How to unstick?
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How to unstick?

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So MO_Bosco had a great reply to me in

Not wishing to pollute Progasm007's post with my filth, I created this thread.

How can I unstick myself?

MO_Bosco mentions an ache. Never felt it. What am I doing wrong to not feel it?

I'm reading the Bee line thread now. Seems to suggest that locating the Sweet Spot is paramount to progress. I've tried locating mine and failed to find it. I used my fingers, and the tip of the euhpo to press down etc. and do not find any bulging spot etc.

Seems all the Aneros tools I have (Eupho Syn, Helix Syn, Progasm Ice) make me feel like I need to pee. I can get some involuntaries happening at times, but it feels nothing special, it's just the mechanical action of the contractions taking place.

Once, I got the Progasm to noticably vibrate when holding a strong contraction. But again it was a mechanical action and no pleasure. It was interesting from a "hmm didnt know that could happen" point of view, but it was not sexual or pleasurable, it was just very very neutral.

I'm getting very frustrated and lost. I've not used the Aneros for about 4 days straight. I've had a 2 week break last month.
Any time someone tries to help me, they run out of ideas and get frustrated trying to help me, sometimes firing off messages that I sometimes interpret to be hurtful (but I'm sure they mean well). Seems no one can help.

I've been on this path for 19 months and I am not sure what I got out of it so far. I don't rate the sessions particularly highly. Even now they are less pleasurable than jacking off. Why?

MO_Bosco says "the combination of deep and relaxed breathing in time with very light continuous contraction of various inner pelvic muscles. These contractions led to tensions that built up to what I call the "ache." " - I don't have anything from that other than a need to pee, certainly no aches. I can sometimes with lots of work, use polysatin to rub on my penis and cause an ache in my penis which eventually causes me to have a crazy wet orgasm. Totally not like a traditional one. But I don't think that's what he means by the ache.

Very rarely, I get some tingle in the tip of my penis but I cant determine what makes it do that and how. But even that seems to be similar to common pee operations.

I tried Binaural Beats, doesnt seem like it works for me - I can hear pulsing etc but if I remove one headphone from my ear I still hear it in the other ear, so not how they are supposed to work.

I've tried a-less, flexing my PC muscles etc, and I get the same need to pee feelings.

Out of desperation, and partly due to advice I got in the chat, I ordered a Peridise... hopefully will arrive in the post this week. I am not sure if it will work, or do anything good, but at least it was inexpensive.

A lot of the advice I get is "give it time" or similar. I am losing what little faith I had. Anyone got actual remedies to offer?

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For me it was arousal. I found that with each poor session (or impatience to make noticeable progress) I was building an association whereby the thought of a session would elicite feelings of boredom and a total lack of excitement (unlike my early days!)

This was subconsciously sabotaging my sessions before I had even started because of this mentality.

I made this breakthrough because occasionally I would have good sessions, very rare though! But in each one was the consistency of high levels of arosual. Lately watching porn has got me aroused again and I've had better results.

Nipples are important as these are the next thing on my list to get me highly aroused again.

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I am sorry you haven't been able to achieve even a modicum of success with your Aneros devices. Unfortunately, I haven't got any new advice for you other than to point you to a couple of posts I authored -> Identifying Obstacles to Progress & Identifying Facilitators to Progress. I'll bet you've already read the WIKI (probably several times) so that may not offer any further help. Finding your "sweet spot", while helpful, is not of paramount importance to progress, I've never found mine but am still able to have multiple prostate based orgasms.
Owing to the great variability men have in response to prostate stimulation, it is inevitable that some men simply won't get much from the practice, regardless of how much they try or do. I hope this is not case for you but perhaps it is. I've read extensively on the internet about the typical techniques men have employed to achieve prostate orgasms and many, if not most, of those have already been covered on this forum. I recently ran across an article by an independent blogger named 'Mr. Racy' that may lead you into a different experimental path, here's the article -> Things to try when prostate massage isn’t working for you, perhaps there may be a clue there for you to try. I sincerely hope you find the pleasure you seek even if it is not with the Aneros massagers.
Good Vibes to You !

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I just want to say that the link you posted to that article 'a life unzipped' I strongly, vehemently disagree with to the point where I actually felt anger at the potential damage this may do.

If I had followed his mind set or advice I would have given up early in in my journey and missed out on some of the most incredible, life altering discoveries of my existence.

I beleive that were all capable of having them, I just beleive the path in which we get there is the element that is the issue. Perhaps the majority will find the way there using the wiki and the techniques outlined there, but over the years I've read people finding routes that directly contradict those and in equal measure. It's been a very lengthy journey for me, getting on toward a decade and it was more than 8-9 years before I felt an iota of pleasure from prostate stimulation. I found a path that worked for me. The key was and always will be: never giving up and always (safely) experimenting.

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I've been on this path for 19 months and I am not sure what I got out of it so far.

