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Hitting a wall, please help!

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Hi, this is my first post here so be gentle!

I've recently started along my journey over the past month or two, and I've been making some progress, I've identified my PC and sphincter muscles and I've got some really nice feelings with my helix syn. However, recently my progress has hit a brick wall.

I've been listening to the Hypnaneros session and some of the erotic audio challenge files, and I think I can get relaxed enough to get into the super O zone. However, try as I might, I can't maintain involuntary contractions, I can maybe get them going for a second or two, but the moment I notice them, it's over, and after around 45 minutes of trying, I can't feel much of anything at all.

After hearing some good reports about the Progasm Ice I purchased one of them to go with my helix syn, and the same thing happened, good feelings, a few light involuntariness, then nothing. Even trying the tug of war technique did nothing.

If it helps I've not got any anal experience besides the aneros I've been using since around November last year and I'm around 5ft 7in. I'm also using a combination of Shea butter and Id glide for lube.

I guess what I'm asking is, what am I doing wrong, and how can I reach the super O?

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Welcome @Thefearalcarrot. First of all you are you, so changing devices so early in your rewiring won't do much. Rewiring takes time. Read this discussion Having involuntary contractions is a good sign that you are on the right track. Keep at it. Best wishes.

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could you describe what you are calling involuntaries theferalcarrot?

I've been at this years and I've had some amazing sessions and feelings, but I could not say I've ever noticed or experienced an involuntary (though if I touch the device I can feel rapidly moving in and out a very minute distance, very subtley, is this what you refer to as an involuntary?)

Are they even always necessary?

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Don't try to maintain involuntaries otherwise they wouldn't be involuntaries. Forget "tug of war". You are too tensed. Relax more and more and be patient.

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You are doing nothing wrong. Those faint feelings will get stronger and stronger as learn to relax and the deeper you relax the more pleasure you will receive. It takes time but If you think of the Aneros as a tool for relaxation and meditation you will be rewarded in the end.

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I guess Inhope and Canacan raise a good point, they're not really involuntary if I have to work at maintaining them!

But what I described as involuntaries was light spasming of the PC and sphincter muscles after a conscious contraction for a few seconds, keeping the aneros moving for a bit without me really thinking about it.

It's certainly not the AutoF*ck or 'clamping' (though I have had the occasional clamp, and they feel great, just not successive ones) that other users have described, just a quivering of the relevant muscles.

I guess the only thing is to keep practicing, are there any techniques I should try to help my rewiring process? Also, seeing as I'm not very experienced, should I use the helix syn or the progasm for the majority of my sessions? should I switch it up? or get a different, more beginner friendly model?

Thanks for the help guys!

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The comment by @brucemarkland is excelent.
To answer your last question, select the aneros you find easier to relax to and stick to it for now.
You want to speed up the rewiring? Learn meditation, learn deep relaxation, savour things in your life and practice often.
But don't speed up the rewiring too much, there is a reason it goes at the pace it goes.

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@thefearalcarrot Pace! (relax!). You're on the right track. Don't analyze each session or each sensation, each session or your progress too much. Yes, as soon as you try to monitor or even feel the "involuntary" motion that can be set up, you will stop it. And, as inhope has observed--sometimes this motion is very subtle. This is the third time tonight (on different threads) that I'm suggesting this, but I think it may help: Instead of "consciously" trying to move anything, and in addtion to just lying there and enjoying the sensations, try imagining yourself moving the device, or even better, imagine the device moving on its own, but try to visualize that in your mind and even what it is touching. Imagine the device moving in and out and even in circular motions inside. This exercise will take your "mind off" trying to physically control the device and help you to relax and it will happen, it WILL happen. You will see progress. Enjoy and keep us posted.

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@Armon-neat I'm not usually one for utilizing visualization tricks, but I'll give it a go next time I have a session!

As for keeping you posted, I might try starting a blog on the site or something, who knows!

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@Thefearalcarrot --- When you are not having a session, do you get any feedback from your Prostate during the day?

Awakening the Prostate is also part of the journey! And, becoming aware of an awakened Prostate is a big step in the rewiring process.


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@Theme_Gasm i have over the last few months awoken things, which is nice, i used to get things happening during the day but now only when I'm lying down at night. I Feel there is some misinformation here about this, even on the milestones page. The fact i noticed them vanish means i felt i was somehow doing something 'wrong' but thats not the case is it?

Aneros: the rules are: there are no rules.

Dont worry if you had these Carrot, it seems you can 'regress' somewhat, though its not really regression just 'different'... i guess.

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