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Huge build up of arousal then nothing

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I can't find the other thread started by another user some months ago, but in the thread it stated that they would get a rising, intense build up of arosual/pleasure and then it would fall quickly and mean the session Is over.

This for the longest time has been my biggest hurdle.

No matter what I do it's near impossible to recover from that 'fall', no matter what. Even the warm p-waves I experience vanish. Even the most arousing of thoughts, scenarios or even nipple stimulation will cease to reinvigorate things will work. Ten minutes after ending a session, I'm aroused again?

My sessions are great in the beggining, the pattern seems to be noticible now;

No feelings > warmth begins > feelings increase > warmth in legs & penis & prostate & ass > crescendo, lots of nice feelings (staying relaxed and focused) > really big now! > feelings instantly gone > body feels nothing > no longer aroused even slightly

This happens within minutes.

I can't understand this, it's like the intensity of it all overloads things and kills it, stone dead.

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I have the same problem. What i do is that i take a break and then i go back to it a little later and then it works again. Lame solution, i know, but it works.

I don't know why it is like this but i have a few ideas. I think to high antecipation is a part of the problem. I expect arousal to rise and I realy realy want it to rise. When arousal instead goes down I think my mind ends up in a negative loop of some kind and i try to flex my muscles more to get back to where i were and as a result it goes down even more. I end up being disapointed instead of aroused and its hard to go from disapointment to arousal.

I dont have much experience with aneros pleasure but as i see it, one of the diffrences between prostate and penis stimulation is that with penis stimulation arousal goes up, up and up until you climax but with prostate stimulation it goes up and down in waves. The brain is used to the up up up DOWN and is also used to not being able to get back from the down. I think that part of the rewiring is to get used to arousal going up and down and having faith in the fact that it will come back.

Don't take what i say as fact since im not sure myself but this is how i perceive it and i hope i can be of some help. I am in the middle of this problem myself and someone who has actualy found the way out of it may be able to give you better advice. I will follow this thread and see what others have to say about it.

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There is one more thing i'm thinking of that could be related to this problem. With traditional penis stimulation you can almost always push yourself to at least one orgasm. If you are not horny you can still kind of push it out of you and you will still enjoy it. With prostate stimulation its a bit differenti. Its like you cant squeeze it out if it isn't there. It's like trying to take a shit when there is no shit there.

You have probably heard the story about when the wind and the sun where to compete who was the strongest. If you haven't just google sun and the wind story. A traditional orgasm can be achieved through the winds approach as well as the suns. A prostate orgasm though cant realy happen through a wind approach, it only happens if it wants to happen. When the arousal dies I shift from a sun mindset to a wind mindset. I only notice this after the arousal dies but maybe it is that the shift in mindset is what happens first and the arousal dies as a result. Or to put it in another way, once I want the orgasm more than it wants me I'm fucked.

I hope this helps more than it confuses and again, this is just how I perceive it and not nessecerily the truth.

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I had the exact same feelings (up and down) while on the journey to the 1st super-O - and the same confusion. It wasn't too long for me until it hit. I found that around that stage keeping a minimum of 3 days between sessions (and ejaculation) was as critical as staying relaxed.

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Increasing arousal and then a drop-off is more or less an orgasm, particularly with a sense of climax. What intensity and length varies of course. I remember around 2012, my sessions were usually at their best in the first 15 minutes, then...that's it. Nothing more.

As JayStark above advises, breaking off from anything sexual for 4-7 days will charge the libido. Personally speaking, the best times to use the Aneros is when you aren't fussed about it. Epectations and 'wanting' an orgasm often gets me stuck in a tailspin.

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Tantric traveler I think you get it quite well, the down after the build up is usually for me the end. Variation of technique sometimes works. Dark engine and Jay stark, excellent words here too, I Will try wanting it less, see how I go.

@Darkengine if what I get is more or less an orgasm, that's cool, it is after all pleasurable. If that is the case will the intensity of these 'increase in arousal and drop offs' increase? I find though they're lovely a traditional orgasm is much more intense indeed.

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