Day W.

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Good Ideas Guys, keep 'em coming!


I think your idea for a small Aneros/HIH shop (kiosk) in high foot traffic venues conducive to erotic themed products could work, but there are very few such venues in the U.S. In addition to Las Vegas and New Orleans, San Francisco and New York City and might provide a foothold as well. Elsewhere across the country, I think you will have to depend upon the small adult novelty stores to carry the product.


I really like your idea of getting an association established between HIH and a highly beneficial non-profit organization such as you suggested. This can generate much good will in the general public and would allow a toehold for expanding information through a different distribution network. I wonder if there would be enough interest in formalizing and creating the Super-O Society as a legal non-profit organization for the dissemination of this information?

Hey R!

I still like J4's shop idea, at least the size of a UCS news shop in a mall, but clean bight and modernist elegant. Yes Aneros can still be marketed in "small adult novelty stores", but I believe that it is so much more.

Our rewiring here goes, or can go, well beyond sexual gratification into whole body bioenergetics, general health and well-being benefits of dramatic order, greater general pleasure consciousness and sensory awareness, synaethesia benefits, spiritual experiences and existential growth and many more. We're talking a doorway to a better, fuller, richer life experience and energy for many.

In addition to the best therapy for my chronic BPH and the glorious orgasms, it has enriched our marriage, and is the best therapy for my bouts of depression ever! And the soaring spiritual trips without, butt thanks always to the "training wheels". Aneros is a great general rewiring device for men in this gathering tidal wave being brought on by the current neuroplasticity revolution.

I hope for some Super-O Society T-shirts, jackets and the like, as well as lapel pins and other identifier/conversation starters, like the M-B boxer shorts pin. In general though, I think we would be much more effective much sooner by partnering with other existing groups and programs such as I set out above, compared to staying within our existing community for all organization and communication implementation. There is already a United States page for Movember, for example, with community walk-athons and the like.

Wasn't that M-Bca TV spot elegant and to the point?!

"Aneros: The Greatest Male Sex Toy And Oh! So Much More!"

all the best rumel my friend


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Yes, the stigma of incorrectly associating anal play and prostate stimulation with homosexual practices is a difficult perceptual conundrum to deal with. I think the best way is to just keep reinforcing the fact that any particular sex act is not straight or gay, it is the sex of your partner that defines straight or gay and even then it has more to do with your emotional connection than the act itself (i.e. it does not mean you or your doctor is gay if he gives you a prostate massage)


A slight variation of your quip might be “My worst day with an Aneros is better than my best day without it.”


I think we should heed ‘BF Mayfield’s words of wisdom when he said “When addressing the uninitiated try to avoid things that can be mistaken for hyperbole. This is not necessarily a simple task when writing about a Super O.” With that in mind, your one liner might be re-written as “Aneros: A Wonderful sex toy and Oh! So Much More!” this also allows for inclusion of women (think Peridise). To be truthful, there are a few men who have tried these massagers but have been unsuccessful in obtaining pleasurable results. When we use superlative words like "greatest", "most", "highest" or "best", I think we lose some credibility and become seen as con artists.

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Hi rumel

Your reply appeared after I had been reading here again, and had just gone to log in! This could almost be a chat!

Indeed, I have been somewhat "over the top" and a little simplistic too. Just having too much fun and trying to prompt us all to think, as you said if I remember correctly: "outside the carton"!

However, I think that:
1. a well communicated link-up with an established scientific prostate charity as I have suggested,
2. with viral then mainstream ads leading from the male health and science side initially,
3. while communicating the erotic possibilities for all,
4. and test marketing actual Aneros Stores, with a business plan for serious expansion,
could be a sound incremental plan for advancing the awareness and market development for HIH/Aneros.

I much prefer your revision of the tag line suggestion I made. It works well for ad tags and the store subtitle/closer line. Could I suggest a further slight change?

Aneros: Wonderful erotic health and Oh! So Much More!

Another challenge is to put the history/meaning of anything in six words (another NYT find):
1st Entry: Health Science Eros + Much More 😉

That's it from me on the serious business side for now. I'm going back to work on the Night Before Christmas take-off, and other wackiness...

