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How many times did it take for you?

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How many times of using the Aneros did it take you to experience your first Super-O?

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Many times before I actually realized that a Super O has nothing to do with the penis or ejaculation. I had some orgasmic waves the first day I used the Aneros though.

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Hey guys!

It took me 4 or 5 months to have a bona fide Super-O!

There is a learning curve, so don't give up . . . relax and enjoy the P-waves
and other good feelings till you do get that big "cigar"!

Enjoy your Journeys, Guys!

Later, Hlaser99

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This is a better question than it seems.

If we keep enjoying the P-waves and dry Os does the Super O just sneak up on us? Does it come on gradually or does it usually hit you like a Mac truck out of the clear blue?

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Hey ALL!

I vote for "Clear Blue, Like a Mac Truck"!

Later, Hlaser99

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it took me 5 months and it was unexpected and not at all what i imagined--it's different for me each time--i have had only one super o but the experience leading to it is different, you never know if it is lurking just outside your field of view-- but boy was it a surprise when it came!

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There are several dimensions to the aneros experience/potential, Super-O being the one that gets the most discussion because it is the signpost/gateway to the high road of this astounding journey and therefore a very noble and rewarding goal itself. It is clear in the forum here, there are also many pathways for getting to the Super-O and beyond.

Very early in my use of the MGX, my first model, when I was just being able to relax more and "allow" the involuntaries to strengthen and stay around longer, my wife and I were having great session where she was riding cowgirl on me while I was on my back.

She gently reached around behind and slid her finger into my relaxed anus and onto my prostate section of the rectal muscle wall. SUDDENLY, she was riding a bucking bronco, dismounted keeping her finger triggering this phenomenon, and kneeling beside me reacted to my gales of laughter and tears and panting and leg-shaking and back-arching with her own laughter and enjoyment of this thing that was happening to me...

It took first Darwin's and then ArcticWolves's video demonstrations for me to say: "OK, that was my first Super-O!" – very different from solo practitioners. Yes, hlaser, it hit me like "out of the Clear Blue like a Mac truck" and it was breath-takingly wonderful; but it also triggered an attack of non-orgasmic cramps, muscle spasms and pain due to other personal health issues and chronic pain from previous injuries. I wouldn't have missed that first Super-O for the world, but I had to learn how to have limited time Super-Os and manage/prevent the pain. I still have Super-Os with mrs.a, particularly in our Wedding Band position where she is fingering me and I am fingering her, during our long mutual prostate ecstasy sessions, butt carefully.

Very soon after that first Super-O, I experienced what Old Wolf also experienced and described as "above and beyond the Super-O" and came to be called "Calm Seas Orgasms", by not "allowing" the muscle spasms of any kind. My body has expressed its preference for this form of major orgasmic energies experiences and you can see at my blog how fabulously that is progressing;

The Aneros Day-After Effects, like the KSMO Echo Effects; those spontaneous orgasmic energies are every bit as important ultimately IMHO as the Super-O. They lead even more directly to being able to live daily in the O-zone without stimulation. Using my aneros models to train and "rewire" the anal/rectal/prostate/perineum and related abdominals to muscle memory development, and using KSMO to be able to add its form of triggering and directing of these orgasmic energies, enables me to call up these energies, amplify them and encourage/direct them at will now without mechanical stimulation, audible sound or human finger. This is a total body/mind rewiring, refeeling and rethinking.

I still use my aneros for BHP treatment, solo pleasure sessions and with mrs. a when we want to give her finger a rest and still Super-T!, and it (MGX, Helix, or Eupho) is a great trigger and amplifier of these multi-dimensional orgasmic energies. When desired I can still convulse like ArcticWolves, although so far always on my back.

But we are really joining the flow of centuries of experiments and experience in sensing these orgasmic energies and the great, evolving traditions of Tantra and Tao, which many here are also exploring. Somehow, this kind of mapping may put both the Super-O and the Day-After Effects into perspective and open the fuller opportunities available to us all, regardless of our bodily conditions and previous socialization.

In my experience, Aneros is, as others have said, like training wheels as we learn a skill with much greater potential, training wheels we can continue to enjoy when we choose even after we do not need them to get where we are going. Without Aneros and KSMO, I doubt mrs. a and I would be where we are now, bodily ecstatic whenever, and both practices have our profound thanks!


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I was one of the fortunate guys to experience a Super-O very early on in my journey, I think it was on about my 15th or 16th session that it just snuck up on me and pounced, my life has been changed ever since. To say that it “rocked my world” is an understatement. That experience touched me in ways that are still echoing in my psyche. Some of life’s experiences are simply too profound for words to describe, this was one of those experiences.

You’re right, “… a Super O has nothing to do with the penis or ejaculation.”

What can I say, my friend, you say it like it is!

I think the Super-O does just sneak up on you, so just keep enjoying those P-waves, multiple dry-O’s and don’t worry about the Super-O, re-read artform’s post above.

Yes, every session is unique and the Super-O is like a powerful beast stalking us during our sessions waiting for us to “let go” of conscious control, open our hearts and emotions so it can jump into our body bringing with it incredible pleasure and bliss.

