I think I had a pro...
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I think I had a prostate Orgasm and super O

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Last night I was using my device. After about an hour my prostate got super sensitive. I started to feel like I was going to cum and had almost the same feeling as a traditional orgasm (except it last for about 5 minutes and was 10x more intense). As soon as that happened I started to get tingles in my face. The  feeling in my prostate then started to grow across my entire body. It was like the orgasm you get with your penis but it was my entire body. It got so intense that I unintentionally screamed.  Then my whole body started to shake violently. At this point I was so shocked what happened that I tensed up and snapped out of it.  Afterwords I felt this orgasmic feeling in my whole body for hours (and was still shaking a bit). After 5 years of practice I never even imagined this could happen in real life. 


Does anyone have tips on relaxing even through the super intense moments so you do not snap out of it? Thanks!

Ghusa, Soul Pleasure, Pablito1963 and 28 people reacted
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Sounds to me like you got there! Sometimes things happen and they are a little scary. Not so much the next times. Just don’t try to recreate or expect it,no two are the same,they are ever evolving. You’ll be fine,it’s just new.


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Posted by: @ramalex903gmail-com

Does anyone have tips on relaxing even through the super intense moments so you do not snap out of it?

Congratulations on your breakthrough The best advice I can give you is to learn to practice some deep breathing techniques. Meditation training can help here as well. It might help to re-read @darwin 's post relax, relax, RELAX. Please see @rook 's post in A Question about Breathing for some helpful tips and information links. You can also read Deep Belly Breathing and Relaxing (a file I downloaded many years ago authored by Temple University Professor R. Hicks, unfortunately no longer available online).

Good Vibes to You!

Soul Pleasure, Regal13, Soul Pleasure and 3 people reacted
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Hooray! Congrats on your massive pleasure.

when you say tense up, do you mean physically getting tense? Or getting scared/surprised by the intensity?

If because of tensing up: personally i am often in a state of tension and uneven breathing during my orgasms, and relaxing and breathing can bring me down as opposed to keep me going. There are certainly times when I experience calmer regular-breathing orgasms (calm seas), and in these cases relaxing and breathing is beneficial. So if it is physical tension, I guess it depends on the type of orgasm you are having, and how your body reacts to relaxation/breathing, to know whether it is beneficial or not.

if because of fear or shock from these intense novel sensations, then it is something you will get used to with time, as they become more regular. in the beginning I had a few moments where I unintentionally dropped the ball because I was surprised by the intensity of it all.

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Posted by: @ramalex903gmail-com

Last night I was using my device. After about an hour my prostate got super sensitive. I started to feel like I was going to cum and had almost the same feeling as a traditional orgasm (except it last for about 5 minutes and was 10x more intense). As soon as that happened I started to get tingles in my face. The  feeling in my prostate then started to grow across my entire body. It was like the orgasm you get with your penis but it was my entire body. It got so intense that I unintentionally screamed.  Then my whole body started to shake violently. At this point I was so shocked what happened that I tensed up and snapped out of it.  Afterwords I felt this orgasmic feeling in my whole body for hours (and was still shaking a bit). After 5 years of practice I never even imagined this could happen in real life. 


Does anyone have tips on relaxing even through the super intense moments so you do not snap out of it? Thanks!

What aneros device where you using?

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Great job! As others noted, it's more about getting used to it than any particular tip or trick. Depending on how intense it was, your body might need some time to understand that this is safe and not a "fight or flight" situation you have to deal with. Just keep at it and you'll adjust. 

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@theeagleandwolf I was using the Helix. 


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I’m still not sure if I have achieved a Super O, I am leaning towards no as after reading all the comments it appears it’s something you will definitely know.

Question - can you have a super o if you don’t have an erection? Wiki says a rock hard erection may occur but I do not get an erection at all?

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@muchos1740 An erection is not necessary,but I think the general consensus is that it helps. And yes,a diamond hard erection can occur at prostate  orgasm.

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Posted by: @muchos1740

I’m still not sure if I have achieved a Super O, I am leaning towards no as after reading all the comments it appears it’s something you will definitely know.

While reading about others experiences may be enticing it can lead you into over thinking your own evaluation. Every man is going to experience his Super-O as something unique so please don't dismiss your own experience just because it doesn't match your imagined orgasm. You may well have had a Super-O it just may not have been what you expected ! Please see the Aneros WIKI definition of what a Super-O actually is, it is quite variable in scope.

Posted by: @muchos1740

Question - can you have a super o if you don’t have an erection? Wiki says a rock hard erection may occur but I do not get an erection at all?

Absolutely you can have a Super-O without any erection whatsoever. Please don't confuse needing high arousal as meaning a penile erection, it may happen or it may not, remember to stay focused on the prostate stimulation not your penile state.

Good Vibes to You!

Zentai, Zentai and Zentai reacted
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Congratulations . Take it easy and accept the pleasure that comes. Maybe you feel like crying or laughing because there are such beautiful orgasms...

Sometimes it seems like I'm facing perfection. Many pleasure to you and good luck

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