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros prostate kiss'd!

all the best guys (and gals; where are the gals?!!) and have fun


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Perhaps if the medical/scientific community wanted to do a brain scan on someone who is able regularly to elicit this extended super O in themself with the aneros, and news got out through the scientific community.... The subject could be under a sheet, thrashing around, and making squiggley electroencephalograph/cardiograph lines. Nothing too graphic, because this needs to be shown on PBS.

Then keep this approach,-Get it in the news- use the sensationalist approach taken by journalists. The headline something like :WE HAVE 'UNCOVERED' THIS LITTLE KNOWN AND DEVaSTATINGLY EARTH SHATTERING SEXUAL RESPONSE!! (they call it the super O)
"The following story examines the ability of some males to have the same strength SUPER-ORGASM that women in "their PRIME" often report after toe curling animal..." .. etc etc...--you get the idea.

Similar to one of those stories about the women who are plagued by unremiting random orgasms throughout the day..

then have one of those tabloidish, but nonetheless compelling stories about how some individual used "tantric training wheels" to obtain this result. But this is important,--DO NOT HAVE THE STORY TOLD BY SOME LIGHT-IN THE -LOAFERS flamer. Have the story as related by a "knowledgable woman, who uses this device as a $2,000 an hour sexual surrogate." Sort of alluding to Elliot Spitzer, and high powered execs who have routinely been pampered with this licentious treatment.

And then when the "service" is added to the "menu" at the Bunny Ranch, and several of those legal Nevada places, get an interview with one of the girls whose business took off when she discovered how to"really do her job" by using 'the device'. Do not tell what 'the device" is however. Make the curious reader work for the information..--Otherwise, it sounds like an advertisement.

So, by 'not' making the first attempts to get out the word,--rather than trying to cobble together what you think is a clever Madison Avenue Approach, and with it,- the horrendous cost to advertise --rather,-use the media to promote for free. They,-the journalist(s) get stories that maybe even make Yahoo news..-or at least mention in blog--stuff like that. Win,. (winwinwin)

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Yeah, that revision is more palatable to the general public, but maybe it could be a little more explanatory. Like – “Aneros: A Healthy Erotic Massager and Oh! So Much More!” this wouldn’t be quite as obvious as “…sex toy…”

Edge Tapper,

Yeah, good idea, I can see and hear it now – “Tonight’s episode of NOVA examines an ancient Tantric phenomenon re-introduced to modern western culture by a patented, scientifically designed device originally created for men’s prostate health. Go inside the laboratory with us as we see the physical and neurological effects generated by this device and learn from these men how they have redefined the limits of the male orgasm. Here at the Stanford Medical Research center ongoing studies show…”

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lots of good ideas on this thread.

first, i forgot to mention that in addition to friends, colleagues, relatives and strangers, i have evangelized the aneros and other products to my doctors. for example, i brought in a bag of items to the urologist who most helped me with chronic pelvic pain:
- aneros
- prostate cradle
- crystal wand deluxe
- slightest touch.

i dumped the whole bag on his exam table and told him about each one. he was very interested. the one that most attracted his attention was the prostate cradle (more on that below).

second, i think that two very big obstacles the aneros faces are:
- learning curve
- lubing and inserting

the learning curve means that this product is not suitable in the instant gratification sexual marketplace, unlike, say, a vibrator. now it is true that in most cases, when used as an adjunct to regular sex, it can produce immediate results (just not full-forced results). so that helps.

this is the same deal with the therapeutic applications. unfortunately many people, particularly americans, are much more inclined to pop a pill to approach their medical problems than to take slow but steady steps to help themselves more naturally (eg diet pills versus exercise).

so ideas like brick and mortar stores in las vegas might have limited luck. if the couple can't take it right back to their hotel room and get explosive results every time, then they will be disappointed.

i suspect that to hook a larger segment of the population, the device must be able to "enter and perform" in the regular hetero coupled sex context.

this also means: women must buy the device for their men. (and be ready to do the lubing and inserting).

lube and inserting is also a big problem, especially for solo use. that is why i think aneros should develop a prostate cradle, ie, an externally used device. this would serve as an introductory device. it will very significanlty overcome the lube and insertion obstacle. once a man feels the potential of the pleasure and therapy of prostate massage, he will be much more open, perhaps desperate, to experience penetration.

i have much respect for the fellow who developed the prostate cradle, and i would not want to take away his market. as well, i don't know what his patent status is. also, i don't know if he has or has not already created an optimal external device. this all being said, i suspect that whatever he brought to the task of inventing the cradle, that the genius behind the aneros might have more anatomical and physiological knowledge with which to improve on the device (and to sidestep the risk of applying too much pressure with it).