You’ve eloquently stated the multi-dimensional aspects of this experience/adventure/journey we are all on. Thank you.

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Great Post!

I am green with envy of your wonderful sexual relationship with your Mate!



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This is a better question than it seems.

If we keep enjoying the P-waves and dry Os does the Super O just sneak up on us? Does it come on gradually or does it usually hit you like a Mac truck out of the clear blue?

That's a good question and not so clear cut. I had good sensations the first use with the Aneros, although it gave me problems for awhile. It basically killed my erections, and made my penis go numb. It was weird. But I recovered and apparently rewired from that.

The journey was incremental. There comes a point where you are having so much pleasure that you are sure it must be a super O, but then something better comes along on your next session and you realize there is more to journey. Then you realize you are having super O's but they seem to be various flavors to some degree. O's are different, and as similar as they are each experience is somewhat different for me. But yes, one day...'wham' you get hit with something unbelievable. I will say that O's feel great and very orgasmic and incredibly pleasurable, but there are some O's that are 'different'. I don't know if my 'Super O's' are the same as those described by such as B Mayfield - mine coulc be greater or lesser (it's hard to say - probably not lesser). Anyway as I've described elsewhere and having experienced another BIG one today from recollection a true orgasm - or Super Orgasms gives back all your energy. It carresses you. Leading up to that you derived large amounts of pleasure but you may have still felt like it was a bit of 'work' or effort and there should be more. My Super O's are extreme (to me). They give back your energy, and they release you, they comfort you, they rest you, and you are pretty much on auto pilot and shaking over most of your body. They may come with dry ejaculation, or even wet ejaculation (completely hands free). Even so, I can have these and some seem to be more intense than others if that is even possible and it's hard to imagine because part of the definition of these is that you can't really imagine anything being more orgasmic!

Simplest definition for a true 'Super O' type orgasm is a crest orgasm. It's like you finally reached the top of the hill you labored up, and suddenly you have release, and bliss, and vast uncontrolled shaking pleasure.

For those that haven't reached this, you may feel that you think there is something more, or you don't understand what the big deal is, or don't understand why it doesn't work for you, or it is great, even really great, but you think there could or should be more, it should be more like a penile orgasm. For those of you in this group when you do finally reach the Super O caliber I describe it really will blow your mind and put a smile on your face. You will be puzzled that it's even possible. Heck you will start rambling on topic threads like me about it. It's that good. When it happens, you won't have to wonder if it was a Super O. If that wasn't a Super O, then nothing could possibly be because you can't imagine anything better.

Anyway, got kind of long winded there, but I guess I just wanted to inspire and encourage you (yes, probably brag also). It's just hard to believe it's so good, but when it happens to you then you will know, and for those that experience it already they know exactly what I mean. If it's not happening for you, then believe me it's worth working for.

I know I shouldn't brag, and don't really mean to. It's hard for you guys working so hard to find this. I'm one of the lucky ones. Anyway, I do feel for you, and gosh I wish everyone could experience some of the orgasms I feel. I really do. Guess that's why I post on here so much. When you have something so good, you just want to share it.

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Very soon after that first Super-O, I experienced what Old Wolf also experienced and described as "above and beyond the Super-O" and came to be called "Calm Seas Orgasms", by not "allowing" the muscle spasms of any kind.

Interesting you mention that. The other day after a Super O I experienced something that felt somewhat transcendental. I had the big Super O but then afterward it was like I was drifting or travelling across darkness, and time, and something like space or smooth, calm seas. It was a blissful feeling and lasted for awhile before I came back. Anyone else experience this?

Is that similar to what you describe, or is it something you reach before a Super O?

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Yes I have experienced the “Calm Seas Orgasm”, it is what I believe is the essential transcendent state espoused as a goal of the ancient eastern sacred sexuality practices. When you are in that state of bliss, your body ceases to exist, time stands still and inner vision is at crystalline clarity, you are truly at the gates of Nirvana in an altered state of consciousness that is better than any recreational drugs you may have experienced. It is a state of being you wish you could stay in forever, no worries, no cares, no pains, no concerns, just the knowledge that you are BEING.

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Yes, it was like that Rumel; however it was also a bit nervous / concerning for me. When I was young I almost died and had the near death experience of travelling the tunnel of light, etc. The out of body feeling of this calm seas orgasm (as you call it) made me feel a bit separated from my body and I was afraid with my heart now apparently beating so very slow that something might happen to me so I tried to not stay in that state too long. It was very blissful and peaceful though, and in retrospect I think it is probably safe and maybe even healthful as long as you don't allow yourself to 'sink' too far and basically shut off life support. Perhaps that is not possible, but it kind of felt to me at the time that it was a possibility.

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Hi All

OH!! and rumel, we have taken this thread beyond Super-O too. This post will take it back up near BoP's Lucid Dreaming thread. OH!!, I wonder how you relate the clearly traditional sexual nature of what you describe in the lucid dreaming thread with this out-of-body like experience of your youth and your recent one post-Super-O?

