How to rewire?
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How to rewire?

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I'm having difficulty rewiring. I don't really know how to do it.

I thought it would be (in various lengths of time and different offsets since starting): insert aneros, do clenches, do nothing, relax, deep breathing, abstaining from porn, abstaining from aneros, relax PC muscles completely (not the usual background tensing), relax the mind, binarual beats / aneros hypno cd, different aneros devices.

I don't really know how to rewire. What can I do to rewire?


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From my understanding rewiring is not a technique or something to be learned. Rewiring happens with regular usage of the aneros

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@lonewolf8 Please see my recent blog post. I can't tell you how to rewire, only the after-effect of rewiriing. You have listed in your post a lot of elements that factor-into the rewiring process. Use them all and before long you will experience prostate rewiring like you have never known before! Good luck!

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As has been said above, rewiring is not something you have to learn or make a conscious effort to acquire. It just happens after regular use of the aneros. One of the effects that rewiring has had on me is that my nipples have now become highly sensitive, which they never were before, and a light touch is enough to launch an orgasm. Similarly my response to the insertion of an aneros has become much more rapid. I think that you will soon find all these things becoming part of your rewired aneros experiences.

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There must be some aspect of this that can be learnt or a conscious effort applied in order to rewire. There are men that have managed to rewire in a shorter amount of time.

What makes them able to rewire quicker?
What makes some men struggle for years?

There must be some secret to it rather than just the usual "it just happens after regular use of the aneros"?

@goldenboy I'll try to find your blog post this evening...

I'm partly asking because I have realised that newbies on the chat are asking me for advice and I give them the same sort of advice you guys give me, but I am losing my ability to tell this to the newbies with a straight face. How can I preach something that I don't experience? Is this the classic case of "losing my religion" ? ( this could perhaps be a sepparate topic on the forum?)

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@goldenboy I just skim-read your post.
Thanks for writing the post, but I don't know how to relate to your words 🙁

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Lonewolf - i liked your beer analogy, your very right, when your young your used to sweet drinks, beers bitter and tastes different, but slowly your brain re wires to enjoy it and the effect it has, a bit like coffee or anything else- so i get your thinking that aneros play is just another brain re wire, and if that theorys correct the brain should rewire with time and continued use - but its not ! So i wonder why or what others do thats so different? Could it all just come down to internal well being and relaxation, i keep reading about expectation and it seems if you dive into a session happily knowing or not expecting anything to happen then maybe thats the key to unlocking this, maybe we need to look at this all differently (me included) and just look at an aneros session as a couple of hours me time to just relax up and enjoy being on my own in a warm, quite place, and if something happens tben great, if not the cathartic effects of relaxation and contemplation must be good for us anyway, which makes me think about Karma Sutra which bangs on about relaxation and well being as rhe key (of which i know even less)

i think the ability to super O and self induce orgasm internally is a very rare and unique thing only understood by a few, if every man could just do it we all would be doing it

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@lonewolf8 The key to my session today was definitely the music. It was unusually effective in revving-up my prostate! I'll have to try it again.

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I'm having difficulty rewiring. I don't really know how to do it. I don't really know how to rewire. What can I do to rewire?

First off let me say I sympathize with your struggles, I know you have been having difficulties with your Aneros journey from the very beginning more than a year ago. I wish I could print out a simple formulaic path of guidance to lead you to Super-O's in every session but I can't because no such mythic formula exists. As the above posters have noted 'rewiring' is an effect and not the process. If you were to substitute the word 'relearn' for 'rewire' in your statements you will see the difference. All the factors which affect one's ability to learn anything also affect the Aneros 'rewiring'.

There must be some aspect of this that can be learnt or a conscious effort applied in order to rewire.

Yes, there are some aspects of the learning process which can be consciously applied, these are the many techniques discussed here in the Forums and in other information sources available on the internet. I know you've heard this before but it is a fundamental truth, each man is a unique individual and will have a unique set of circumstances leading him into the Super-O zone. Only you can discover your own combination of circumstances to unlock the door to the joys of prostate orgasms.