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Well guys think of the Enzyte commercials with "Smilin' Bob"! You just need a commerical to pique the interest, and hint at something going on with a little creativity to boot.

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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

You are absolutely right about getting women “onboard” with this practice. That would be an absolutely huge boost to men if our partners in play would ease their men’s minds about use of these anal/prostate stimulation devices. Ads in popular women’s magazines might just help here. How about Cosmopolitan doing a feature story on Aneros/HIH with a lead in about the tantalizing unisex toy Peridise?

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I don't know if it's worth much, but on my local area Craigs List: Rant and Rave (click on Minnesota, Duluth/Superior and go back a page or so) there was a long tit for tat about rimming, anal sex, anal play, etc... I put my two cents worth in about Aneros, this website and what it can/could do for someone. No one replied to my post on CL, but I did receive an email to my computer that that person wrote to me "too bad, they work."

I like to think that maybe a few people were interested and curious and maybe came on here and looked around.


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Hi musicman - (C)

I think your idea of users mentioning these devices on other forums and in other discussion venues such as you have done is also a good idea. This is very much in accord with ‘Darwin’s ‘one on one’ approach and ‘BF Mayfield’s word-of-mouth’ process.
Have you ever seen those public bulletin boards where people post ‘tear-off’ strips with their phone numbers, addresses, etc. trying to buy and sell stuff? We could do a similar teaser, print up an 8.5”x11” piece of paper with 30-40 repetitive lines of text that says:
“FOR A GOOD TIME – SEE WWW.ANEROS.COM/FORUM/”, Pre-cut the sheets so people could easily just tear off one of these and in the privacy of their own home start checking out the available information. We could start a ‘grass roots’ guerilla information distribution network into every Laundromat in America, think globally, act locally.
(note : I am NOT advocating that people start writing this on bathroom walls etc. that’s illegally defacing other peoples property and just plain annoying)

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In regards to “getting the word out” here are a couple of things I’ve seen out on the web lately…

The website: has a recent glowing review of the Helix. Freddy and Eddy’s is actually the website that got me searching google for “prostate massagers” last year and hence led me to Aneros.

While Freddy indicates he talks with Aneros people at trade shows, he doesn’t indicate if he has a relationship with Aneros. Regardless, this is the kind of publicity that helps break social barriers and build product buzz.

On the other hand, when searching on google for “Aneros Company” I got the following hit:

While this kind of publicity falls under the “any kind is a good kind”, it would seem to indicate that the product is popular enough to lampoon.


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Re spreading the word

Here in England on a digital tv channel called Fiver which is free to air not subscription, is a show on Sunday 10pm repeated Saturday called Sex - How to do everything, in episode 4 was a short piece on prostate massage, although the device they held up was a Nexus, in the animation shown it was a Helix, and also talk about a Rude Boy later on, amongst lots of other things. I have put the link to the shows to watch again online below, but you have to register and log on to veiw, over 18's only.

The piece on the prostate is in episode 4 at 13mins, there was also a short interview with Marrena Lindberg, Zaneblue in episode 3 at 22mins.

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"Smilin' Bob". I actually found a Smiling Bob t-shirt...I now own it. That's great!!

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To get the word out I've been using the tried and true method of simple word of mouth. I know that this is sometimes uncomfortable to do. But like the wildest Gossip, it spreads like wild fire. In the last couple of weeks, I told 4 friends about the Aneros. Within a week, 3 owned one. After experiences with them (such as dry O's), they've started telling their friends. It is spreading!!!

B Mayfield
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To get the word out I've been using the tried and true method of simple word of mouth. I know that this is sometimes uncomfortable to do. But like the wildest Gossip, it spreads like wild fire. In the last couple of weeks, I told 4 friends about the Aneros. Within a week, 3 owned one. After experiences with them (such as dry O's), they've started telling their friends. It is spreading!!!