My father had out-of-body experiences that terrified him too. I had them in my youth occasionally, but they were localized in planet Earth settings, rather than the "tunnel of light", with one exception when I nearly drowned. For some reason, they don't bother me.

I don't know the answers, but I am very curious about the kind of voyaging possible on orgasmic energies. I've described my youthful Intellectual Orgasms (IOs), dry Super-Os with great otherness-travel, as "through-the-body-travel" rather then out-of-body-travel. The IOs were extremely powerful Day-After Effects from my youthful prostate massage practices as described in my blog.

Tantra, Tao and sacred sex traditions have all headed into this territory and developed practices that enable a degree of directing/encouraging, if not controlling. Rumel, your description is right on and inspiring to the point of triggering energy flows! Do you have thoughts about any connections to lucid dreaming, and some ladder of dream states to further reaches, and the transcendent mind?

If orgasmic energies, chi, and related forms described by others in their language in other traditions are aspects or varied manifestations of a fundamental Life Force, are they separate from the bodily being (life/death) or are they quantum dimensions of the body/mind/spirit spectrum? Or is it just a matter of time...?

Mrs. a and I are currently thinking about this through the model based on the Chakras beyond the physical body that rise above the head. A fellow member over at KSMO challenged me to see how my IOs compared to Crown Centred Orgasms. The Crown chakra is the upper-brain/top-of-head, the 7th chakra. That pretty well captures the IOs, a massive orgasm centred in the head leading beyond the body.

In this model, this mind/body 7th chakra is grouped with the 8th and 9th chakras above the head and outside the body as the Soul. Above that are three more ascending chakras, 10, 11, and 12, constituting together the Monad, the Higher Self. This is all from a book: The Whole You; Healing and Transformation though Energy Awareness by Tanis Day PhD. It is further subtitled: A step by step guide to exploring your subtle energy fields.

OH!!, I wish you well, comfortably navigating your voyages, beyond the Super-O level.

always all the best to all


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I have not had an “out-of-body” experience yet. The “calm seas orgasm” which I experienced was more like my body simply didn’t exist, I was of the mind that I was still right there, in my bed, I wasn’t moving or doing anything. I was just existing in the ever present “now”. I had no desire to go or do anything, yet I detected in this state of comfortable bliss an awareness of an existence that was far more encompassing than I was capable of understanding at this time. Perhaps that existence is part of the higher chakras of which you spoke.

While I have had normal vivid dreams of varying intensities all my life, I have not had any “lucid dreams” in the context as I understand them to be. Nor have I pursued developing that ability, though it does sound very interesting and worthwhile. Alas, there is only a finite amount of time to accommodate one’s interests and obligations in day to day living.

I completely concur with your statement “I don't know the answers, but I am very curious about the kind of voyaging possible on orgasmic energies.” The Aneros usage has completely reawakened my interest in pursuing these topics and helping others pursue them as well. Your posts to the Forum are delightfully enlightening and helpful in that respect.

I hope you and Mrs. a continue to evolve into ever widening rivers of being.

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One word - Never - period. ❗

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OH!! and rumel, we have taken this thread beyond Super-O too. This post will take it back up near BoP's Lucid Dreaming thread. OH!!, I wonder how you relate the clearly traditional sexual nature of what you describe in the lucid dreaming thread with this out-of-body like experience of your youth and your recent one post-Super-O?

Relate? I'm not sure they are that related. I'd say the lucid dream was a lot of sexual energy, and apparently my mind still wasn't completely satiated. The dream had some primal qualities to it. The super O was a great one and probably primed me for the dream later. The calm seas type orgasm I had reminded me of my experience in my youth but was not the same. However I didn't want to kill myself by leaving my body - at least that was my fear. The rest of the story on the 'tunnel of light' of my youth is I went to the end of the tunnel, but I was allowed to return. I didn't remember any of it for almost 40 years.

Artform did you reach the end of your tunnel? Perhaps you did, and you just forget. I didn't remember at first until I started reflecting on the journey and where it led. Then I began remembering. Give it some thought.

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Hi OH!!

When I was in the tunnel while stuck on the bottom of the lake in relatively shallow water, I saw myself underwater and stuck there from within the tunnel, yet that image floated inside the tunnel and blocked my route forward. I was fairly quickly hauled to the surface of the water and fully back in the world without having taken in much water.

I have not attempted to reconstruct and deeply remember that event specifically, and yet there have been related types of panic dreams and panic attacks repeatedly as part of my depression for several years, although I have mercifully been free of those for over two years now. As I've said in other threads, the O-zone and ecstatic energetics are a great therapy for depression.

You might find Rupert Sheldrake's The Sense of Being Stared At helpful in sensing your mind as something that can extend beyond your body without actually "leaving" your body by way of permanently leaving it.

all the best


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Interesting that the tunnel was blocked for you. That's probably a good thing as otherwise you would probably have 'travelled' and from what I understand, most don't usually return in those scenarios. I was never able to see myself (that I remember) when it happened to me. I simply remember travelling the tunnel. I remember because it was so odd.

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