There are men that have managed to rewire in a shorter amount of time.

True, but dwelling on that thought doesn't really help you at all does it?

What makes them able to rewire quicker?

I don't know, what makes anyone able to learn certain things quicker than others? Native intelligence, previous experiences, maturity, genetics, etc.? Who really knows? It is currently just one of life's mysteries, certainly worthy of scientific study but beyond the scope of our current discussion.

What makes some men struggle for years?

I did try to address some of the reasons for lack of success in my thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress (see item #7).

There must be some secret to it rather than just the usual "it just happens after regular use of the aneros"?

If there is "...some secret...", I am not aware of it nor have I read anyone's post revealing any secret. I think this could be a situation of a self created illusion which may be imposing an obstacle to your own progress. If you are looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow I'm afraid you will be forever frustrated.

I'm partly asking because I have realised that newbies on the chat are asking me for advice and I give them the same sort of advice you guys give me, but I am losing my ability to tell this to the newbies with a straight face. How can I preach something that I don't experience?

Simple solution, speak only from your own experience, 99% of what is discussed on/in the Forums is opinion, as long as we all keep that in mind, you'll be fine.

Is this the classic case of "losing my religion" ?

I don't know, I don't think of my Aneros use as any kind of religion. I do believe this practice has benefited the quality of my life in a number of ways including philosophical attitudes but beyond that I'm unsure. Honest skepticism and adventurous inquiry can provide motivation to keep moving along the path of self enlightenment even if only to debunk the hyperbole you read elsewhere.

@lonewolf8, I have the perception you are holding some rigid social behavioral patterns as part of your core belief systems and your Aneros journey has induced some cognitive dissonance for you. I hope I am wrong about this but until this dissonance is resolved you may continue to be stymied in your progress. Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel Ok the losting my religion was figurative rather than literal.

I don't really want to put off any newbies. I think maybe I have done that already without even realising it. The type of newbie that had just received their first ever Aneros and used it once, then they go on the chat and get put off by me. I can't tell them that it will be alright, that they will get good feelings etc.

Well, nevermind. I'll keep on doing the same stuff i've been doing.

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@lonewolf8 the way I see aneros, at least partialy, is similar to growing normal sexual feelings with your mind. Have you or anyone here ever tried to cum just by using your imagination? Sometimes I can relate my prostate to that, except the aneros is a tool to amplify it and lean on. I think being successful with aneros requures a good ammount of aelf controll, mental strength, and good mindset. You've got to pay attention to your whole body at oncr, and feel all the sensations at once, instead of just focusing down on your prostate. I'm in a hurry and don't really know how to explain my thoughts about this, but maybe somebody will know what I'm talking about and reiterate.

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I take the feeling I feel, use them to become aroused and think of them as being sexual. I can get really worked up like this untill it actually falls out of my controll and just goes on its own. I think some people expect your prostate to do all the work, but it wont. There is build up.

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Seems like the problem is with my head.
Do fast-rewirerers have no problems with their heads?

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To me, it's a natural decrease in difficulty. A feeling that I might have only had a glimpse of, becomes progressively easier to access and call forward, the more times I experience it.

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@lonewolf8, Aneros rewiring is a process and journey. In the weeks following my first Aneros session with Helix Syn on June 3, 2012, I decided to enter each Aneros session with the intentions of enjoying and having fun. I wish the same for you and that rewiring came happen for you too!

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In my experience there is more than one aspect to 're-wiring'. There is technique, psychological approach, and some physical (perhaps neurological, even spiritual) changes that have to happen. Some people find a good technique quickly, are already psychologically ready, and probably have few physical blocks and a good nervous system and get it fast; in others there are changes required in all three areas and it takes a lot longer.

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@smudgefish that is an exelent answer. I dont think there is any way of putting it and is very valid. I've personally got physical and neurological down, but I have a tug-of-war with you physiological teir. Sometimea I just can't find the mindset.