Right you are Lynn2694, I made this point earlier in the thread, that word of mouth is often the most powerful type of advertising that there is. And in a context like this has the ability diminish the stigma as well!

BF Mayfield

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I realize that 70% of users are straight but I can't help but think it would be less of an uphill battle marketing to the gay community.

As far as SEO/SEM goes I'd be happy to free consult on optimization strategies (I work in the field).

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I tried to watch the video but it said "For UK only". Anyway to get around that?

Re spreading the word

Here in England on a digital tv channel called Fiver which is free to air not subscription, is a show on Sunday 10pm repeated Saturday called Sex - How to do everything, in episode 4 was a short piece on prostate massage, although the device they held up was a Nexus, in the animation shown it was a Helix, and also talk about a Rude Boy later on, amongst lots of other things. I have put the link to the shows to watch again online below, but you have to register and log on to veiw, over 18's only.

The piece on the prostate is in episode 4 at 13mins, there was also a short interview with Marrena Lindberg, Zaneblue in episode 3 at 22mins.

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Hey R! Another take on Spreading the Word...

Based on Jill's TED presentation here: :

The Super-O Society launches a Peaceful Planet Initiative by forming a charity that raises donations and creates The Truly Effective Diplomatic Tool Kit consisting of:

1. A complete set of all Aneros models,
2. a Lifetime Supply of Marksman shipped, as needed, free anywhere in the world,
3. Jill's video and book: My Stroke of Insight, and
4. membership in this Forum and Expert guidance!

Diplomacy can be so left-brain anally retentive in the nasty old sense, and so often unsuccessful! Just as there is Betty Edwards very successful Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain books and program, what the world needs now is a similar program for diplomats: Diplomacy from the Right Side of the Brain©!

SO, the ecstatic, energetic, universal, multi-verse fusion, "we are stardust" art/science framework, in the right-brain anally rewiring new Aneros sense, is now out there on the horizon...

...Only Certified Ecstatic Adepts may apply to the Diplomatic Service! Peace agreements taking shape and signed around the planet! In 2024 the Super-O Society, Aneros, and their PPI organization are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!...

(What is he on now?) Ahhh! Nothing butt another extended M-O!:D

cheery cheeks all


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I'm sorry I have no idea on this one, I didn't know they could block veiwing from another country.

It's true Big Brother is watching and controlling you. 😯

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Guys, How utterly cool would it be if we saw President “O”bama wearing a sweat shirt with the SOS logo and the words “Super-O Society” emblazoned on it? How cool would it be if the Aneros Co. reps were able to go on the “O”prah Winfrey show and have her don a Tee shirt with the SOS logo and the words “Super-O Society” emblazoned on it? Such events would be monumental in spreading information and enlightenment about this experience.

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How utterly cool would it be if we saw President “O”bama wearing a sweat shirt with the SOS logo and the words “Super-O Society” emblazoned on it?

How cool would it be if the Aneros Co. reps were able to go on the “O”prah Winfrey show and have her don a Tee shirt with the SOS logo and the words “Super-O Society” emblazoned on it?

Such events would be monumental in spreading information and enlightenment about this experience.


This is so weird that you posted this today. Just yesterday I was thinking about the idea of the t-shirts. There was this guy there that had a t-shirt that had "Buster" across the shoulders and I had the idea that when he turned around that there would be your logo. When we have our convention, we will all need to get them and have our names across the back. Nice thought!

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Please Rumel, we would not want anyone to ever associate the Super-O Society with the Obamanation.

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I realize that 70% of users are straight but I can't help but think it would be less of an uphill battle marketing to the gay community.

As far as SEO/SEM goes I'd be happy to free consult on optimization strategies (I work in the field).

I agree that marketing just to the gay community is easier but 20% of 70% yields more revenue than 50% of 20%. Better yet, combine them both so that you get 1/4 of the whole pie !

Although I'd idealistically prefer a more homogeneous (orientation blind) marketing effort. I think that two different marketing channels would be more cost effective; and, would be easier to define within the media mix. Two small diamonds might be better than one large marble.

Right now all that's out there is shelf presence (online or brickfront). I'd seen the Aneros for a couple of years in online toy stores and on the shelf at our local leather shop. Sort of wondered what the silly piece of plastic with the curly-cue really was but not enough interested to ask. Never looked further. By appearances, if I had understood what these gizmo's were for, I'd have gone with the macho looking Nexus. I bought a Helix, solely on the basis of an over-the counter recommendation.

