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how and why do i end a session?

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this is something that i have struggled with for a while, the aneros sessions feel so good and the pleasure can almost seem endless at times. i am wondering how to properly end a session. because there is no release there is no real key for me to be like "ok im done" so how do i know when im done? i dont really like giving myself a time frame because i feel that it hinders the pleasure. is there like an "over the hill" moment where i know that the time to finish up is approaching? i have notices my sessions are most intense for the 1st 20 minutes, after that the pleasure seems to slowly reduce over about an hour or two. should i just stop after the 20 minutes?

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You've asked an interesting question, When you're experiencing continuous pleasure, why would anyone wish to stop? Our ego is certainly not going to want to stop the pleasure but our body has only a finite amount of energy it is able to continue the process with. Each of us has a built-in time limit before fatigue sets in and there is simply no more energy left to prolong a session.
The decision of when to stop is really up to you and how much energy you wish to retain as a seed for your next Anerosession. There is a cyclical nature to one's Anerosessions (see 'Crimsonwolf's post "...Confident Boomerang") for the most recent notation of this effect). IMHO, it is perfectly all right and appropriate to cease a session during any of the troughs of the pleasure cycle within an Anerosession. Remember there are really no "rules" to this individual experience, you get to chart your own course. I think when the thought of something other than the pleasure you are experiencing predominates your mind then the session is essentially over and trying to reinstate the pleasure focus is likely to be futile and frustrating. That's the time to wrap it up and end the session, there is no point in chasing after pleasure, it needs to come to you.
Good Vibes to You !

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That is an excellent question @katiesf25 ! One that I have asked myself many times. I agree with @Rumel about once your mind moves onto something else, it is probably time to move your body onto something else as well. Although, sometimes when my mind wanders during a session, I might experience a sudden, unexpected rush of pleasure bordering on a super-o. It's remembering these sensations that, at times, prevents me from ending a session. At times it is simply difficult to walk away without knowing if another super-o is waiting for me. I usually leave the session, knowing that if it hasn't happened, it most certainly will in the near future. Stay positive! You do not need to have all these orgasms all in one day!

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A number end things via masturbation, often with me the build up of sexual energy that I feel cannot get released leaves me with no control or choice. If I were in your position I would be thankful I can feel pleasure as consistently as you do.

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Hi @KatiesF25,

The fact that you are enjoying your Aneros sessions and deriving pleasure from them is a good sign that you are advance along in your Aneros journey.

Like you, for a long time, I have enjoyed long Aneros sessions, often lasting three hours, although I have shortened my sessions recently by an hour or so, and still enjoy my sessions all the same.

You may want to study the Use of the Aneros FAQ's though for some guidance. The Aneros Wiki is also helpful. Aneros newbies are suggested to spend 60-90 minutes at the beginning of their Aneros journey. Experienced Aneros users are suggested to have 30 minute sessions two to three times a week. Of course, guys, like me, may have longer sessions than that.

I have two cardinal rules which cause me to end a session: [1] Pain or discomfort. When I feel that, I bring a session to an immediate end. I do not want to suffer serious injury. [2] Fatigue or boredom. It is useless and fruitless to continue a session when those two things happen.

Also you may want to read a recent thread entitled, Speed sessions, which describes guys having Aneros sessions in 30 minutes.

When I have sessions these days, I pay attention to my body and what it wants. I also factor in my libido or horniness for the Aneros too! An intuitive approach to the Aneros has enabled me to have some amazing sessions.

One question I have for you, @KatiesF25, is how does your prostate feel during sessions and then afterwards? Since you have told us that you have experienced lots of pleasure from the Aneros, does it continue after your sessions have ended? If so, you have have an awakened prostate which is definitely a great sign.

Take care,


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thank you all for the great information, after trying to end my sessions soon after i get diminishing feelings I am having better success! the actual overall session feels much more intense than usual! thank you!

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I have the same issue than you after 20-30min usually, but it's not a matter of sensations.

When my mind begin to wander elsewhere, I consider the session over.

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