​​​​​@Lonewolf8 do you not have any success whatsoever in your sessions? If you do, I would spenda some time really brainstorming what the issues are. Really dig deep and asses anything that could be affecting your success. Are you looking at your sessions too negitive? Or are you not comfortable enough? Is forcing movement causeing duds? Or is something like exhaustion leaving you empty handed. Just try to find the barrier, think deep.

I love all the support people gicmve here. It's truly admirable.

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@lonewolf - i feel your pain here with this, i played again last night this time with both my helix and progasm ice and got very little, to be honest i wasnt expecting to much as it was first encounter with the progasm but hoped i'd at least feel something.

so im going to take this negative and turn it into a positive - everytime i play my set up, lubrication, positioning and clean up pricess becomes faster and better, thats got to work for tbe setting up stress pre session, my shower and anal clean routine are becoming better and quicker, which again helps settle me quicker, im learning to relax with the aneros inside, infact i actually fell asleep for an hour with it in yesterday, and im learning not to be inpaitent, im wanting things to happen quicker which i know is the wrong approach.

the progasm did feel better inside, i could activly feel it on my prostate and it fills up the entire cavity a lot better giving a fuller feeling.

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@Clenchy for me it doesnt decrease in difficulty

@smudgefish good answer. But it also makes me think this is unachievable for me. Too many layers and aspects of my body that are not under my direct control, such as the nervous system.

@Tatornator sometimes i get small involuntaries at the outer anal sphincter, sometimes vibration somewhere near my penis or abdomen and sometimes a need to pee. But none are pleasurable. I stay neutral in sessions but after sessions in the retrospectives i can see that they are duds.

I think theres lots that i'm doing wrong, including using the word wrong, lots that i'm reading which appears to be wrong because i'm not doing, and vice versa. Thats the feedback i get. Maybe its unatainable for me. I've been told (not by a doctor) i also have a dead prostate.

Nevermind. Thanks all for responses.

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Hey, lonesome wolf (@lonewolf8), I wished so hard I could cheer you up. Perhaps your last sentence already has hit the point.

I think theres lots that i'm doing wrong, ...

To me it seems, that all your efforts still are a lot too much about doing and wanting or even demanding. Shouldn't it be about letting go instead?

Once I got some wonderful relaxing thai massages the quote on the wall of the massage room read something like

"Your love will not be stated for how much you loved someone but for how much you learned to let go."

These words characterize my still very short journey.

As a quick achieving newbie I only can tell I found help in thai massage, Qigong and Hypnosis to learn to let go. Thai massage taught me to really relax. Qigong helped most to discover my vibes. Hypnosis helped even more to let someone else take over command.

My favorite hypnosis teacher is Shibby. Though she might be a little addictive, she has to give you so much release. And repeating to listen to her same hypnosis files once and again helped me to discover how deep some triggers already are settled in my subconscious mind, to at all discover and accept the power of my subconsciousness.

As a chinese quote says

there is nothing that is underestimated more than pure repeating.

I would suggest, you should give her a try to help you letting go.

By the way, I can't believe a prostate can die. I only believe our subconscious mind is so strong, it can suppress anything we are really frightened of. At least it is our ancient life-saver. Like with vertigo your conscious mind is unable to override a once deeply installed fear quickly. Nevertheless with little steps you will cope with even your deepest fears as constant dripping wears away the stone.

Best wishes and good vibes and hope you learn to embrace your prostate and soon will say:

We are Prostate. Resistance is futile!

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this doesn't fill me with optimism for my own journey knowing that Lonewolf has been at this over a year with nothing - im not sure i have that sort of paitence to stick at something that long hoping something will happen, im also slightly sceptical about these newbies posting first time success, 10 minutes out of the bag and they super O just doesn't seem realistic, i've only been playing with anal toys for a couple of weeks now and still getting used to having something up there.