Print Media: I'd opt for Men's Health. Still a potboiler in most Barber Shops and at most Grocery checkout stands. I'd guess that the readership is well distributed across both orientations as they seem skilled in 'edging' to both communities.

SN hits: Is there any research that shows the percentage of XTube and UTube spots that convert to an Aneros hit? (I'm wary though of using something like a persistent cookie to do that since it will spook a lot of folks who value their anonymity and who check to see who's cookie they are carrying.


1. Introducing the product: Get the 12 month editorial line-up for MH. Pick the most probable str* article to tie onto and buy a sidebar to that article. Write the sidebar -- perhaps about how much better orgasm with your g/f is with an Aneros in your ass. (needs rewrite !). Buy a small adjoining ad to direct attention to the product source(s) and the Aneros home page. Two months later, pick a good match on an article that stims the gay community and tie to that one--and advertise with the same ad as before. Alternate between straight and gay for maybe 18 months.

2. Branding: Google ads on targeted websites that won't offend anyone. Just the image and the brand name. Click will cost money but give Aneros-home a hit. Expand to TV-cable. Spike after 9 p.m. PST, midnight EST 5 second spots. picture with

3. Donno where this goes.

Probably good to start this before the collapse of the print media extends to MH.

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OK guys, I'm back with another short script for a TV commercial -

A middle aged man is sitting on the exam table in a Doctors office.
The Dr. speaks “Well, Mr. Smith your benign prostate hyperplasia is not improving despite the drug regime you are on.”
Mr. Smith slumps, frowns sadly and asks “What do I do now, you know I don't want to keep taking drugs for the rest of my life.”
Dr - “In lieu of drug based intervention, I am going to prescribe a recently studied home use prostate massage device which has been shown to be very effective in providing relief for other men with similar symptoms.”
Mr. Smiths looks up and raises his eyebrows, frown disappears and says “I would like to try another option doctor. The side effects of the drug treatments are almost as bad as the BPH. Is this new device difficult to use and safe?”
Dr. - “This device is safe and very easy to use, however there have been some reported side effects from usage.”
Mr. Smith frowns again and looks the Dr. in the eyes and says “OK, Doc, what will I have to put up with now?”
Dr. - “I have to warn you, you may experience the most intense, longest lasting orgasms you have ever had as a consequence of using this device”
Mr. Smith's eyes light up and a huge grin emerges on his face and says “Doc, I think I can really live with those side effects!”
Announcer voice over – “Talk to your doctor about whether the Aneros prostate massagers may be
an appropriate treatment for your chronic prostatitis and BPH symptoms.

The side effects may be even better for you.
Try Aneros today – Have Courage”

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I didn't have time to read all the posts, so this may have been said, but mainstream porn would be a good way to expose it to the average guy in my opinion. Product placement. Until then, I think it will be a slow road picking up new users. When women in porn convince men that it is acceptable and sexy, then the majority will start to get interested.

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I am simply blown away by this thread, rumel, But I simply have to disagree with freeanalenergy. First and foremost, I think it would be a horrible idea to link Aneros to pornography. The two are diametrically opposed. Porn is mind numbing and ugly and harmful on almost every level, whereas Aneros is non-sexual, spiritually and physically uplifting and beneficial to body and mind. Sorry man, but your thinking here is way too narrow. I believe it's very clear, IF YOU'LL READ THE THREAD, that the energy here is definitely going the other direction. And second, I guess a poll here would be good, I'll go out on a limb here, a significant number of guys do not look at porn, and certainly most women do not.

While I have little more to contribute, idea-wise, what I read here is not only fascinating, but interesting and so telling of he INCREDIBLE depth of knowledge, information and wisdom that our membership has.

Simply reading the above posts simply amazes me with their creativity, inspired humor (thanks artform) and level of sophistication. Talk about articulate! I am humbly grateful to be a contributing member of this forum.

Wow, guys...keep it coming. Rumel, it's simply amazing how passionate we all are about Aneros...that certainly is clear...and to stimulate our thinking on the dissemination of our pleasure is a terrific idea. I'm learning something here. It's great.


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