I know that sucks. Don't know if this is gonna help, but I struggled for like 4-5 years (= 60 months!!!) before I had my breakthrough. Still worth every second. If you could hang on for so long, I'm sure you are able to make it to the finish line!

A lot of the advice I get is "give it time" or similar. I am losing what little faith I had. Anyone got actual remedies to offer?

I give the same advice I give every time (maybe you stumbled across this already): DO KEGELS. Regularly. At least for 2 months straight, 3 times a day. When you begin to feel, that you are able to not just contract the whole pelvic floor, but different muscles, you've hit the first milestone and are on a good way. Building muscle control correlates heavily with building sensory awareness, because both are unlocked through activating the nerve endings which innervate the pelvic floor.

Don't give up yet, but don't get grim! (Don't become like @Sorena_!)

Cheers, Unfug

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Re: kegels ... I wonder if that's why "doing manual contractions" have historically proven useful, and made their way into the general thinking. I think most of us are very excited about the do-nothing technique, but maybe the "do manual contractions" technique is a necessary part of development, for the reasons you talk about.
I gave up on manual contractions as soon as the do-nothing technique started to produce good feelings, but I think I gave up too soon, to my detriment.
I still don't think you can hammer your way to a super-o, but maybe manual contractions are a form of exercise, and a more indirect means-to-an-end.

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Great discussion. I find it fascinating that there are so many paths to MMO. Equally, I find it very difficult to hear from guys here that have been trying everything but have yet to get satisfaction. I have been doing kegels as a form of hands free masturbation for many years and was able to generate multiple dry mini O's, usually white my wife's help. So perhaps the kegels have helped me find my path to super O's without knowing it. And, perhaps having very toned pelvic muscles allows one to have more awareness of internal pelvic sensations.

For what it's worth, try this one:

While sitting in a comfortable chair, gently rock your hips, very slightly, side to side and in a circle. At the same time focus your mind on generating very slight muscle tensions in the internal area bordered by a line from your tail bone to your scrotum to your belly button and back down your back. Imagine moving a small rubber ball around in a void that is within your pelvis. It's the variance of tension around the prostate and surrounding muscles that produce the "ache." If you feel an ache begin, chase it or maybe hold the tension in that one spot for a bit. The feeling you are looking for is not unlike the beginning of adrenaline induced "butterflies" or, even better, the surge of arousal and quickened heart rate when you see someone extremely attractive. Only this ache is self induced, generated by focused pelvic tension. Keep the tension going and try to build the tension as much as is comfortable. As I sit here typing and trying to write how I go about getting there, I can't help but get myself worked up, A-less. It's that effective and simple. Anyway, I use this technique to generate mini O's at the beginning of a session.

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I just tried that very quickly and not sure I did it correctly. But it felt like I needed to pee, and a bit of ache on perenium, that I realised was me putting extra pressure on clenches over time. Perhaps should be doing that with the Peridise inserted (just arrived today)?

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Ok I was just trying out the Peridise.... (the larger of the two in the set)

The first 20 - 30 minutes, it was interesting. Felt kinda like some ache in my abdomen but wasnt always there, and felt my foot and bit of my leg twitch a little bit. Not sure I ever noticed the ache before - possibly with the other Aneros devices but maybe awlays attributed that to the phystical presense of the device inside me?
Did not really notice the Peridise moving in and out much.

Then went to the toilet.

Then re-lubed and inserted and carried on watching porn.

Then something weird happened....
I could feel like a tingle on my balls (never happened before with any of the other Aneros devices)...

And then shortly felt like.... maybe Blue Balls, but not as bad.... and I felt weird like I was gonna pee myself... and suddenly my heart rate spiked up and was beating fast for a minute as if I had just ran a mile...

It subsided after maybe 30 seconds... and then I waited another few minutes then went on chat to tell the guys what happened.

As I type this, I still have the Peridise inside me and felt a bit of a tingle on my balls...
Will report more when I have more...

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Great discussion. I find it fascinating that there are so many paths to MMO. Equally, I find it very difficult to hear from guys here that have been trying everything but have yet to get satisfaction. I have been doing kegels as a form of hands free masturbation for many years and was able to generate multiple dry mini O's, usually white my wife's help.

Do you have any other shareable resources you used to learn kegel masturbation? This is the first I've heard it mentioned in that context and am interested to learn more.

And thank you for your reply on my thread, very helpful!

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@oebalus Intermittent gentle flexing of the perineum muscle between your anus and scrotum (to about 50%) is what I was talking about. It's very effective if you are lying on your side, with or without the Aneros. Mental focus on arousal is necessary to reach any kind of O. For me they are almost always mini and dry, but very pleasurable.

Chair O's are also possible with just these light flexing contractions of that muscle group, along with very slight hip rolling movement. I think it evolves the prostate as well but I'm not sure.

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