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Have not posted in a while. My Aneros play has taken the roll of basically replacing regular sex with my wife due to age related reasons and for health benefits to my prostate. For this reason I end every session with a hfwo I can do this almost every time and it feels amazing. I have read on here in the past of this being very difficult for some to achieve. I was wondering how many of you have the pleasure of hfwo and how many of you struggle to with it. Maybe we can share some techniques and help each other out.

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I don't usually have HFWO's at all, but I do finish "by hand" most of the time, because I find it a satisfying ending to the session, and a sure-fire way to stop the feelings from haunting me after I've decided it's over. I've had a lot of issues with insomnia when sensations of arousal persist unwanted for hours after the session, so that's my way of closing things down neatly. That may not be optimal from a rewiring point of view, but real-life matters more, so screw it, I need my sleep.
The only times I've been able to have a HFWO is when I'm really bearing down hard on certain pelvic muscles, far beyond their assumed point of fatigue. It's a huge effort, so I almost never do it. I can imagine a situation where these pelvic muscles might tense up on their own, and feel really good while doing so, but I haven't found a path to that, so it's not in my usual repertoire.
Having a totally relaxed HFWO that oozes out over the course of several minutes sounds extremely hot though.

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I have Orgasms without hands only with nipples. I always wanted to do that but it didn't work but lately I can. "Hands-free" ejaculation seems to be learned because I couldn't. There seems to be a pleasure saturation point i.e. "I've had enough pleasure, now it's time to ejaculate.

Something like that. It's not that fast either, it could be an hour or more of direct, sensitive stimulation on the nipples. Change the hands and stimulate with the fingers, right thumb on top of the left nipple, left thumb on top of the right nipple . Make movements from bottom to top (without moving the thumbs down)

Note : Preferably do it without aneros

Be careful not to scream with pleasure.

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