I was talking this morning with a female friend about stimulation and she suggested a vibrator, or rather some sort of vibration directed at the prostate itself to stimulate it, the vibration alone might be enough to 'wake it up', ive read some of the accounts of the l'amourose rosa, and im wondering if you need just a little extra something, maybe you've alrady tried and its not worked.

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There are some who took four or more years of use before they suddenly "got it".

My own guess is that there are nerve pathways that have never had stimulation before which need to be activated, with the brain only gradually responding to the stimulus.

I've noticed this in my girlfriend too. She was initially insensitive to vaginal stimulation, and it took about six months (and various techniques) to wake up those feelings.

What if you'd been blind since birth and your eyes suddenly started working later in life? How would your brain interpret those novel signals?

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[...] 10 minutes out of the bag and they super O just doesn't seem realistic, i've only been playing with anal toys for a couple of weeks now and still getting used to having something up there [...]

To be a newbie to conscious prostate massage does not mean to be a newbie to anal play. There are much more circumstances to refer to. My first experiences with anal play for example are going back to my teenage years. And inspite of being "deflowered" in my lower thirties and some experiences even with well-hung men and including a memorable rimming session of one and a half hour doing nothing but licking each other's rosebud I still feel like a newbie to direct prostate massage.

My own guess is that there are nerve pathways that have never had stimulation before which need to be activated, with the brain only gradually responding to the stimulus.


@twlltin, by the way thanks for the inspiration your avatar gave me to create mine, as I think it's all about body electricity, vibes and signals. Following your wonderful picture one could say our journey is not about awaking our prostate but about open our inner eye to learn to see and understand our prostate's signals.

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@C3PO I was one of those lucky types that got almost immediate results (although it fried my brain) so it is possible.

Too many layers and aspects of my body that are not under my direct control, such as the nervous system.

As @SOwithoutAneros says I think it is about letting go. Often the harder you try the more difficult it is, and I think that this is all about allowing yourself to tap into the ecstacy that underlies our existence and that is our true selves. In other words it is about unlearning the layers of ego that control our behaviour and inhibit real pleasure. I love the teachings of Eckhart Tolle - he teaches the principles of mindfulness better than anyone, and how to escape ego control. I would thoroughly recommend his books and youtube lectures.

I think that one loses ego control completely as one approaches and experiences a full orgasm. It has been said many times that using an aneros device is like a meditation, and there are so many parallels with many meditative practices and Hatha Yoga in particular. The Jhana state in Buddhist meditation is almost identical to a super-O in nature and indeed some of the emotional responses it can elicit. Interestingly the five hindrances described in Buddhist dharma are almost identical to the list of obstacles to progress quoted by @rumel .

So definitely about letting go but also about learning to focus on pleasure to the exclusion of all else.

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[...] In other words it is about unlearning the layers of ego that control our behaviour and inhibit real pleasure. [...]

Isn't it this what we mostly envy children for, their uncontrolled real pleasure? May be that is why some younger newbies succeed so fast!

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this doesn't fill me with optimism for my own journey knowing that Lonewolf has been at this over a year with nothing - im not sure i have that sort of paitence to stick at something that long hoping something will happen, im also slightly sceptical about these newbies posting first time success, 10 minutes out of the bag and they super O just doesn't seem realistic, i've only been playing with anal toys for a couple of weeks now and still getting used to having something up there.

I was talking this morning with a female friend about stimulation and she suggested a vibrator, or rather some sort of vibration directed at the prostate itself to stimulate it, the vibration alone might be enough to 'wake it up', ive read some of the accounts of the l'amourose rosa, and im wondering if you need just a little extra somethling, maybe you've alrady tried and its not worked.

I've been an aneros user now for just over 6 years buying and trying the MGX in 2010, I was addicted to it. using different models now everyday, depending on whichever model I think of first, allowing my intuition guide me to which model I should use on each particular day. My body and brain is only just now beginning to notice these ever so subtle sensations also known as P-waves, which feels amazingly similar to like as if I'm about to ejaculate, and then subsides a little! I say "it feels amazingly similar" but in a totally different way, only those of us who have had p-waves will know what I mean. I have not yet had any trembling sensations but I feel I am getting close to it. I'll keep you posted though! 🙂

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Expectations, arousal, false hopes, key to your prostate. In the end I think there is very little we can help eachother with besides being supportive and motivating. As said many time before, we are all different and face different circumstances so inevitably out aneros journey will be drastically different from one another. There is plenty of support for you @lonewolf8 but that support can only help you so much. There is a certain understanding floating around out there somewhere and that all you need to do is discover it. We can't give you that understanding but we can motivate you to find it yourself and that it does in fact exist. Perhaps you've been looking at things in the wronge light, or perhaps you current expectations are what are holding you back and the only way to move forward is to loose them and start fresh. We don't know. But what I can tell so far, is that whatever you're doing now is not working. So maybe you need to change your perspectives of aneros or what you deem pleasurable. Look for other good qualities of aneros, because obviously there are some. I do not believe for one instant that you struggled this long and far with aneros and have gained nothing in return. There is very clearly something pleasant keeping you stuck with aneros. Loose the negativity, focus on the positive, and deffiantly don't focus on the unforseen future. Think outside the box friend.

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Hey @lonewolf8 ,

you really hit a nerve with your question (pun not intended). The tragedy with the aneros as well as with any other tantric approaches is, that it's really hard to put the things into words which seem be only understood with the heart.

I guess I told you already in the chat some time ago: my personal breakthrough strategy was to do kegels (a lot). This woke up my pelvic nerval cluster and started my rewiring after 4,5 years of fruitless anerosing. Esp. to learn separating and controlling the different muscles individually helped me a lot. And it seems to be something not many guys here in the forum bother to spend their time on. Therefore I can't evaluate if this is a promising approach in general or if it worked just for me.

In the brilliant thread Automatic Tantra, @zaneblue recommended fish-oil capsules to get your hormones / neuro-transmitters back on track. According to her, this works very good (at least) for women. The same thread deals with amygdala clicking, which is not the exactly the form of rewiring you are looking for, but it is really easy to try out. Who knows, maybe you are a natural talent regarding this approach... We once had a conversation in chat about KSMO, have you pursued that any further?

A non-brainer would be weed, but I know you are not a fan and won't try that (and I respect that).

I've been told (not by a doctor) i also have a dead prostate.

Even if (it's not), that's not the bottleneck. The catch is not to get the stimulation done, the catch is to get the stimulation to your brain in a certain way. You can just as well learn to orgasm from the touch of your nipples, meditation or breathing exercises.

As with learning things in general, I believe there is a point where your brain clicks / get's the hang of it. From this point on progress comes in huges steps and far more easily.

Cheers, Unfug

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I could be wrong but I think it was Yogi Berra that said "You can't think and hit at the same time".
lonewolf8 I'm afraid you (and many other guys) might be over thinking things here. In this particular case, there is no solution that you can figure out, there is no formula that you can follow that worked for someone else. Your body simply doesn't work that way. Your body is unique and it will learn how to give you great pleasure with your aneros in its own way....and in its own time.
If there's one thing you must ....I repeat ....MUST.... learn with your aneros very quickly is to be patient. The single biggest thing that helped me in my journey was the moment I realized that my body is the one in charge of the progress, not me. I'm only along for the ride. If you try and force this along you will hit a dead end every time.
This is the hardest thing you will have to do during your journey. We all want the big super o, but there is so much to enjoy along the way until you get there. Learn the techniques that are taught here and in the wiki, and leave the rest to your body. It knows what it's doing.
My only other advice I can give...for what it's worth. .. is to relax. Enjoy every sensation that your body gives you, however small. Be grateful for it and remember that it's learning new things and will one day reward you in ways you can't imagine. 😉

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